Paul and Barnabas in Antioch

Open Your Bible

Acts 13:1-52, Isaiah 49:6, Galatians 3:10-14

I was sitting in a circle of women discussing the topic: why is it important to read our Bible? There were a variety of answers like “knowing God more” and “having consistent disciplines.” But one gal responded: “I feel like I am not a good friend if I have not spent time in God’s Word. If a friend needs a wise word of advice, how am I going to serve her well if I cannot speak God’s Truth over her? If a friend is going through a tough time, how can I encourage her without being familiar with the Word of God? I want to be someone who is so fully-immersed in the Bible that speaking the gospel over my friends is providing exactly what they need in the situation.” 

This response really stuck with me. Not only was I convicted, but I wondered how I could serve others better if I rehearsed the gospel more often. 

Paul is a master at rehearsing the story of salvation and sharing it with large crowds of people. He is able to recount the history of God’s people, recite Old Testament scriptures from memory and clearly communicate the message of salvation in Jesus. So, when Paul and Barnabas are called on to speak a “word of encouragement” (Acts 13:15) to the people in Antioch, they are prepared. 

Our encouragement should come from the story of God and our salvation in Jesus. God’s saving power is what gives us reason to rejoice just as the people of Antioch rejoiced that day: “They rejoiced and honored the Word of the Lord, and all who had been appointed to eternal life believed” (v.48). Yet, this picture of Paul and Barnabas bringing the gospel to the people of Antioch feels so far from my personal experience. My level of “gospel fluency” (a term coined by author Jeff Vanderstelt) is severely lacking. Like becoming fluent in a foreign language, to be “gospel fluent” is to be able to interpret all of life through this new lens. 

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44 thoughts on "Paul and Barnabas in Antioch"

  1. ERB says:

    SARAHJOY, really appreciate what you posted!! Thank you!! ❤️

  2. ERB says:

    Loved what Bailey Hurley wrote this morning… being fully immersed in the Word of God, being so familiar to and with God (& His ways) that it overflows & spills on those who need & want it. What an awesome picture!! I also loved the metaphor of fluency in a foreign language and seeing things with a new lens. Very deep and SOOO Good!!! I will be reflecting on that for a bit!!

    Acts 13.. Wow! I practically highlighted the entire chapter!!!! Loved how when the disciples were worshipping they heard the Holy Spirit CLEARLY “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” ..and that it was only AFTER they had “fasted, prayed, and laid hands on them” that they sent them off!! …SUCH an incredible example…not only of the power of worship, but of the power of prayer & UNIFIED fellowship!!! Definitely made me stop and think..
    how much of my life is lived in worship? Am I unified with Christ & the body, in my ways of thinking, acting & doing? Hmm..
    LOVED how Saul told the gospel story, and how he recognized the Holy Spirit moving through him and gave Him all power & authority!!! I think specifically of the proconsul (which is basically a governor) and the sorcerer… Saul’s willingness changed not only their lives but also everyone else’s lives out there!!! God WINS, always!!! SO thankful for that!! Also loved the reminder that all we have to do is get out of the way and LET God do His thing!! All Glory and Honor be to Him always!!!
    Also found it interesting & significant how when persecution was “stirred up” against them that “Paul and Barnabas shook the dust off their feet against THEM and went”. Very significant!! I also loved that despite this “the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.” …ALL things to take NOTE of!!!

    Isaiah 49:6 “l will also make you a light for the nations, to be my salvation to the ends of the earth.”
    Galatians 3:10-14 “Law & Promise” Such a GREAT reminder!!!

    Lots to sink-in & reflect on… here’s to letting God do His thing!! Amen.

  3. Gina Cano says:

    Before reading with She Reads Truth, I had only memorized one verse in Sunday school. It’s still something that doesn’t come easy for me, but today’s reading and reflection really encourages me to keep working at it to have God’s word to guide me through each day but also to point others to his goodness and redemption. Have a blessed weekend friends!

  4. Jessi says:


  5. Jessi says:

    As someone who grew up attending church and Sunday School, but is reading the Bible only now for the first time, I can relate to today’s devotional. Since I started reading consistently, so many pieces have fallen into place and I feel much closer to God. I am so grateful for SRT and this group.

  6. Linda J says:


  7. Ruth Long says:

    Good morning everyone!
    I appreciate the gospel fluency reference. I want to be really familiar with the good news so that I actually understand how it affects my every day life. I am a bit afraid to fail though. It was very freeing to read Galatians 3:10-14, and I am reminded God loves me even if I mess up. I am no longer justified by works but by grace and faith. Thank you, Jesus.