As a mother, I spend a lot of time worrying about my kids. Many times this can lead me to make decisions for our family out of fear. Not surprisingly, my choices never provide me the peace I’m hoping for—instead, I usually feel even more anxious. But when I surrender my own insecurities and seek God’s wisdom, I feel at peace. When I put my trust in Him, I no longer feel the need to fear because I know He has a plan for my family.
In our Scripture reading today, we witness Samson losing sight of God’s plan for his life and his role in God’s redemptive plan for Israel. He became consumed with his own desires and personal revenge. Instead of seeking God’s guidance and wisdom, Samson took matters into his own hands, leading to much bigger consequences (Judges 15:3–8). The battles between the Philistines and Samson were personal, tragic, and devastating. Samson was no longer pursuing what God wanted.
The Israelites also tried to control the situation out of fear. They relied on their own strength and understanding. Instead of looking to God for guidance and direction, they threatened to hand over Samson, their own God-appointed judge, to the Philistines in hopes of avoiding any more battles (vv.11–12). The Israelites had forgotten who their God was and what He had done for them in the past.
God, however, does not forget His people. He continued to offer both grace and mercy to Samson and the Israelites. God was faithful and provided strength to Samson so that he could defeat the Philistines, again, even though he was tied up (vv.14–17). God was faithful to provide Samson water when he was thirsty (vv.18–19). Despite the decisions made by both Samson and the Israelites, God chose to redeem and bless the nation of Israel by allowing Samson to continue to lead His people for another 20 years (v.20). Samson was still a part of God’s plan, no matter how imperfect he was.
This chapter teaches us the dangers of pride and self-reliance. Samson lost sight of God’s purpose. The Israelites tried to control their situation out of fear rather than seek Godly wisdom. However, even in the midst of these misguided actions, we see God’s unfailing faithfulness. Despite Samson’s flaws, God used these circumstances to accomplish His divine plan. Despite the Israelites’ fear, God gave them grace. He can be trusted to work through any situation, no matter how imperfect we are or how challenging our circumstances. Samson’s story is a reminder to surrender our own plans, seek God’s wisdom, and place our trust in Him.
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36 thoughts on "Samson’s Revenge"
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight. Proverbs 3: 5-6
Kristine Loughman— right?! That is exactly what I remember Samson like from Sunday school and reading these stories left me like “What is going on?” :)
Reading this and seeing how God can use and redeem the actions of such a flawed leader help me trust that God is also at work in the affairs of leaders today! Though they may not acknowledge him, though they may act in corruption and wickedness, God is sovereign over it all! Praise you Jesus, that you are the one who is ACTUALLY in control!
I woke up early due to so much stress with my finances. This story and devotional were just what I needed this morning, and to put the word before the world today
KRISTINE LOUGHMAN – thank you for giving me a good laugh this morning! I had the exact same thoughts about Samson.
I love the devotional from today! I had a similar revelation today as I was driving that I often let fear control me instead of trusting God
Praying for you this morning Gayle!
Prayed for you and your family today ❤️
Find coming again and again to Judges difficult, if anything it’s got harder over the years: so much violence, so much suffering, it can be overwhelming. The study couldn’t be better named, ‘The Tragedy of Forgetting God,’ Judges is a heartbreaking read… they wandered so far from the God who was faithful to them. The two thought it leads me to is the obvious ‘my life’ question/comparison – am I wandering again and again far from a Father who is so faithful to me? (Useful, if for nothing else, than to give me a nano-particle taste of how heartbreaking God finds my sin.) But if I could add a subheading to the book of Judges I think it would simply be, ‘A Holy God.’
Each story in one way or another comes back to the reality and necessity of God’s holiness. He cannot stand sin. He is faithful and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love but He is Holy, and without wrestling with the truth of His Holiness I quickly lose sight of why I NEED salvation – more than Samson needed that water! Thankful to live in the post-Calvary age, where that salvation does not rest on my own merit, but on grace alone.
Gayle Craik, so sorry sister for your health news. Lifting you and your family in prayer. May the Lord wrap His arms around you and fill you with the strength and peace you need.
Sisters, I have to admit the book of Judges with all its violence and what is going on in the world, makes for a tough way to start the day. Your comments make the reading much easier. Thank you.
Gayle Craik – praying for healing for you and salvation for your children. I finished listening to the SRT podcast yesterday, and God spoke so personally to me through Elyse Fitzpatrick. She was talking about Samson and how God used him to save the Israelites even though he was not following God. She said she has such a heart for parents (moms especially) who pour into their children and teach them who Jesus is, but their kids still go off the rails. God will still use them. I’ve been praying Isaiah 45:4-6 over my boys, that God would call them by name, and that he would continue to equip them, even now while they don’t acknowledge Him, so that they would know that He alone is God. I was sobbing when I heard her words, and knew that God was telling me He hears my prayers. So thankful ❤️
I’ve read this story many times and I’m trying not to skim over the basic little elements. The story starts with “during the wheat harvest”. At first I was wondering if this was a clue to how long Samson left his wife with her people after he raged off the scene at his wedding. But I think it’s more likely there as a setting for his fiery revenge.
Either way, the fact that God allowed him to “judge” Israel is still mind boggling to me. All of the leaders that God anoints and chooses (aside from Jesus the Christ) are flawed in this book, but Samson is among the hardest to digest. It’s hard for me to find the redeeming qualities in him. Nonetheless, if God can use him, he can use me! And I can learn from his failures to avoid his outcomes.
I saw glimpses of our sweet Savior Jesus all over Samson in today’s reading. “… he stayed in the cleft of the rock of Etam” (Judges 15:8 Esv). “He hided my soul in the Cleft of the Rock” is one of my all-time favourite hymns. The cleft of the Rock- the foundation, the corner stone. And I searched up Etam, in Hebrews it means “their bird, their covering”. Oh my. God of details. God refers to Himself as bird so often, “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge” (Psalm 91:4). God split open the hallow place that is at Lehi (means Jawbone) and water came out (Judges 15:19), as the water was before coming from the Rock for the people in the wilderness through Moses, Samson was provided in his moment of great thirst, and for the despised woman at the well who was thirsty in the scorching noon sun, the Lord was there offering her Living Water (himself), an outpouring of forgiveness, acceptance and invitation to drink, join with the jews, the humble extension to a despised Gentile woman. What Love. The jawbone also got my attention. The place Lehi, which means jawbone, some source indicates that the jawbone of the donkey symbolizes the Word of God (weapon, sword). With the word of God (prophecy), he defeated his enemies, put a thousand men to flight. Here we also see how wicked the Philistines were, recorded, they burned their own people the wife and the father out of spite for Samson, even now as we see in current news headlines the wicked work of Philistines/Palestinians. God have mercy on these last days. History repeats itself (Ecclesiastes 3:15). I chuckled at how Samson approached God for water, “Lord you gave me all these great victories and now I die of thirst?”. Rude lol. The Bible has a sense of humor. Prayers lifted up for our dear shes as I scrolled. May the Lord transform your lives out of tears, pain and distress to display His Might, may evil manifestations be cast out and destroyed, and hope be planted deep within your hearts that ALL things are POSSIBLE to those who believe, that you shall march forth, decree and declare with confidence for you and your children, your community/nation… that I/we shall not die but live to declare the works of the Lord, and as for me and my household, none shall be lost for we will ALL serve the Lord. May God grant you your hearts’ desires, according to your faith. Be blessed dear sisters.
Samson asking God for water literally made me think…if God can provide something so little, nothing is to insignificant to ask him to provide. And God delivered Samson from all these wars with barely anything…there’s nothing to big for my God. But on the other hand, he can use me to do great and mighty things even though I think I’m under qualified.
Our choices never provide us with the peace we are seeking. How true. But when we seek God’s wisdom we do find peace. I talked with an old friend this morning. She could be my daughter. She is seeking happiness in money and material things. Belittling her husband because he doesn’t make enough money. It gave me the opportunity to see how far I’ve come in my walk with God because most often I feel that I am not the person I want to be. But God is working in me. I tried to share that with her. I’m hoping and praying she receives the message that only through God will she have peace and find contentment.
Please pray for my friend that she will be convicted of this behavior. That God will draw here near and she will feel His presence.
NLT – Teaching about Revenge
Matthew 38 – 42 “You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’
39 But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also.
40 If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too.
41 If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles.
42 Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow.”
From Vines Expository Bible Notes(after a description of the role of OT judges):
Ultimately, Israel’s perfect Judge is God. He alone is capable of perfectly judging the wicked and delivering the righteous (Is. 11:4).
The Vines quote got me thinking about how the Israelites never wanted to be ‘under God’s thumb.’ They thought they would be so much better off with a man leading them (asking God for a king). Why?! This is mind boggling to me as I compare the leaders we have to choose from to our faithful, loving God. No contest about who I would rather have in charge! Rambling a bit, but …
SEARCHING – Great word as always! ❤
GAYLE CRAIK – I’m so sorry to hear that, but pray with you for a promising protocol and that your family will draw closer to you and the Lord.
Praying for each SHE according to His will. ❤
Lifting you and your family up in prayer GAIL CRAIK. I’m sorry for your troubles… BUT GOD.. He sees, He knows, He hears..
Bless you Gail..
GM She’s!
@Gayle- praying for you! I had a long reply but somehow pushed delete before I could post! :/
Once again, reading through devotional and comments makes the passages more clear! Thank you for your wisdom and thoughts sisters!
Praying for the comments and the unspoken requests. It’s a joy to be here each morning!
Gayle, I am praying for you and your family. May the Lord bring healing, comfort and peace, and may He draw your children to Himself.
God provides! I just had foot surgery yesterday. Praying the nerve block lasts a few days.
I’m so sorry @Gayle. Praying for you and your family right now.
Praying for you and your family Gayle Craik.
I know God’s ways are not my ways and that He has plans that defy my understanding, so it probably shouldn’t be a surprise to me that Samson is listed in the “hall of faith” in Hebrews 11: “…And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets…” (v32). It is surprising, encouraging and also convicting. Lord, give me your perspective of circumstances and of people.
39 But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls. – Hebrews 10:39
Mt cancer is back, please pray for me & my family.
39 But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls. – Hebrews 10:39
My cancer is back, please pray for a total healing & for my children’s salvation.
The last verses from the readings from Psalm 106 and Hebrews 10 are. so. good.
He has a plan for us and works in us through our faith (even when we mess up!… Amen?!?!?!) Let us not “shrink back”, even when we are tempted to do so or are afraid of how to go forth, regardless of whether we have jawbones or foxes. ;-)
Go forth, sweet sisters.
39 But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved. – Hebrews 10:39 amen and amen!!! God is in the details- I challenge each of you today to take a moment to look at the details and see God working in our lives around us all the time!!! Happy Thursday She’s! Peace and love to you all!!!
Despite my flaws..
Despite my fears..
Despite my doing things in my own strength..
Despite the list that goes on..
Despite ALL that..
He gives me grace, He shows me mercy, He shows His faithfulness and He continues to bless me and use me for His Glory.. as He did Samson.
Praising glorifying You Lord God, Thank you God, Thank you..
Happy Thursday ❤️
Wow. Agree with KRISTINE LOUGHMAN that I totally forgot the Samson we read about today, although we got a glimpse from his poor behavior yesterday.
Yes, KELLY (NEO), this cycle can only be broken by Jesus and our faith in Him. Blessed we are.
Bear with me a moment while I go back to James 14 from yesterday- CEE GEE shared (thank you!) a progression and consequences of Samson’s decisions, which (I think) led to the comment from SARAHGRACE (welcome!) regarding whether the young Philistine woman in verse 1 enticed Samson.
Look at James 1:14-15 NIV – 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
We use “entice” in today’s world, in many instances, as a synonym for “seduce” – and in doing so, we try (& fail) to shift the blame to someone else by framing our behavior as if we had no choice in a sinful response to another’s words, actions, appearance, etc.
So all that to say – we aren’t told whether the young Philistine woman seduced him (he saw, he wanted, he demanded of his parents) but he did give in to his own desire and was enticed in that regard – leading to further sin and consequences.
BETH FRASER – thank you for pointing out blessings forgone, and that we cannot hide anything from God.
GAIL CRAIK – praying for healing, and your PET scan results
GRAMSIESUE- praying for encouragement for Steve, and you as well, and his healing
LANIE – praying
Thank You Father God for loving me and providing even in all my imperfections. In Jesus name, Amen
Samson was wild! All I remember from my Sunday school days was the long hair, traitorous wife, and pushing the pillars down with his unnatural strength. I hadn’t realized there were these other stories of Samson losing his temper, burning down the fields and then hiding in the rocks, and getting snippy with God when he was thirsty. I mean, this guy was unstable and should have been fired numerous times over! Even the way the spirit of the Lord “rushed upon him” seems wild and violent. And yet God kept Samson around. He gave him the water. He let the unnatural strength remain (until the end – spoiler alert). He let Samson keep his job for 20 years. I guess this is my reminder to self that God’s work comes in all kinds of packages. God uses all kinds of people. From sweet, humble Mary to crazy-eyed Samson with honey matted in his hair, God will use anyone for his purpose.
From HRT: “Human justice falls short, and humanity finds itself in an eternal cycle of revenge.
This cycle of revenge, like the cycle of the judges, is the human story. In some seasons, God sends human deliverers like Samson, imperfect though they may be, who endure affliction and persecution, yet whose weakness is turned to God’s purposes (Hebrews 11:32–34). The cycle is unfulfilling and unending, except for the intrusion of unmerited grace. In Christ, God gives us what we don’t deserve: deliverance. Unlike Samson, Christ is perfect and holy, truly set apart. He took upon Himself the brunt of God’s just wrath. Unlike the temporary rescue of the judges, Christ’s salvation is eternal.”
GAYLE CRAIK – praising God for His mercy and kindness to you. Praying your pet scan is clear.
LANIE – so sorry about your loss. Praying your appt went well
ERB – ❤️ continued prayers for your friend with brain cancer’s salvation