
Open Your Bible

Acts 9:1-30, Acts 13:1-12, 2 Corinthians 11:18-31, 2 Timothy 4:6-8

Have you ever been to a gym with a coaching program that promises personal transformation? I’ve known people who have signed up for those, and it often works. Over the course of six weeks, their bodies went from looking like they had never set foot in a gym to approaching model-worthy. Unfortunately, most of the time, the results didn’t last. Because the thing with transformation is that it requires you to stay committed far beyond the accountability that a six-week program offers.

Unlike a fitness routine, Paul’s inner transformation was lasting. It was so quick it’s almost unbelievable. If we didn’t have his full ministry story, thanks to the New Testament, we might be more skeptical. Who is this guy who suddenly decided he was on the same team as Christ’s followers? One day he’s breathing threats and murder and the next he’s proclaiming Jesus in the synagogues (Acts 9:1, 20). What made the difference?

Christ made the difference. His calling on Paul’s life is what changed him, as God commissioned him to be a “chosen instrument” and take His name to “Gentiles, kings, and Israelites” (Acts 9:15), when Paul encountered a light from heaven. Once he’d encountered the true, living Christ, Paul never went back to his old ways of living.

Understandably, Paul received distrust from those who only knew him as a murderer, and so he had to rest in the knowledge that God knew his heart and its transformation. That’s what mattered most. God was his defender and advocate and, as we see from Barnabus’s response, He sent people from Paul’s community to advocate for him too (Acts 9:27). No matter how unbelievable it looked, the apostle’s transformation was real.

We are human beings who will inevitably fall short. There is grace for that. When it’s merely our own resolve that gets us into the gym or prompts us to give up something, the results may or may not be what we’d hope for. But when it’s God who calls us into something, there is a much better success rate. When it comes to that kind of supernatural spiritual transformation, He alone completes the work and deserves all the glory (2Corinthians 11:30–31).

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38 thoughts on "Paul"

  1. Nancy Singleton says:

    Thank you for sharing, Tina. God alone can bring us from absolute despair to eternal hope! Yes, He is so good!

  2. Wendy says:

    Tina, thank you for sharing your heartbreaking, tender testimony of transformation. Its always amazing to hear how God has worked when we are at the end of ourselves

  3. Bonnie says:

    Tina, wow. Your story is so powerful and a true testimony to the grace of God. Although our losses are painful, they are temporary as our God has given us the most amazing gift – everlasting life. Prayers for all of those who are walking through the darkness. May they know that joy DOES come in the morning. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Sherry says:

    Tina, Thank you for sharing your story. I too raged and screamed at God after the stillbirth of my little girl. It is now my testimony. I tell others God wants all of you…your sadness, your anger, your hopelessness. He will not leave you. He will walk the path with you. He will bring you to the other side…His side. But God…

  5. LeAnn says:

    Tina, thank you for sharing your testimony. I have been through a similar time of pain and raging against God but He is so faithful, so forgiving,Redeemer, Saviour, Strong Tower.

  6. Searching says:

    One thing about Paul, nothing wishy washy about him. Right or wrong, he was 100% all in.

    Devoted to the Law and not believing Jesus was the Christ? He was on a rampage to destroy everyone that did believe.

    Amazing revelation and transformation by an encounter with none other than Jesus Christ Himself? He was on a rest-of-his-life mission to tell everyone what and Who he believed and why they should as well.

    Am I all in for Christ? Are you? Lord, please give me the words and strength to speak about my faith, right time, right place, right person (heart prepared to hear).

    NKJV includes Jesus’ saying to Paul, It is hard for you to kick against the goads – which are long, sharp sticks used to get the oxen’s attention. KJV uses the word “pricks” instead of goads. Is my heart or conscience being pricked to get my attention? To speak to someone? To turn and go another way?

  7. Blessed Beth says:

    Oh Tina you are a true witness of God, I became breathless as I read this and will carry you and your testimony with me forever. Thank you for sharing you intimate story. God is and will continue to use you.
    Thank you again.

  8. Tina says:

    I had my transforming moment when 6 months after my daughter passed away, I sat in a little village church, crying out to God as I had done for the months prior, accusing, shouting, raging… then when exhausted from that (yep, six months of broken venting can do that), I sat down in that same small village church, and there God showed me the most beautiful picture I will ever see.., my daughter running through a meadow, looking radiant and happy beyond what we on earth believe happy to me, shouting as she ran through the meadow I am alright mum.. I am happy. Tears flow as I recall, these bitter sweet tears remind me that she is safe in Gods keeping, though I may miss her with every fibre of me being, I also know we WILL see each other again when my time comes..

    I tell you this, why?


    But God..

    Oh my God, But God…

    I was, daily, for months being disrespectful, accusing, shouting and down right rude, in His house, to the One who gifted my girl to me in the first place.. and yet, whilst I was still sinning, right there in the Lords house, He gave me a new hope, He slowly fixed my broken heart, (it has taken years) to see beyond the days ahead, to a time when, one day there will be no more crying or tears..

    I look back often, and I see how far God has brought me, how far I have come. He has carried me when some days have been a struggle, He has given me strength when I have doubted there to be any more strength in me, He has and continues to walk so close, oftentimes I am in awe..

    I raise my arms often, most days, my friends will attest to that, because I know not how else to thank Him, how else to give Glory and Praise Him that has turned my mourning into dancing, who promised that joy would come in the morning..

    These are my mornings.

    These are His transforming powers.

    This is His Blessings over me each new day..

    Thank you Lord God. With all that I am, Thank you. Thank you..


    Praying God turn His face to shine on you and yours today.. He is good, so so good..❤

    1. Susie Glaze says:

      Thank you, Tina for sharing your deep pain and the transforming power of Jesus working in your heart to turn mourning into dancing. I cried as I read your words this morning. But God…❤️

    2. Christina Fowlkes says:

      Thank you for sharing. I’m so glad Jesus tore the veil and made it possible for us to boldly come before the throne of grace. I’m so glad God blessed you with that vision of your daughter happier than she could ever be here on earth.

    3. Oluseyi Adediran says:

      Thank you for sharing your transformation story! It really touched me. But God!❤️

    4. Mari V says:

      I don’t get tired of reading your story Tina. As a mom myself my heart begins to ache but thankfully we have Jesus that walks us through our pain.

    5. Jane K says:

      Your life story has given me hope and encouragement to face the fears that strive to tear me down. God can and will restore, bless, protect, and bring meaning to this crazy world. And if not now, then in our real home with Him! Thank you, Tina, for sharing your story.