Seduction and Strength

Open Your Bible

Proverbs 18:10-11, Proverbs 20:29, Proverbs 24:1-12, Proverbs 25:26-28

The book of Proverbs is a guide for pursuing godly wisdom in our daily lives. In this four-week study, we will read a selection of topical proverbs covering different aspects of wisdom, from how to interact with our friends, families, and neighbors, to fearing God and keeping His commands. No matter the subject, these proverbs urge us to wrestle with and reflect on our own response to them. To help you better engage with the proverbs in this reading plan, we have provided you with a short introduction and reflection questions for each day.

As fallen people in a fallen world, we are susceptible to seduction, or being lured by false promises. But as followers of Jesus who have the Holy Spirit, the wisdom of God is available to us in every situation we face. Both of these truths call us to pay attention to the wisdom found in Scripture. These proverbs call us to examine how seduction and strength work in our lives.

Reflection Questions:

What is the most powerfully seductive voice speaking into your life right now? What is it promising that makes you want to follow? 

What is the God-given longing of your heart that lies beneath the desire you just named? 

What do you think Proverbs 25:28 means? Take time to remember and reflect on when this proverb has been true in your own life? 

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84 thoughts on "Seduction and Strength"

  1. Carrie Weldon says:

    The current seductive voice I hear is doubt related to the final stretch in the career path that I know was God-given. I am prepping for my boards exam that has a 20% fail rate, and if I think about it enough, I find myself doubting God and, through Him, my path of successes so far to get me here. I pray that I sow in faith rather than sowing in doubt. God has carried me through this journey for the last three years, and He won’t leave me now. And what seems impossible or daunting to me, is totally possible for Him. I give Him all the glory for what I have made it through so far, and I do the same for this exam.

  2. Leigh Gorham says:

    Such wisdom to know these do not bring goodness or lasting growth. Praying for your reliance upon your Father to walk a different path. ❤️

  3. Bailey Sheppard says:

    The voice of seduction in my life right now is the longing to be like everyone else my age. Drinking, cussing, fitting in. I know that I must hold on to the word and separate myself from the temptations and stand firm in my knowledge that nothing “fun”
    Comes out of that. It is temporary happiness. It is not eternal. Lord, help me to avoid the temptations of the world, and stand firm in your truth.

  4. Janniah Evans says:

    The most seductive voice tells me if I argue with and remain angry at a person who has hurt me, I am able to get revenge and ensure that I never get hurt by them again. If I endure the anger, then they can experience the hurt I feel. It says I can protect myself by holding on to and remembering the hurt. But what a lie of my flesh! The deceptive voice of unforgiveness! I know that Forgiveness is freeing, so I’m tuning in to God’s voice on forgiveness and silencing the voice of pride that makes me believe that someone who has hurt me should not be forgiven.

  5. Heather Robinson says:

    Oh the shelter provided in self control! This is most poignant for me with eating and exercise right now, believing the seductive lie that it does not matter. But every act of faithful discipline matters and yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness!

  6. Stephane Temple says:

    Probably all the world’s (mostly our nations’) problems that distract & at times take up too much of my thoughts and energy. By engaging with my words and perspective, I suppose it’s promising change, which may not be reality. My heart longs for truth and for righteousness for our nation.
    Without self-control, you are defenseless against the enemy who is always looking to steal, kill, and destroy.
    I’ve allowed the enemy to steal my time and opportunities when I’ve been too focused on the to-do list, rather than what is truly important or what I’ve been called to on a given day.

  7. Bridgett Hood says:

    Control, but every day God is gracefully taking that away from me. I see myself holding my tongue more, pausing more, not needing to control every situation. I am still a work in progress, but I see Him working in me.

    My God-given longing – To truly give it all to God each and every day.

    Self-control means I can control my actions (or reactions) to whatever is thrown my way. If I don’t have self-control, then God cannot use me in the way He truly wants. “Like a city broken into and left without walls” – I have nothing to defend against the enemy. Jesus is my wall. If I’m not abiding in him, seeking him, drawing near every day; then my walls get lower and defenses are minimal, and I snap at blows that are thrown at me throughout my day.