the doing

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 12

We spend a lot of time talking about how the Gospel is making a difference in our own lives. So much so, that we sometimes forget to ask ourselves how the Gospel in our lives is making a difference in the lives of others.

We begin by seeking Christ (or rather, with Him pursuing us). He is mighty and tender to change us. But then… then comes the part where we have the opportunity for our lives to become a love letter to the One who saved us!

It’s the doing of the Gospel that must not be overlooked.

So sisters, in this time when we focus on thanks and praise for who God is and how he cares for us:

How are we caring for others?

How are we sharing Him with others?

What difference does Christ’s love in you make in the lives of those around you?

Isaiah 12 says, “make known among the nations what he has done” and “let this be known to all the world.” Sisters, this is the stuff. It’s the go and tell! It’s the living your life as an act of worship – a love letter that is full of grace and seasoned with salt.

{Today’s Scripture: Isaiah 12}

(16) Comments

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16 thoughts on "the doing"

  1. Leslie says:


    I am an "at-home" mother and wife as well and I say "ditto" to your comments, Tina. You just never know how God will use you each day wherever you are. It is easy to become disillusioned when you are a homemaker, and most of the people you see day in and out are at church. But, I know God is looking to use each one of us distinctly, He makes the everyday things sacred, and he put us where we are in this generation
    . There are a thousand reasons He put you exactly where you are. Pray for direction, and you will get it!

  2. Tina says:

    I know what you mean Meganrae:) we are so blessed to be able to be home with our kids, tho there are these challenges that come along. Sometimes I think about the call of Christ on my life to proclaim Him to others and then think, “what difference can I make? Here I am, at home all day.” But I think that’s just it. God put me in here, in my ‘sphere of influence’. It makes me think about how I need to constantly set my mind in Christ and faithfully and consistantly share what God is teaching me with my kids and my husband, as his helper. It’s hard to walk in love In the day in and outs of all the responsibilities of a homemaker, but maybe each time i choose not to get in the way and God glorifies himself in my actions….. Even if its not getting irritated at other drivers, telemarketers, etc…. It if its buying a homeless person a meal….or stopping to pray for an ambulance that passed by…… Maybe it feeds the faith of my kids or my husband who are out in the community a bit more than I am. Like a domino effect:):):)

  3. Claire says:

    Today was such an awesome passage found it hard to write much on my blog other than praise him! So glad that God is so good and been really inspired to let his love flow out of me and show others.

  4. Chelsea says:

    Our pastor has been doing a series called First John, now me. He's been teaching us how to love and live "missionally" – demonstrating God's love and sharing our story. It's a great challenge to be bold in our faith and not worry about what people think.

    If you're interested in listening to his messages, here is the link:

  5. meganrae1988 says:

    I'm finding it hard to "go and tell" when I'm a stay at home mom. The only time I really get out and be with people is at church… and they kinda already know. Ideas?

    1. Claire says:

      Do you go to baby groups? Gym classes? Cafes with non church friends? These are all places where you could share Gods love through your actions.

    2. Melissa says:

      I am sahm too…recently I have felt the Spirit just call me to be loving and when the time is right, he will pop a word of encouragement or prayer into my mouth that I never would have ventured on my own. Sometimes we assume church friends know it all, but in sharing a cup of coffee and conversation you may be able to encourage them in a deeper way. I don't feel comfortable evangelizing out of the blue…but just loving on a friend or acquaintance is just as good. They will notice that you have something and maybe they will ask and search for it too.

  6. Judy B says:

    This past week I've sat with my in laws as they buried their 22 year old son. Sometimes I think the way we can bring glory to God and praise Him is to provide a "ministry of presence" to those hurting; to listen. And, when appropriate, share the comfort that God has given us when we have faced such excruciating circumstances. (2 Corin. 1:3-5)

  7. rocknitat55 says:

    The Lord is great and greatly to be praised!

  8. Kelly Bollman says:

    Had to share amazing words on Isaiah 12… Just drinking them up this morning!

    1. Cathy Duffy says:

      Thanks, Kelly, for sharing that link. I especially enjoyed these lines:

      "We don't come to the well merely to analyze the water or discuss the water or memorize the water. We come mainly to taste the water. We come not just because we know the water is good for us; we come because we love the water, we crave the water, we enjoy the water, we savor the water.

      Therefore, the message we find welling up in us is not some impersonal, neutral, dispassionate lecture on a religious topic. The preaching is a passionate longing for others to taste and see that the Lord is good and then love him and crave him and delight in him and savor him-and then with utter reality praise with all their hearts."

      May I learn to drink deep and drink often – that others might be drawn to the Well and be filled.