one body through one gospel

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 3:1-13

[Together as a She Reads Truth community, we are reading through Ephesians. Sign up for the reading plan here!]

Text: Ephesians 3:1-13

I like a good mystery.  An old crinkled up paperback with a cup of coffee and a blanket. But, oh my word – how much better a mystery involving Christ, His love for me, and the incredibly Good News of what He’s done for me.

In this passage, Paul lets us know there was a great mystery, it is part of His calling to reveal that great mystery, and it’s a secret that hasn’t been known to generations in the past. Let’s lean in close and listen carefully.

Verse six says, “the mystery is that that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakes of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.” (ESV) This, friends is the definition of Good News for us.

Up until this time it was believed that you had to be born in – you had to be a Jew, an heir, a partaker in True Life based on the heritage of your blood. What Paul explains is that Jesus’ blood has nullified the law and the hierarchy – making us, gentiles (non-Jews) partakers in the Life that He offers by faith through grace.

It’s a crazy and big idea to be chosen and reborn into a family, belonging to Somebody, the only One who matters and created this world and to state like Paul, “I am the very least of all the saints…” (vs 8 ESV). How does it shift your day, your purpose to know that you are a nobody who is loved, called, set apart by Somebody?

Are you exercising your life with the “boldness and access with confidence through our faith in Him” (vs 12 ESV) – as an heir? As a daughter?

(22) Comments

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22 thoughts on "one body through one gospel"

  1. I can actually understand exactly how Paul feels in this chapter because God has given me the ability to be able to understand the message of Christ in a way that many cannot. He has given me the gift of being able to understand the Scriptures in a way that others can understand. With that comes a lot of suffering sometimes because some people will try to come against those who have this gift. But just know that it is worth it because the Gospel is the greatest thing ever known to mankind’

  2. Perry says:

    I think a lot of times we as believers limit ourselves to what is possible only in man’s eyes never in God’s eyes. In addition, I think we all at some point struggle with the idea that Christ already considers us as part of His family before we even accept Him as part of ours. I know I for one struggle with being confident in Christ and knowing that everything will be alright because He has already called it to be. These verses challenge me to step out on faith and accept the love that Christ so willingly offers.

  3. Debora says:

    I just want to say Thank you for the message, very inspirring

  4. hopejoypeace says:

    I love verse 12: "When we trust in Him, we're free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go." (the Message)

    This is the power of surrendering it all to God! Surrender = Freedom

  5. merritts79 says:

    You know, I've been in church all my life and read Paul's writings for years. I think until this very minute, I always thought of myself as one of the "insiders", as he says, because I thought he was talking about Christians and non-Christians, but he's not! He's talking about Jews and Gentiles and that means I'm an "outsider"! Praise God that He made a way for "outsiders/non-Jews" like me to spend eternity with Him!

  6. Kristen says:

    @Jenn, when you open the plan, click on the gear (setting menu) on the bottom of the screen and catch up the plan. It will move the does unread day to today…it’ll catch you up whether you’re behind or ahead

  7. Jenn says:

    This is more of a maintenance question. I started late, but wanted to keep on track with the community so I read ahead and caught up. Is there a way in youversion to direct it that I've completed additional days. It's tracking based on my start date and I'd like to modify it. Any help is greatly appreciated. THANKS AND GOD BLESS!


  8. Aneta Nina says:

    we all need to be reminded of this…we have so much power through Christ to change things here on earth! thank you for this reminder and encouragement!!