Samson’s Revenge

Open Your Bible

Judges 15:1-20, Psalm 106:40-48, Hebrews 10:26-39

As a mother, I spend a lot of time worrying about my kids. Many times this can lead me to make decisions for our family out of fear. Not surprisingly, my choices never provide me the peace I’m hoping for—instead, I usually feel even more anxious. But when I surrender my own insecurities and seek God’s wisdom, I feel at peace. When I put my trust in Him, I no longer feel the need to fear because I know He has a plan for my family.

In our Scripture reading today, we witness Samson losing sight of God’s plan for his life and his role in God’s redemptive plan for Israel. He became consumed with his own desires and personal revenge. Instead of seeking God’s guidance and wisdom, Samson took matters into his own hands, leading to much bigger consequences (Judges 15:3–8). The battles between the Philistines and Samson were personal, tragic, and devastating. Samson was no longer pursuing what God wanted.

The Israelites also tried to control the situation out of fear. They relied on their own strength and understanding. Instead of looking to God for guidance and direction, they threatened to hand over Samson, their own God-appointed judge, to the Philistines in hopes of avoiding any more battles (vv.11–12). The Israelites had forgotten who their God was and what He had done for them in the past.

God, however, does not forget His people. He continued to offer both grace and mercy to Samson and the Israelites. God was faithful and provided strength to Samson so that he could defeat the Philistines, again, even though he was tied up (vv.14–17). God was faithful to provide Samson water when he was thirsty (vv.18–19). Despite the decisions made by both Samson and the Israelites, God chose to redeem and bless the nation of Israel by allowing Samson to continue to lead His people for another 20 years (v.20). Samson was still a part of God’s plan, no matter how imperfect he was.

This chapter teaches us the dangers of pride and self-reliance. Samson lost sight of God’s purpose. The Israelites tried to control their situation out of fear rather than seek Godly wisdom. However, even in the midst of these misguided actions, we see God’s unfailing faithfulness. Despite Samson’s flaws, God used these circumstances to accomplish His divine plan. Despite the Israelites’ fear, God gave them grace. He can be trusted to work through any situation, no matter how imperfect we are or how challenging our circumstances. Samson’s story is a reminder to surrender our own plans, seek God’s wisdom, and place our trust in Him.

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36 thoughts on "Samson’s Revenge"

  1. Juleny Ortiz says:

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight. Proverbs 3: 5-6

  2. Maria Baer says:

    Kristine Loughman— right?! That is exactly what I remember Samson like from Sunday school and reading these stories left me like “What is going on?” :)

  3. Jennifer Battisson says:

    Reading this and seeing how God can use and redeem the actions of such a flawed leader help me trust that God is also at work in the affairs of leaders today! Though they may not acknowledge him, though they may act in corruption and wickedness, God is sovereign over it all! Praise you Jesus, that you are the one who is ACTUALLY in control!

  4. Madeline Sutton says:

    I woke up early due to so much stress with my finances. This story and devotional were just what I needed this morning, and to put the word before the world today