building with one hand and bracing with the other

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 4:1-14, 1 Chronicles 29:11

Text: Nehemiah 4:1-14, 1 Chronicles 29:11

We’ve seen that Nehemiah faced his share of opposition from early on when he set out to rebuild the wall.

Even before he started building, there were the naysayers, the doubters and the discouragers.  Those of us who have stepped out in faith to do something a little less than popular can no doubt relate.  Sometimes it is a startling task or sometimes it’s simply walking in Truth that has others coming out of the woodwork to stand in our way.

Regardless of what the Lord is asking you to do in obedience, how are you responding to the opposition?  Knowing His power to make His will happen is not an invitation to rest.  In fact, it is in these times we need to keep on building with one hand and bracing ourselves for the attacks with the other.  Because when we step out in His name, the attacks will come.

We must guard our hearts, day and night.  (Nehemiah 4:9, NIV)

We must post our defenses in our weakest points, ready to defend, with other followers, with the strength of His word, with the power of the Holy Spirit. (Nehemiah 4:13, NIV)

We continue with our work, defending not out of fear, but out of love.  For as followers, we know we can be secure in His greatness, crying out to Him, “The power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.”  (1 Chronicles 29:11, NIV)

So how will you respond to the opposition in your walk today?  Will you drop your trowel and walk away from the task?  Or will you defend what God has put on your heart to do and brace yourself with Truth?

We’re praying for you, sisters, and we’re by your side, step-by-step and brick-by-brick.  Let’s let no one put an end to the work we are doing for His kingdom.


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43 thoughts on "building with one hand and bracing with the other"

  1. shassmom3 says:

    After reading this devotional today I became very frustrated… I have been praying for some time that God would reveal my purpose. Side note (I have also been praying that God would put true Christians into my teen children’s lives…People that would encourage them to have a deeper relationship with God.)

    How can I be obedient if he won’t tell me what I am supposed to be doing. For just a brief second my children needing more God in their lives popped into my head. Thinking that can't possibly be it, they don't listen to me, there friends are more important to them, I wouldn't even know how to go about teaching them….My list of reasons why God wouldn't want me to be the one quickly went through my mind , then I pushed them away!

    I continued to pray and rack my brain about what God wants me to be doing. Thinking it must be something big. Something exciting, maybe even fun! Then I started reading everyone's comments. I came across Sue’s :) entry and realized that he has been telling me all along what he wants me to be doing. Unfortunately, I am the naysayer and doubter in my story :-( Why would God choose me to accomplish this job?

    If this is what God wants me to do then I need to be strong and courageous, and do the work. As David tells Solomon in (1 Chron 28:20) "Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work is finished"

    I have no idea where to start, so I'm going to need all the help I can get from my fellow sisters in Christ. Please pray for me, that God will open my eyes and show me the best way to approach the task he has given me.

  2. Laresa says:

    What a great devotion today (I got a little behind over the weekend:)) I am really enjoying reading Nehemiah with you.

  3. Sheila says:

    Stacy, great points you made. I feel those obstacles in a situation at work. I know i am there to help this one young lady be a better employee, use more discretion in her work and become more mature. But when an issue arises I know I have to say something, it is my moment, and satan makes me weak, and at a loss for words or direction. An hour later, I come up with what would have been the perfect thing to say. At least now I have the clarity to understand why I have been so "speechless" about it. Thanks for your comment.

  4. Ellen MR says:

    Yes! Thank you Sue!!
    What an excellent point! I HAVE been battling Satan for my son, and as you said Stacy- what better way then to raise my girls and son to be good solid Christians?!
    Thanks Ladies!

  5. Sue:) says:

    Before I entered into this plan of Nehemiah, I felt God calling me to be his vessel in my small community of family. I had been hoping that it would be bigger plan than ??my family??? But, oh our God surely knows what He is about, and my family truly needs to find their true walk in His grace.

    Imagine my surprise when Nehemiah started pointing to the working on of community,(my family)…I saw God only reinforcing this direct call to me. And greater yet was my surprise when quite literally, in verse 14, Nehemiah states "…Fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes". My heart literally skipped a beat.

    Ladies, there is sooo much wealth in this book of the OT. Our families are under attack. Are we focusing enough on our families? Are we building them within the walls of God, protecting them with His full armour? What a call to arms and prayer.

    Thank you #Srt for this. God is moving within my family, and I know He is great and awesome.

    1. Stacy says:

      This really hit home. I SO want to lead a Bible study in my church or neighborhood. Shhh…that's one of those things I've been trying to keep quiet about (Neh. 2:12). :-)

      But, your comment has really convicted me that I need to make sure I'm fighting for those that God has entrusted to me right within these walls (4 little girls!) That doesn't mean that I will not do something else but that something else will never be "bigger" than raising these girls to be godly, Christ following women of faith.

      Thank you, Sue!

    2. shassmom3 says:

      God sent me to your comments to show me that I have been avoiding the task that he has given me. I posted a longer comment explaining my walk with God this morning. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Candace says:

    "Because when you step out in his name the attacks will come" that right there!!! Last night I shared with a friend I was celibate and she told me how crazy I was and tried to put doubt into my mind but I'm going to keep on because I know what god told me about my further and the plans he has for me! I needed this today it's encouragement!