building with one hand and bracing with the other

Open Your Bible

Nehemiah 4:1-14, 1 Chronicles 29:11

Text: Nehemiah 4:1-14, 1 Chronicles 29:11

We’ve seen that Nehemiah faced his share of opposition from early on when he set out to rebuild the wall.

Even before he started building, there were the naysayers, the doubters and the discouragers.  Those of us who have stepped out in faith to do something a little less than popular can no doubt relate.  Sometimes it is a startling task or sometimes it’s simply walking in Truth that has others coming out of the woodwork to stand in our way.

Regardless of what the Lord is asking you to do in obedience, how are you responding to the opposition?  Knowing His power to make His will happen is not an invitation to rest.  In fact, it is in these times we need to keep on building with one hand and bracing ourselves for the attacks with the other.  Because when we step out in His name, the attacks will come.

We must guard our hearts, day and night.  (Nehemiah 4:9, NIV)

We must post our defenses in our weakest points, ready to defend, with other followers, with the strength of His word, with the power of the Holy Spirit. (Nehemiah 4:13, NIV)

We continue with our work, defending not out of fear, but out of love.  For as followers, we know we can be secure in His greatness, crying out to Him, “The power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.”  (1 Chronicles 29:11, NIV)

So how will you respond to the opposition in your walk today?  Will you drop your trowel and walk away from the task?  Or will you defend what God has put on your heart to do and brace yourself with Truth?

We’re praying for you, sisters, and we’re by your side, step-by-step and brick-by-brick.  Let’s let no one put an end to the work we are doing for His kingdom.


(43) Comments

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43 thoughts on "building with one hand and bracing with the other"

  1. Ellen MR says:

    Peggy, Thanx too, for all the extra digging and research – it helps! ;)

    1. Peggy says:

      Bless you Ellen! No digging today just yesterday. Today's was just something I enjoyed that God laid before me. It's really all about Him! So you already got the main part. Stand firm sis…you're walking on a Solid Foundation! The Cornerstone is Jesus!

      EnJOY a wonderful SONday!!!

  2. Ellen MR says:

    Diana, I also like your suggestion! And to STAND FIRM!! No matter what. Yay! :)

  3. Ellen MR says:

    Cynthia, love, love, LOVE what you posted!! Gave me goose bumps even! You got it right Sister- it’s not about me, I’m a vessel that hopefully He sees fit to use for HIS glory. And I really need to protect myself from myself! Satan planting those doubts and thoughts of inability or impossibility have got to GO!! I’m like JuneBug and beat myself up better than anyone! And the enemy knows this! I make his job soo easy…
    As Stacy laid it out so clearly- I’ve got to engrave that in my memory and remember that God has this! As always…
    Praying for you Becks. Walk strong forward in faith Sister!
    Thanks Ladies for all the insights . I’m thankful for this community and all the walls being built in it! It’s so wonderful seeing everyone walking in faith, working for His glory!
    Have a beautiful and blessed weekend! :)

  4. Julie V. says:

    I am loving this study. I plan to memorize verse 14 as a type of ‘battle cry’ to remind me during the tough times.

    Thankful for such a great group of women, you guys have the best comments and insights. You made my Saturday so much brighter! ((hugs)))

  5. jesusgirl71 says:

    I first read this and thought that I coiuldn't think of a big specific task that was causing me this issue. then, I realized it's not just about that. it is about the little things, the everyday things. Every day, I get at least one customer who drives me nuts and wants to make me lose patience. There is always something the enemy is trying to do to trip me up. and this applies even to those seemingly small situations. We are to focus on God, for he is the all-sufficient one, the One who can give me the strength to perservere, to gain the victory!

  6. JuneBug says:

    Opposition, naysayers, doubters and discouragers. No one is better at exposing my weak, hole-y, mangled parts than me. If there is something that I'm especially good at, it's beating myself up before anyone else can. So my first thought after reading today's portion is, shoot!…Why am I not defending my heart and my mind? Why am I not guarding the Word that God has sealed in me? Am I ready to fight for it?

    Thank you for the reminder Cynthia about putting on the armor of God. I have been walking with the Lord for many, many years (despite a few angry years in between) and keep forgetting that I am to wear some armor here on earth. When a little opposition comes my way, I often sow that seed of doubt instead of flicking it away.

    Yes, trouble will come. It's my job to find those weak, breached "walls" of my heart and my mind with an intended purpose. To ask God to help me stand guard and FIGHT to turn those breaches into strong fortresses for His glory. Blessings sisters!

    1. Peggy says:

      Our own worse critic! Yeah…me too JuneBug! Really wonderful personal application! … Thanks for sharing them aloud! Praying that God help you stand and fight as you turn those "breaches" in the walls of your heart and mind "into strong fortresses for His glory" as you daily put on your full armor, stand and be courageous, block those personal thoughts that attack as opposition, naysayer, doubter or discourager as you walk victoriously into where He has purposed and called you. No holding back. No more negative chatter. You are more than able!!! (Eph. 3:20) You are more than a conqueror! (Romans 8:37) Take heart! as Jesus tells us in John 16:33; "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

      Peace in Christ, press on! (Phil. 4:13)

  7. 1 Chronicles 29:11 on it's own is amazing but keep reading! Check out the next verse. Together they read like this:

    Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.

    If you ever wonder who is in all, over all, under all, and in control of all, read these words from King David. No matter how we fight and struggle we can't win or lose. It is ALL the LORD

    Much Grace Ladies

  8. Stacy says:

    When we are about our Father's business, the enemy does not like it. Satan is clever, but he isn't creative. He uses the same tactics over and over and we need to be able to recognize them.

    vs. 1 – He will cause people to be angry about what we are doing.
    vs. 1 – He will cause people to jeer. This is a Hebrew word that means to mock, laugh at or ridicule.
    vs. 8 – He will put obstacles in our way in an attempt to make us quit.
    vs. 8 – He is the author of confusion. He will make us question our task, our motives, our abilities, etc.
    vs.10 – He wants us to feel overwhelmed, weak, ill equipped to bear the burden.

    We must recognize Satan and remember the Lord. Satan does not have a single trick in his bag that God has not already defeated.

    1. Peggy says:

      Oh AMEN Stacy! Good insights in each verse! Great combat/tactic words of advice! Thanks for the fantastic reminders that the enemy is defeated! Jesus conquered our foe once and for all now we just need to accept, believe and confess the Truth …Hallelujah! Thanks Stacy!

      1. Stacy says:

        Thanks, Peggy. I have done several of the studies with this group but have never participated in the blog posts/discussions. I am so glad I am this time. What great comments and I so appreciate your spirit and love for the Word. :)

    2. Amanda says:

      Thank you, Stacy. It's always a good time to remember Satan is a defeated foe: that what seems like such large opposition at the time (and maybe it is) can be taken care of by an Almighty God that is immeasurable.

      1. Stacy says:

        A defeated foe, indeed!

    3. Sue:) says:

      Wow Stacy! This really hit home because when I turned my life over to God last year, I was hit by every single tactic that you have pointed out above. I knew it was all from Satan, but I did not catch the correlation to Nehemiah until you reflected on this now. I am so glad that I kept turning to God who protected me. I really see the connection to the spiritual battleground that Cynthis spoke of, and how it is always being fought.

      Eye opening for me. Thank you, and to our most Holy God who rescued me.

      1. Stacy says:

        I love how you say that Satan kept attacking and you kept turning to God. Too often, we try to fight evil on our own and we fail miserably. We just need to keep turning to God for protection and strength for the day. Love this, my friend.

        So thankful that you turned your life over to Him. I hope you have a great day!