Lord, show us the blessings

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 29:11-19

{Text: 1 Chronicles 29:11-19}

Control. We humans love to function with a sense of control. I mean, just ask my husband: I even try to drive while I’m in the passenger seat.

We often muscle our way through situations, believing that somehow if we just work a little harder, clean up a little more, pull ourselves together a bit, then everything will fall into place. Then everything will fit into my plan.

This passage of scripture reminds us that it all belongs to Him. Every. Single. Bit. Of. It. Yes, even the plans for our lives. It’s all His. Not so that He can dangle it over you like a carrot in front of a horse, no. Sister, He wants to bless you. His blessings come in all forms, yet so often we seek after and ask for the blessings that the world approves of: wealth, family, status, job… and the list goes on.

Today, make a list of the many blessing that God has given you. And if you’re struggling with that list, ask Him to reveal His blessings to you.

{Scripture Today: 1 Chronicles 29:11-19}

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16 thoughts on "Lord, show us the blessings"

  1. Amanda J says:

    The part that stood out to me the most in this reading was 1 Chronicles 29:12 “Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.” Specifically the to make great and to give strength. I have been struggling with my weaknesses and inadequacies (as I see them) as of late. This reminded me that he is always working in me to make me great and strong in his way and that our weaknesses have a purpose as well and have been crafted by him and because of that those weaknesses and inadequacies should be seen as blessings as well and should be praised upon. That we are all made different by him and for a reason.

  2. Sueso says:

    I'm hurrying to catch up but don't want to miss anything and find myself reading the scripture again and again,coming back to it in mid-day, afternoon and evening. I appreciate what everyone contributes here as I might find another nugget of gold that I missed. I'm an old lady…ha..but there is STILL so much to learn! Ty gals for this ministry…Sueso@Seaside

  3. Elizabeth says:

    This reading could not have come at a better time than this morning. My newborn daughter kept me up all night, I’m sore from feeding her all the time, and I’m wondering how I will have the strength and resources to continue giving this much of myself. God has blessed me with new mercies every morning, though, and I am using every bit of stored-up blessing from easier times of life to build the “temple” of myself as a new mom, my daughter as a daughter of the Most High, and the foundation of our life-long relationship to each other. I am praising God for the opportunity to grow in patience and love.

  4. rocknitat55 says:

    Lord thank u for your never failing word. I am really struggling with my time , talents, and gifts. After reading I am reminded that none of it is mine to give! Everything comes from you.
    I too struggle with Facebook, I find myself looking at all the posts, pictures, comparing myself to others lives. Its almost like going back to highschool if you weren’t the most popular kid! Teawithsb I like what u said God has a different plan for each of his children. He blesses us individually with what he can trust us with.
    God I thank u for never leaving us undirected or comfortless . Thank u for this community of believers that think it not robbery to share and bare their souls.
    I truly count this experience as one of my many blessings.

  5. Caroline says:

    I absolutely love David's example of praising God through prayer. I often will shorten this part of my praying to get to thanking Him for what He has given me or to ask for things. But how awesome is it to be able to read His word and see His attributes?! Verse 11 is definetly a new favorite verse!

  6. Marisa says:

    This was so needed and spoke directly to my heart. I’m going through a tough season right now in my life and needed to here that God is truly in control and that He has perfect timing. I CAN trust Him because He knows all and everything comes from Him. I need to stay focused on Him and BE STILL instead of trying to figure it out myself! His answers and blessings are so much better than whatever I come up with. Praise God for always having our BEST interest in mind! He is GOOD! (I get a tad bit excited when I really start to think about just how good He really is!)