Preparation for the Temple

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 21:1-30, 1 Chronicles 22:1-19, Deuteronomy 12:1-5

Growing up with a dad who is a skilled carpenter, you learn quite a bit about woodworking. During summer days when Dad worked on a project in the workshop, he always tied a red bandana around his neck, filled up a glass of sun-brewed iced tea, and disappeared behind a billow of sawdust. Just a few hours—or days—later, he’d emerge with a delicately designed garden workstation for my mom or a new piece of furniture for the house. He even let me sand and stain a pair of floating shelves last month, even though I have far less expertise (and patience) with all things wood.  

Today, we read about a much grander construction project: the temple. David was eager to build this temple himself, but because God wanted someone who did not have such a war-torn and bloody past building the place for His presence to dwell, God had him call on another member of the family who was younger and less experienced (1Chronicles 22:6).   

It must have been humbling for David to receive these words from God. The grandiose vision he carried for this passion project was delegated to his son instead—a son, whom he takes care to note, is “inexperienced” because of his youth (v.5). He probably felt a little foolish or disappointed now—I would. Even after handing over the project to Solomon, David remains involved by communicating details about the money he invested, the supplies needed, and the impressive team of workers available to help Solomon build it (vv.14–16). I can picture him backing away slowly but still calling out instructions to try and recover a little from the blow to his ego.    

Despite what David may have felt, he honored God’s request for Solomon to take over the temple. In the end, it wasn’t about an elaborate building that boasted the best cedar logs in all the land. It was about bringing God glory. Building this temple was a way to create a holy sanctuary for God’s presence and secure a resting place for the ark of the covenant. Based on God’s command to David, He didn’t just want a fancy house; He wanted His sanctuary to mark a new era of rest for His people. 

Retiring David from his position and raising up Solomon was a clean slate. Yet again, it was God’s choosing not to give up on His chosen people. His faithfulness remained constant, even after David willingly acted out. “He is the one who will build a house for my name,” says the Lord about Solomon. “He will be my son, and I will be his father. I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever” (v.10). 

God’s faithfulness remains constant with us, too. Let’s find rest in this truth today.

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56 thoughts on "Preparation for the Temple"

  1. Claire B says:


  2. Cara P says:

    Major let down that there’s no podcast this week.

  3. Lauren Olsen says:

    I’m from Montana!!! I totally understand the seasonal depression. I’m loving in South Carolina now.

  4. Megan Kuemmerlin says:

    I have the SRT Bible and in one of the pop outs it said, when we remember how God has been faithful in his grace and mercy it helps us to be confident in the truth and Him. (Paraphrased) that struck me, that David chose God’s punishment over man’s because he knew his mercies.

  5. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God is faithful and trustworthy. He has a plan, and it’s just our job to trust in it.

  6. Elizabeth Carlock says:

    Kyle, prayers for healing for your MIL.

  7. Hissparrow says:

    @Sharon, just prayed for your daughter. My now 17 year old daughter had a very large ( 10 in in diameter) ovarian teratoma when she was only 10 years old. We took her to Standford Children’s Hospital, only to find out that nobody knew about her case. There was one girl in Taiwan who had a similar case as hers. That made them two of a kind. So rare was the case, that we had to monitor her every two weeks, then every month, then every three months with CT and MRI after having 4 surgeries in one year. We stopped monitoring after three years. Through it all, the Lord has shown Himself strong, not only to my daughter, but to me as well. The Lord knows your daughter’s case and He sees you. He is very faithful in times of NED or in times when she has to get her MRI. Please tell her I am praying for her. ~ La-arni

  8. Kimberly Z says:

    I am in Mexico this week and I feel blessed to have the opportunity for two big vacations so close to together. I pray I won’t be sad coming back home ha ha. Montana winters are brutal and I struggle with seasonal depression. @Sharon Jones praying for your daughter! As I work with cancer patients I see that anxiety in all my patients. God has your back and your daughters back. His faithfulness is relentless. @Sarah D. So glad to hear your meet up went well! Praying god gives you guidance through the dating world!