One Greater than the Temple

Open Your Bible

John 1:1-3, John 1:14, Luke 2:25-32, Matthew 12:3-8, John 2:14-22, Matthew 26:57-66, Matthew 27:39-40, Mark 15:33-39

Where do you feel closest to God? Some might answer while hiking in the woods or sitting at the beach listening to the waves crash against the shore. Others might say they feel closest to God while attending their local church service, worshiping the Lord alongside their brothers and sisters. A number of believers might describe sitting at their kitchen table in the first minutes of their morning, sipping coffee and reading Scripture. Some might describe feeling nearest to God at the dinner table, laughing and eating amongst the family they love. 

For God’s people during Jesus’s time on earth, the answer would have been obvious—they would experience God’s presence at the temple. This is where they had worshiped and sacrificed to the Lord since the days of old, when Solomon reigned over a united and prosperous Israel. But Jesus boldly declared to God’s people that He Himself was the temple they were looking for—one not made by human hands but the Word made flesh dwelling among them (John 1:14). The implications of this message are extraordinary! Our experience of God’s presence is no longer restricted to a physical location but now is a forever reality through the person of Jesus. 

Jesus not only declared Himself to be the temple in which we encounter God’s presence but said that He was the One who would be destroyed and raised back up in three days (John 2:19). Truly, Jesus was destroyed—betrayed, arrested, accused, beaten, ridiculed, and crucified (Matthew 15:33-39). Christ’s body was broken for our transgressions, and He overcame death and the grave to offer anyone who would believe in Him eternal life. As magnificent and holy as the temple of the Lord was in Jerusalem, Jesus is the One greater than the temple (Matthew 12:6). The temple offered a place of momentary atonement and nearness to God. Jesus offers eternal salvation and continual intimacy with God. 

It’s this incomprehensible sacrifice and incomparable triumph that makes dwelling with God in every moment of our lives—and for all eternity—possible. Jesus has reconciled us to God. We have been brought into right relationship with God, not by our works but by God’s extravagant grace. Jesus shows us who God is and what it means to truly abide in Him. And Jesus promised us the gift of the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of God alive in us, our ever present Helper and Comforter. 

Certainly, there are moments as followers of Jesus in which we feel closer to God than others. In truth though, because of Jesus, God is always with us. Our prayer need not be, “God, draw near to me.” Through Jesus, He already has. Instead, our continual prayer can be, “Lord, help me draw near to you and to grow in my awareness of your presence.” 

(46) Comments

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46 thoughts on "One Greater than the Temple"

  1. MARTHA HIX says:

    “Lord, help me draw near to you and to grow in my awareness of your presence.”

    Yes Lord!
    Thank you for prayers for safe travel tomorrow.
    I wasn’t feeling well yesterday and thank you for your prayers for my stomach issues. Praises to God for comfort and your interceding I’m feeling better!
    I’m so grateful for this community and praying for your requests as well. ❤️

  2. Traci Gendron says:

    Lord help me to draw near to you!!

  3. Mari V says:

    YES!! In agreement with the last sentence of today’s devotion, “Lord, help me draw near to you and to grow in my awareness of your presence.“. And by the way, I feel the closest to God in my little spot, just me and Jesus, whether it be on the couch with my blanket, bible and coffee and a little light or now that it’s spring and closer to summer on a chair looking outside as the sun rises. Happy Tuesday sweet She’s!!

  4. Kim Mullins says:

    ” I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” Jesus wants our love and obedience. Sometimes we think we can please him by doing things. When all he really wants is our love.

  5. Cheryl Blow says:

    The final line of the devotional is my prayer! He is always with us. We just need to be more aware of His presence! Even in the mundane tasks of the day, He walks with us. Or as Theresa said, in C the whining and crying, He is there! So grateful for Jesus making the way for our reconciliation with God! If not for The cross, we would still have to go to the temple to feel His presence! Thank you Lord!

  6. Kris says:

    I feel closest to God when I’m out walking. I don’t take my phone with me and I don’t walk fast. I just walk, and listen, and tell God things, and watch the birds and squirrels, and sometimes walk by the water. I hear God best when I’m quiet and slow. And it’s lovely. I once went kayaking on a slow river thru the middle of nowhere, and it was really quiet except for the buzzing and chirping of the insects along the river’s edge. And I thought, this is what it was like when Jesus was alive. No radios playing, no cars rushing by. Just quiet. It was so peaceful, so beautiful. I really think we need more quiet in our lives. Times when we turn everything off and just let God’s creation envelope us. Jesus lived in quietness. He wasn’t in a hurry. He didn’t have to have music playing all the time. He didn’t have to watch the morning news. He wasn’t attached to His phone. We need to learn something from His lifestyle.

  7. Claire B says:


  8. GramsieSue says:

    Thanks for prayers. Steve did well with the infusion yesterday. Praying this helps his body to heal.
    Hugs and prayers for all of you today. ❤️