Remember His Provision

Open Your Bible

Exodus 16:1-36, Exodus 34:21, Nehemiah 13:15-22, Matthew 6:19-34

Start each day by reading the Scripture. During this reading plan, we’ll then use the summary provided here to guide our discussion around the daily reading.

Resting in Christ means that we can trust Him for ultimate provision, even when He calls us to cease from our physical work. He has all we need.

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66 thoughts on "Remember His Provision"

  1. Regina Clinton says:

    My Heavenly Father, thank You for always providing, even when I don’t see a way. You are always on time! In Jesus Name, Amen

  2. Kelsea Terry says:

    This study really resonates with me! Resting in God, knowing He has got me!

  3. Kelsea Terry says:

    This study really resonates with me! Learning how to rest in God, knowing he has got me!

  4. Lexi B says:

    Today’s reading really resonated with me today. I am in a season where I really have to learn to trust God’s provision like never before. It is making me realize how much I trusted in myself before. I am much like the Israelites, forgetting all that God has provided for me…I am litterally sitting in a home that is a complete provision of God. This season I must learn not to strive but rest in Him, knowing that He’s taking care of it all.

    Lifting up all the prayers here!

  5. Dorothy says:

    “He has all we need.” That says it ALL. So while reading the first Exodus Scripture two things occurred to me — the first is that God sent the maggots to eat up the extra of those who stored it when it wasn’t the Sabbath. The second was something — even though I have read this Scripture multiple times I never caught it — was that GOD had the foresight to save back some manna for future generations to see and for them to put it in the Ark of the Covenant. GOD of the Past, Present and Future!!!!
    As I have mentioned previously, my Bible is a devotional Bible; it has a devotion to go along with the verses in Matthew — the main verse being Matthew 6:21 — and I would like to share from the “Reflection” section of the devotion: ” If you really want to know where your treasure is, take a personal inventory of your life. Look at your calendar. Where do you spend your time? Look at what you own. What do you spend your money on? What do you think about most often? When WE ALLOW GOD to show us what the desires of our hearts are, we know where we are storing up our treasure. ASK GOD to help you rearrange and change whatever He needs to so that your treasure will be STORED UP IN HEAVEN.” (The emphasis is mine.) I know I will be looking at my calendar and schedule, what about you, my sisters?
    Lord, help me to remember what said in Matthew 6:19-34 when I get concerned and/or worried about these things. Amen.
    Sisters be blessed and turn it ALL, and I mean ALL, over to the Lord.

  6. Tyler Rapke says:

    This was the exact message I got from today’s reading. Building trust that He will always provide, even and especially when he has asked us to step back from our work where we derive a sense of security. I loved this message.

  7. Cee Gee says:

    Love all the heartfelt comments as usual! LISA CHAPEK – outstanding insight especially about the gate!

    SARAH D and TAYLOR – I will continue to pray for you and your desire for a mate. As I often remind our son , God will bring that about in His timing. When I met the man I married I was not seeking a mate. In fact I was fresh out of a 2 year relationship that didn’t work out and I had vowed that I was never getting married! We met in November, got married the following April, and have been married 47 years! Like manna and every other need, GOD WILL PROVIDE! TRUST and BELIEVE.

  8. Natalie H says:

    What does Sabbath look like for you as a daily practice? On Monday, I was listening to the podcast with Beth Moore and heard God saying, “Be still, be quiet, be present.” He directed me to turn off the podcasts and music I typically listen to during the day as I get my work done and practice resting my mind on him. That spurred a lot of anxiety in me especially as I prepared for a 4 mile run with just the sound of my breathe and feet hitting the ground. As I was running, the meditation of my heart was “Less of me, Lord, more of you, Lord.” For now, I am practicing Sabbath rest daily, in turning off all the things for a few hours each day, doing my work quietly, listening for God’s voice, and being present with him.