Remember His Provision

Open Your Bible

Exodus 16:1-36, Exodus 34:21, Nehemiah 13:15-22, Matthew 6:19-34

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

Resting in Christ means that we can trust Him for ultimate provision, even when He calls us to cease from our physical work. He has all we need.

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66 thoughts on "Remember His Provision"

  1. Mercy says:

    When all manners of burdens come to camp at your wall, resist the urge to open your gate and pick them up. KJV uses the word “burden” in Nehemiah passage. Don’t pick up the burden, ask God instead to remove them by force … Hence we must labour to enter to our rest. Aka Rest doesn’t automatically come. The enemies won’t let us rest. Resist all we can. Be blessed dear sisters.

  2. Truth Seeker says:


    Beautifully put
    Love your insight

  3. Allison Bentley says:

    30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? – Matthew 6:30 LOVE THIS REMINDER!!!

  4. Adrianne says:

    It’s hard but I’m going to keep trying to trust in His provision. I’m going to keep seeking His provision. His word and wisdom. His love and the rest I can find in the love He shines on His people.

  5. Kacie Sharpe says:

    I would have gathered more manna
    Hoarded it like a scavenger
    Until my pockets were stuffed
    My purse filled to the brim
    Scared of what tomorrow would bring
    Regardless if Your promises.

    I would have smelled the rotten mess
    When I awoke

    My doubt, a stench that seeps into every crevice
    Oh ye of little faith

    I scoff at the Israelites stupidity
    And quickly realize
    How I hoard
    They sit stale around me
    Like maggoty bread

    You told them you are enough
    That what you give is enough
    You remind me time and again
    This world will not fulfill
    The emptiness inside
    Only You can do that.

    May this be as an Omer to me
    To store up treasures in heaven
    That moth or rust can never destroy.

  6. Rachele Johnson says:

    Lord, help me to seek the treasures to be stored up above. Change my heart Lord. Jo, thank you for reminding us of the words of Job. Let us not hold tight to this world, but store up treasures by the fruits of the Spirit.

  7. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I remember when I was in college, I never did any school work on Sunday. It made more work that I had to complete the rest of the week, but I always got everything done. I loved that time of sabbatical rest. I practiced the same sabbatical rest when I was working in the school district as a school psychologist.I didn’t complete any reports on Sunday. God always provided.

  8. Teresa Donley says:

    If God clothes the birds and the fields, He is most certainly providing all that I need. I pray that I can be thankful every day for God’s provision for that day.