On the corner of a bookshelf in our living room sits an ordinary jar, jammed full of white strips of paper. There’s nothing remarkable about the jar. Just clear glass and an ill-fitting lid, but inside—inside there are countless reasons to burst into God-directed praise.
As each new year begins, we start our annual assignment: to write down what God does for us, no matter how seemingly insignificant, and put it in the jar. Daily things. Average things, maybe. But seen through the eyes of faith they become something more significant, opportunities to see God at work: providing, sustaining, responding, comforting…
As the year draws to a close, we set aside time to empty the jar and read what we wrote. Resurfaced memories lead to wide smiles and occasionally, a few tears. Though each paper describes the lives we ourselves lived, it’s like re-watching a favorite movie. “Oh yeah, I forgot God did that.” “God really answered that prayer!” “That was such a gift.”
Though there are always things we miss, this simple discipline of writing down when we perceive God’s hand at work and reading them aloud to each other helps us see our days more clearly. To worship God more freely. There has never been a year when the jar is empty. There never will be. God’s faithfulness is as sure as the sunrise, as constant as the little jar standing at attention.
In the bottom of a river stands a tower of large stones. There’s nothing remarkable about them really, just minerals bound together and stacked on top of each other, but inside—inside they hold the stories of a God who rescues His people again and again and again.
The story of the stones recorded in Joshua might be a familiar one. But as you looked at these verses again, did you notice the size of the stones?
Each of you lift a stone onto his shoulder, one for each of the Israelite tribes, so that this will be a
sign among you.
—Joshua 4:5
These were no pebbles! No, these stones required heaving. They required effort. The backs of the chosen men were bent under the weight of these remembrance stones as they carried them across their shoulder blades. Such significance was required to build a monument to God’s glory that would stand for generations.
Though remembering the goodness of God is evident, it’s not easy. It requires looking back instead of always pushing forward, slowing down instead of running at warp speed, seeing rightly that the blessings our lives hold are gifts of grace not trophies of our own talents and efforts.
But remembrance is worth it. When we take time to remember all that God has done, we set our hearts on gratitude, focus our lives on finding joy in the highs and lows, and fill our homes with praise even in grief. So set out the jar. Build the tower. Sing the songs. Do the hard work of remembering, and don’t stop until Christ comes.
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38 thoughts on "Remember God’s Provision"
I don’t keep a jar as described in my house, but I do write down my prayers. I’ve learned that it helps me to focus my prayers rather than get all frazzled when I pray out loud or silently in my head. Rereading some of those prayers is such a blessing. To see how God has pulled through in real and tangible ways is a joy. I’m so incredibly thankful that we have a God who not only listens, but also answers our prayers.
I love the jar idea
I have struggled lately to see God’s provision in my life. I’m getting a jar!
I love it when I find or have someone point out details I haven’t seen before. How many times have I heard this story and missed the detail about how big the stones were? I’ve been thinking a lot about how God has blessed me lately in so many ways. I’m trying to be more mindful of the blessings and not focusing on what I wish WAS happening. I find I’m much more content when I focus on God’s blessings in my life and not wishing for more or different. Much like the Israelites grumbling about not having all they had when in captivity I am trying to remember that CAPTIVITY is not where God wants us to live but in freedom and we just have to remember that the journey to freedom often requires us to do the hard things to get where we are going.
Love this story about the stones in Joshua. I didn’t really read this story until today in the context that God willed for the day’s reading. I am loving all these Easter eggs that I am finding in the scriptures. Wow!!
God knew and remembered them so they remembered His faithfulness.
Have a blessed evening SHES!
Many Hugs and Much Love ❤️!!!
I loved today’s reading and devotional. I needed this reminder to set aside time for reflection, gratitude, and remembrance of God’s faithfulness. I love the jar idea. I also love journaling my prayers but I need to be more consistent at it.
I love how the last verse in Joshua that we read says the stones are “so that you may always fear the Lord your God.” Remembrance goes hand in hand with our fear and awe of God. The fear of the Lord brings us in a close and intimate relationship with God! May our remembrance lead us to a deeper awe and appreciation for the Lord our God!
❤️ .
REMEMBER. Do this in REMEMBRANCE. Have I always been thoughtful to REMEMBER God’s goodness and blessings in my life? Not nearly enough. Reading the past couple days’ Scripture has brought to mind many times when the provision of God’s goodness in my life and the lives of those I love was nothing short of a miracle. At the time, of course, I thought I would remember what He did forever. Then life went on, and other things happened, and I only REMEMBERED these times when something was said, or happened, to bring them to mind. The Jews are still celebrating the festivals and days God told them in the OT to set aside to REMEMBER His provision for them. We have some days set aside – Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Thanksgiving, Ash Wednesday, Lent, even Valentines Day to REMEMBER that Jesus was born, suffered and died, and rose again to save us from our sins; and to specifically say “Thank You.” But I don’t have special days set aside to REMEMBER to thank Him for the miracles in my life. As I face an uncertain future with regard to my memory, and pray every day to hold onto my memories of God and my family, I’m asking myself how I can help to make sure I REMEMBER – that word has special significance to me now. I’m sure that the best way to make sure I hang onto these special memories is to write them down all in one place where I – and maybe future generations – can read them and REMEMBER the goodness God has provided throughout my life.
Lifting today’s prayers:
THERESA – praying God wraps you in His warmth and peace today and enables you to let go of guilt for an accident. Praying for your sons recovery from his injuries and emotional healing for your family. And praying for things to work out in your job.
KAREN ELIZABETH – praying for Kai’s continued recovery following his surgery, and for no complications from Cathie’s surgery.
ADRIENNE – praying for God to fill you with the light of His love today
LYNNE FROM ALABAMA – praying for you to have God’s strength as you care for Jack.
*edit: Joshua 4:24
The verse that stood out to me today was “in the future when you children ask what is the meaning…”. When my children ask their mommy, why do you cry when you sing worship songs?, why do read the Bible and put stickers and colorful highlights on the Bible? Why do you pray? What is the meaning of all this mommy …? May we tell them, so that they know that the hand of the Lord is strong, so that they may always fear the Lord (Joshua 1:24).
Father, I pray that you will place the spirit of the fear of the Lord among my children, their future spouses, their future families and the kids that are to be born from them, may You give them the grace of curiosity that they will ask about these things, the things of God and the things of faith, so that the stories/stones of remembrance will be passing down from generation to generation within my family, their families, for this foundation of Remembrance and Praise to be stronger, for the glory of Your Name. Amen.
I am very encouraged that SRT suggests the discipline of writing down, “this simple discipline of writing down when we perceive God’s hand at work and reading them aloud to each other helps us see our days more clearly”, living slower to examine God’s hand and showing gratitude to God.
Fun fact: there was a research done on people who were suffering from mental health and seeking counselling, they did an experiment of them writing gratitude letters. What did they find? those who wrote gratitude letters reported significantly better mental health four weeks and 12 weeks after their writing exercise ended. Gratitude has lasting effects on the brain. They used an fMRI scanner to measure brain activity. Most interestingly, when we compared those who wrote the gratitude letters with those who didn’t, the gratitude letter writers showed greater activation in the medial prefrontal cortex when they experienced gratitude in the fMRI scanner. We found that across the participants, when people felt more grateful, their brain activity was distinct from brain activity related to guilt and the desire to help a cause. More specifically, we found that when people who are generally more grateful gave more money to a cause, they showed greater neural sensitivity in the medial prefrontal cortex, a brain area associated with learning and decision making. This suggests that people who are more grateful are also more attentive to how they express gratitude.
@KAREN ELIZABETH: prayers for Kailand and Cathie over the surgeries and strong recovery.
@THERESA: I am so sorry, accidents do happen. God will help. Prayers for healing for your son and his upcoming surgery, and job security, your peace in the turmoil, freedom from guilt.
@ADRIENNE: prayers for Sharon’s brain healing/skull.
@FOSTER MAMA: prayers for motivation, joy, rewards, refreshing love, care and pure beauty to flood over you. Continued prayers for your goddaughter and her mama over living situation, ease of fear.
@BUTTONBERRY: what a memory stone you have with Laurie. Thank you for sharing. I only heard of Mackinac Island and the lovely garden show they have in summer.
@RHONDA J: what app do you suggest for digital journaling? I love that idea!
Be blessed dear sisters ❤️.
Remember, “The lines have fallen for US in pleasant places; indeed, we have a beautiful inheritance”.
So beautiful, BUTTONBERRY.
Happy “Love” week, my sisters!!
Between Valentine’s and the beginning of Lent (for many)…So nice to bed reminded of His love daily….for eternity ❤️
Praying your requests as I read them and agreeing/ echoing with so many prayers.
(Please pray for release for wisdom and God-given drive to battle laziness, procrastination, occasional apathy)
Aren’t these scriptures an amazing account? Even though Joshua would have been advanced age, I’m guessing he still felt the weight and responsibility of the mantle of leadership given to him after Moses died.
And then to stand near the Jordan, at seasonal flood stage, no less, and look over to the promised land! The mixed emotions of excitement and trepidation… but Joshua received the encouragement directly from the Lord. How often we need that, too!
I have a precious ‘memory stone’ also. In 2019 my dearest childhood friend and I took our regular girl’s long weekend trip to Mackinac Island in July. She had lost her oldest son earlier that year to an overdose, and the island turned out to be a perfect location because no autos are allowed there, only horse drawn wagons, bikes, are on the streets. It was a quiet, slow, peaceful three days of catching up, talking through things, some tears, and giggles too.
One of the days we were taking the long way around walk that ended near waters edge and I found a flat heart shaped stone. I keep it at my sink window sill. This ended up being the last trip we took together. I didn’t see her again until 2021, due to the lock down, etc, just spoke with her on our regular phone calls.
Her health mysteriously started going downhill during that time with an assortment of puzzling symptoms, and she was eventually diagnosed with MS. It was hard to see her slowly decline in my visits to her. She lived about 3 hours away where we grew up. Last October she had apparently a massive stroke and died a week later. I was at first stunned, and then devastated. We were friends since age of 4, 61 years. I miss her so.
BUT GOD, to borrow from Tina..
As hard as her loss was, I still could see that God was merciful. Her decline was hard for me to watch- she was unable to talk on the phone and comprehend because of her memory loss, but when I would visit, she knew me and the spark of her was still there.
The best part of our friendship is that we were also sisters in Christ. I truly can attest that as I Thess. 4: 13-14 states, we believers do not grieve as those who have no hope. My dear Laurie had a lot of pain in her life and I know she is celebrating her homecoming with Jesus right now, along with those dear to her who arrived there before her! I love to think of her and picture her in heaven, and I can’t wait to see her again when I get There too. We’ll have a lot of catching up to do and we’ll have ETERNITY in which to do it!
Blessings to you, dear She’s!
I will be with you just as I was with Moses. I will not leave you or abandon you. Joshua 1:5 and then later at Joshua 3:7. This promise still stands true today to me!! When I look back – God was always there, therefore as I look forward I KNOW God will be there too! What a relief right? I feel convicted by the “when your children ask you” moments of today’s reading and pray that I am open with my testimony to my children(anyone for that matter) so they will know God too! I specifically think of my elders and the stories they shared with me and the impact it has made on my own life. Lord continue to keep stacking stones for Your glory in my life! Amen! ☮️❤️ to you Sisters today!
Also praying the app starts working soon (but thankful for the website too).
I am trying to be more thankful these days. It’s something God has been talking to me about. Even for the little things. Often I start my day with thanking God for things like my cozy home, the food in my frig, the clothes in my closet, the car that gets me to and fro, the job I get to go to that pays the bills, my dogs that keep me company, the hot cup of coffee I’m drinking…. the little things I so often forget to be thankful for…. it opens my heart up to see other things I’m thankful for… my kids, my grands, my siblings, my church small group ladies…. the list goes on. Sometimes I just need to get started
As I read the account in Joshua of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River, I too wonder why it gets so overlooked – you don’t hear much about it like we do the parting of the Red Sea.
Things to note from Joshua 3:12-17: The Jordan River was at flood stage, which most likely means it was very full and fast moving. Notice that the river did not part UNTIL the priests carrying the ark set foot in the Jordan. As soon as they put their foot into the rushing waters, it stopped flowing and piled up in a heap. They first had to trust that God would do what He said He would and when they took that step of faith – God acted! Oh how so many times the same is with us – it is not until we put our foot “into the water”, taking that step of faith, that God shows us just what He is capable of doing! So if at this moment you are hesitating over something because of fear – trust God, take that step and let Him show you His mighty acts!
I love the stone of remembrance and how some of you have your own “stones of remembrance”. And thank you for sharing, and thank you my sisters for sharing all of your insights.
I too have a similar “stone of remembrance” from a week in the summer of 2010 spent at a Christian Conference Center (Sandy Cove in North East, MD – maybe you’ve heard of it). We were to write our family name on the stone and the reference for Romans 12:2, then write things that remind us not to be conformed to this world and what can result if we obey. It’s pretty cool – I keep it on my bookcase.
Romans 8:28 – great reminder that everything is for our good and God’s glory!
As I remember the goodness of God, I think of this song we often sing at church and how it moves me to tears every time – The Goodness of God by Bethel Music (just a few verses & Chorus)…
I love You, Lord
Oh, your mercy never failed me
All my days, I’ve been held in your hands
From the moment that i wake up
Until i lay my head
Oh, i will sing of the goodness of God
And all my life you have been faithful
And all my life you have been so, so good
With every breath that i am able
Oh, i will sing of the goodness of God
I love your voice
You have led me through the fire
And in darkest night you are close like no other
I’ve known you as a Father
I’ve known you as a Friend
And i have lived in the goodness of God,
And all my life you have been faithful,
And all my life you have been so, so good
With every breath that i am able
Oh, i will sing of the goodness of God…
@Karen Elisabeth – praise the Lord Kai’s trach replacement went well!
@Theresa – continued prayers for your son as he awaits the surgery.
@Jasmine H – how did your husbands interview go?
@Heidi – it’s so good to see you back, even if you can only pop in now & then!
Prayer request – I just learned today that one of my cousins has stage 4 prostate cancer and stage 4 lung cancer. He is just starting a new treatment that will only prolong his life for a year or 2. He is scared and afraid of dying. To my knowledge – he is not saved. I plan to reach out to him soon and I definitely want to share the gospel with him, his name is Scott. Please pray God gives me just the right words and that his heart will be open to salvation.
Thank you so much sisters! Love to you all! Praying for all your requests. ❤️
@BARB thank you for sharing your wonderful story!
GM She’s!
I too loved today devotional about developing the practice of building our own stones to REMEMBER and GIVE thanks!! He is So, so good! He is worthy of our song!! That is one of my favorite songs as well Cheryl Blow! It’s by Phil Wickham, but Chandler Moore sang with him at concert, and that is my favorite version!! Maybe we’ll share it on the FB page
(which reminds me…IF you are trying to join the FB page,SRT SHE’s, BE sure to ANSWER the question..WITH SHE READS Truth bible study that you are a part of!! I am trying to make sure, so we don’t get random people that try to get in any groups they can for marketing and such!)
God gives so many God winks! Phil Wickham is singing We SHOUT out YOUR PRAISE..! (House of the Lord) And before that Greg Laurie was on, and can you guess, He opened with Joshua crossing the Jordan and the stones! With the jar of praises, Taylor, and Michelle’s ideas, I started my own document here on my digital journal of “God Provides” to write down what God has provided so far this year! I hope to make a habit to keep adding to it! Once you start, more things come to you! I want to be aware of the stones in my life!! He is Good!! Always Provides! But, I have to work on knowing it ahead of time, but I think the practice of looking back is to edify and to build those pillars of faith, so we are ready and prepared. When something comes our way…We don’t just “think,” we KNOW!! Another good song playing right now is “God is With Us” by The Afters!
Adrienne..that is what you are missing, Music! I too, used to listen to audio books a lot, but lately I just can’t tune into them. I would rather be singing along to music!
Such a good idea of the jar for families! If you have younger kids Greg Laurie (Harvest church in CA and also the movie about his life “Jesus Revolution” has a new cartoon series that is really cute that shares Jesus in an easy way! It’s on their app. I’m hoping to share it with the younger grandson.
I just love seeing all the red hearts as I scroll over comments! Oh, how He loves us and oh, how we love each other! Thank you, Jesus; thank you SRT!
I wonder why this crossing isn’t taught as much as the first one?! I see miraculous faith in their/our God as they STAND STILL with a wall of water just yards away! I have a fear of deep water so that stands out to me big time!
I looked up what the people did to consecrate themselves. I read that they washed their clothes and abstained from sexual relations. Somehow I thought it was a more spiritual act.
TAYLOR – YES! I thought of that yesterday as well. I didn’t remember which study that was in but it did sink in. Thanks for the study name!
Praying for all requests and praising with you on all praises! ❤
TINA and JULIA C – Your lists reminded me of a song I love to sing at church (not me solo, with everyone!):
GREAT ARE YOU LORD (All Sons and Daughters)
You give life, You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope, You restore every heart that is broken
And great are You, Lord
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise, we pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only
You give life, You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope, You restore (You restore)
Every heart that is broken
And great are You, Lord
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise, we pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise, we pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only
All the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing
Great are You, Lord
All the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing
Great are You, Lord
All the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry, these bones will say
Great are You, Lord
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise, we pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise, we pour out our praise
It’s Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only.
Songwriters: Jason Ingram, David Leonard, Leslie Jordan.
Thank you, Erin Davis, for such a beautiful devotional this morning.
Years ago, my husband and I were baptized in the waters of Lake Ontario. We were encouraged to take a stone out of the lake as a reminder of that act of obedience. My husband had the stones engraved with the date of our baptism and they stand as a reminder to us. We did the same thing for our daughters when they chose to be baptized.
I carry around with me a permanent reminder of God’s goodness and faithfulness. This past August, I was diagnosed with a very large abdominal tumor. The tumor was bigger than a football; about the size of a watermelon!! The doctors feared it was ovarian cancer but would not know until the tumor was removed. The Lord worked several miracles with scheduling and the timing of little details. And the biggest miracle was that the tumor was benign!!! I have an 8” scar to remind me of His presence and the peace He gave me as I walked through the unknowns. I had a Spotify playlist that played constantly to remind me of His promises and those songs became the default setting that I turned to when the enemy tried to hijack my thoughts, when I woke up in the night, and went about my daily life. I saturated my soul with the promises of scripture so I could have peace, regardless of the outcome. I NEVER want to forget the peace I had as I entered surgery, knowing that Jesus was with me and was holding me close. I revisit that playlist almost daily, now as a reminder. And when I see the scar, how can I not praise Him? He is so good!!
I love this reminder to set up standing stones in our life to remind us of all that God has done! The song by Maverick City, “worthy of My Song,” is such a great prompt to remember all that God has done! I plan on getting a praise jar and start writing down all God has done!
The song always touches me because I heard it right after my then 3 yr old grandson almost drowned, BUT God, caused his 7 yr old brother to see him under the water and pull him out!
I will never stop singing His praise!
@Taylor, so good! I have a little album in my phone called “Ways God Has Provided” and I open it when I worry about my finances to remind me of His hand in my life. The practice of remembering has been essential in this season of my life, as I have been learning a deeper level of trusting God’s provision for my life.
@Theresa – God loves you!!! I definitely felt prompted to pray before doing my study yesterday, which I typically do after studying. ❤️ Praying you continue in faith and freedom and that your son is careful while he waits for surgery. ❤️
@Sharon – praying the Lord leads you with wisdom and grace as you meet with Valerie ❤️ God bless your lunch.
@Gramsiesue – thinking of you. May you continue in the strength of the Lord, this morning, and seek His peace, always. Praying over Steve God’s grace and mercy. ❤️
@Lynne from Alabama & Linda in NC- God bless you both and keep you leaning on His strength. May He continue to give you eyes to see and ears to hear Him in all parts of life. ❤️
God bless all you Shes, today. ❤️
Remember, Romans 8:28, as I try to, as well. ❤️
Such a wonderful devotional this morning! When it’s the end of the year and I’m thinking about my prayers from the year, it’s always interesting to see what I thought I needed and what God knew I needed instead. Does that make sense? I feel like that happens to me a lot. It’s so amazing to look back and see all the wonderful things God has done for me and my husband. Continuing to pray for everyone. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday! ❤️
I like that practice, using a jar, Erin Davis and the picture idea, Taylor. So. Good.
Did you notice that in Joshua 1:11, the Israelites were told to get ready because in THREE DAYS…? Coincidence relating to His resurrection? I think not.
I would encourage you to read all of Psalm 16 and Romans 18-30. There is so much richness surrounding the verses prescribed for today.
On a side note… I have been trying to “read” an audiobook to get it back to the library. I noticed that I haven’t been listening to any uplifting Christian music. That will be an assignment for me today… maybe while I take a walk outside, even!
Thank you to my sweet sisters that have been praying for my mood. And keep lifting prayers for Sharon. I’ll keep you updated.
I have an appointment this morning so I’ll come back later to read the comments and prayer requests.
I’m meeting with a new friend today for lunch, please pray I have opportunity to tell of God’s wondrous works and that God might open the door for me to share the gospel with her. She is not a believer, her name is Valerie.
Have a blessed Thursday!
SO much in today’s reading!! Have a Blessed day sisters!! Xoxo
Joshua 3:5-6 Joshua 3:12-14 Joshua 3:17
*the Lord spoke, Joshua and the people listened, believed and obeyed without hesitation or question!! This is powerful to me!! They KNEW God’s voice and no matter how impossible it seemed they were willing to follow through with ANYTHING He asked of them!!
**I also looked up the word consecrate: “the separation of oneself from things that are unclean, especially anything that would contaminate one’s relationship with a perfect God.” …Wow!! That definition hits home deep!! God first and nothing else!! May I consecrate myself before the Lord daily, hourly and minute by minute!!! Amen.
Joshua 4:1-11 Joshua 4:15-17 Joshua 4:20-24
*I LOVE the analogy of the Lord and His priests going before all of the people, and how ALL of the people were witnesses of God’s power and glory!! God goes before and prepares the Way!! We NEED to let HIM lead us!!
**I also LOVE the analogy of the 12 stones…that they stand unshakable & immovable as a reminder not only of what God did at the Jordan and what He did at the Red Sea, (the beginning and end of their journey) but also of all the other things in-between!!! I love that memorials of God’s power and deliverance stand both in the river, at the camp and in the hearts & minds!!! Time and decay can’t touch these types of memorials!!
***The heavy stones they carried reminded me of the burdens/slavery God set them free from!! This puts me in AWE and makes me remember how many of those stones and memorials God has set me free from and placed in my own life and walk with Him!! SO grateful!!!
Psalm 16:5-6
*Amen!! I SO LOVE this!!! Reminds me that there is nothing better than being/dwelling in the presence of the Most High God!!!
Romans 8:28
*God’s will, His purpose!! May we devote ourselves to Him, love Him and trust Him in and through ALL things!!! Amen.
What a great devotional today. One way I like to reflect on God’s faithfulness is going through pictures on my phone. At the end of last year I was considering doing the “top 10” pictures and posting them on my social media. However, when I started going through my camera roll, I realized I had WAY more than 10 pictures that captured all the ways the Lord was faithful, provided, comforted, and responded throughout the year. I’m sure there were more times that I didn’t think to stop and snap a picture, but it was a fun practice to look back and remember.
Does anyone else remember the spiritual disciplines study from SRT? I think remembrance was one of the disciplines and this study is reminding me how powerful remembrance is.
Loved Erin Davis’s quote: “God’s faithfulness is as sure as the sunrise.” Currently the sun is pouring in through my bedroom window. Thank you Jesus for this reminder <3
What an encouragement those verses from Psalm 16 were to me this morning. I had to pause and read them over and over. He holds my future. He is my portion and gives everything I need.
Thank you for the prayers yesterday! I could feel them throughout the day. MICHELLE PATIRE your prayer brought me to tears. Thank you all for interceding on my family’s behalf! My son will undergo surgery one week from today. Until then, we just do our best to keep him comfortable and from running around too much. A bit of a tall order for an active 6 year old boy, but he’s trying.
My job situation remains uncertain but I’m trusting that God has a plan and will provide like he always has.
Thank you, ladies. Sending up prayers for the requests mentioned.
Oh God you are so faithful! Even when there is hurt and it is hard you are faithful. Erin Davis thank you for the reminder to pause and reflect on God’s goodness. This time of year it can be easy to get swept up in the hard that has happened in my family, but in that hard God was good. Next Friday will be three years since my mom suffered a cardiac arrest and we almost lost her But God (dear Tina) brought my mom back. While she is different and life has changed God hasn’t. He is good, always!
THERESA: friend you’re not alone.. it would make no sense as to why God would leave you in your troubles when that’s EXACTLY why He came?? And pursued YOU??? ON PURPOSE!!! Because He KNOWS the awful troubles in this world and YOU are worth the pain and death of His own child in order for Him to BE WITH FOREVER!! :) Guilt and shame come directly from your enemy- choose today who you will serve with your thoughts, emotions, and reactions- that nasty liar or your loving, forgiving, Savior?? Pray, take deep breaths (for no less that 25 second at a time), continue to give your thoughts to Him, claiming HIS words and promises of truth over yourself. You’re sooooooooooo loved!!!!!
This is beautiful, Tina!
This reminds me of the book “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp. I always think I should do better at journaling my prayer requests and answered prayers, blessings from God. I do inconsistently, but it’s not something I keep up on regularly. I like the jar idea and involving everyone in the family.
Thank you for the prayers. Kai’s trach placement went well. Once it heals, they can start getting him moving more. I haven’t heard anything from Cathie yet. I’ll keep you posted.
Praying for all you ladies and the prayer requests as I read them ❤️
Tears flowing as I read about the power of Almighty God that we serve, and know in my heart that He loves me, loves us, rescues and saves us, in ways that I can’t truly comprehend. Humming, Oh How He Loves you, Oh How He Loves me, Oh How He loves you and me …
ADRIENNE- praying for Sharon’s healing
THERESA – praying for your family as your son heals. Amen and amen to MICHELLE PATIRE’s prayer yesterday.
The next generation of Israel experienced the same faithful God as those were delivered drom Egypt 40 years earlier. If crossing the Red Sea was that first generation’s baptism, crossing the Jordan was the new generation’s baptism. Next, Jesus will part the sky, and His people will cross into the Eternal home prepared for us. God was, is, and will always be true to His word.
THERESA – sounds like a rough past couple of days. Praying God gives you peace and release from the anxiety and guilt.
KAREN ELIZABETH – hoping for a good report about Kai’s and Vathie’s surgeries
ADRIENNE – prayer that Sharon’s recovery is miraculously quick
Dear sisters:
TINA – Good morning ❤️
ERIN DAVIS – Thank you for giving us a tangible way to remember God’s faithfulness.
HEIDI – Good to see you! Praying that your family recovers from the flue soon.
KAREN ELIZABETH – Praying for a smooth procedure and succesful recovery for Kailand and for your Bible study leader Cathie’s surgery.
THERESA – We got you, sister! Praying for your son to recover and for the uncertainty around your job. Praying Isaiah 41:10 over you: “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strenghten you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand”.
ADRIENNE – I feel you! Awareness is the first step, acceptance the next. I get frustrated when I do not have the energy or time for the things I want to do. But going outside and taking a walk (while listening to some worship music) is always a good idea. Keep going, sister!
ADRIENNE – Also praying for Sharon’s healing.
JASMINE H – How did your husband’s interview go?
Dear Father, our portion and blessing,
You came and redeemed us.
Thank you for being with us.
Thank you for going before us.
Thank you for making a way and leading us through periods of drought.
Thank you for the promise that all things work together for our good and for your glory.
You hold our future.
I pray that we remember who you are, what you have done and what your promises for the future are.
Looking back is easy some days, and some days it’s hard to look back at the coulda, woulda, shouldas, the dreams that haven’t come to fruition, or the plans that haven’t quite panned out, or the hopes that weren’t meant to be..
One thing that I do every day, or at least, most days in spite of disappointment, however, is stand by the front door, where the light is good, for these aging eyes, in front of the same mirror and apply my make up. I tell you this not to tell you how vain I am, but to tell you about the mirror that holds in my writing, prayers of gratitude, thanksgiving, hope and praise..
As I apply the transforming foundation, eye liner, blusher and lippy, I am reminded of the days I saw God at work. These are my stones, or paper slips in a jar..written for me to see, to read as I leave the house, My reminders that God, CAN, WILL, AND DOES.. ALWAYS.. absolutely, ALWAYS..
He provides.
He is close.
He answers, perhaps, not in the way we expect, BUT GOD..as the Psalm says, never sleeps.
He cares.
He comforts those in need.
He rescues..
He brings hope.
He provides.
Happy Thursday, wonderful friends, sisters, fellow sojourners… hugs and love as always, covered in prayers and prayers lifted as requested..❤❤❤