
Open Your Bible

Matthew 21:1-11, Revelation 7:9-12

Good morning, friends. Sundays at She Reads Truth are normally Weekly Truth days, where we as a community join in the important practice of memorizing scripture together. We do have a memory verse and lock screen for you today (it’s at the bottom of this post!), but we hope you’ll join us in reading the full passage in Matthew and reflecting on Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Text: Matthew 21:1-11, Revelation 7:9-12

You know what stinks about being human? Being human. We are limited creatures. We only know what we know. Sure, hindsight is 20/20, but when it comes to foresight, we can be blind as bats. We don’t know what’s on the next page until we get there to live it.

Paul, in 1 Corinthians 13:9-12, describes this as “seeing in a mirror dimly.” But, “when perfection comes,” Paul tells us we will see clearly—no longer linear, no longer partial, but complete!

Now picture Jesus, both fully man and fully God, riding through the crowded street that day. He already saw the complete picture—beyond this Triumphal Entry—so He knew what this ride into the capital city really meant. He knew He was riding to His death at the hands of those who waved the palm branches that day.

The people cried “Hosanna”—a shout of adoration that was also the Hebrew word meaning “Oh, save now!” or “Please save!”.

Only Jesus knew the gravity of what the crowd was asking when they cried to Him, “Save us!”  And He rode on. He knew what had been and what was to come, and in love and obedience, He rode on.

I wonder if, from His seat on that donkey, Jesus thought back to His mother Mary. She journeyed on a donkey, too, toward the most hope-filled moment the world has ever known. And here He was, riding toward the darkest moment in human history. Did He think back to her?

Or maybe Jesus thought forward to that blessed day John describes in Revelation 7, when we will stand before Him in white robes as His Bride—all nations and tribes and colors and generations—waving palm branches once again, proclaiming that our salvation indeed comes from Him!

We don’t know; the Bible doesn’t tell us. He certainly knew all these things as He rode through the adoring crowds that day. And while it’s true we can’t know for sure what’s coming tomorrow or the next day the way Jesus can, we can confidently shout “Hosanna! Save us!” today, knowing He will and He did.

Hosanna in the highest! Salvation belongs to our God.  


We believe memorizing scripture is one of the best ways to carry the Word of our God with us wherever we go—to have God-breathed truth, instruction and reproof in our hearts and minds as we live unto Him each day.

This week we’ve chosen the crowd’s shout of worship and cry for salvation as Jesus rode into Jerusalem that Palm Sunday:

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!
– Matthew 21:9b, ESV

Write this verse down—copy it twenty time if that helps! Post it on your mirror or at your desk, in your car or on the fridge—anywhere you’ll see it often. Save the image below as your phone’s lock screen so you can read these words of truth throughout the day.

We want to be a community that is intentional about scripture memorization. Will you join us?



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39 thoughts on "Hosanna!"

  1. Pingback: Holy Week
  2. Kate Bee says:

    They called for Him to save them from the Romans, to be their king. He saved us all from something so much greater.

  3. Steph says:

    For this moment he came into the world. To bring light to darkness. To defeat death. To bring life! There was no other way, than what the Father had purposed from the beginning. We’ve never known such love.

    1. tina says:

      Amen Steph, and what a blessed people we are to have received and known such a Love…x

  4. Kendall_S says:

    hosanna, Lord Jesus!

    oh, save me now Jesus!

    please save me from myself for you alone are worthy of all praise and honor and glory. amen.

  5. Julie S says:

    Our Pastor Brad also spoke about the meaning of the Hebrew word “Hosanna” today, so I was able to tell my well-Bibled husband that I already knew it meant “Save Now!” from your writing!

    Blessed are they who trust in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!

  6. Erin says:

    It’s crazy that Jesus knew his fate yet had the courage to go on. His love astounds me in new ways every day

  7. Antimony says:

    He knew what was coming and he rode on. He knew that these cheers of praise would evolve into mocking jeers within a week, and He rode on. He knew that those who worshipped Him would betray and crucify Him, and He rode on. What love.

  8. ksb says:

    Grateful for this community, sisters. Asking for prayers today. Fighting for joy in some dark circumstances. Blessings on your Sunday.

    1. Bethany Cox says:

      Prayed for you just now and will continue to pray for strength and the assurance of His Presence with you throughout this week. You are not alone, sister!!

    2. Kendall_S says:

      praying for you now that you can see His light in the midst of darkness – may you know His comfort and peace that only comes from His Truth. hugs to you!!

    3. Tra says:

      Praying for you

    4. tina says:

      Praying for you ksb, know His peace, know His love, For such a time as this….is why He rode on…sending you a hug from a cold and windy England…x