Preparation for the Temple

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 21:1-30, 1 Chronicles 22:1-19, Deuteronomy 12:1-5

Growing up with a dad who is a skilled carpenter, you learn quite a bit about woodworking. During summer days when Dad worked on a project in the workshop, he always tied a red bandana around his neck, filled up a glass of sun-brewed iced tea, and disappeared behind a billow of sawdust. Just a few hours—or days—later, he’d emerge with a delicately designed garden workstation for my mom or a new piece of furniture for the house. He even let me sand and stain a pair of floating shelves last month, even though I have far less expertise (and patience) with all things wood.  

Today, we read about a much grander construction project: the temple. David was eager to build this temple himself, but because God wanted someone who did not have such a war-torn and bloody past building the place for His presence to dwell, God had him call on another member of the family who was younger and less experienced (1Chronicles 22:6).   

It must have been humbling for David to receive these words from God. The grandiose vision he carried for this passion project was delegated to his son instead—a son, whom he takes care to note, is “inexperienced” because of his youth (v.5). He probably felt a little foolish or disappointed now—I would. Even after handing over the project to Solomon, David remains involved by communicating details about the money he invested, the supplies needed, and the impressive team of workers available to help Solomon build it (vv.14–16). I can picture him backing away slowly but still calling out instructions to try and recover a little from the blow to his ego.    

Despite what David may have felt, he honored God’s request for Solomon to take over the temple. In the end, it wasn’t about an elaborate building that boasted the best cedar logs in all the land. It was about bringing God glory. Building this temple was a way to create a holy sanctuary for God’s presence and secure a resting place for the ark of the covenant. Based on God’s command to David, He didn’t just want a fancy house; He wanted His sanctuary to mark a new era of rest for His people. 

Retiring David from his position and raising up Solomon was a clean slate. Yet again, it was God’s choosing not to give up on His chosen people. His faithfulness remained constant, even after David willingly acted out. “He is the one who will build a house for my name,” says the Lord about Solomon. “He will be my son, and I will be his father. I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever” (v.10). 

God’s faithfulness remains constant with us, too. Let’s find rest in this truth today.

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56 thoughts on "Preparation for the Temple"

  1. Dorothy says:

    Many years ago, about 25 or more, (when my boys were about 9 and 12) my father was in the hospital, he had had surgery. We were living with my parents at the time, it was July — in the Kansas City area July can get very hot — and very hot. My mom was working at convention for our denomination, so the boys and I went and picked Dad up at the hospital. On the way home we hit a pot hole, a very large pot hole. Dad’s said, “that’s big enough to flatten a tire”. And sure enough one of my tires flattened. Well my dad was in no shape to change the tire. So I pulled over in a parking lot, my boys jumped out and my dad rolled down his window. From his front seat position my father told my sons exactly what to do. Thirty minutes later we were on our way — you ask why thirty minutes well the boys had a problem with the lug nuts. George, my oldest, held the lug wrench while Andrew, my youngest, jumped on it to loosen it. I remember how my dad said he felt helpless because of the surgery.
    There are times in all of our lives when we feel helpless but we need to remember God’s “got our back” and will help us through what ever it is that we need help with.
    Be blessed and turn it all over to the Lord.
    Sorry for the rambling.

  2. Margaret W says:

    I noticed that, while Joab reluctantly carried out David’s orders to take the census, he still had a bit of civil disobedience in there—by refusing to count the Levites and the Benjaminites. Since he couldn’t dissuade David, he did what he could think of to mitigate the damage. It gives us something to think about when we are in a complicated situation morally.

  3. Donna Wolcott says:

    Dear Searching, your comments gave me pause today and realizing I need to be more intentional. Thank you. Prayers for those requested and those on hearts.

  4. Penny Malley says:

    Is there no Monday podcast this week?

  5. Connie Grueter says:

    Sharon, praying the peace of God our Father be with you both today as you go for the appointment so much so that the nurses, doctors and other workers make note of it. Also praying that the tumor is gone and she is totally restored. Our Father is a good good Father.

  6. Allison Bentley says:

    13 David said to Gad, “I am in deep distress. Let me fall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is very great; but do not let me fall into human hands.” – 1 Chronicles 21:13 this verse stood out to me today- WOW!! This shows just how close to God David was- he knew God is a merciful God and trusted God more than man!! Just a beautiful nugget – I hope my trust in the Lord is as great as this!!!

  7. J M says:

    Dear Sharon, I will keep your daughter in my prayers.

  8. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning everyone! Praying for your daughter @Sharon Jones.
    This past weekend was full of emotions for me haha (good and then just some overwhelming ones related to my job and wanting to leave). I don’t want to dump everything here, but I will say God has a sense of humor. I met the guy I have been talking to online in person, and it went really well! I am encouraged by his faith as he grew up in another country that is predominantly non-Christian, and I am so interested to hear more about how he became a believer. I was reading the Bible Recap verses about how all the nations will praise the Lord, and then at church yesterday we talked about missions and how the Gospel is for all the nations! God has such a sense of humor haha! His timing is perfect and he is so specific and intentional. Even if nothing comes from the relationship with this guy, I am encouraged by the small parts so far I have heard about his story and how God placed him in the US at the right time and place, with the right people who led him to Christ. Wow. Just wanted to share that, because it is so cool how God had me read those specific verses this weekend, when I met up with the guy in person, and then we talked about the same thing at church. So cool. In other news, I took the day off today because I wasn’t feeling too great and just needed a break. Plus will have time to work on my class for school. Praying for you all, thankful for our God who is with us and uses the trials to produce endurance.