It’s a season of joy, or so we’re told. The holiday we imagine might look like commercials and Christmas movies: giggling children decorating cookies and running down the stairs, a family gathering around a sumptuously set table, or a young couple falling in love under softly falling snow. But for far too many of us, the real world tells a different story.
We live in an epidemic of loneliness that won’t pause for the most wonderful time of the year. Recent studies suggest more than half of us expect to feel lonely at Christmas. It may be the first Christmas without a beloved parent, a painful reminder of friends who have moved far away, or a time when estranged relationships feel extra heightened. In the middle of these feelings, Advent has more than enough room to hold our longings for peace.
This week, we light the peace candle and remember that reconciliation is the heart of the Christmas story—God crossing great distances to make us whole again. It stretches back to prophets like Jeremiah, who clearly saw and named the rift between us and God and each other. Paul’s letters to the early church frequently remind his readers (Jew and Gentile alike) who they used to be. Put together, they read like a litany of shame: dead in sin, helpless, sinners, enemies, alienated, hostile, dead, excluded, foreigners, without hope, without God.
But there is good news in the midst of the darkness. In the center of a book about everything wrong, Jeremiah proclaimed that God would draw near, near enough so that they would know Him like a friend. “No longer will one teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they will all know me, from the least to the greatest of them”….”I will forgive their iniquity and never again remember their sin” (Jeremiah 31:34).
Centuries later, Paul echoed this message of peace: “But now in Christ Jesus, you who were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13). All of those labels from before fall away in the light of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection.
Between Jeremiah’s prophecy and Paul’s proclamation is Jesus’s life of peacemaking and love, of coming to earth and being “the good news of peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near” (v.17). This is how God does what He promised through Jeremiah so long ago. By taking on human flesh and walking alongside His creation and by showing us what God is like and adopting us into His family: “So, then, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household” (v.19).
Maybe this message won’t light up every blue Christmas this year. In our imperfect world, we still have empty seats and broken hearts. But even then, we can look to hope. We can take steps toward making peace in our own world and trust God with the work of reconciliation.
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164 thoughts on "Peace Through Reconciliation"
There is good news in the midst of darkness! Hallelujah
It struck me that Jesus is our new covenant so that we may know God intimately. He will write His teaching on our heart and His gift this season reminds me of His rich mercy, His great love and that He calls me to be His workmanship, bringing about His reconciliation for our dark world
Beautifully worded! Thankful for the gift of reconciliation!
❤️ what a great reminder that we are reconciled to God fully through Jesus. Thank you for coming to bring us near Father!
I am reminded this week as we meditate on peace that Christ came to bring wholeness — shalom. His peace is different from the false harmony or avoidant numbing I tend to settle for. Especially in a season that can bring up so many strong emotions like grief and anxiety, I am grateful for the daily opportunity to remember and rest in real, abiding peace.
I love that God’s heart is for reconciliation. Todays devo was a beautiful reminder of that ♥️
I pray that I can find peace this season by handing my problems over to God!
He is so good to take our problems and give us hope! We just need to be faithful to grab hold to it!
“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”
Ephesians 2:4-5
I didn’t by back here yesterday, but boy, your beautiful words and comments, have filled my heart to overflowing!
I have been, and am blessed by each of you.
Thank you.❤
This is something I needed to hear and read. I lost my mother in July this year, and now with both my parents gone, I have been feeling so lonely, so lost. I just need to remind myself that Jesus is always near and that there is peace in him.
Oh yes!
Advent has more than enough room to hold our longings for peace.
This study has been perfect!
And I have had such a time making my schedule work to keep up, but it is so worth it!
This season has been a tough one. I say that in every season…does it ever get easy? I’m starting to wonder.
Life keeps throwing more at us that it seems impossible to survive…
But God…
Oh, but God!
Maybe I needed these tough times to keep my close to Him? Maybe He knew I would drift away if things were too easy? I don’t know.
What I do know is that He is holding me and walking with me through it all!
I don’t always have time to post, but I do pray for each of you as I go through the comments and I write down the requests so I keep praying for you all. You sisters are always here and I love each of you so much!
Hugs to all! ❤️
That is awesome! I feel 100% the same way. Jesus is The Hope we all long for. So we rest can rest In Him. So thankful for sisters like you. I like you, do not post much at all and I do pray for all of our SHES. Thank you for your testimony. Love and Hugs too
❤ So good to see you and hear from you, GramieSue! You and Steve remain in my prayers. ❤ Hugs from afar!
God bless you, GRAMSIESUE, and Steve.. You are in my prayers..
Thank you for your prayers..
Much, much love,
I can’t express how needed this was for me tonight. I have been struggling mentally and emotionally lately in a way I have not in a while. I was reminded that I have been brought near! To ABBA. Who isn’t ashamed of me and my struggle but stands ready to help if I surrender and ask! Thank you! Jesus and thank you She’s of she reads truth. Thank you!
God bless you, Brandi Young! Holding you close in prayers for your days to be kinder to you..❤
ABBA, thank you for seeing me as you saw your son. Loved, forgiven, wanted, accepted, welcomed ❤️
I have been meditating on this exact truth through Advent! We must wrap our minds around the depths of the bad news to know the glorious depths of the good news!!!!
Amen Abbey!!
God thank you for all your doing im expecting God to do Amos 9 13-15 I’m standing on Joshua 1 9 I’m standing on Exodus 14-14 I’m believing Malachi 3 10 I’m expecting Eph 3 20 I’m expecting this on 12-12 at 10:00 it is sow
Dear Shes
Drawing near…like a friend…
Knowing …being known…
Such intimacy…such closeness…
Available to all.
How radical…how Divine…
Love that devotional!
Love that scripture!
Lovely words, Gwineth..❤
Today I was reminded again by the Scriptures to stay steadfast in our faith journey. “and you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, He has now reconciled in His body of flesh … to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before HIM, if indeed you CONTINUE in the faith…” (Colossians 1:21-23). May we continue to be stable and steadfast, not shifting in our hope. In the last days, the fall away is warned, the heart of people grows cold, the appearance of godliness is strong and well-polished, but no true inward relationship with Christ. This breaks my heart. Don’t grow weary in following God. He is coming as He said. Be steadfast even if your heart is aching with the reality around you. May God give us strength.
Well said, Mercy! ❤
yes, good stuff, amen!
Beautiful, Mercy, simply beautiful.
The ‘new to me’ songs I mentioned yesterday (all on Youtube):
••• Breath of Heaven/Mary, Did You Know
(beautiful artistic blending of the 2 songs)
by Anthem Lights and Charlotte Ave.
••• He Is the Gift by Shawna Edwards
••• From the Manger Advent Hymn
posted by Illustrated Ministry
For this last decade, this time of year has been filled with dread instead of peace. Like clockwork, my siblings addictions will blow up our family right before Christmas. Today’s verses brought me a renewed sense of hope and prayers of peace. While I frequently read these verses in relation to God coming for me, today’s focus on reconciliation between people brought new clarity. While I see the struggle and hostility, God is still RICH in mercy, He will never remember the sin of addiction and has brought this sibling near by the blood of Christ.
What joy that one day my family will be reconciled together and this sibling will know the Lord. Today’s readings have brought a new hope to my prayers for my family and drive to see the peace of this season
Oh Sam. I feel your hurt. The last Christmas with my brother was filled with hostility. I remember dreading the days leading up to it. When he didn’t show up on Christmas Day I gave his gift to my brother and trashed his card with the kind words of how proud I was of him for moving past the addiction. He overdosed that February, and that Christmas held a dark spot in all of our lives filled with regret of the words we said and left unsaid. I pray that your story is different, I pray peace and reconciliation over your family, and hope for your brother. May you be able to show your brother the love I was not able to show mine that day.
So sorry Lanie. Thanks for sharing.
Prayers Sam.
Lanie, I am so very sorry for your loss. Holding you close in prayer and prayerful the Lord is healing all in this tragic story..❤
Sam D, praying this new hope to your prayers continues to bloom into something wonderful this Christmas..
I will join you in prayer, after all where two or more are gathered, right?
The verses are so good today! I was at one time alienated and hostile. An angry young woman. I’m so thankful for God’s love and patience in waiting for my turning back to Him. I pray we can all be examples to the lost in a way that they desire the relationship we have with God.
My sweet sisters, asking for prayer for my MIL who is on life support. Please pray for my dad and for me as I try to be a support to him during this time. Thank you so much.
With you wholeheartedly, Brandi. The Peace of God be with your family.
Praying Brandi!
Prayers for you all and hugs ❤️
Praying Brandi.❤
I hold space in my heart and prayers for others walking through this holiday season in grief. Grief and losing a loved one is a universal experience. I lost my mom last year in October and I remember thinking, “ I just want it to be next year already so I can have more time under my belt “. Well a year has come and gone and this holiday season I am still missing her. But PEACE friends, abundant peace on my heart, that my mom is free of pain, that one day we will be reunited. God has blessed me this year with peace on my heart. I thank Jesus for his sacrifice, so that we may too one day walk beside Him in Heaven. What hope we have, sisters!
It’s my 3rd Christmas without my son. This year is a bit lighter.
Hugs and prayers, SOPHIE, for you and all of our sisters who are grieving. ❤
A beautiful hope, and peace! Sorry for your loss. I miss my mom on this 10th Christmas without her.
Sophie, sending hugs covered in prayers..❤
I’d appreciate your prayers! I’ve been in a funk since Thanksgiving and I’m having a hard time being motivated to do much of anything- especially socializing or just being around others. I understand this is part of grief, but I could use the prayers of my fellow SHEs.
Praying for you ♥️
Praying for you and the heartbreak you and your family are navigating
Praying Mia
Praying for you, Mia ❤️ the walk through grieving at the holiday season is hard.. sending my prayers and love!
Praying Mia.
Praying for you Faith! I can imagine this first Christmas (and Thanksgiving) must be sad without your husband. And it’s okay to not want to be around the festivities. Do what is best for you, hugs.
My heart hurts for you, sweet Mia Faith.
Prayers for you
Mia, always in and on my heart in prayer. Prayerful you are reconciled with the Hope and peace of God, to be able to face each day in peace and a little or a lot of God’s ‘ golden’ joy.
He is near to the broken hearted..❤
So many great insights! Thanks everyone!
Reconciliation: restore friendly relations, cause to coexist in harmony. My heart’s desire is to be in harmony with Him. I want Him to cleanse me from all unrighteousness and make my heart pure. Living in close harmony with Him is peace, is hope, is contentment. I’m so thankful for His sacrifice to give me this reconciliation that I would never be able to earn on my own.
But God (right, Tina?!)
Too right, Adrienne. Toooooo right!
I am one of those people who dread the holidays.I am single and I am an only child. I live far away from the few estranged biological family members I have.It is more peaceful for me to keep my distance. I envy people who have trees, big family dinners, presents, and loved ones.
If you are anywhere near Northern Michigan, you can come to my house!! I might be alone this year. With Christmas on a Wednesday, and work schedules, and other family, none of my kids will be home this year.
Thank you but I am way down South. If not I might would join you.
I very well understand. Sending hugs❤️
Oh Tanya
Be of good cheer, my dear.
Rest assured, He is drawing near…
the lonely & left out.
You are loved…
leave no doubt.
GM ladies. I made a list of who we were before Christ and then with Christ. Before Christ we were alienated, dead in our sin, hopeless, foreigners, strangers, enemies, excluded, orphans, under wrath and without God. BUT God… NOW we are holy, faultless, blameless, reconciled, redeemed, saved by grace, hope-filled, children of God.
I love this list of truth..
I love the prophetic words in Jeremiah that a new covenant will be made. It gives me a physical reaction,almost like the chills, but in a good way. It lights up my heart because what God promised came true(of course). I am so happy to be loved and chosen by God who keeps his word.
Hey ladies,
I’m so thankful for this advent study this month. It has brought me so much peace.
My husband was laid off from a 15 year great job in his career and we are struggling to hear back from anyone for employment. We lost our health insurance that covered my health issues, and savings is running out. If you guys could please pray he finds a replacement quickly❤️
Father God in the name of Jesus, you know Molly and her situation. You know about her husband’s lay off. I pray that you work in their situation in the manner only you can do. Thank you for not ever leaving them nor forsaking them.You know what they need. Thank you for divine favor and divine appointments in the name of Jesus.
Molly, praying for Jehovah Jireh to provide for your family. I pray He surprises you today!
My family went through something similar. I am praying for you.
Hi Molly. I am a recruiter in the healthcare industry. Not sure what line of work your husband is in but happy to take a look at his resume to see if I know of any open positions.
Praying for you and your family, Molly!
Lord, I lift Molly and her family up in prayer. I pray that you would help them in this time. Bless them Father. In your mighty name we pray, amen
Praying for you and your husband, Molly!! God will provide in His perfect timing!!
Praying Molly..
Praying for your husband finds another job soon, and that the peace you feel now continues..
God is Faithful. He is good. He is Jehovah Jirah..
Jen said,
“This week, we light the peace candle and remember that reconciliation is the heart of the Christmas story —
God crossing great distances to make us whole again.”
“We sing this song at church every Christmas, and we just sang it Sunday and keeps running through my mind. The lyrics don’t specifically echo the devo, but if you prayerfully sing along, by the end you feel reconciled with God. At least, that’s how this song hits me. There’s just such reverence and awe.
By Chris Tomlin
You are the first
You go before
You are the last
Lord, You’re the encore
Your name’s in lights
For all to see
The starry Host
Declare Your glory
Glory in the highest
Glory in the highest
Glory in the highest
Apart from You
There is no God
Light of the world
The Bright and Morning Star
Your name will shine
For all to see
You are the One
You are my glory
Glory in the highest
Glory in the highest
Glory in the highest
And no one else could ever compare
To You, Lord
All the earth together declares
Glory in the highest
Glory in the highest
Glory in the highest
To You, Lord
To You, Lord
Glory in the highest
Glory in the highest
Glory in the highest
To You, Lord
To You, Lord
All the earth will sing Your praise (glory in the highest)
The moon and stars, the sun and rain (glory in)
Every nation will proclaim (the highest)
That You are God, and You will reign (glory in the highest)
So glory, glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, to You, Lord
Glory, glory, hallelujah
Songwriters: Daniel Carson, Matt Redman, Jesse Pryor Reeves, Edmond Martin Cash, Christopher D. Tomlin. For non-commercial use only.
Prayers for you dear sisters as we journey together toward our true home. Love and hugs, too. ❤
Someone already said it, but I will say it again! We need a Cee Gee worship playlist! You always share the best songs
Awww, Sophie, thanks! ❤ Our worship leader at church is to thank for a lot of them. So blessed by him and our praise team who excel on this song.
…even then, we can look to hope. Yesterday, I noticed a parent/friend, a little sad, followed by tears. All I could do at that moment is pray for her and do my best to meet a momentary need. Within 30 minutes I received a sweet message from her saying “thank-you.” Its ALL Jesus! I let her know I noticed her, and started to pray for her immediately! To God be the glory! She is a VERY sweet young mom with two adopted children. I let her know that I was so glad God chose her to be their mom. Please join me in praying for “A” My heart goes out to her!
What a gift you gave, Mari V.
Noticing, Responding, Listening, Praying…
Doing what we are called to do.
Praying. ❤
This makes me remember going to see those in the nursing home the other day. Some were so overcome just by having visitors, someone stopping by their bed to say hello, sing a merry little song, and a prayer. Oh how it blessed me. Same as going to jail to see the ones that have no one calling or visiting, or standing next to them. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, the face of him to those lonely and sad, and alone. There are many. Even those around us that seem full of life and family, they too could have the juxtaposition of sadness/joy, loneliness/business, and loss/new life.
My bestie lost her dad a week ago, yet she was knocked over in surprise with an unexpected pregnancy she had long ago put the hope aside. She is in her 7 month and the joy is there as she is mourning her dad. It’s amazing how God is always helping us through on our journey. The blessings are always there when we look for them. He even gives us his own son to be in our hearts now, In Us to guide us and protect us, and prepare us for even a greater faith.
Let us keep our hearts open to SEE what we need to see this Christmas, to give Jesus to others, for he works in us to be there for those that don’t know him, or that are seeking him, and even to our sisters and brothers that need Jesus in a special way in their valley.
This has been such a powerful start to Advent and love all the comments. Praying for all of you this season.
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
Good morning Rhonda! I know that we must “sit-together” over coffee, bible, laptop, and devotional book at-the-same-time, just in different time zones! Makes my heart HAPPY!
And in agreement with you! “Let us keep our hearts open to SEE.”
Yes, that is a beautiful thought, sweet friend! Have a great day at work, I love how you “see” the parents and people you work with!
lol, we wrote those two comments at the same time!
Beautiful! Yes!
Praying for your bestie, such hard times. Also wishing I could join you visiting the nursing homes :)
Praying. ❤
You, RHONDA J, are truly a woman after God’s heart!
You really are a wonder!
Absolutely, God bless you, double-fold, in ALL you do and give..
A true blessing to those you encounter!
Holding your bestie in prayer for her loss.❤
The blood of Jesus brings us near. Thank you, God. ❤️
These words really dug into my heart as I read them reminding me of the blessing. I was useless, but God! Hallelujah! Thank you for peace in my heart in the middle of a world of suffering.
“Christ arrives right on time to make this happen. He didn’t, and doesn’t, wait for us to get ready. He presented himself for this sacrificial death when we were far too weak and rebellious to do anything to get ourselves ready. And even if we hadn’t been so weak, we wouldn’t have known what to do anyway. We can understand someone dying for a person worth dying for, and we can understand how someone good and noble could inspire us to selfless sacrifice. But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him.”
Romans 5:6-8 MSG
Yes Amen Julia!
I have a note in my Bible beside the Jeremiah 31:31-34 passage that “this is the only time in the OT the new covenant is mentioned; the next time you see the words ‘new covenant’ is Luke 22:20.” When turning there I see this is Jesus speaking at the Lord’s Supper during Passover. I love this so much!
This is so awesome! Running to put this note in my bible as well
Thank you for this connection! Noting it as well❤️
Thanks for sharing that, Gaye! ❤
Love this!!
Sin separates, Christ reconciles. I can never be thankful enough for this truth.
KELLY (NEO) – love the analogy! I can remember teaching folks how to reconcile their checkbooks, and the puzzlement as I helped them sort things out and reminded them that it can always be reconciled … but how do you know that, they’d ask.
Thankful we have God’s word to teach us that we can know without any doubt, no puzzlement whatsoever, that Christ came to reconcile us to God, Hallelujah!
Romans 5: 10 For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. 11 And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
SOPHIE M – the smell of the wood, thank you for that thought.
KRIS – amen, why don’t we humble ourselves?? Reminded of Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
CEE GEE – ❤️ thank you … yes, O come to the altar!
SHARON JERSEY GIRL – good thought, what did hearing Lamb of God bring to mind?
LINDA J – praying for your daughter, you, her healing, her care team. Praying for the Lord’s peace for your family throughout this journey.
CHERI – praying for your son and the transplant evaluation
RHONDA J – ❤️ yesterday’s prayer
LINDA IN NC – praying, sister, for you and our other sisters (LYNNE FROM AL, NANCY S, GRAMSIESUE) as you show your love for your husbands, day by day by day. For support, encouragement, respite so that you can rejuvenate and dig a little deeper for the stamina needed. Lord, praying for these needs to be filled!
HEIDI – sister, are you still with us?
MARIA BAER – praying for your marriage! Like others, I hear you that as wives we are many times the only ones that admit there’s work needed in the relationship. A lot of prayer time committed to that very thing.
SARAH M – praying for your family, that the Lord will protect all as your daughter’s release date approaches, and praying for her healing
MARGARET W – thankful you’ve been able to attend church! Praying for continued healing, needed help, lifted spirits and renewed energy.
Thank you for your list!!
Searching, thank you for your continued prayers. The darkness seems to be slowly lifting, responding to medical treatment. I’m trying to take life one day at a time and remember that God is still the same as he is in the times when it is so easy to praise him. ❤️
Much love SEARCHING, always..❤
Family can be so hard around the holidays. We have lots of family that doesn’t know Jesus personally. This time of year always brings that into focus and causes differences in behavior and traditions. Praying for me to be able to share the light of Jesus with members of my family this year.
Praying for you right now Katy!
Praying for your family Katy!
Praying for you Katy
Lifting your family, and you, as you by your actions and love show Jesus to them.❤
All of those labels from before fall away in the light of Jesus’s life, death, & resurrection. ❤️
This will be the first Christmas in 7 years that I haven’t felt sadness for what the author referred to as: a time when estranged relationships feel extra heightened. For the past 7 Christmases, I have cried out to the Lord for healing, peace, reconciliation, all of it, especially at this time of year. I held joy and sadness at the same time. It was hard and it was a growing experience as I waited on the Lord to move and I strengthened my trust muscles that He was working even though I couldn’t see it. This year is quite a contrast. We will have ALL of our family with us. Our no-longer-estranged daughter will be at all the family celebrations. Our little granddaughter will have her first Christmas. And our son will be living closer to home. I am truly cherishing all of this and praising God for answered prayer. I believe this statement from HRT is so true: And the family is part of God’s plan for redeeming all of humankind. Don’t give up on your family. Although not all of my kids are walking with the Lord YET, the family is our starting place, the place where love and forgiveness and reconciliation can be modeled and seen.
I am rejoicing and praising with you Laura!! God is SO good!! Yes, the wait is hard, challenging, and a time of growth! The storms prepare and mold us, just as God wants!
Ditto Rhonda. Laura, I thought of your daughter as I read that line, with JOY in my heart for you. ❤
Love this Laura!!! What sweet memories you will be making.
That is wonderful ❤️
What different feelings you will experience at Christmas this year, Laura. ❤️
Laura, praising God for what He is doing in your family!
Praise the Lord ❤️❤️
Your story, Laura, reminds me of Psalm 30:5b which says
Tears may flow in the night, BUT, GOLDEN JOY, comes in the morning! ( added a few of my own words)
Rejoicing with you dear sister, of God’s goodness.. Enjoy!!❤
Oh LORD JESUS how I need Your peace and presence now and always. Holy Spirit fill me with Your presence! In Jesus name, Amen
Thank You Father
I do believe God’s word when He assures us that our sins are wiped away when we believe in Jesus Christ – and say hallelujah! Praise God!…But I such a hard time considering myself “holy in His sight and without blemish.” I am so thankful that God sees me through His “lens” and not my own. Praise God that I have been reconciled to Him through the precious blood of Christ!!
Have a blessed Tuesday sweet sisters.
Thinking of and praying for all those who are alone this Christmas, estranged from family, and for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. ❤️❤️
When I reconcile my checkbook, I’m bringing my account into alignment with the bank’s statement. When Jesus reconciled me, He brought me into alignment with God’s statments about me. Lord, help me to live aligned with Your Word.
“Chasing my tail” too! (Loved that, Tina) Praying for your requests.
I will never look at reconciling my checkbook the same way again! (And many people don’t do this anymore… and they wouldn’t see this connection, either.)
What a GREAT analogy, Kelly!! Like Adrienne I will remember this when I balance the statement! (Yes, there are still a few of us accountants and nerds who still actually balance it!:)
Jesus as God in human form is perfect love – and this love is about reconciliation and unity. The fact that God searches me out and wants me back with Him despite all my faults and sin is beautiful!
I was just having a conversation with Him on the way home from work today (now yesterday) and I was trying to reason with Him that it seems it would be so much easier and better if we could see Him and talk to Him face to face like we do with each other. Would there not be more, if not all, Believers? Would we not be more apt to live and love Holy? Isn’t it unbelief in what we can’t see and hear that keeps us separated from Him? Just thoughts/questions/curiosities that we’re running through my mind and then this message appears and He’s tapping my shoulder and saying “I’m listening and let’s have more of these conversations”.
Dana, I love this so much and I share your questions. Sometimes I think it would be so much easier if He could just appear and direct my steps but then what would my faith look like?
Dana, I have thought that many times – how much easier it would be if Jesus sat on the bed next to me and I could see Him and talk face to face. But, in not having that happen it stretches and grows our faith. We learn to trust and to wait.
There were those He lived and walked among, they could see Him, talk with Him. The disciples and others spent so much time with Jesus, yet they didn’t get Him and struggled just as we do. They doubted, they sinned, they constantly let Him down….would it be any different for me, if I lived back then??
I have envisioned Him sitting on the edge of my bed while I talk to Him.
Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
I come from a big family, I have young children excited by the tree and the twinkling lights, a new set of pj’s and a hot chocolate. Today’s reading is challenging me to see the lonely, the quiet, the ones in need at this time of year. I pray that God will show me ways in which I can help them, even if it only to remember them in my prayers. There is a flip side to the joy of the season that needs to be seen too.
So true Jessica!
I lost my son 3 years ago in November. Your description brought joy to my heart. I can so picture the new jammies and staring at the twinkling lights.
Hugs Traci❤
Ah, the simpler thing in life, and what not they bring..
Sending more joy your way, Jessica❤
Jeremiah 31:34
No longer will one teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all know me, from the least to the greatest of them”—this is the Lord’s declaration. “For I will forgive their iniquity and never again remember their sin.
“Knowing” God in covenant contexts like this involves more than just an awareness of who he is. It involves an acknowledgment of his sovereignty and whole hearted commitment to obedience to him. This is perhaps best seen in the parallelisms in [Hos 4:1]; [6:6] where “the knowledge of God” is parallel with faithfulness and steadfast love and in the context of [Hos 4] refers to obedience to the Lord’s commands.
(NET Full notes Study Bible)
“For what we need to know, of course, is not just that God exists, not just that beyond the steely brightness of the stars there is a cosmic intelligence of some kind that keeps the whole show going, but that there is a God right here in the thick of our day-by-day lives… It is not objective proof of God’s existence that we want but the experience of God’s presence. That is the miracle we are really after, and that is also, I think, the miracle we really get.”
(Frederick Buecher, cited in Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton).
We will all know the Lord.
We will all know the Lord personally, like in a one-to-one relationship.
We will all know, believe and trust His mercy, His love, His justice, His righteousness, His holiness, His forgiveness, His healing power and His everlasting peace.
“Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, as I am fully known.”
(1 Corinthians 13:12)
Have a blessed day ❤️
It is not objective proof of God’s existence that we want but the experience of God’s presence. That is the miracle we are really after, and that is also, I think, the miracle we really get.”
This really struck me this morning. Thanks for sharing. To experience God is to have the knowledge of God move to the heart. That knowledge often gets stuck between my head and my heart.
This was so good..
I shall return to comment as I am chasing my tail..
In the meantime, sending much love and warming hugs, this cold and chilly morning!
Much love,
Tina. ❤️
Love to you too
❤️ trying to hold off continuing my chase for just a bit, it’s hard to slow down once I start.
Love you, sister.
Your so funny Tina! Love you sweet lady!