Lord, show us the blessings

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 29:11-19

{Text: 1 Chronicles 29:11-19}

Control. We humans love to function with a sense of control. I mean, just ask my husband: I even try to drive while I’m in the passenger seat.

We often muscle our way through situations, believing that somehow if we just work a little harder, clean up a little more, pull ourselves together a bit, then everything will fall into place. Then everything will fit into my plan.

This passage of scripture reminds us that it all belongs to Him. Every. Single. Bit. Of. It. Yes, even the plans for our lives. It’s all His. Not so that He can dangle it over you like a carrot in front of a horse, no. Sister, He wants to bless you. His blessings come in all forms, yet so often we seek after and ask for the blessings that the world approves of: wealth, family, status, job… and the list goes on.

Today, make a list of the many blessing that God has given you. And if you’re struggling with that list, ask Him to reveal His blessings to you.

{Scripture Today: 1 Chronicles 29:11-19}

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16 thoughts on "Lord, show us the blessings"

  1. provs31gal says:

    Wow!!! If this is not the scripture that describes me! I am floored. I have been doing this the past three years. Bullying my way through. I felt I wasn't doing enough, I wasn't listening hard enough, if I just found a church and start tithing things would fall in place for us. I mean I was going through actually thinking I WAS NOT DOING ENOUGH! And now I realize it doesn't matter how much I try to "muscle" my way through it's not about me and what I want it's what God wants to give me and he will give it to me in His own wonderful time. Thank you JESUS!!! Oh, how I love how the word is becoming so much clearer to me and how it always seems to apply to my life and what I am going through. PRAISE HIM!!!!

  2. Betty says:

    Verse 19. A father’s prayer for his son. Praying the same blessings for my children

  3. Leah says:

    "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. (1 Chronicles 29:14 NIV)

    That's an interesting reminder for me when it comes to stewardship and giving. We feel like what we have is ours, but the truth is, no matter how we have come by it..our gifts came from Him.

    The thing I struggle with the most is time..yet, that verse reminds me without hesitation that even our time comes from him, was given from his own hand… And we should rejoice that we can give some back to him.

    That's the blessing I am reflecting on today!

  4. Nicki says:

    PTL for this today! wow! Revealing that God wants to bless me!

  5. rocknitat55 says:

    Funny, we should be focusing on this topic today. I was just discussing with my adult class on last nite that His ways are not our ways
    For me I am often confused with surrendering to God’s plan, waiting for an answer, a direction and lying dormat. Doing nothing. As I read and study, Jesus was always on the move. He met people where they were at. As christians many times we say we are waiting on God when he is waiting on us.
    For me if I really listen to the still small voice I never get it wrong. Its awesome how Gods plans and detours are always more than we could imagine.
    To day I will ask God to reveal my many blessings. I can name so many however
    I am pretty sure somethings that I would count as shortcomings in Gods plan and purpose there a plus.

  6. kim says:

    Anything we have or anything we give back has all been given to us by Him first. For me that means…money~ of course this is our first thought, but also grace, mercy,our time or talents. Those are also gifts from Him that need to be freely given. I can give money, but sometimes showing grace, mercy, forgiveness is more difficult. Those also He has givenus in abundance

  7. Holly says:

    I always say- I am trying to remember that God is not the 8 year old bully who always has to be The Banker when we play Monopoly….which reminds me of your "dangling carrot" analogy. It's so true.

    ITS SO TRUE!!! God is not an "unknown" power up there just doling out punishments and "blessings" and consequences.

    I am bad about asking God/myself, "Why didn't I get that? or worse WHEN am I getting that…"

    Facebook is THE WORST for me- when will WE have a baby? When will I get a new house…?

    I'm sure God really appreciates that-haha.

    Every time I hear myself ask, I always do my best to snap out of it.

    Love the idea of praying that He will reveal the blessings he has bestowed.

    Happy Monday!

    1. Kaely Linker says:

      Oh, Holly, I can so relate to the Facebook struggle and it hadn’t even occurred to me that I was being ungrateful in that sneaky subtle jealousy over new houses, stay at home moms, and new babies, but what a rejection of the blessings that I’ve been given: a cozy home , a wonderful job that serves him, and two beautiful children. Time to examine my selfish heart!

    2. teawithsb says:

      I am the same way with Facebook and even talking to friends. I think, "why isn't my life that easy? Or I the same place?" But for each one of us God has a plan that is different than the next person as are His blessings. Thanks be to God that he loves us so individually.

  8. claire says:

    Wow what a brilliant passage as I read it I was reminded of something I read yesterday- if we have truly been changed by grace then we give thanks even when Gods plans are not what we imagined.

    I think it is so true (and challenging!) It is so easy to focus on our plans for our lives. Our hopes and dreams and when they don’t come about we are put out.

    Today is a reminder for me to surrender my plans to God. They may be inline with his plans, and I believe some of my desires have come from him (they terrify me at the thought of them at the moment!) But not to be disheartened if they turn out not to be.  Help me to give everything, willingly and keep my heart loyal to God.