Peter Denies Jesus

Open Your Bible

Mark 14:26-31, Mark 14:66-72

Text: Mark 14:26-31, 66-72

Before I was married, I told myself I would never be unkind to my husband. Occasionally failing at that, I promised myself I would never holler at my children. When the children and the hollering came along, I vowed that I would try to eat fiber for breakfast.

I was such a great wife, mom, and eater of fiber before I actually had to do those things. It’s like the way I felt about parenting before I was a parent — the judgy way I looked at a tantrum-throwing child sporting snow boots, a runny nose, and hair that was last brushed three days ago. I always thought, “I will NEVER parent like that!” Baby, was I surprised to have a husband, children, and unlimited breakfast cereal choices as an adult.

When I read this story of Peter denying Christ, I see myself. I’m that loudmouth who would stand up and promise, “Lord, I would NEVER deny you!” Jesus was addressing them all, but Peter is the guy who is so sure he’s going to get it right that he argues with Jesus.

All the disciples hid and denied Christ in their own way that night. It felt like the world was ending. I’m sure they found all kinds of ways to justify their actions, just like I would have. Reading this story, it’s easy for me to say, “I, at least, would have stood with Jesus, unlike those cowardly disciples.” But, based on my track record of vow-keeping, I would probably have hid like greasy rat.

For crying out loud, what is wrong with me? In all my best intentions to do right, I fall away, again and again, and stinking again. Just like Peter, I psych myself up, “I won’t do it wrong this time. This time for sure!” But, in the end, I’m right there with Peter, listening to the rooster crow and holding my head in my hands.

Jesus knew this would happen. He knew His disciples we going to fail Him. He knew I would get parenting and marriage wrong, day after day. But this is why He came. This is exactly why He came.

Don’t miss this moment to see your need for Him. It’s the first step of the gospel: just to see that you need Him. See it.

When Jesus tells Peter he will deny Him three times, He’s not clanging the final bell of doom for Peter. He’s confronting Peter’s sin, but He’s not rejecting Peter’s salvation. We, like Peter,  must see the true nature of our sin, to see the truth of our salvation.

When we see our sin and our need of Christ, our response must be like Peter’s—to weep bitterly for our betrayals, and to repent. Take your head in your hands and weep when you need to, then rise in repentance and walk in a new direction.

Jesus knows you, like He knew Peter. Despite all your adamant protestations that you’ll never deny Him again, Jesus knows your sin and He loves you still.






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114 thoughts on "Peter Denies Jesus"

  1. Becky says:

    Lord Jesus, thank you for my need and my weakness. Thank you that there is no way I could do this on my own- and that you saw my need from heaven and came down to meet it.

  2. Tiffany says:

    I am not sure I have the words to express how much I needed thus devotion this morning. I am a couple of days behind in my Lent reading and just got through day 33 last night. I decided to take an early morning break here at my desk in my office and read today’s scripture and devotion and as usual God’s timing is impeccable. You see, last night I went to bed annoyed with my family and so of course woke up this morning feeling the same way. I had no patience with my girls as we were getting ready this morning. I was a terrible wife, a horrible parent and just got a lot WRONG this morning. Seeing and admitting the ugliness of my sin doesn’t feel so great, but seeking God for repentance, for forgiveness and coming to a better understanding of why Jesus gave His life – well, it brings me some peace I guess. I feel the grace and forgiveness and will move forward in a new direction, hopefully on a path where I can receive forgiveness from my family and extend the same love and grace to them that I have received.

  3. Amanda says:

    I identify with all these failings you talk about! In fact God has been working with me on them. I recently was challenged by part of a talk on YouTube by Francis Chan about connecting to the vine. It challenged me to abide in Christ. I always fail when I try to be whatever to whoever on my own. But if I could really focus on him and allow him to work through me and others to see him through me then wow, I would not be trying to do and be things I can’t. I would do and be the things He made me for!

  4. Camilia says:

    Dang! No matter how hard I try, no matter how many promises I may make, Jesus you already know I will fail. And yet you love me just as I am. Jesus I need you. I need your help because I can’t take on life on my own. So thankful for you Lord!

  5. Ashlee says:

    Thank You Lord.

  6. Kallie says:

    So good. Thank you Jesus for knowing how many times Id fail despite of my intentions. Loving me anyway.

  7. Katie says:

    Great devotion. We are all Peter, we all deny Jesus, and yet We are the one that Jesus loves.

  8. Jeni says:

    Jesus knows your sin and He loves you still… so thankful for that. It help eases the guilt I feel when I stray… when I forget.