one body through one gospel

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 3:1-13

[Together as a She Reads Truth community, we are reading through Ephesians. Sign up for the reading plan here!]

Text: Ephesians 3:1-13

I like a good mystery.  An old crinkled up paperback with a cup of coffee and a blanket. But, oh my word – how much better a mystery involving Christ, His love for me, and the incredibly Good News of what He’s done for me.

In this passage, Paul lets us know there was a great mystery, it is part of His calling to reveal that great mystery, and it’s a secret that hasn’t been known to generations in the past. Let’s lean in close and listen carefully.

Verse six says, “the mystery is that that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakes of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.” (ESV) This, friends is the definition of Good News for us.

Up until this time it was believed that you had to be born in – you had to be a Jew, an heir, a partaker in True Life based on the heritage of your blood. What Paul explains is that Jesus’ blood has nullified the law and the hierarchy – making us, gentiles (non-Jews) partakers in the Life that He offers by faith through grace.

It’s a crazy and big idea to be chosen and reborn into a family, belonging to Somebody, the only One who matters and created this world and to state like Paul, “I am the very least of all the saints…” (vs 8 ESV). How does it shift your day, your purpose to know that you are a nobody who is loved, called, set apart by Somebody?

Are you exercising your life with the “boldness and access with confidence through our faith in Him” (vs 12 ESV) – as an heir? As a daughter?

(22) Comments

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22 thoughts on "one body through one gospel"

  1. RM says:

    I’m thankful for these devotions. Please pray as I grow in my relationship with God. There are times when I lose focus and feel defeated…then I’m reminded of the hope and victory I have in Him.

  2. Latesia says:

    God has given us Grace and Favor even though we were unworthy of it. That's why i am so happy that God has given us another chance by dying on the Cross for our sins. I love having a relationship with him. Everyday I have been growing and getting closer to the Lord. It really does make a difference when you worship and spend time in God's word. I feel so much more at peace.

  3. PJ_Sigma22 says:

    This has definitely been on my mind in the past weeks. More so that ‘Christians’ will crusify of flesh other relations and other Christians as well according to their own judgement. I firmly believe that everything works together for the glory of God. If we spent more time focused on our own promises, dedicated to our own relationship, believing in the word of God that says for all have sinned… The wages of sin… We should all be dead. But due to Gods grace and mercy we have another chance day in and day out. God is a wonderful God! He says that we are his children, to have for his own! Amen! I wish we spent more time being true to the word of God than trying to fulfill our own prophesy. Thank you Lord for saving my soul. #Amen

  4. vjlcpht says:

    God's original plan was for the Jews to spread the word of God to bring the Gentiles to a belief in God. Yes, they are the chosen people. But not just chosen to worship Him alone, chosen to share Him. I don't think they fully understood that goal. So Christ came as an example to the Jews of the way in which they too are to share the Gospel. When they still did'n't quit get it, He used Paul ( the most devout of Jews ) to spread the message to everyone. I am so thankful that Jesus set that example and that through the Holy Spirit I heard and understood the message ( mystery ). I , you , we all are chosen . That is the most powerful part of the "mystery" to me. That He has always known me and chosen me even before I knew or chose Him. I will face this day with renewed confidence and peace. " If God is for us…. Who can stand against us !!! "

  5. Natalie says:

    I love the questions at the end of the Devo today because they are making me get real and raw. I know no one lives in the power and purpose of God perfectly this side of heaven; however, how often am I living in this truth? When I am, do I really live it out as a daughter of the Most High? My husband and I ask each other the question about once a year… What would I do if I knew I wouldn’t fail for God? Today reminded me to take that more seriously and not to get caught up in this world, but to live as His daughter accomplishing great things for Him and inviting others to do the same.