Ruth and Boaz Marry

Open Your Bible

Ruth 4:13-17, Isaiah 43:1-13, Luke 1:67-79

While the heading of this section in the Bible is about Boaz and Ruth, it is a bit curious to me why their names only appear once in these four verses. Perhaps it is because, as I’ve read and reread this book, I have come to believe that the biblical story in the book of Ruth is also the story of her mother-in-law, Naomi. The marriage and childbearing of Ruth and Boaz are the compelling central actions in the story, when the major plot points are resolved. But the plot points the author of Ruth wraps up are also those of Naomi: the Lord has not left her without a redeemer, the son of Ruth and Boaz. Her grandson will care for her in her old age. The women of the city sing over Naomi with joy. 

As we look back through the book, we see over and again that Naomi is left helpless, with no way to change her future. She is widowed with no sons to support her financially or give her status in the community. The family line had ended when her sons died. And yet, we see sacrifices from both Ruth and Boaz in this story that reflect to us the kindness and faithfulness of God toward Naomi, and toward us. 

This passage illustrates the role that Christ plays as our kinsman redeemer, saving us from our helpless state of sin. Like Naomi had no hope of redeeming her life, land, and line without a redeemer, we have no hope of healing, salvation, and restoration into the family of God without a redeemer. 

This story of Ruth and Naomi and Boaz is true; it happened, and it taught the people of its time what it looked like to show deep faithfulness and kindness and to fulfill the laws God gave to His people. As modern readers, we see how it is also our story: the story of helpless people, dependent on the grace and work of God to redeem us reminds us that our redemption is secure: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).

I love that Naomi’s story ends beautifully and redemptively. I’m grateful for stories like hers that show us how God takes tragedy and rebuilds from ashes in this life. But we know that doesn’t always happen; there are many stories in Scripture and in our lives that don’t end that way. 

Some stories may not end with a life restored and flourishing here in this life, but because of the redeemer who would come from the line of Boaz and Ruth, we are guaranteed it in eternity. The baby that restored hope to Naomi was but a foreshadow of Jesus, who would come to give us all hope eternal. 

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31 thoughts on "Ruth and Boaz Marry"

  1. Mandi says:

    I am thankful for this study and the providential timing that the first Women’s Bible Study I am able to attend at our church is also studying Ruth right now. I also wanted to thank those of you who prayed for my daughter, Sarah. She tolerated her first infusion well with no reactions or side effects. We have a very last minute approval of the dose her doctor wanted. (Insurance originally only approved half) If you could please pray now that the medication would be effective at stopping the damage that has been occurring in her body. Thank you! I am also praying for the other requests being mentioned here- especially for Jenny’s cousin and Sharon Jersey Girl’s father.

  2. Michelle Patire says:

    @Angie Mills! This is such a good point! All this land becomes Obed’s and is inherited by King David.
    It’s interesting that by the time Jesus comes in the flesh, this land (as far as I know) isn’t theirs anymore… Being that Jesus came from a poor family. Joseph wasn’t a farmer, he was a craftsman. (There is debate of whether he was a carpenter or a stone mason based on the original Greek word – τέκτων.)
    I also looked up Obed’s name meaning because I was curious! :) “worshipper/servant”
    David- “beloved”
    Jesse- “the Lord exists” or “God’s gift”

    Prayers for your family @Sharon Jersey Girl — May God be your family’s guide, comfort, and strength. <3

  3. Angie Mills says:

    What?! I thought Boaz was the family redeemer who was praised by the women of Bethlehem, but it is Obed. Obed is the one who will grow up to inherit the land of Naomi’s husband. This is the land that David would one day be on when he watched over his father’s sheep, singing over them to soothe them, and protecting them from the lion and the bear. This is the land where God prepared David to be king.

    Isn’t it fitting that Obed’s name means servant or worshiper? His family praised and worshiped God for His providence in granting this son who would redeem their family land. How much more should we praise & worship God for His providence in sending us Jesus to redeem our life from sin?

    I think it is interesting that the adults in this little family all have names that are characteristic of God. God is pleasant (Naomi) & moving toward us, not bitter or harsh. He is our Friend (Ruth). He is our Strength (Boaz). We are His children and we should be His Obeds. We should serve Him & worship Him all our days.

    Ruth 4:15 says, “He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age.” The women are saying this of Obed, the one named worshiping, serving. God renews & sustains us through worshipful service to Him. The Lord gives us new strength and He keeps us from falling away and being despondent when we worship & serve Him.

    How well are we worshiping & serving our Redeemer? How is He renewing & sustaining you today?

  4. Jenny Somers says:

    This study has been a balm for the soul. The line from a Sara Groves song keeps coming to mind : There’s honey in the rock, there’s more than we see. Even when I cannot see how a situation could possibly have any good or opportunity for redemption, the Lord is near. I’d like to ask for prayer for my cousin. She is in her 30s with 2 young children and was just diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Please pray for healing and comfort and peace for her family. Thank you.

  5. Jenny Somers says:

    This study has been a balm for the soul. The line from a Sara Groves song keeps coming to mind : There’s honey in the rock, there’s more than we see. Even when I cannot see how a situation could possibly have any good or opportunity for redemption, the Lord is near.

  6. Churchmouse says:

    Our Redeemer lives! Boaz was a one and done redeemer. Jesus offers redemption 24/7/365 until the end of time as we know it. He has a place for each one of us. A new earth is coming. He will redeem the land. All of His original intentions behind the creation of the Garden of Eden will become reality. No shame. No guilt. No hiding. Just beauty. Provision. Peace. Intimacy with our good Creator God. Who in our circle of influence needs to know about all this? Perhaps today is our day to go and tell.

  7. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Sharon Jersey Girl–I am so sorry to hear of your dad’s diagnosis. May God be merciful so he doesn’t suffer any more. I am praying for your dad and for you and your siblings.

  8. Kenya Rafferty says:

    The reading in Isaiah looks back on the truth that happens in the book of Ruth – God will call us out of the darkness and redeem us. This is the business He is in if we look and believe and let Him. Not once did Ruth fight the faith she had in Israel’s God or her determination to love Naomi. Our smallest actions can sometimes be our biggest ones. God is leading us even when it doesn’t always seem so. It might not happen in this life for us, but what comes after us could be affected by it.