Paul and Barnabas in Antioch

Open Your Bible

Acts 13:1-52, Isaiah 49:6, Galatians 3:10-14

I was sitting in a circle of women discussing the topic: why is it important to read our Bible? There were a variety of answers like “knowing God more” and “having consistent disciplines.” But one gal responded: “I feel like I am not a good friend if I have not spent time in God’s Word. If a friend needs a wise word of advice, how am I going to serve her well if I cannot speak God’s Truth over her? If a friend is going through a tough time, how can I encourage her without being familiar with the Word of God? I want to be someone who is so fully-immersed in the Bible that speaking the gospel over my friends is providing exactly what they need in the situation.” 

This response really stuck with me. Not only was I convicted, but I wondered how I could serve others better if I rehearsed the gospel more often. 

Paul is a master at rehearsing the story of salvation and sharing it with large crowds of people. He is able to recount the history of God’s people, recite Old Testament scriptures from memory and clearly communicate the message of salvation in Jesus. So, when Paul and Barnabas are called on to speak a “word of encouragement” (Acts 13:15) to the people in Antioch, they are prepared. 

Our encouragement should come from the story of God and our salvation in Jesus. God’s saving power is what gives us reason to rejoice just as the people of Antioch rejoiced that day: “They rejoiced and honored the Word of the Lord, and all who had been appointed to eternal life believed” (v.48). Yet, this picture of Paul and Barnabas bringing the gospel to the people of Antioch feels so far from my personal experience. My level of “gospel fluency” (a term coined by author Jeff Vanderstelt) is severely lacking. Like becoming fluent in a foreign language, to be “gospel fluent” is to be able to interpret all of life through this new lens. 

(43) Comments

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43 thoughts on "Paul and Barnabas in Antioch"

  1. Maura says:

    So so good the Word of God. Love all your comments add to this message. The power of prayer, the Holy Spirit our help, the call of God to spend time with Him to know Him better, and the loving others with that which He has given and daily gives to us. Traci G praying for Tanner’s Spirit, per your beautiful request. Anna Kuhn praying for you and your little one. Julia Brown, praying for your daughter, peace like a river for your heart. Taylor, you know His heart for you, Praying that stirring od the Holy Spirit to awaken you when you need to. Sarah Joy and ERB love your words this morning, what depth of wealth we have in God’s word. Pray with me for the Refugees out there Sisters, God make us aware, of others their pain, isolation, need to be seen, loved. Thank you Lord God for the treasure you have for us daily, give us our daily bread Jesus, and the life, light, love we need this day. To you God Almighty, be all glory and honor and power Amen.

  2. Marilyn Jones says:

    That’s the way I am. I didn’t really start this study until this week. I’ve been trying to catch up. So that means I’m rushing it. I really should slow down and let God’s word soak into me. Then when asked a question, I would be more likely to answer it.

  3. Angie says:

    Worship-prayer-fasting-Holy Spirit guidance-prayer of commisioning-service in obedience.
    Off they go in – presenting the gospel; sort of in the form of a history lesson the listener would have known to be Truth.
    At first acceptance, then jealousy causes some to contradict and insult them.
    The gift of God was presented, then rejected. (Reminds me of the parable of the seeds sown in different soils, but I digress.)
    The Jews rejection made way for Gentiles acceptance.
    I wondered if Paul and Barnabas had thought in their own minds that the way it would work is they would go out and preach the gospel to the Jews, and many would come to Christ. I wonder if in their wildest dreams they considered that the Jews would reject it and that they would bring the message to the Gentiles? OR, were they so in-tune to the Holy Spirit that they didn’t question, just simply obeyed? As they left they shook it off (the dust on their feet a visual of what they did in their spirits) and left the rejection there and continued on, in obedience filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.
    How I long to live in that kind of strength of the Holy Spirit, complete faith, and joy – not because of circumstances but because my God, Savior and King, means that much to me and is worth it, in every moment. Could you imagine the difference we would make in the world for Him? No one really seeing us but hungry for a relationship with Jesus.
    I close quoting Acts 13:26 “Brothers and SISTERS (all caps my addition), children of Abraham’s race, and those among you who fear God, it is to us that the word of this salvation has been sent.” Praise God! Hallelujah! May we rejoice and live for Him!

  4. Rhonda J. says:

    So many thoughts this morning after Acts 13! But first, a praise that my dad is home from the hospital! Thank you for the prayers! I have to admit this feels truly miraculous because his health has been so poor for a long time now.

    I wanted to point out the last couple of sentences of Acts that we read because it is pretty big! After stirring up some anger in the leaders, they dusted off their feet and moved on! In other words, they don’t quit, they keep on going when faced with persecution. And definitely, we can apply so same line of thinking that the more we know the Word of God and are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can have an assurance to preach it, and move on and preach some more! Never quitting in the consequences, it may not always feel rewarding and that we are getting through to people, but that’s ok Know you are speaking the truth, maybe it’s seeds that will come to fruition later for them. I love Lauren Daigle’s new song “Tremble” and was listening to a preacher today read a verse from the bible that says I will tremble at your Word, or something to that affect, and thought oh, now I get that song more! lol. We must know our bible, it is God’s Word to us. Isn’t that amazing that we still have the bible after all these hundreds of years??! And to think some places ban the bible from being available and people yearn for it, and would even die just to have it. And here in America, they collect dust, and even half of Christian don’t even read their bibles!!! Crazy. Yet I am one of those. I grew up in church but didn’t read the bible daily until 7 years ago after my mom passed. We have to want to read our Bibles and make time to read our bibles. Fill up our cup in the morning with the voice of God straight to us, our lifeline, wow. SRT and your comments are also so valuable to putting the Word into context for us to understand and apply!
    The podcast is very inspiring as well!
    I hope you ladies have an amazing day! -R

  5. Kathy A says:

    I completely agree Jessi and Sarahjoy, SRT has absolutely made me consistent in getting into the word, I am so delighted to be in God’s word daily through the last year (I started last year at Advent), as I see the books pile up I can’t hardly believe it, but I am so grateful! I feel like I am growing in knowledge and connecting the Old and the New testaments, which is building my faith, but I am challenged ERB by your thoughts, how do I be so “fully immersed in the Word of God, being so familiar to and with God (& His ways) that it overflows & spills on those who need & want it”?
    Woah that’s the goal isn’t it? But how? Have a restful weekend friends ❤️

  6. Nicole Macias says:

    I loved the opening statement after the reading. I have felt like I needed a mentor for work, yes they are important but knowing God’s word will be much more helpful! Loved the reminder that we are called to be a light for this world.

  7. Erica Chiarelli says:

    I’ve been reading the Bible basically my whole life, so I cant help but feel convicted in this. Could I bring the Gospel to anyone, as they need it, without overthinking it. However I’m also encouraged because the Holy Spirit does promise to give us the Word we need..dont worry what we will speak, because He will give us what we need. So many times it says “they opened their mouths”, meaning to me, that they trusted God would give them what needed to be said. But it’s important to read, study, memorize & know. You can’t give what you dont have!

  8. Nancy Singleton says:

    Excellent guidance from God’s word today! I love the thought that I can be a better friend (wife, mother, grandmother) by first spending time as a daughter of the King!!