the doing

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 12

We spend a lot of time talking about how the Gospel is making a difference in our own lives. So much so, that we sometimes forget to ask ourselves how the Gospel in our lives is making a difference in the lives of others.

We begin by seeking Christ (or rather, with Him pursuing us). He is mighty and tender to change us. But then… then comes the part where we have the opportunity for our lives to become a love letter to the One who saved us!

It’s the doing of the Gospel that must not be overlooked.

So sisters, in this time when we focus on thanks and praise for who God is and how he cares for us:

How are we caring for others?

How are we sharing Him with others?

What difference does Christ’s love in you make in the lives of those around you?

Isaiah 12 says, “make known among the nations what he has done” and “let this be known to all the world.” Sisters, this is the stuff. It’s the go and tell! It’s the living your life as an act of worship – a love letter that is full of grace and seasoned with salt.

{Today’s Scripture: Isaiah 12}

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16 thoughts on "the doing"

  1. Nat says:

    This is so true. Often times we don’t realize how impactful we can be to another (whether good or bad) we are all given the chance to make a blueprint of who we are. The question is his: have we ceased every opportunity to be the best we can be? Or, have we held back of who we are. It’s important that we constantly show gratitude to God by how we treat others. Thanksgiving is an attidue not an emotion. Emotions fluctuate but thankfulness is stable and knows what it is thankful for. I hope to walk I. That spirit daily

  2. Sueso says:

    I'm at the other end from you young mothers…where you are is so important as your children watch you from the very beginning. Reading your bible in front of them,telling them bible stories (I loved reading my grandchildren THE RHYMING BIBLE). ALL THE OTHER SUGGESTIONS ARE GREAT TOO. NOW MY CHILDREN ARE GONE AND I DON'T SEE MY GRANDCHILDREN AS OFTEN (oops cap lock, sorry) so I've been struggling a little myself with this message. I find myself on FB a lot sharing there. I'm a bit of a shut-in these days. I even met my small group there!

  3. Mrsmamag says:

    Meganrae, as already said you are doing a value able job being a mummy! Other ideas that I did was I would go to the same persons checkout at the supermarket and chat with them and you can develop a relationship by doing this. Apply the same for any place you visit regularly, go to the same coffee shop to develop relationship, take your kids to the same park and find out the busy times at the park and chat with other mums. Most important is your heart and you desire to share, it will happen. It is called missional living in your own backyard. Before The Lord called us to go to a foreign land I did these things, and I learnt all I could about my home town, the history, the issues in my community, what do people do, etc and I did lots of prayer walking through the Main Street, the park and I got involved in the schools my boys went to, got to know teachers, admin staff and the principal and served them. There is so much we can do to make him known in our own backyard. Love and blessings to you and the whole community…..

  4. Ali says:

    I feel the same way as you stay at home moms…I am a teacher in public school-I’m not really allowed to share God with my kids. I get frustrated because I feel like I have to live 2 different lives. Saying something about my beliefs that a kid could find “offensive” can get me in trouble. I think the biggest thing for me to communicate God is through living out my walk-not necessarily always talking out my walk. Actions speak louder than words and you may never know what one small brief faith-based action might do for someone else’s faith.

  5. Laura says:

    Meganrae: First and foremost, I think you should seek God about this. He will guide you to right where He needs you. The first thought that popped into my head though was…the grocery store! =D I mean, a Mom’s gotta get food for her family. And I can probably guess you’re there a lot. You never know who might need a little Jesus love in the grocery store. =)