Renewing the Covenant

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 29:1-29, Psalm 79:8-9, 1 Corinthians 2:9-12

I competed in parliamentary debate in college, and I loved it. I loved learning how to build up and break down arguments, be pithy yet persuasive, and nothing felt as good as nailing a final argument and knowing exactly how the judges would vote (in my favor, I’d hope). In debate, there were six speeches; each side got an opening argument, a constructive argument in the middle, and a rebuttal. The same person gave both the opening and the rebuttal, the latter being the last word and the chance to tie up all loose ends. We often took our opponents’ arguments point by point, letting the judges know exactly what their vote would mean if they voted for them or for us. 

In the last chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses makes his rebuttal. If the proposition before the Israelites was “follow the Lord and renew the covenant with him,” then Moses was using his last breaths to remind them why. “Here is what is at stake if you don’t,” Moses essentially proclaims in Deuteronomy 29. The next chapters illustrate the blessings of being God’s people, but chapters 28 and 29 show the destruction that awaits them if they turn away. 

Chapter 29 has three movements. First, Moses gives them a historical review of the covenant and Israel’s relationship with Yahweh. Then Moses asks the assembly in verses 9–14 to enter into the covenant with their God by observing “the words of this covenant…that he may establish you today as his people and he may be your God as he promised you” (vv.9,13). 

Lastly, Moses outlines in detail in verses 16–29 what will happen if they do not obey the covenant. He isn’t landing the plane yet, but he’s creating tension as he approaches the runway (which he’ll do in the next two chapters). The tension is this: follow God, and the riches of the covenant promises are yours. Don’t follow God, and the soil of the land of Israel will “be a burning waste of sulfur and salt, unsown, producing nothing, with no plant growing on it” (v.23). 

As modern readers, we know what happens after they enter the promised land. The Israelites enter into a destructive cycle: turning away from the Lord, suffering greatly, then turning back to Him for healing and peace. This happens over and over again until God sends Jesus, who pays the price for their (and our) broken covenant once and for all. 

I am so thankful this speech is in the Bible, that its words were passed down, written on papyrus, translated, and printed—making it all the way into my hands today. Because it is the story of my life too: the story of the promises of God, my own willful disobedience, and the true consequences of both my sin and His love. 

(48) Comments

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48 thoughts on "Renewing the Covenant"

  1. Sarah Layson says:

    Why is it that we lack discipline once we are out of a stressful situation or a bad place in life. Currently I am going through this. I have a healthy marriage, new home that I love, and got a job that I am happy in…and yet, I have started to not pray as diligently and finding the time to pray, meditate, praise, and connect with God and His word is such a struggle. 1 year ago when I was laid off from covid, losing my home l, having to move from my beloved charleston back in with parents with a supportive but broken down husband, you would not dare catch me 1 day outside of praying and reading my Bible. I am the same as the Isrealites are. May I focus on the discipline in my happy so that my times of misfortune are not such a blind struggle. Praise God for continual love, patience, and grace!!!

  2. Stacy Smith says:

    Praying for no lasting trauma for you. That has to be so scary. I almost backed into someone abs it was so so scary. Prayers he recovers quickly and that you all are able to go one without any PTSD or fear.

  3. Stacy Smith says:

    Praying for no lasting trauma for you. That has to be so scary. I almost backed into

  4. Victoria Fowlkes says:


  5. Mandy Ferrugia says:

    Every time I read about the Israelites, I’m often shocked by how many times they disobey and turn from God even though He is *right there* talking to them and through Moses. Surely if I was living during that time, I’d be better, right? But then I look at my own life, and how many times I have let other things become more important than my walk with God…putting off opening my Bible first thing in the morning to instead sleep in, focusing on personal gain rather than what the Father wants, allowing envy or jealousy to saturate my heart rather than the healing Word of Jesus…how am I any different than the Israelites? Thankful for today’s reading and the constant reminder that I need Jesus more and more every day. May His will be done, dear sisters. xx

  6. Jane K says:

    ERB, praising God for the answered prays and strength you had to celebrate your SIL’s birthday! I will be praying that this strength and healing continues. Thank you for the words of wisdom that you generously share with all of us.

  7. Maura says:

    Angie and Arina joining your prayers. Lovely and mighty. ERB, praise God Indeed. Will keep praying to the One who hears and answers. I love Deuternomy 28:14-15 and the inclusiveness of the covenant God is making. And how Psalm 79:9 is a prayer asking for what God provides in Jesus 9 God of our salvation, help us,
    for the glory of your name.
    Rescue us and atone for our sins,
    for your name’s sake. How Awesome! How AWESOME is our God. Victoria, joining the prayers. Dear Sisters, may we trust our Jesus this day and give glory to God. Hugs and Love to all. Praying you feel His embrace in the heavy things, please know you are not alone. For He is with you always.

  8. Rhonda J. says:

    I copied many comments from you all today to put in my prayer journal! So grateful to have a community that helps me understand and study, and implement the God-inspired words that are sometimes difficult to decipher and apply. You all are a true blessing to others of us that read through every day but seldom comment! We truly have Sisters in Christ right here through a screen! Churchmouse you are always on my mind and missed.
    Prayers for all in need, hold tight!