
Open Your Bible

Acts 9:1-30, Acts 13:1-12, 2 Corinthians 11:18-31, 2 Timothy 4:6-8

Have you ever been to a gym with a coaching program that promises personal transformation? I’ve known people who have signed up for those, and it often works. Over the course of six weeks, their bodies went from looking like they had never set foot in a gym to approaching model-worthy. Unfortunately, most of the time, the results didn’t last. Because the thing with transformation is that it requires you to stay committed far beyond the accountability that a six-week program offers.

Unlike a fitness routine, Paul’s inner transformation was lasting. It was so quick it’s almost unbelievable. If we didn’t have his full ministry story, thanks to the New Testament, we might be more skeptical. Who is this guy who suddenly decided he was on the same team as Christ’s followers? One day he’s breathing threats and murder and the next he’s proclaiming Jesus in the synagogues (Acts 9:1, 20). What made the difference?

Christ made the difference. His calling on Paul’s life is what changed him, as God commissioned him to be a “chosen instrument” and take His name to “Gentiles, kings, and Israelites” (Acts 9:15), when Paul encountered a light from heaven. Once he’d encountered the true, living Christ, Paul never went back to his old ways of living.

Understandably, Paul received distrust from those who only knew him as a murderer, and so he had to rest in the knowledge that God knew his heart and its transformation. That’s what mattered most. God was his defender and advocate and, as we see from Barnabus’s response, He sent people from Paul’s community to advocate for him too (Acts 9:27). No matter how unbelievable it looked, the apostle’s transformation was real.

We are human beings who will inevitably fall short. There is grace for that. When it’s merely our own resolve that gets us into the gym or prompts us to give up something, the results may or may not be what we’d hope for. But when it’s God who calls us into something, there is a much better success rate. When it comes to that kind of supernatural spiritual transformation, He alone completes the work and deserves all the glory (2Corinthians 11:30–31).

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38 thoughts on "Paul"

  1. Angie says:

    I was struck by Jesus words to Saul on the road to Damascus, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” In the literal sense, Saul was persecuting humans, followers of Jesus Christ. And yet, Jesus did not say, “Why are you messing with the gospel message?” or “Why are you persecuting my followers?” Jesus asked Saul why he was persecuting Him.

    Whatever we go through in this life, goes through Jesus first. His unity and bond with us is that tight, that solid, and complete. We go through nothing alone.

    God’s love, His mercy, His grace, His vastness just keeps expanding; blowing my mind and sucking me into His heart more deeply simultaneously.

    Our past, today, every tomorrow, the ins and outs, moment by moment…were His first.

    Life reminds me of fabric patterns in a quilt. It is the hand of God that holds, caresses, cuts, and sews in the various pieces and colors. He uses the needle, pricking through to bind the pieces with the threads necessary to make our part of the quilt beautiful and His. Lights and darks, bold and pastel, patterned and plain…He works them all together. But the quilt is not ours. The quilt is His masterpiece. The quilt is made up of the fabric of every person’s life. And, as only the God of this universe could do, He blends us together.

    The quilt/tapestry idea is not a new thought to me but, the realization that the rips, tears, even wearing out of my fabric effects Jesus first and always…leaves me undone. I think, “how could Your love be that huge,” and even more scales fall from my eyes. He shows and reminds me, “My love is huge, daughter, even more than you can understand. And child, this immense love, is only the beginning – it keeps expanding – the best is yet to come. One day, like my servant Paul you will be able to say…My departure is close. I have fought the good fight and kept the faith. At that time, I, Your righteous Judge, will be waiting for you and place a crown of righteousness upon your head, earned by Jesus, for you.”

    Brothers and Sisters in Christ, He is with you in the rips, tears, and wearing-out also. His heart holds your life. His mouth prepares to speak your welcome home. His hands will hold your crown. His best is yet to come! Hallelujah! Amen.

    Yes, I am undone, so very thankful!

    1. Audrey Stokely says:

      Amen Angie ❤️

  2. Diana Fleenor says:

    Beautiful testimonies of the Lord’s transforming power in the life of Paul and the life of Tina! May each of our lives reveal this greatness of our Lord, the righteous judge who will award us on the Day, to all who have loved his appearing.

  3. Buffy Rennie says:

    ❤️thank you for sharing your story. ❤️

  4. Lizzie says:

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. -Proverbs 3:5-6
    We are born again to live for a future that is imperishable. We are being guarded by God. We rejoice, though we are grieved by various trials, for our faith is being tested, to the praise and glory of Jesus! So we love Him whom we have not yet seen, we believe with a faith that is becoming like gold. We rejoice in joy, not a fleeting happiness, but a solid contentment knowing who he is and recognizing his grace. 1 Peter 1.
    Like Paul, not one of us deserved this gift, we are ever so weak. (2 Corinthians 11:30-31) But also, like Paul, each of us have been offered immeasurable grace. Not an escape from trials, but an invitation to suffer them with Christ.
    Let us suffer with Him, looking forward, remembering that He has our backs.

  5. Taylor says:

    Thank you Tina for sharing part of your testimony. I believe that our testimony is one of our most powerful weapons for drawing others to Christ. I am right in the midst of a paradigm shift in my own testimony. After being completely heart-broken and devastated at the young age of 16, I have struggled deeply with my self-image and my worth. For years I tried to find my worth in relationships and for my boyfriends to make me feel worthy. During quarantine, I had a wake-up call and throw down with God. He was pleading with me to surrender my relationship and fall into His loving arms where He would show me where my worth truly lies, in Him.

    I’m only a few short months into this journey and it hasn’t always been easy but God (thank you Tina for making those two words stand so clearly in my mind now) BUT GOD has been so faithful. Through SRT, my friends, family, and church community, I am now learning how worthy I am because of Jesus. I find my true validation in Him. I don’t need the approval of others to find my worth, but can run to the arms of my Savior who holds me so tightly and is teaching me day by day who I am in Him.

    1. Jane K says:

      Praise God! Thank you for sharing your journey Taylor!

    2. Caitlin Ganjon says:

      Taylor, I resonate with your story, thank you for sharing ❤️

  6. Ashley White says:


  7. Churchmouse says:

    The power of testimony. Paul’s. Tina’s. And countless others who have shared here. All take us beyond ourselves and place us right in front of the grace of God. His tender mercies, new every morning. His endless love, even and especially when we rage. His profound peace, embracing us in His arms. His mighty power, propelling us forward one trembling step at a time. Yes, Tina, we lift holy hands in praise of the One who doesn’t leave us or forsake us even when we are at our ugliest. He truly makes beauty out of ashes. Great is His faithfulness.

  8. Karen Johansen says:

    Tina, thank you for your testimony to God’s healing. Your precious daughter is safe and well with Christ, and He is healing your soul and spirit even now. What a powerful witness you are today to God’s love! Thank you for allowing Him to transform your darkness into light, and to see beyond this limited time here to the blessings awaiting us with Him when we finally make it home. My parents are waiting for me there now.