Text: Mark 14:26-31, 66-72
Before I was married, I told myself I would never be unkind to my husband. Occasionally failing at that, I promised myself I would never holler at my children. When the children and the hollering came along, I vowed that I would try to eat fiber for breakfast.
I was such a great wife, mom, and eater of fiber before I actually had to do those things. It’s like the way I felt about parenting before I was a parent — the judgy way I looked at a tantrum-throwing child sporting snow boots, a runny nose, and hair that was last brushed three days ago. I always thought, “I will NEVER parent like that!” Baby, was I surprised to have a husband, children, and unlimited breakfast cereal choices as an adult.
When I read this story of Peter denying Christ, I see myself. I’m that loudmouth who would stand up and promise, “Lord, I would NEVER deny you!” Jesus was addressing them all, but Peter is the guy who is so sure he’s going to get it right that he argues with Jesus.
All the disciples hid and denied Christ in their own way that night. It felt like the world was ending. I’m sure they found all kinds of ways to justify their actions, just like I would have. Reading this story, it’s easy for me to say, “I, at least, would have stood with Jesus, unlike those cowardly disciples.” But, based on my track record of vow-keeping, I would probably have hid like greasy rat.
For crying out loud, what is wrong with me? In all my best intentions to do right, I fall away, again and again, and stinking again. Just like Peter, I psych myself up, “I won’t do it wrong this time. This time for sure!” But, in the end, I’m right there with Peter, listening to the rooster crow and holding my head in my hands.
Jesus knew this would happen. He knew His disciples we going to fail Him. He knew I would get parenting and marriage wrong, day after day. But this is why He came. This is exactly why He came.
Don’t miss this moment to see your need for Him. It’s the first step of the gospel: just to see that you need Him. See it.
When Jesus tells Peter he will deny Him three times, He’s not clanging the final bell of doom for Peter. He’s confronting Peter’s sin, but He’s not rejecting Peter’s salvation. We, like Peter, must see the true nature of our sin, to see the truth of our salvation.
When we see our sin and our need of Christ, our response must be like Peter’s—to weep bitterly for our betrayals, and to repent. Take your head in your hands and weep when you need to, then rise in repentance and walk in a new direction.
Jesus knows you, like He knew Peter. Despite all your adamant protestations that you’ll never deny Him again, Jesus knows your sin and He loves you still.

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114 thoughts on "Peter Denies Jesus"
Realizing the desperate state my heart was in brought me to full reliance on Christ. Which has brought me overflowing joy & peace!
Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. He sees, He knows, and still He loves us the same. Christ died for us while we were still sinners. I pray that I would see my sin and turn to Him in repentance. So often I hide instead of receive His grace. Help me I pray. Help us all. Amen
"Don't miss this moment to see your need for him. It's the first step of the gospel: just to see that you need Him. See it!" I needed this reminder today…that I am needy and desperate for the gospel on a daily basis. How quickly I forget. How quickly I I try to "be right" instead of just admitting when I'm wrong and embracing His grace again. And again……
Lord Jesus, thank you for my need and my weakness. Thank you that there is no way I could do this on my own- and that you saw my need from heaven and came down to meet it.
I am not sure I have the words to express how much I needed thus devotion this morning. I am a couple of days behind in my Lent reading and just got through day 33 last night. I decided to take an early morning break here at my desk in my office and read today’s scripture and devotion and as usual God’s timing is impeccable. You see, last night I went to bed annoyed with my family and so of course woke up this morning feeling the same way. I had no patience with my girls as we were getting ready this morning. I was a terrible wife, a horrible parent and just got a lot WRONG this morning. Seeing and admitting the ugliness of my sin doesn’t feel so great, but seeking God for repentance, for forgiveness and coming to a better understanding of why Jesus gave His life – well, it brings me some peace I guess. I feel the grace and forgiveness and will move forward in a new direction, hopefully on a path where I can receive forgiveness from my family and extend the same love and grace to them that I have received.
I identify with all these failings you talk about! In fact God has been working with me on them. I recently was challenged by part of a talk on YouTube by Francis Chan about connecting to the vine. It challenged me to abide in Christ. I always fail when I try to be whatever to whoever on my own. But if I could really focus on him and allow him to work through me and others to see him through me then wow, I would not be trying to do and be things I can’t. I would do and be the things He made me for!
Dang! No matter how hard I try, no matter how many promises I may make, Jesus you already know I will fail. And yet you love me just as I am. Jesus I need you. I need your help because I can’t take on life on my own. So thankful for you Lord!
Thank You Lord.
So good. Thank you Jesus for knowing how many times Id fail despite of my intentions. Loving me anyway.
Great devotion. We are all Peter, we all deny Jesus, and yet We are the one that Jesus loves.
Jesus knows your sin and He loves you still… so thankful for that. It help eases the guilt I feel when I stray… when I forget.
Wow! As a failed/failing wife, mother, and breakfast fiber eater, this devotion really spoke to me. Jesus knows I could never be perfect no matter how hard I tried. This is exactly why I need him. Thank you for giving me this perspective on Peter and this hope today!!
“When Jesus tells Peter he will deny Him three times, He’s not clanging the final bell of doom for Peter. He’s confronting Peter’s sin, but He’s not rejecting Peter’s salvation. We, like Peter, must see the true nature of our sin, to see the truth of our salvation … When we see our sin and our need of Christ, our response must be like Peter’s—to weep bitterly for our betrayals, and to repent … [and then to] rise in repentance and walk in a new direction”. So needed to read this today. Confronting sin does not mean denying a person of hope … In some ways it actually opens the door to hope!
This is wonderful! I was totally one of those young woman who judged everything and everyone. I never thought of that connection to Peters denial.
This is so needed. Thanks for the reminder.
I find it so amazing that Jesus is sitting there, telling his closest friends how they will ALL abandon him in his moment of greatest need. And yet he says
28 But after I have been resurrected, I will go ahead of you to Galilee.”
He knows we will deny him, that we will sin against him and yet he goes before us. He knows we need his guidance.
I feel so comforted knowing that he goes ahead of us even after we betray our loving savior.
Thanks for the reminder today. I know I need to daily preach the gospel to myself as John Piper says. I know That as I see my sin and desperate need for a Saviour , He is ready and willing to meet me. This is so humbling and humility is just what our God delights in. Thanks for the study today!
"In all my best intentions to do right, I fall away, again and again, and stinking again!" I so relate to this. I am comforted knowing that just as Jesus was not surprised by Peter's denial, he is not surprised by my sin. I am finding so much freedom accepting my weakness instead of trying to fight against it and embracing what Jesus did for me as more than enough. I know I can not do this life by myself. I know this to be truer than true. He sees me and knows my weakness and has compassion and mercy on me like a Father for his child. By his grace, I know my desperate need for a Savior. Paul's section on struggling with sin in Romans 7 came to me as I related so much to my own failures & disappointments.
I have discovered this principle in life – that when I want to do what is right, I inevitable do what is wrong. Who will save me? The ONLY answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7:21,25
As long as I'm living on earth I will struggle with sin bc of my sinful nature.
Amen, Lindsey!
Thank you so much for this today. I’m facing a lot of sin today. My husband and I really need to discuss our budget, a conversation that makes me feel like I’m sitting on a bed of hot coals with a gun placed on my head. I hate talking about money. Mainly because I’m horrible at spending it and I always feel like I’m in trouble. And because my husbands reasons are so much more truthful and mine are just full of envy, jealousy, greed and sin. It’s ugly. And I avoid it better than anyone I know. But we have to talk about it. And I can’t keep letting my sin slip and making excuses for it. Reading this today was like hearing the rooster cry to my own sin. Loud and pointed but still with a covering of grace. I have so much fear and what I really need to see is this simple truth, that God sees all my sins and loves me still. Thank you for waking me up to the gospel today. Love you ladies.
I am loving this wonderful Lenten series. Each and every day I feel as though the writer has been in my head speaking directly to me about me, "How can she know me so well?" I am blown away how each day's message is specifically written for me, and I think, "How did she know I needed these words today?"And these words, today, spoke directly to me:
"For crying out loud, what is wrong with me? In all my best intentions to do right, I fall away, again and again, and stinking again. Just like Peter, I psych myself up, “I won’t do it wrong this time. This time for sure!” But, in the end, I’m right there with Peter, listening to the rooster crow and holding my head in my hands."
Thanks for your inspirations every day!
Thank you SRT and Rebecca for this. So wonderful to know that The Lord knows we will screw up way before we know.. But loves and forgives anyway. Thank you Jesus.
I’m echoing many other ladies who have said this post was SO VERY timely for today. Grateful for a Father who knows our needs and the intimate details of our lives, and who cares for us.
Jesus is the one person who has the right to condemn and cast the first stone. Yet he doesn’t. And not only that he loves! Not only does he love us. But he loves us when in the worst of it all. As he is on the cross he loves! Woah!
I love this. Thanks to you for illustrating my struggles so well with your heartfelt words and Thank you Jesus for loving me through it all!!
This scene, if we are looking at it side by side, as they are taking place at the same time, is powerful–
Jesus before the powerful leaders, on trial for his life-
Jesus speaks truth. It will cost Him His life. Honorable, brave.
Peter to a servant girl and bystanders-
Peter speaks lies to save his life. Dishonest, coward.
Oh how I long to be like Christ, but Peter, oh Peter I have been you. I lie everytime I don't give the true reason to my happiness, when I attribute it to the circumstances of life instead of Christ. I'm a coward everytime there is an opportunity to share Christ, yet I share instead about some new awesome restaurant I discovered (or fill in the blank).
Lord please strengthen my walk with You.
That is powerful, thanks for sharing that observation.
the end of this post had a beautiful point that I often skim over “take your head in your hands and weep when you need to, then rise in repentance and walk in a new direction”. I think a lot of us feel stuck once we realize our sin and the depths of our hearts…we forget that there is “now no condemnation for those who are in Christ”. He does want us to see our need and repent, but then keep on going! Walking in freedom and turning away from that sin. Dying to the flesh, daily…or hourly if we must.
Thank you- I sure did need this in regards to marriage and parenting. Perfect timing- God's timing. I'm so blessed by SRT.
When I read this Bible text before today I wondered why would Jesus tell His disciples they were going to betray Him, what He said felt kind of strange, but now I realised what He was saying was "I know you will fail, but I do not give you up, you are still my disciples and I have plans for you and a job for you to do." I felt like a living example of mothering and household-caring and everything else failure last week and this helped me face this week – He knows I fail and that I will fail again no matter what I say or promise to myself, but He does not give up with me and His calling and His job for me are still there! Have a blessed week everyone!
Oh how my heart is grieving for all the times I’ve gotten things wrong when I just knew I would get them right. I’ve failed. Miserably I’ve failed. So many times that I have no idea how God can take me back. But I know those are lies from the devil. He loves to kill, steal, and destroy. That’s what he does. And that’s what he’s been doing to me… It’s hard to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and keep going. Time and time again I’ve had to ask Jesus to help me back up. Still to this very day… I need help back up. I know what The Word tells me… Trusting and believing it is hard. Because I don’t see how He can truly forgive me. Again… That’s another lie from the devil that he is trying to deceive me with. Ladies.. I’ve never once asked for prayers on here, but I feel like I’m drowning. I’m reaping what I’ve sown. And I need prayers. I’m still reading and trying to do my Bible routine, but I feel distant. I’m in need of some prayers. If you’ve read this far down… Thank You!! From the bottom of my heart thank you for your prayers. Any would be greatly appreciated. And thank you, SRT, for making it possible to come here daily.
Praying for you this morning.
Thank you so much.
Kyla, praying for you, my sister…I think because we are who we are, and act in human ways…we do struggle to believe that we could be forgiven, ..loved, welcomed back….but here's the thing Sis…If God loves us enough to give His only Son for us, knowing who and what we are already, why would He not forgive us our sins…His love is BIGGER than any love, He is BIGGER than anything that could ,ever make us feel or believe we are not worthy…To God we are worthy dying for…now tell me, 'I don't see how He can forgive me again' and I will tell you 'THAT'S HOW..' Kyla, God loves you…worst and all..that's it..full stop…trust Him..believe Him..have faith in Him…xxxx
Thank you, Tina!! “THAT’S HOW” is absolutely right!!!
Kyla, I'm sure you worked it out but ..that should read.. worts and all…
Hope life is looking a lot brighter, knowing Jesus is the Light when we encounter the darkness…hugs sis…xxx
"Jesus knew this would happen. He knew His disciples we going to fail Him. He knew I would get parenting and marriage wrong, day after day. But this is why He came."
There is so much hope here. The last few days I've struggled, wondering if I'm getting any of this family life stuff right. But I know Jesus is in our home. Here covers our sins and imperfections.
This is so raw today, all the emotions. Peter, Jesus' beloved, hurting because of the lies he has spoken, Jesus calming Him out.
I wish I could say I've never been there before but it seems like every day I regret something I say. I just love the grace and mercy that Christ continues to extend to Peter and to all of us. He knows our evil human nature and loves us anyway?! Incredible! I wish I could be more like this to those in my life! Lord, I pray this today, in thanksgiving that you allow us to come to you with our ugly human sins, so that we may be washed away in your blood and may be living proof to those in our lives that we have been made new in you.
Proverbs 12:18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
How similar I am to Peter – how full of promises that sound beautiful – spoken with intention and sincerity. When promises become difficult to keep- help me to pause from the inevitable self justification I will embark upon that allows me to walk away- hands washed of the whole thing. I did my best. Help me instead to feel the gentle reminder that these moments of inadequacy are when I can feel your love best because I need you most. I need you today. Head in hands – I fall to my knees and weep. I need you so.
Rebecca, I am sure I would have been the greasy rat right behind you. How many time over the years I have missed my chance, Ipretended not to hear my chance. I just shake my head in wonder at my foolishness. But there are the times I’ve jumped right in. Maybe not saying it the right or best way but talking about Him and giving him the praise none the less.
And even still the old devil will say “you could have done better or said it different “. Or “they think your nuts”. So be it. I went there and I seek the opportunity and wisdom to tell the story of my Savior again and again. If I can just get the rest of this grease off me. : ). Jesus, my best friend
It's so funny. When I go to pray, to confess my sins, my natural response is to sugarcoat my wrongs. How funny is it that I want to sugarcoat my sins… as if that will make it easier for me to say or make them not sound as bad when I say them to Him. It's not like He doesn't already know what they are. It's the same when I'm requesting something of Him. I'm very timid, and I find myself holding back my true thoughts, feelings, and desires. He already knows my heart! I can't for the life of me figure out why my natural tendency is to do that.
Since I've become aware of all this, I've tried being open and honest in my chats and prayers with God. It's amazing how much closer I feel to Him when I come bearing all that ugly because he already sees it. I can simply lay it all down at His feet and let the true healing begin.
I love that Jesus knew what Peter would do. On his way to the cross,just before his arrest,he knew Peter would let him down. And he told Peter. At first it feels like Jesus is sticking it to pete. Ha! You think you're so good. . . well, you're going to mess-up big time tonight. But that's not Jesus. He looks at Peter and I think with great compassion, sees what Peter will do and mentions it because Jesus plans to be on the other side of Peter's betrayal. Not only will He be there, He will actually be dying and rising in order to wipe that failing off Peter's record. He's saying, "You're going to screw this up. And I'm dying to make you right. You are worth it." Just, Wow.
I feel such hope when I read this. I can't go so far that His grace can't reach. What a wonderful Savior we serve!
Seeing how much I need Him more and more. husband and I just started a business and we both handle fear very differently. And it’s been moments of frustration and anxiety. But we know God brought us this far and will not leave us. Praying today that as God highlights our fear we will run to Him for comfort and not follow our emotions
To exclaim that one will be completely faithful and never deny Christ is to say that we are perfect. Which if that was the case then we wouldn’t need a savior. Thank God f or JESUS!
Some days I feel like I am the queen of promising to do things better and then failing. I wake up with good intentions– that I will eat healthier, love my husband better, be more patient with my children, get that stack of essays graded. And then I shove six Thin Mints in my mouth, get frustrated with my husband for not bringing the trash cans up the driveway, lose my temper with my kids when they decide to fight over a toy right as I'm making dinner….and the essays….still not graded. I don't love myself in those moments. And I'm pretty sure my husband and kids don't like me very much either. But I'm so thankful that I've been given permission to weep. I hold my head in my hands at the end of the day and humble myself before Him. I repent of not loving myself and pray for help as I walk in a new direction the next day. It's not that every day is a new day to start with good intentions (although that's definitely a good idea). And it's not that every day is a new day to recognize and berate myself when I fail at those good intentions. Every day is a day to recognize that I need Him. Our pastor is fond of saying "It's a great day to die." Every day is a great day to die to myself and my good intentions and just let Him.
As we started this Lenten devo, I committed to no TV, but in place of it Prayer along with the book Too busy NOT to PRAY. Well with only 13 days left, I'm on the road to failure. Why is this so hard? It looked easy from the other side. But I know he has new mercy for me today. Make my life a prayer to you.
Confrontation makes me uncomfortable, so I avoid it like the plague. Ditto with suffering. But, I realize I’ve even been avoiding confronting MYSELF about my weaknesses and sin…if I don’t actually look at them maybe they’ll go away. Not happening so far. I’ve been a Christian for most of my life, but I also avoid looking hard at the cross because of the suffering. This study is helping me to a good, adult look at what Jesus did for me and how much I NEED it.
This reminds me of a song called ‘Through and Through’ by Will Reagan/United Pursuit. The chorus repeats: “You see me, You know me, and You love me through and through…” I need to hear this daily!
Oh Rebecca! I too always says, I would never have denied Him like Peter. I never would have left His side. Why did everyone betray Jesus, they were all cowards. And then I realize I do that on a daily basis…of course I would have have denied and Him…And He knows this… But He still loves me. My favorite day of every year is Maundy Thursday. My church has a tenebrea service. It is on that night, listening and reading all the betrayals that I fully soak in the beauty of His sacrifice. I’m so blessed to be walking this Lenten journey with She Reads Truth.
How beautiful and undeserved grace is, when I can finally see the depths of my sinful nature. I am completely deserving of wrath, BUT GOD, being rich in mercy, made me alive in Christ. His covenant loyalty leaves me humbled, and oh so grateful.
This immediately made me think of my problem with gossiping. I swear I will not participate. I swear I will walk away. But what happens? I contribute – even if it's just nodding my head. I pray daily for God's power to flow through me as I try to fight this battle at work. So incredibly thankful for His unending grace.
I praise God for the times I realize I am denying his presence in my life so that I CAN weep and repent. Even the sorrow of knowing your sin and betrayal is better than the false sense of doing ‘well’ while walking in the wrong direction.
Oh Lord, I need you, I desperately need You. Each and every day I need You.
This morning my heart is in such turmoil and sadness, praying that God helps me cling to Him in this time.
Praying for you!! I can relate.
Holding you up in prayer Katie K…that although you may find it hard to cling to Him…He has you…He has you, girl..right there with you…God be with you, and I pray He shows you in some way that He is …a BIG wrappy round you hug to you Katie. Xxx
"He’s confronting Peter’s sin, but He’s not rejecting Peter’s salvation." This really stuck out to me this morning! We aren't being rejected when we feel convicted for our actions, but we are being given an ability to draw closer to the Lord by identifying and surrendering things that we have put before the Lord in our lives (our pride, our fears of other people's perceptions, etc.). He loves us so much.
I needed to read this today. “We aren’t being rejected when we feel convicted for our actions, but we are being given an ability to draw closer to the Lord by identifying and surrendering things that we have put before the Lord in our lives (our pride, our fears of other people’s perceptions, etc.). He loves us so much.”
I think God spoke through you for my benefit today. I’m sure I’m not the only one… But it sure does feel like it was meant straight for my repentant heart. Thanks again for taking the time to post.
I need Him – in my sin. And He wants me – despite my sin. And He will never leave me — and will always love me. STILL.
Praying for persecuted Christians around the world this morning. I am humbled by their faith in the midst of unspeakable circumstances. They stand firm though they face capture, torture, death. All I can do this morning is ask the Lord for forgiveness as I have failed Him in this very comfortable life I live here. He loves me still. I know. I pray for the roots of the Truth of Scripture to go down deep within me, that I might stand firm here.
"He's confronting Peter's sin, but He's not rejecting Peter's salvation." That truth is so important to hear. I shame easily. When an imperfection or infraction is brought to light, I prefer to hide in the shadows in order to maintain a facade of perfection. Or I become defensive and try to justify my behavior. It s humbling and oh so hard to come back. Peter is restored by the camp fire, but I fear I would have just stayed in the boat, too ashamed to face the One I had denied. But grace. Amazing grace. He doesn't leave me in the shadows. He doesn't shame me or turn a deaf ear to my excuses. He loves me just as I am, while at the same time, not allowing me to stay as I am. He gently peels away the old me and encourages the new me–the redeemed–to grow stronger. Thank you for not rejecting me, Lord Jesus! Thank you for loving me at my worst, for helping me to become my best–all for Your glory, Lord!
I, too, shame easily. Any critique makes my mind reel over what the person could actually be criticizing (when they´ve already said it loud and clear.)
It makes me marvel at the gentle love that I yearn for in Him… something I don´t think I identified until recently. There´s a song from Bethel that Steffany Gretzinger sings called Gently Held.
Meditate on this: "I´m gently held by the hand that could crush me."
Missy, Thank you for sharing this beautiful song…so comforting to know I’m held…always!
Beautiful! Thank you!
Trying to continue to grasp this love for me. It seriously takes my breath away. I need Him – how true this is that this is the first step. Thank you Jesus for loving me in all of my imperfection.
“When Jesus tells Peter he will deny Him three times, He’s not clanging the final bell of doom for Peter. He’s confronting Peter’s sin, but He’s not rejecting Peter’s salvation. We, like Peter, must see the true nature of our sin, to see the truth of our salvation.”
Jesus doesn’t want us to stop at seeing our sin. The story ends with His glorious redemption. I do not end repentance in sorry. I end repentance in joy! The Gospel ends with grace, not pain. Because of His sacrifice I am able to walk upright after confession and run to His arms.
It is so good to know, no matter how many times we fail Jesus, he right there to comfort us, to forgive us. And there are days when I feel that’s all I do is let him down, and my family. Thank Lord for being so forgiving, so loving and so kind. God gave me the best family for me, has blessed me beyond all measure and hears me when I cry out to him.
Reminds me of Paul and his struggle to do what is good and right when his flesh pulls him to do what is wrong. Speaking so loud to me today Romans 7:14-25.
I am just like Peter. I've said it before and I will say it again. There is no doubt. I may not verbally deny my Christ, but each time I keep quiet when I should speak or mistreat anyone I am denying my Lord. I know this to be true, see in the last few weeks I've been feeling my hope of folk diminish. I've been becoming a skeptic of people and in hurt, have chosen to wade in the defeat I feel in particular situations. I picture Jesus throwing me a life-line, I'll grab it, my hope will rise, but of late, the enemy will shorly after snare the line, and I'm back to holding on for dear life. I've not looked away, my eyes are still on Christ, I know He is the answer to the commotion in my life, but I know that I've gotten it all wrong, I know my hurting and fearful heart has mistaken this world and the people in it, I know that Jesus doesn't throw life lines, HE IS the life line, His hand our way to Him.
Recently I heard a tune that took me back. There is a song, that years ago would make me tear up. The image it would convey in my brain was that of me dancing with my earthly father, like at a wedding. He was a great dancer and when I was young, he'd put my feet on his feet and we would billow through the room. I'd weep at the thought, we'd been through so much, and I knew if I had the opportunity to dance with him as an adult, I'd be an emotional wreck. Well, my wedding had fairly last minute and uncontrollable change and our plans had to shift, so we were helpless to have the reception we wanted and I was unable to dance with my father. 5 years later I lost him and I avoided that beautiful song at every cost. Last week I was at a show, surrounded by people and a similar piano tune was played, my heart stopped and as I heard the music my mind raced. I didn't want to lose it in an auditorium full of people, especially the way I've been feeling lately. I made it through. I didn't cry and intentionally put it out of my brain, I didn't once think to pray about it. To seek Jesus in it, I carried it with me and assumed the struggle. Over the past days' trials a sadness overwhelmed me and the image, the music came back and I was hurting. It was as if the enemy was using such beauty to further indulge himself in my pain. As I closed my eyes this time, Jesus, my Heavely Father, came through, took my hand and carried me through, dancing with me in that song.
Even as I lose my footing, He is right there. He knows my hurts, my losses, my sin and He takes my hand every time, He will dance with me too. He never fails to meet me where I am, even when I forget to ask, even when I deny Him, and offer His loving embrace. So thankful for a Savior that doesn't hold my brokenness, my betrayal against me. Prayeful that I seek Him in even the small confrontations my heart encounters in this world. That as I move through each day, I don't force my mind to think out things, but instead to think ON Jesus! ~ B
Oh B….this hit me right square in the heart…..(((hugs))) my dear! I too pray that today (and everyday!) that I don't think out things but think ON Him!!!
“…Jesus doesn’t throw life lines, HE IS the life line” so much truth in that statement that I too often forget. Thank you B.
He IS the lifeline…so beautiful and so was your story. Sending hugs to you today…♥
B, I am sorry for your hurting…I wish I could be there to hug you… I so know what you are talking about though…that hurt, that ache..Ah that ache…what wouldn't I give…just to put my hand in daddy's hand..one more time…and though I pray I get a chance to see him again…Jesus, as you have said, B, for now (and always)is the life line I need to hold on to…I've got to trust….
Sending you a great BIG Tina hug and love..B..xxxxxxx
Sending you hugs and prayers, B. Your words are always life giving and resonate with pieces off my own heart. “…the commotion of life…” “…to think ON Jesus…” Thank you for being a light with your stories & words.
Oh, man! Oh, woman! To see my need of Jesus… to truly "see," not the glazed over, half awake, haven't had coffee admission that "yeah, I've done stuff wrong," but the knee-bending, anguish-uttering "see" that my angry heart offends God because it leads me to respond sarcastically, miss lovely little moments of grace, holler at my children, but most of all, because it is against HIM. My selfish self-reliance sent Jesus to the cross. God cannot allow even the most minor of my offenses into His presence. He is holy. I am not. He knows this about me, yet He chose me anyway. He called me out of the death of reveling in my sin and into the life of Jesus' blood covering my sin. And even when I'm doing it again and hanging my head in anguish that I did not rely on the power of the Spirit in me, Jesus is loving me still, calling me to more, and making that more possible. Thank you, Jesus!
And thank you, Rebecca, for this truth you've reminded us of today!
This was so great, just to recognize that as much as we persist to do what we feel is right in our lives, we aren’t going to succeed always and that Jesus loves us still.
I needed this today… the last few weeks, my husband and I have been struggling with our marriage… my struggle affected my relationship with God as I felt that there's no point in coming to Him when I would just fail again and again in being the best wife for my husband, the enemy tells me that I was being a hypocrite praying and reading the Bible, to just fail with the way I respond to my husband later in the day… Today, God started to pick us up once again, helping us get through this season of our marriage… sisters, I humbly ask for your prayers…
I wrote a blog entitled "MARRIAGE IS HARD" almost a year ago: http://steady-myheart.blogspot.com/2014/07/marria…
Sharing this to everyone who might have also been experiencing the same struggles that I've gone / going through… God bless everyone!
Prayers lifted…..
Thank you sister…
God wants to bless you – wants you to see his strength and faithfulness in this area of your life! He will do that for you when your eyes are upon him – he loves you deeply!!
Thank you Susan! I needed that today! :)
Prayers for you sister! Your blog post was beautiful and every bit so true, to more than want to admit it. Marriage is indeed hard, but taking it one day at a time with God by your side will help lift you up. Reading a book titled 'loving the way Jesus loves' has helped me to remember to put others first and love humbly, just as he did on earth. Thank you for your honesty and I hope you have a beautiful day!
Thank you for your prayer Claudia.. I would find a copy of that book in my country. May I know who is the author?
I'm right there with you, at the foot of the cross, praying that the Lord forgive my ill-actions, thoughts and lack of kind actions and thoughts toward my husband today. I will pray the same for you and your relationship today. No one ever told us it would be easy but I find profound rest in the Lord that he will be by our sides through it all. Of late, when I find myself going on and on in my mind, which of course is unproductive and is just allowing the evil one to penetrate, I begin reciting the Our Father. I pray today that Gods will is done and is apparent to us in our lives and relationships. I pray that you and your husband and me and mine can turn to the father for when two are focused on His goodness, nothing shall separate.
Thank you Elizabeth… I agree, it's hard to take control of the thoughts that I think towards him when we are in the middle of an argument… the enemy uses those thoughts to burden me with guilt afterwards… It's comforting to know that I am not alone in my struggle… Praying the same for you and your husband…Have a blessed day!
Your blog post was wonderful. I could relate to it so much!!! I, too, am married to my opposite, and it is probably the greatest challenge of my life. So I empathize with you greatly. Sometimes it feels like my husband and I have absolutely nothing in common. He's a dreamer, I'm a realist, in every sense of the words and the way we view/do everything is totally different. You're right. It's so hard. But it's also worth it. My marriage has given me such a heart for marriages and a passion to see others succeed in theirs! I believe Satan loves to see marriages fall apart. If we Christians can hold on through the hard times and press on to make ours work when others would have just given up, THAT is a true example of the Gospel and of Jesus' commitment to us. And like you said, God uses marriage to remind us of his grace and to make us more like Him. (not necessarily to make us happy all the time) Thank you for sharing today!
"I believe Satan loves to see marriages fall apart. If we Christians can hold on through the hard times and press on to make ours work when others would have just given up, THAT is a true example of the Gospel and of Jesus' commitment to us. "
— I agree to this Kelcie! It causes great damage to the enemy's kingdom when a marriage shines for Jesus! Thank you for sharing your story too! Your words have blessed me today! :)
I’m right there with you. Prayers!!
This week has been one where I have felt almost blinded by my failings as a mom, as a wife, as a professional, as a teacher of young children, as a follower of Jesus. I failed. I felt unlovable. Jesus has brought me to this story this week and i have sensed Him saying you are much like my disciples. I love you as i love them. I am and will use you in the lives of others as I did them. WOW! What an amazing truth! I feel worthless in my sin, yet God digs down below and finds the gold that He placed there in the beginning. He claims me despite my failings. Oh that i might bury myself in Him and truly live by His divine power.
I can relate! Thanks for sharing melinda!
Melinda, thank you for sharing, I have been feeling the exact same way!
I have felt like a failure in almost every aspect of my life and instead of relishing in Gods grace towards me in his son, Jesus, I have turned in on my self, attempting to be “better” relying on my own strength. And failing again, falling into despair.
God doesn’t want us to despair, he wants us to have Godly sorrow when we see our sin. We should weep bitterly over our sin, sin that put Jesus on the cross. But it doesn’t end there with weeping. It ends in grace, in hope.
Dear father, I pray that I and the rest of the ladies doing this study would see our sin, repent and enjoy the grace and hope that Jesus purchased for us. I pray that we would rest in “it is finished” and not turn to self-salvation projects. Work in our hearts to make us into the likeness of your son, Jesus.
Oh man….I am right there with you! I have been struggling with not being good enough in every aspect of my life…..like I am treading water but not really staying a float….struggling to remember to trust in HIM. In HIS plan….
I can't help but wonder how the disciples or the patriarchs of the Bible felt while they were in the trenches. They probably felt a lot like we do now. It's easy for us to look back and see how God worked in their lives because we can read their stories fairly quickly, but when it comes to the daily grind we see so much more of our own failing and not as much of the big picture God has planned for us. I think you said it right when you said to bury yourself in Him. That's really all we can do.
So thankful for the reminder thay no matter how many times we fall away, get it wrong and reject God that he still loves us. That he will never forsake us.
(ps as an aside does anyone else have problems with the app when readings have 2 parts like todays – the second part never loads. also it doesn’t load when using second half of a verse referred to as ‘b’ like on Saturday. I’m android if that helps. just a pain to exit plan and go into bible in order to read the passages is all)
having the same trouble on an android as well!
Having the same problem on my iPhone and iPad – I tried it with both this morning.
Hi friends! It should be resolved now! Thanks for letting us know!
Thanks for pointing this out, Claire!
And thanks for resolving, SRT!
Jesus knows your sin…and He loves you still…
Jesus knows MY sin…and He loves ME…. STILL…
Jesus knows MY sin…and He loves ME…..STILL..
I've got to believe that…I have got to write this on my heart…I have got to carry this in my soul….I can deny Him, I can walk away from Him, I can cheat, lie, steal, go as far as the east is from the west, from Him, sin, sin sin,….He will love Me STILL….
This is the revelation I have had today….No matter what…no matter how, who, what, where…Jesus loves me…STILL….
When I began my walk with the Lord…when I realised I needed Him…my prayer for a long time was along the lines of….'..even if you choose to walk away from me, I will cling to you, I will hold on tighter….' Funny that…a promise I haven't kept much in recent years….Forgive me Lord…
Here's the thing, I have messed up, BIG time, time and time again….and STILL… I am loved, by the One to whom I made my feeble promise…by the One who does not need me, but wants me, in all my nastiness, all my sin, as I am…worts and all…..
My union with Jesus, has and is being renewed today….Thank you Lord, that you know me, worst and all…you know my sin…and STILL you've Me…Thank you that no matter how many times I deny you, walk as far as the east is from the west from you, hide, or run…YOU STILL love me…, your love is all the HOPE I need…Thank you…Thank you..Jesus….x
As the song goes…Heaven knows, I'm coming back this time…guilty of crime, cos I've been walking out on you, Ive run across the world, walked in barren land….I'm coming back again……. ( Coming back…Delirious)
Morning Sisters…Happy and God Blessed Monday to all…xxx
Love you, Tina. Thanks for your good word this morning.
Praying this right along with you this morning!!! AMEN!!!!
I am loved…by the One who does not need me, but wants me, in all my nastiness, all my sin, as I am…worts and all…..
Thank God He loves us in our messes! Blessings friend!
Yes!! He still, STILL, loves you and I. I have to believe and trust that. Even though I, too, have messed up / sinned BIG time. :(
I wished we didn’t live so many miles apart… I would love to meet you and hug your neck one day. Thank you for being so real and raw with all of us. It encourages and speaks to many of us. I know you already know that, though! :) have a blessed day, Tina!
I’m there with you, Tina. I’ve also been thinking lately, that I HAVE to believe even when I don’t ‘feel’ I’m believing. He is the only constant, steadfast, ever present, refuge in my life. Amen and prayers & hugs to you, Tina!
“Don’t miss this moment to see your need for him. It’s the first step of the gospel: just to see that you need Him. See it!” I needed this reminder today…that I am needy and desperate for the gospel on a daily basis. How quickly I forget. How quickly I I try to “be right” instead of just admitting when I’m wrong and embracing His grace again. And again.
and HE still loves me…..always has, always will.
I needed this too. Too often I get caught up in the things of life and how I’m doing things right, but truly I’m a sinner and Jesus took it all because of love!
Sarah, I love this reminder. I find myself trying to "be right", too! May we embrace His grace and rest in His love today!
Ah, yes! This reminder of Him, the Gospel, and Grace – so needed every day, always.