Ruth Waits for Redemption

Open Your Bible

Ruth 3:14-18, Psalm 37:3-7, Psalm 37:16-29, Philippians 4:4-9

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where all you could do was wait? I have––and it’s not my favorite. There are times we wait for news from the doctor. Many of us have waited to hear if we got the job, got into our college of choice, or even waited to hear if our babies were healthy.

It’s there in the in-between where the results are no longer up to us. All we can do is ask, pray…and wait.

It’s tough to fully comprehend the grief, loss, and discomfort that Ruth and Naomi must have walked through. Displaced and left with nothing, they had to completely rely on the generosity of others and trust that God would take care of the details.

In today’s reading, Ruth goes to Boaz and asks him to be their redeemer. He gives her shelter and a generous portion of food to take home to Naomi (Ruth 3:15). But when it came to the answer that would determine their future, she had to wait.

Can you imagine the sadness, anxiousness and fear of not knowing who would protect you, or how you would even survive? And yet when Ruth returns to Naomi, she too tells Ruth simply to wait.

My daughter, wait until you find out how things go, for he won’t rest unless he resolves this today. 
—Ruth 3:18

After Ruth stepped forward in faith, her responsibility was to wait. In the middle, when she didn’t know the details, God was working all along. I love that in this story, and throughout Scripture, we’re given guidance on how to wait for God’s wisdom and timing. I know I need these reminders more than I care to admit! We are called to “trust the LORD and do what is good” (Psalm 37:3), to not be frustrated when evil people succeed (v.7), and to rejoice always and not worry about the future (Philippians 4:4–6).

While we wait, we can remember that the Lord establishes our steps (Psalm 37:23), He is a God of justice, and He does “not abandon his faithful ones” (v.28).

So where and when in our lives have we been desperate like Ruth and Naomi? When has God been our only possible answer? That’s where we will come to know and trust Him even more.

If you are waiting today, you may feel anxious. You may feel vulnerable. But remember that vulnerability is often where God does His greatest work.

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70 thoughts on "Ruth Waits for Redemption"

  1. Terri Baldwin says:

    Waiting is always hard because we want everything fixed like now! In the many seasons of my life through messy divorce to getting Lyme Disease and Dysautonomia to losing my job because of my health to always worrying about my son to make better life choices…….so many ups and downs and in those times we need God’s help. We need to remember to pray and give it all to Him and thank Him for all our blessings.

  2. Roxane Richardson says:

    Such a powerful word in today’s devotion, Ruth stepping out on faith and her research to wait. We are called to “trust the Lord and do what is good.” (Psalms 37:3). If you are waiting today and feeling vulnerable. Remember that vulnerability is often wnere God does His greatest work.

  3. Lauren Anhalt says:

    I have had seasons of waiting but the biggest one that is continuous is the wait and hope that my husband will come to Christ. He is not a believer. As much as I want him to accept Christ as his savior, all I can do is pray and trust God. My husband needs to do it for himself, and not because of pressure from me.

  4. Ashlan Porter says:

    “In the middle when she didn’t know the details, God was working all along.” May we have faith to believe God is working while we wait. May we never lose HOPE.

  5. Kristen says:

    Good morning! I just read the first 3 comments here, but praying for Kimberly Z, Kristina Stump, and amen to Lauren’s prayer for Lynn an her husband. May His Word ring true in our minds today so we don’t believe lies whether we are waiting or not. II pray for you all today! Praise God that we can approach Him in prayer on behalf of each other! May we look to Him, as Kristina and others said, because He is our Hope!

  6. Kimberly Z says:

    Praying for all of you guys in a waiting period. This devotional brings me a lot of peace as I am in my own waiting period for many reasons. Waiting for the doctors to release my dad from the hospital after three weeks when it was only supposed to be one. Waiting for the right answer on whether or not I should switch jobs. I was offered a job at a different company and I know I need to talk to my current boss about it. Waiting to find a husband. I too love the song Wait on You by Maverick City. That song has gotten me through a lot of times. Along with Not in a Hurry by Will Reagan, United Persuit

  7. Lauren GW says:

    Lynne- praying for your husband- that he would receive a DEEP healing from God. And I pray that the lord would comfort and carry you in this time, and give you a peace that passes understanding.

  8. Kristina Stump says:

    I am in the season of waiting. In May when my stress hit me at once and I felt like I couldn’t swallow. I can swallow but it’s a strange feeling and slowly eating. My sister past away from cancer, my mom has been ill and my marriage which needs work. Everyday I wait some days as a better Christian then others. The other day I started getting terrible leg pain and which is terrible timing as I’m slowly trying to go back to work for a few hours each week. Then I realize through all of my pain and grief I’m not in charge. I need to sit, be loving and think positive while god figures this out. This is not my strong suit. Today, tonight I’m begging god to help me. I’m praying that my therapist can help me. I hope god Help my family. As I sit here and think about my life right now rock bottom I look up and still believe god has the perfect plan for me. Forgive me for not always being patient yet I always believe I’m not stuck like this forever. If I say the words out loud at times it’s no reflection on my lack of faith. It’s me being flawed. I hope everyone tonight who is waiting for gods grace and direction looks up and has hope.