New Covenant Ministry

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 9:1-28, Leviticus 16:6-19, 1 Timothy 2:5-6

A few doors down from us lives a Muslim family with kids similar in age to our son. They are devout—they practice Ramadan, fasting, and have rhythms of learning the Koran with their kids. 

Their family seems to mirror how our family is devout in our faith—we pray together, attend church, and recite the truths of Scripture with our family.  

We are both sincere in our beliefs and catechizing our kids. Which of us is following a true God? This is not meant to be an apologetic devotional, only to ask the question, and remind ourselves—Why do we follow Jesus? 

Is it because He had principles for how life can go well for us? Is it because culturally we enjoy going to church and being part of a community? Is it because we think obedience will lead to a better life? 

Or is it because He died and rose again as our Great High Priest?

The book of Hebrews is a gold mine of biblical doctrine. The early Church knew that what we believe matters, and we should too. What does the theology of Jesus being our sacrificial lamb and High Priest mean for us practically?

First, we can trust in the purifying blood of Jesus today (Hebrews 9:13–14). The Israelites had the Levite priests as mediators between God and man. The tabernacle and sacrificial system served as a physical representation of the bloody and violent nature of sin and what is required for redemption. Let your senses wander to the sights, smells, and noises of the priests sacrificing an animal. Atoning for sin is not tame. Jesus dying and resurrecting covered our sin once and for all. 

Second, we have obtained eternal redemption (v.15). Jesus’s death and resurrection fulfilled the sacrificial law. If you ever wonder why we don’t sacrifice animals anymore, this is why. As the God-man, His sacrifice atoned for the wages of sin, and forgiveness has been extended to us as believers—forever (v.26).

Finally, we can rest in the promise that He will come back for us (v.28). We are weary, aren’t we? Raising a family is demanding. A full-time desk job feels futile. Our broken bodies groan. We feel as though we can’t take one more devastating news story. 

Our Jesus is coming back for us. Let us keep our hearts ever resting in His finished work on the cross, as the “good things that have come” (v.11) as we also look forward to the good things to come.

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44 thoughts on "New Covenant Ministry"

  1. Jennifer Anapol says:

    My favorite thing about the new covenant is that we can meet with Jesus. We don’t need to sacrifice anything to meet with him, since Jesus is our sacrifice.

  2. Mercy says:

    I rejoiced after reading Hebrews 9 several times today. I had to read in different translations to soak it in. Lord I need understanding and I would not stop until I have some. The sacrifice of Jesus gives us such privacy, when transitioning from being atoned to being cleansed. After reading HRT, I realized the possible shame as someone (a sinner) could bear in the ceremonial ritual, in the presence of priests and animals, there was pressure for sure, the sinner could endure the wondering looks of people “what kind of sin this person could have committed?” through the eyes of people. That could be harsh. It could be a possible parade of their own shame for the community of priests to know, with the expensive cost to buy cattles as well. But with Jesus it’s a private acknowledgement of the heart, a private repentance, without the partaking of onlooking eyes and splashing of blood from animals that could cost a few months worth of household income to buy. It’s all between the Lord and the person. It is a gentle process. Something I noticed and liked to point out, His sacrifice is ONCE and for all, but our repentance needs to be CONTINUAL, better yet if it is a daily repentance/ daily self-reflection through reading the Word/looking in the mirror to find blemishes on ourselves, and have God remove, (1 John 1:9), to shift awareness into actions. Mind us, we can’t cleanse ourselves, but we can confess and God is faithful to cleanse. Be blessed dear sisters.

  3. Donna Wolcott says:

    Dear sisters, thank you for all the beautiful comments today and really everyday. I join you in rejoicing and looking forward to being brought home.

  4. Annie says:

    Jesus is coming back for us. The Hope I cling to.

    I pray each of us remembers the Truth as we hear of the sadness in this world. We have the one True Hope to hold on to.

    “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; grief, crying, and pain will be no more, because the previous things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

    Thanks be to God!

  5. Kimberly Z says:

    @Sarah D praying for you! I too feel like my comments on here can be down so don’t feel bad for it. We are all here to encourage one another. Usually when we are at our breaking point and want to to quit that’s when God will make it clear what he wants you to do. Hang in there!

  6. Audren Bruszer says:

    @L Maddox you are not alone in hearing those lies. The unnecessary shame can feel so defeating at times. Thank you for posting that comment❤️

  7. Rhonda Jury says:

    Dear TINA…I smiled as I read your words. Thank you for sharing. May you have a blessed day in hopeful waiting for the Good to come. ❤️

  8. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    In this chapter of Hebrews the phrase “once for all” is mentioned 3 times. Unlike the high priests of the Old Testament, who had to enter the Holy Place once a year to offer a blood sacrifice for his sins and the sins of the people – Jesus entered one time – once for all! He has appeared once for all, to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Christ was sacrificed once for all to take away the sins of many – that those who are called (me & you) may receive the promised eternal inheritance.

    What does this mean for me, and all other believers? It means that all my sin (past, present & future) are covered by the blood of Jesus, never more to be remembered! (Hebrews 8:12) Which – through prayer allows me access to heaven, God’s throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16), and one day I will enter into eternal rest – my heavenly home reserved for me! (1 Peter 1:4) Hallelujah! Oh what a day of rejoicing that will be!!

    @Sarah D – praying for you – may God grant you the wisdom & direction to make the right decision, and may He give you peace from your anxiety while you wait on Him.

    @Tina – ❤️

    A blessed Thursday to all my SRT sisters!