Naomi’s Family in Moab

Open Your Bible

Ruth 1:1-5, Judges 2:11-19, Judges 21:25, 1 Timothy 5:4-8

Today’s reading is all about what it means to have family ties. Raise your hand if that makes you picture a young Michael J. Fox with feathered hair and a sweater vest. No? If you didn’t grow up under the tutelage of eighties sitcoms, all you need to know is this: Alex P. Keaton and family always had a little drama brewing. But, thirty minutes and some live studio audience laughter later, things seemed to work themselves out. 

Alas, you and I aren’t living in an eighties sitcom. Real-life is happening, and we’re in the thick of it. Relationship issues don’t always resolve with a sincere side hug, and problems aren’t limited to finding a date for the school dance. 

Life is hard. It is beautiful, yes, but gosh, is it hard. Dear friends suffering from deep depression, family members whose loss stings as sharply as when their loved one first left, hungry and enslaved children around the world, and wars that rage on for reasons long forgotten. Not to mention, the stack of dishes in the sink, the pile of unpaid bills on the counter, and the decision you can’t bear to make. 

The book of Ruth is a book about real life. It is the story of a family and one woman in particular. She was loyal and loving, hardworking and humble—an ordinary woman who led an ordinary life. Ruth’s ordinary story is much like yours and mine; it bears the fingerprints of an extraordinary God. 

Just five verses in, the scene is set for the story, and straightaway, you can tell it’s not a happily-ever-after kind of tale. Naomi has lost her husband, a loss with serious implications for a woman in her culture. Then, just ten years later, she loses both of her sons. Now, she is a childless widow with no means to care for herself or her two surviving daughters-in-law. 

This is a real-life story of real-life suffering. And let’s be honest—doesn’t that bring you a little relief? It is not a story of kings or princes, great leaders, or the grand turn of epic events. This is just the story of a family facing loss, grief, and uncertainty and the God who cares intimately about it all, every single detail. 

Let’s venture into this story set in the same town where Christ would be born. Let’s enter into the life of this unconventional family; ordinary folk God would use to bring about the coming of His kingdom in Christ Jesus. And let’s see what God has to teach us about His faithfulness right here, in our hard and beautiful lives. 

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234 thoughts on "Naomi’s Family in Moab"

  1. Morgan Brinsfield says:

    Excited to get back into reading the bible. I love god and he brings me such peace.

  2. Emma Wolthuis says:

    Cant wait to read what happens and relate my life to ruth!

  3. ansley jennings says:

    Hoping this helps keep me devoted to reading the word!

  4. Sarah Rugh says:

    Hoping this app can help me with consistency!

  5. Lucy Jamieson says:

    For a woman who went through so much and still looked to God, I hope this teaches me something about enduring Faith.

  6. Amber says:

    As I currently have a mess going on in my immediate family, especially the relationship with my father, I’m hoping God will show me insight and wisdom to the faith of Ruth.

  7. Heather Noble says:

    I am struggling to want to care for my current, broken home vs leaving everything behind before moving in February to be with my fiancé. So far, this reading is revealing the importance finding faith to show up for your household.

  8. Ashley Sharp says:

    My beloved grandmother “Ruth” just died. I can’t wait to read this series about her namesake ❤️

  9. Shelly Stubblefield says:

    Feels good to be back in the word daily!

  10. Tae Nailing says:

    First day excited to learn more!!

  11. Talitha Anoniem says:

    This is so great .I’m so happy to read this

  12. Rachell Bea says:

    Finished day 1 and excited ❤️

  13. Zion Price says:

    Ready to find the message God has for
    Me. He sent a 18 year old girl to the book of Ruth.

  14. Lily B says:

    I am very excited to study Ruth!

  15. Pamela Anglero says:

    Just started ❤️ excited to learn more!

  16. Keeley Lee says:

    Excited to be here and to get back on track.

  17. Morgan Tarpley says:

    Can’t wait to learn more about such a strong, loyal woman.

  18. Lily Kitting says:

    I’m really trying to “get back on track”. I know God has a plan and that His word is the Way, the Truth and the Life, I just need a push to be reminded that even through my ordinary life where it feels so mundane at times- there is so much more. Really looking forward to reading through Ruth.

  19. Peg McCormick says:

    13 years ago, my husband and the father of our five children left us suddenly to be with the Lord. It was his day. I was blessed to be married again. The Lord brought me a Boaz. A dear man who had never been married and had no children. He had the courage to marry a widow with five adult children. This story is really special to me. Looking forward to this study.

  20. Ruth Belloso says:

    As a Ruth I really wanted to understand my name better and it’s meaning of faithful friend.

  21. Jenee Grove says:

    So excited I picked to start with the story of Ruth

  22. Jessica Droscha says:

    I am a young widow with three young children. I always loved the story of Ruth when I read it in the past, now it brings on a whole new meaning. I am looking forward to falling in love with the truths of this story all over again.

  23. Kaylee Mahoney says:

    Can’t wait to really get to know Ruth and her family! ✨

  24. rachel rees says:

    I taught through the book of Ruth several times when I was a young single youth leader. Every detail is close to my heart. Every Jewish tradition we learn about here has a deep and profound application to our present day lives and it is all so precious. I recently and finally had to end my marriage after years of emotional abuse and infidelity. This was the first book I turned to. For those of you facing an upturned life much like Ruth and Naomi, there is a Kinsman-Redeemer. He has chosen you as His bride and joy will come in the morning.

  25. jasmine azua says:

    Day 1 reading Ruth ! God is faithful and so so good!

  26. Tallia Lee says:

    Excited to read Ruth. I’m just beginning and I picked this plan at random after recalling hearing of Ruth. It is so right on time for me.

  27. Madyson Ross says:

    So excited to start my journey in reading and studying Ruth!!

  28. Trista Whitman says:

    Sending you so much love and even more prayers. Hang in there. I can’t imagine your strength.

  29. Rebecca Huey says:

    My husband died last year. We had 50+ years together. Everyday I saw Jesus in him and he was the love of my life. I’m blessed by our 4 children and grandchildren. Yet, I can feel the the loneliness of these three women.

  30. Allison Land says:

    Excited to start this study

  31. Kayla Stumbo says:

    Very excited to dive into this!

  32. Caroline Bland says:

    Im excited to start this journey with God! I am starting with Ruth.

  33. Marena Watson says:

    I love that connection. I didn’t realize it wither

  34. S. Jackson says:

    We are ordinary women immersed in extraordinary love of God; we must believe that even when we are in our hopeless stages. What a befitting time to read the above devotional on Mother’s Day. I am encouraged, enlightened and inspired to continue to serve God and trust his plan; building my hope in him no matter the current situations.

  35. Keri LeeKnapp says:

    It’s has Paul says we will suffer but God will get us through

  36. Keri LeeKnapp says:

    It’s as Paul says, We are going to suffer but God will lead us out’ ❤️

  37. Meri Anglyn says:

    God is able to use anything for good.

  38. Meri Anglyn says:

    God can use anything for good ❣️

  39. Christa Alford says:

    I have always loved the story of Ruth, and yet this year it is really hitting home for me…loss and hope! Praise God for His Light, His mercy, and His love!

  40. Rachel says:

    I am so relieved that this story is based on the reality of life. Pain, grief, suffering, love for family and everything in between.

  41. Ashley Jamison says:

    This is so true for so many. But thank God for allowing our pain to have purpose !!

  42. Grace Barnhart says:

    I didn’t realize that the story takes place in the same town where Jesus would be born! Love the story of Ruth! ❤️❤️

  43. Megan Clack says:

    Jumping back in to being intentional about my relationship with God. Ruth is my favorite book, what better place to start!

  44. Mackenzie Spivey says:

    an amazing realization of how much faithfulness God has in our lives

  45. Angelina Lundberg says:

    He cares about every single detail in our lives. He will provide, He will answer, and He will always remain faithful ❤️

  46. Sasha Beloglazova says:

    a story about his faithfulness in the midst of our suffering – love this so much!

  47. Calayiah Cartlidge says:

    I want to become a true loyal woman of God , I am his daughter ❤️

  48. Heather Warren says:

    Excited to dig in God’s word again! Homeschooling 4 of my 5 kids and going back to school because moneys tight. I want to focus on God .

  49. Brittany Tate says:

    What can I learn from Ruth lord?

  50. Abigail Pattinasarane says:

    Great stories of ordinary yet amazing women living extraordinary life because of GOD.

  51. Abigail Pattinasarane says:

    Great stories of amazingwomen l

  52. Catherine Hewitt says:

    Day one of learning about one of my favourite biblical women.

  53. Stacy Self says:

    Excited to dive in deeper and find out what God wants me to learn in the process.

  54. madi butterworth says:

    this is one of my favorite stories!

  55. Chelsea Farrens says:

    Yes to the comparison of today’s world & friendships. Can’t wait to dive in more.

  56. Gracie O’Bannon says:

    I love the realness of this. Ruth is going to be a great start to 2023 ❤️

  57. Abby Tucker says:

    This is such an amazing story can’t wait to read more

  58. Jordan Patricks says:

    I am really liking this app. I really am starting to like how this plan and this book is and I feel like I am going to take a way a lot going in deeper!

  59. Destine Azaglo says:

    Am new here.please can someone help me read this

  60. Sarah M says:

    Excited to find deeper meaning to the story of Ruth.

  61. Shea Hoblet says:

    I’m so excited to keep reading! This is my first time hearing of this story. Definitely feels good to know we are not alone in this struggle of life

  62. gabrielle bonner says:

    Love the story of Ruth ❤️

  63. WENDY WILLIAMS says:

    Ruth has always been one of my favorites and i am looking forward to relearning her story.

  64. TG says:

    The part that sticks out to me is the behavior of Israel in the Judges passage. (1) The people were preoccupied with be like the people around them, so they followed other gods. (2) None of the people had their own relationship with God, so the minute a judge died, they turned right back to their sinning. They did do what they did/ change out of sincere heart. It’s like only doing what you’re supposed to when I parent is around. There’d been no change in character.

    The way they responded speaks to what the Lord is talking to me about right now. Perhaps not the same level of sin, but for sure the need for deepening my relationship so I’m not relying on someone else’s and the importance of not longing to be like anything I see in the world.

  65. Nicole Santana says:

    This is also a story of trust. Do we trust God where He has us?

  66. Christina Dawes says:

    I’m feeling like I’m in a similar place to Ruth and I pray that God will speak to me and guide me through this study!

  67. lwandle mthimunye says:


  68. August Sinclair says:


  69. Faith Ayers says:

    i love the story of Ruth because it truly does remind us that the servants of God in the bible truly went through the same heartbreak as our time as well!!!! it’s beautiful

  70. Katie Fath says:


  71. Cheyenne Dawley says:


  72. Destiney Stevens says:

    Thankful for this passage I was drawn to this study as I am restoring my faith and building my relationship with God as a single mother and he hasn’t failed me yet. I owe him so much.

  73. Abby beckham says:


  74. Brittany Davis says:


  75. Clarissa Tant says:

    “Loyal, loving, hardworking, and humble” – a woman I can relate to

  76. Shauna Rothe says:

    I feel like I’ve sort of been where Ruth was in a way. My father passed and 6 months later my husband passed leaving me alone with 3 kids and there was no way I could provide the way their father or grandfather could. It’s so encouraging to see Ruth and her trust and faith in God that he would sustain her and her mother in law.

  77. ashley pindar says:

    Looking forward to this study and to see the goodness of God through difficult life challenges.

  78. Mary says:

    I can’t fathom the idea of being a Mom/widow and destitute all the same time. God was allowing so much to happen. I would have to believe things just had to get better and not worse!

  79. Bethany GrahamTodd says:


  80. Haley Owen says:


  81. Haley Owen says:


  82. Gina Rodriguez says:

    Amen and amen

  83. Heather MetzgerAblondi says:


  84. Tina Combs says:

    Looking forward to this study.

  85. Brittany Lauren Hendley says:


  86. Shannon Kelty says:

    I was inspired tonight by a friend to dive into the Word and I’m overwhelmed with a feeling of excitement for what’s in store.

  87. Shannon Herzog says:


  88. Stormi Messmer says:


  89. Nadi White says:


  90. Tammy Golden says:


  91. Alex Clark says:

    Expecting to be enlightened

  92. madison gandy says:


  93. Brittany Bradshaw says:

    Praying God works through me in this study.

  94. Christy DeLoachSlade says:

    About to start this study with my daughter and my two daughter in-laws. Their books came in and my anticipation of what God is going to do is building.

  95. rebecca denney says:

    Going into this with an open heart.

  96. Kelly Anderson says:

    This is my first plan so I’m still a newbie when it comes to this app, but not only am I excited about starting my first plan and drawing closer to God’s word but also to see and hear from other likeminded women who are in the trenches with me in similar phases of life!

  97. Alesha Byrd says:

    Excited to get started with this

  98. Kristin Ireland says:

    Excited to start this!

  99. Kristin Ireland says:


  100. Alicia Lopez says:

    Excited to start my new plan

  101. Hannah Kelley says:

    So excited to read along. I definitely needed this at this point in my life. It’s been filled with lots of disappointments and heartache the last few months so doing this with you all is a blessing.

  102. Stephanie S. says:

    A God who promises to never leave me or forsake me knows first hand what it means to be abandoned by the one’s He loves. As I walk through a season where my closest friends have all but disappeared, His promise to me is suddenly so much sweeter. He sees me. He hears me. He knows me. I am never alone.

  103. Hannah Murray says:

    This applies so much to my life right now. Excited to read the rest.

  104. Natania Gomez says:

    First study plan I saw, super excited to start!

  105. Caroline Nowling says:

    This makes me excited as well! I have forgotten the reality of the Bible and am excited to study deeper in this devotion!

  106. Ava Warren says:

    To be truly reliant on God sets herself before him. But self indulgence leads to death. WOW what a conviction. Our own plans to save ourselves or raise ourselves aren’t as good in any way as submitting to God.

  107. Susann Williams says:


  108. Lisa Keller says:

    I need to see Ruth afresh! Thank you for showing us Gods commitment to our messes

  109. Anna Bindon says:

    Excited to start this study!

  110. Victoria Gabrielle Marshall says:

    Just started this plan. Already very convicting. Great scripture!

  111. Lauren Anhalt says:

    Thank you for explaining this!!

  112. Kayla Hani says:

    Loved this!

  113. Debbi A. says:

    I see it as such. God’s people were turning away from Him and living in their own sinful, selfish ways. God directed His people not to marry unbelievers. and the Moabites were not followers of God.

  114. Emily Vahle says:

    Wrote out a whole response and I’m not sure it sent. I’ll write it out again later but I have a meeting here in a few.

  115. Emily Vahle says:

    Do you have the actual Bible study book? It talks about it in there. How Joshua and Judges and Ruth work together. Here’s a quick summary…”In the book of Joshua, the Israelites are repeatedly called to worship the Lord and serve Him only. After God’s people endured over 400 years in Egypt, followed by 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, the Lord raised up Joshua to lead Israel into the promised land. Joshua led a successful conquest. Israel took the land of Canaan, and the twelve tribes began to settle there. Judges describes how Israel forsook the Lord and adopted the worship practices of the Canaanites. Israel experienced chaotic and catastrophic consequences due to their rebellion. This period was marked by repeated cycles of unprecedented violence and oppression. Though God raised up judges as deliverers, they were unable to reverse this trend and some even became part of the problem. Israel’s downward spiral of rebellion led them to become almost unrecognizable as the people of God. In the book of Ruth, a Moabite woman embraces the God of Israel. During the time of the judges, famine sent Naomi’s family away from Bethlehem to Moab, where one of her sons married a woman named Ruth. When Naomi and Ruth were widowed, Ruth, a Moabite, pledged to stay with Naomi, an Israelite, and embrace the God of Israel. As destitute, widowed refugees in one of the darkest periods of Israel’s history, Ruth and Naomi were vulnerable and in need of redemption. Ruth married an Israelite named Boaz and gave birth to Obed, King David’s grandfather. From the line of Ruth and David would come Jesus, the Savior of the world. Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz demonstrate God’s covenant love and faithfulness.” So the point of putting Judges reading in here was to show that despite the terrible things the Israelites were doing and going through, here enters this woman (Ruth) that God uses in all His Sovereignty (despite Israel’s rebellion) to be the lineage of Jesus. Showing us that even though God’s people angered Him and grieved Him greatly, He is faithful and loving and still had a plan to restore His people to Himself through Christ. Hope this helps!

  116. Emily Vahle says:

    Do you have the actual book Bible

  117. Catherine Falconer says:

    The time of the book of Ruth. The setting in society from what I understand.

  118. Amanda Hallihan says:

    Yes, it seems like quite a jolt and is very confronting.

  119. Amanda Hallihan says:


  120. Lindsey Paesch says:

    I am struggling with this as well. Are we only to read Ruth and not the other sections?

  121. Taylor Gotta says:

    I love how merciful God is!

  122. Stacey Pittsinger says:

    I’m struggling to find the significance of the judges passage. Any help please? Is it because the sons married Moabite women?

  123. Sara Streitmatter says:

    I love the story of Ruth!

  124. Janniah Evans says:

    It’s easy to go through to forgetting about the reality of the Bible. That there is relatability in the stories that we read. Excited about this devotion!

  125. Amanda Luckman says:

    When I read stories of ordinary people struggling, I feel deeply seen by God. Reading Ruth does that.

  126. Becky Henkel says:

    I’m so ready for a book of hope!

  127. Taylor Reinking says:

    I lost my Dad a little more than three years ago. What a beautiful story to start reading for better understanding family loss/grief—just what I needed to read. ❤️

  128. Terri Baldwin says:

    Such a beautiful story of hope and faith along with pain and suffering. This love story has a happy ending to a beautiful beginning of our salvation through Jesus Christ.

  129. Brenda Nevarez says:

    It’s amazing to see how a mighty God could care about two women who had nothing left in this world but each other. Ruth and Naomi story is a story no only of great loss but of triumph, joy

  130. Tiffany Haynes says:

    God cares

  131. Beatrice Laurien-Honorius says:

    Ruth story is a beautiful story.

  132. Cindya Williams says:

    Let’s go God. I’m open!

  133. Ruth Leal says:

    I’m named Ruth and want to learn deeper about what Ruth represents in the Bible.

  134. Cherrelle Sanders says:

    I love the book of Ruth so I’m so excited!

  135. Shea Bailey says:

    I’ve read Ruth a couple times & everytime I find new hope. This study couldn’t have happened at a better time for me I need a reminder of hope and faith right now. I’ve been struggling & I know this is what I need right now

  136. Kelly Close says:

    Praise God he is faithful now and then.

  137. Cristal Zern says:

    I’m excited to read the rest of this plan!

  138. jennifer uhrig says:

    Ruth is one of my favorite stories in the Bible. Of friendship, love, and God Devine plane woven all through it.

  139. Rebekah Bennett says:

    I love again (even in the Old Testament) the reminder of a God that understands our pain and suffering. We can go to him with anything!

  140. Patricia Stewart says:

    The 5th book and the story is about a women of God. I love ❤️ how the lord loves us.

  141. Amber Guitron says:

    Love that this all leads to a “redeemer” and his love and care for the broken and hopeless. Thank you Lord, for your redeeming grace. Thank you for seeing Naomi and Ruth in the place of despair and for reaching them like only you can- what a beautiful display of your unending love and care for the least of these

  142. Tess Galvin says:

    So glad to see you,Churchmouse here on SRT! I always learn so much from your comments! I hope you are well. God bless you!

  143. Cassie RaeChesley says:

    I have never really read through Ruth and I am almost giddy to see what this beautiful book holds.

  144. Shannon Lowry says:

    Praying for you Melissa❤️ sending love

  145. Wendy Orozco says:

    So excited and hopeful to read this.

  146. Melissa Espitia says:

    As I struggled with anxiety and postpartum depression, this is exactly what I needed. We’re in this together!

  147. Melissa Espitia says:


  148. Amelia Cruz says:

    This is my favorite, book in the Bible. I look forward to diving deeper and getting a new perspective.

  149. Kimberly Z says:

    After a long weekend of struggling with my own anxiety I really need this study. In a weird way it does bring me a little relief to know I’m not the only one who is suffering. This comes at a perfect time in my life. Praying for all the people who feel that same way. We are all so loved.

  150. Rebecca Johnston says:

    Love looking at this story from this perspective – ordinary, suffering loss, hard but beautiful and our EXTRA-ordinary God.

  151. haley moss says:

    The spirit has definitely guided me to certain books of the Bible when I needed them most. I’m sure He will bless you in this study!

  152. Donna Wolcott says:

    Kate the verse is: “The women said to Naomi, “blessed be the Lord, who has not left you without a family redeemer today. May His name become well known in Israel.”

  153. Kate says:

    Can anyone share what the memory verse is for this week? :)

  154. bobby wilder says:

    I’m hopeful for this study ! I needed this journey so much!

  155. Melissa Gibbs says:

    Looking forward to this study – ordinary woman facing life with her extraordinary God. Can’t wait to see what God shows me during this study of Ruth.

  156. Amber Candis says:


  157. Connor Graves says:

    I’m so ready to tackle this study!!

  158. Julia Hagen says:

    It’s a beautiful story. So excited for this study.

  159. Jill Epperson says:

    I love it too! Whenever I wonder about a specific word or phrase in the Bible then I try to read the save verse in different versions to figure out the meaning. The NIV says “aroused His anger” and the CSB says “they angered Him.” Israel’s sun and evil ways brought about God’s anger which then caused Him to take action and punish them – even though He already knew it would all happen.

  160. Mercy says:

    I never see Ruth from this angle before, an ordinary family facing turmoil/loss/emotional distress in their lives, then a widow in her golden years who should have enjoyed the retirement years, but grieved and had to wander to a new land, adjusting culture shock and the unknown. I love this type of story because God shows up not only in kings’ lives but also in ordinary people’s lives (Amen Amanda). And wait for it, God always adds the little “extra” to the ordinary to make it extraordinary. He chose a King from a humble genealogy from this suffering family. A note from my study bible KJV that touched me deeply: “the book emphasizes the sovereign activity of God’s providential working in the affairs of man. Not only does God’s promise to the seed of Abraham go on through troubled time of the judges, but He also arranges the details of earth’s history and the chosen line to include salvation for Gentiles as well. It also assures the believer of God’s continuing love for a helpless mankind and of His willingness to meet man’s needs. An exciting story of true romance, the book also gives instruction in practical living in such things as personal morality, a genuine concern for the needs of others, and the necessity for personal godliness in the face of testing and adversity. A great deal of helpful information for today’s Christian woman may also be found in the example of Ruth whose virtues of godliness, purity, humility, honesty, fidelity, and thoughtfulness remain an exemplary standard for all.”

    @Jennifer Anapol, praising God for the arrival of your baby girl. Congratulations to you and your family! Praying for your healing and new strength. I pray for your baby to be blessed all the days of her life with God’s grace, favours, and may she experience personal encounters with God to carry His light.

  161. Wiletta Harris says:

    Me too Sydney!

    I think it is illustrating how sin is hurtful to God. Our sinful ways make Him angry and it (provok) emphasizes how angry God was at the Israelites. He knew what would happen but He gives us a choice, to follow and obey Him or not and they chose not to do that. I hope that helps.

  162. Kimmie says:

    Makes me stop and be thankful for the family I/we have. We’re a mess sometimes but we’re living a wonderful life compared to what others suffer.

  163. Cindileny Renner says:

    Looking forward to diving into the book of Ruth, this is the first time for me so I’m very excited.

  164. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love this story of loyalty, redemption and God’s merciful plan. I love that he can take this tragic tale and turn it into something beautiful. I know he does that with our lives too. I feel like the enemy is trying to steal my joy right now. I just welcomed a beautiful, baby girl into the world almost a week ago. I’m so excited that she is finally here, but my body is still trying to heal from my pregnancy and delivery. Its hard to be dealing with pain every day while trying to care for my two daughters. I really want the Lord’s perspective on this.

  165. Jennifer Forbes-John says:

    I had never considered how much the entire family was just in an emotional chaos. So much sadness.

  166. Sydney Smith says:

    I love the story of Ruth so much and am so excited for this study!! But I have a question for the group—in the scripture from Judges, it says that the Israelites “provoked” God to anger because they worshipped other gods. I thought this was interesting because if God is perfect, and knows things before they happen, how can He be provoked? Sometimes I struggle with this language and curious if anyone can provide insight or thoughts on this!

  167. Amy Jones says:

    It’s a beautiful story. Can’t wait to study it again and learn something new.

  168. Chloe Conte says:

    My family lost a loved one this last year, the stress of Covid, and learning to be an adult in this really confusing time. I’m so excited to finally read Ruth, I’ve been seeing it everywhere lately and really feel like God is telling me to read this, that I’m going to need it.

  169. Liz Huelsman says:

    Me too!!

  170. Liz Huelsman says:

    Caring for family… that’s one my husband and I may soon face. My sister’s husband has terminal lung cancer…. They have no children and very little money, and will have even less by the time this is over. I’m not sure what the future will bring, but I pray for Gods guidance for all involved in what’s coming… this study couldn’t have come at a better time….but isn’t that always Gods timing?

  171. Maribel Vega says:

    So excited to read this story. Excited to see what god will plant in me while reading this

  172. Caitlin Blevins says:

    My family suffered a significant loss this past year that has split the family in ways. I’m eager to see what God is going to reveal to me through this study and thankful for the reminder of Gods faithfulness and redeeming love.

  173. PamC says:

    This is going to be so good!

    I’m grateful for the website as I now can’t get into the app on my phone or iPad.

  174. Cassie Harville says:

    Seen it was on Ruth and decided to start back.

  175. joyce wanjohi says:


  176. Dorothy says:

    Ruth has always been one of my favorite books of the Bible. I can so easily identify with Naomi when it comes to the loss of a child. My sister is similar to Naomi in that she has lost her husband and daughter, her son is in jail. In the First Timothy verses it says for family to take care of family, I can proudly say my son and daughter-in-law have stepped up to help my sister when she needs it. Yesterday my sister had some things that needed to be done around her house, they were coming in to check on some items I had for them so they went by my sister’s house first and my son took care of everything.

    Be blessed and know that God is with you ALWAYS!

  177. Theresa Lewis says:

    I am excited to get into this study. Sometimes I need to be reminded of the goodness of God in the simple stories.

  178. Lehua K. says:

    Y’all, I am so ecstatic and hungry to learn more… I just listened to this week’s podcast on my morning commute and once I arrived, I had to immediately take notes on everything I gleaned! I’m feeling so full right now, but still so hungry to learn more. Thankful for the context they provided here and in the podcast, which richens the story and its lessons. Highly recommend!

  179. Cynthia Johnston says:

    Praying for the requests from you all. I learned how one person’s decision can change others’ lives so much. I will try to remember that my choices do not just affect my life but, impact others as well. Thankful for God’s sovereignty over all!

  180. J M says:

    @Angie Mills, thank you for sharing.❤️

  181. natalie whitney says:

    Reading this small section really makes you stop and think how it would have felt. Has you digging into your own grief of those you have lost. Preparing you for the journey ahead with Ruth and Naomi and what God can do in the midst of the sadness and loss.

  182. Jessica Hopson says:

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  183. Lehua K. says:

    I’m so excited to do a deeper dive into one of my favorite books. I wrote a lot of notes today in my journal from your comments and insights.

    This time, reading this book hits closer to home – for one, my mom’s name is Naomi and secondly, my parents have made the difficult decision to end our dog’s chronic pain by putting him down at the vet. He has lived a very long life but it’s become a huge stress for them to take care of him for the past year. My parents aren’t completely unified in their decision and I’m asking for prayers for peace in their family as we all grieve. I know he will be in God’s loving arms soon and have no more pain. I’m also dealing with a lot of stress as I transition out of a very toxic job situation, and the past year has been rough on my physically with gut issues and hormone imbalances. Thank you ladies for your prayers. Praying as well for the requests shared and thankful to be here.

  184. Krista Andrews says:

    Love finding God’s fingerprints in the details of a tragic story. Love seeing how every Old Testament scripture points to Jesus. And I also LOVE that this story calls us to a life of love for all in the family – a love that goes beyond our physical family but our spiritual family. I am so excited about this study:)

  185. Helen L says:

    Ruth is such a great role model for women from all walks of life ❤️

  186. Ayla Nichols says:

    Right on time as I begin to accept the loss of my mom, the relationship that never was and the grief.

  187. Ayla Nichols says:

    Right on time as I begin to slowly accept the loss of my mom; our relationship that never was and the grief.

  188. Kristine Marie says:

    I’m excited to read this study again. I read it for the first time several years ago. Back then, I was very much the ‘before’ pic of Ruth – broken, uncertain, but still hopeful for the future. Today, I’m the ‘after’ Ruth. Very blessed and grateful for God’s faithfulness in answering my prayers. (Tom Petty was right…The Waiting really is the hardest part!:)) I’m looking forward to comparing and contrasting my notes from back then to what I learn from the study this time around!

  189. Lexi B says:

    Ruth is one of my favorite books; I love redemption stories! Excited to dive into this with all you She’s.

    THEBESTISYETTOCOME-praying for your meeting with the judge and for your foster baby.
    Molly R- Praying for your car appointment and that it can be fixed quickly.
    Kristina-praying for you, for your stomach, depressive symptoms and the stress of being away from your loved ones.
    Martha- praying that you can forgive and that Ruth becomes a beautiful story of redemption for you.
    Rachel B- Praying for your move.

  190. Traci Gendron says:

    I’m back to SRT! I brought Amen and Amen to Europe with me to find I didn’t have much free time. We all ended up sick as well. It seems to be hanging on. I’m looking forward to studying Ruth as I have never before.

  191. Laura Struyf says:

    @Angie Mills, that is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  192. andie sloan says:

    This study and my finding this app the day before it launches is not coincidental. I love how God orchestrates the timing of His word to point us to truth and wisdom during our own unique battles.

  193. Emmalee McPheron says:

    I’ve always loved this book in the Bible! Excited to read through it again❤️

  194. Angie Mills says:

    I know we are starting Ruth, but I had wanted to share this sonnet this past weekend, but never got the chance.

    I wrote this sonnet in 2009 and the opening lines were running through my mind on Friday’s reading of the final Psalms.

    Sonnet #1
    “Enthroned in the Recesses of My Heart”

    Enthroned in the recesses of my heart,
    You reign supreme, exalted evermore.
    Steadfast Love, nothing can keep us apart!
    Deathless Delight, You alone I adore!
    In spite of this, my loyalty lessens.
    Befriending others, I grieve my Adored.
    All of my disobedience deafens
    My heart to Your words. Guilty I come, Lord.
    As I guiltily come, Your grace greets me,
    Gripping my heart with Your fervent favor.
    Unmerited, You love me profusely.
    My God’s matchless mercy makes me braver.
    Awaken my passion for You alone.
    Shape my heart to be Your radiant throne.
    [Written by Angela A. Mills, 4/21/2009]

    Amen and amen!

  195. GramsieSue . says:

    Unbelief – trying to run from our problems. No matter how difficult our circumstances may be, the safest and best place is in the will of God. Wait on the Lord for “wings like eagles” and by faith soar above the storms of life. You can’t run away from your problems. Claim the promises of God, obey the word of God in spite of what you see, how you feel, or what may happen. Commit yourself to the Lord and rely wholly on Him to meet your needs. When we life by faith, it glorifies God, witnesses to a lost world, and builds Christian character into our lives. I love that we’re taking two weeks to study a small book that literally only takes about 14 minutes to read through. Learning from the lives of those who’ve gone before us. And I pray that my decisions teach well those who come behind me. Hugs to all ❤️

  196. TheBestIsYetToCome says:

    Beautiful timing for a beautiful story. I can’t wait to dig into Ruth! Would you all pray for me tomorrow, Tuesday at 10 AM EST? I’m at Foster Mom and I have court with some important decisions being considered. Praying for the safety & well being of my foster baby & favor with the judge!

  197. Kerry AnnTodd says:

    Cannot imagine the depth of this grief or loss. So thankful for the Lord and his mercy.

    Also this is literally the first time I realized that Ruth returned to Bethlehem.

  198. shelby roberts says:

    I’ve always loved this story. I’m excited to see what god has in store to teach me through this book of the Bible.

  199. Kerry AnnTodd says:

    Cannot imagine the depth of this grief or loss. So thankful for the Lord and his mercy.

  200. Molly R says:

    While I enjoy topical studies, and the overview of the Psalms we just did, there’s something I just love about diving into a book of the Bible in its entirety. This was one of my first reads as a whole book (this and Esther) as I sat in “Big Church” and tried to amuse myself! Who doesn’t love a good story with a happy ending?? I love that even though I have read it so many times over my lifetime (including once today!), there is always something new to glean – and this book was my first introduction to the concept of gleaning! There’s always something new to pick up and store for a time, in my heart, when I need the sustenance on the Bread of Life can give!
    And today’s gleaning was the idea that even though the world may be in chaos, and even God has turned His anger towards His people as a whole, He is still faithfully working and moving in the specific lives of the faithful. It is a reminder that in the safety of His arms is the only place to stay – no matter what the circumstances around me inspire. I, too, think Elimelech was either complacent or purposely choosing to leave God’s presence/Promised Land. And with that decision, the ripple effect of consequences ensued.
    What a great start to a new week! I would love some prayers: over the weekend our Suburban started having mechanical problems – and we are a family of 6, so it is a need if we are to go anywhere. I have a week of homeschool co op (where I teach a class) today, and appointments and plans, even a vacation we have long been waiting to take – all depending on our “mighty steed.” I know God provides all our needs, and I am trying to rest in that, but it is a bit stressful trying to get it in a shop and fixed when we depend on it so much. Thank you, Sweet Sisters. God is always good, and always faithful, no matter what we face!

  201. Kayla Siebert says:

    Lord open my heart to your word. This study is coming at a time when it is most needed.

  202. Susan Lincks says:

    I can only imagine the pain this woman is feeling. Losing everyone dear to her is awful. But God is always there. Amen

  203. Oluseye Ashiru says:

    @ Kristina, I am praying for you that God will use the next 14 days to speak His truth into your life

  204. Aimee D-R says:

    Lord open my heart to Your Word during this study! In Jesus Name, Amen

  205. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    The book of Ruth begins with a twist. A famine in Bethlehem, the “House of Bread”. The House of Bread has no bread. This tiny detail in the opening verse is kind of big. And I hadn’t noticed it before. Survival was necessary, so the family moved into a foreign land with dark roots. Moab originates from Lot and his daughters when they seduced him (yuck.) Elimelech whose name means “God his king” must have been desperate to move his family into an evil and enemy-filled nation (Judges 2). Naomi “fair or pleasant”, and their two sons are settled into this evil land for ten years after the death of Elimelech. The marriages of Moabites to the heirs of “God his king” begins a beautiful story of God’s redemptive love. Going against His plan and will can still be redeemed when hearts turn back to Him. I am looking forward to gleaning wisdom from the book of Ruth with you SHE’s around the world! Father God, bless us with Your truth so that it moves us closer to You. May our faith be made stronger as we live in foreign lands surrounded by enemies. May our faith be like Ruth’s, who chose to follow God over comfort. Let our hearts find strength in Jesus, our daily Bread. There is no reason to starve when we hold a storehouse of life sustaining grain in our saved souls through Him. Give us this day our daily bread, may we see Your hand extended to us with all that we need. And may we receive with joy all that You give. I trust You. Even when I cannot see what will come next, my faith is in You and not my circumstances. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

  206. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Ruth – another one of my favorite books!…One thing that comes to mind in Ruth 1:1-5, is that there is no recollection of the family seeking God’s will in relation to the famine. It simply states, “there was a famine in the land,…and they went to Moab to live there.” I think that’s where we can get ourselves into a lot of trouble – by not seeking the Lord’s will when hard times hit. We to often come up with our own solutions before every going to God in prayer. Elimelech was doing what seemed right in his own eyes, and that was a problem for him – and for us when we do the same. God graciously redeemed the whole situation, as only He can. It had a happy ending, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t seek God and His will. We are to go to Him first. His way is perfect and He has a plan. Father God, help me to always seek you – especially during the “famines” in my life. Don’t let me do what is right in my eyes, but what is right in yours – even if it doesn’t make sense to me.

    Praying for each of your requests this morning. Have a blessed Monday!

  207. Rachel Blessum says:

    So excited to start this study as I finally get back to my beloved morning routine. I was sick for 5 weeks and while trying to keep myself at work I had to take every extra minute of sleep that I could. Praise God I am healthy and ready to get back to what I love. I am planning to move into my first home at the beginning of October, and will be seeking God for his continued comfort, guidance, and peace during this time of transition.

  208. Mirna Dirani says:

    Ruth ♥️

  209. Renee says:

    I’m looking forward to this study! Thank you.

  210. Fabi Hamstra says:

    Even the verses in 1 Timothy 5 had me praying towards wisdom for my family. I can’t wait to dive deeper into Ruth. So much goodness. Oh how we need your wisdom, O God. Thank you for being our ever present help in time of need. (Psalm 46:1).

  211. Nancy Singleton says:

    So much to learn in & from Ruth!

  212. Angie Mills says:

    Wanted to delve into the meaning of the names behind the places and people in this book.

    Bethlehem = “House of Bread”
    Ephrath = “Fruitfulness”
    Judah = “Praise, thanksgiving”
    Moab = “Of his father”

    Elimelech = “He is my God”
    Naomi = “Pleasantness”
    Mahlon = “Sickly”
    Chilion = “Failing, pining, destruction”
    Orpah = “Back of the neck, neck”
    Ruth = “Friendship”

    From these few verses we see that an Israelite family leaves their home that is in a usually fruitful part of Israel, a part of Israel that is known for growing things that are used to make bread. They are leaving because of a famine in the land due to Israel’s unfaithfulness toward God. They move to the land of Moab. This land is a historic enemy of Israel who harassed the Israelites on their journey to Palestine from Egypt. The parents have rather uplifting names: “He is my God” and “pleasantness”. I wonder, along with others, if Elimilech truly believed that God was his God. It does not seem very trusting that he left the Promised Land during a time of famine to go to an enemy’s land. However, we also have to remember that he may have had a young family. Also, in the past, God called Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to leave the Promised Land and sojourn in other lands during famines. Maybe Elimelech thought that since the Patriarchs left Israel during difficult times that it was alright for him to do so also. How often do we do something just because it is traditional (the way something has been done in the past), but not something God has called us to do?

    I had always wondered how Mahlon and Chilion died. Evidently, both of these men were more than likely sickly from birth.

    The combination of the famine and sick children reminds me of the curses the Lord pronounces in Deuteronomy 28:15-68. These cursed were for Israel when they forsook the Lord. When you read the book of Judges, you realize that Israel had a habit of forsaking God, crying out to Him during difficult times, repenting when a judge saved them, following God during a judge’s lifetime, then back to forsaking God.

    Ruth’s name means “friendship”. She definitely shows friendship to Naomi by sticking with her no matter what and helping her mother-in-law in every way she can. Others show friendship to her also.

  213. Kristina Lopes says:

    Happy to start of this week with a new reading! Could you ladies pray for me? (God always knows what readings I need to see – I’ve been dealing with some deep family trauma lately, and it’s been bringing up my depressive symptoms and has agitated my stomach disability. I’m also currently in grad school full time, newly engaged, and am living far away from my fiancé, family, and friends.

  214. Martha Edwards says:

    I have never shared this, but Ruth is a hard book for me. Naomi’s “I come back empty” reminds me of a narcissistic relationship in my life that has repeatedly dismissed my experiences to only focus on her own. Please pray with me that this time I can see the overarching story of God’s redemption, forgive and let myself be healed.

  215. Summer Stevenson says:

    I’m looking forward to this reading! I was a young widow once with two young children and my story is a redemptive one that I can say it was all God!

  216. Summer Stevenson says:

    I’m looking forward to this reading! I was a young widow

  217. Niki DeLeon says:

    Wonderful introduction!

  218. Terri says:

    As a young girl, the book of Ruth was the first Bible book that I read in its entirety because my Pastor had said that it was a love story. And it is- it foreshadows the greatest love story. Boaz was Ruth’s kinsman redeemer and Christ is ours.

  219. Corallie Buchanan says:

    It’s a story about real life. Gosh I need this right now. I’ve gone through a hellish time the last month personally and dealing with DV, and only just started being able to read my bible again after 7 years of struggling with my faith. My nervous system is completely out of whack, and I can’t even brush my teeth without gagging. Life is as real as it gets for me right now, so I’m looking forward to seeing what the devotional says about this book.

  220. Laura Green says:

    Can’t wait to dig into the story of Ruth!

  221. vonda roll says:

    I am looking forward to this!

  222. Kelly (NEO) says:

    From HRT: “We need this story to help us recognize that God is always doing more than we can see, even in our pain. We need to remember that one person’s story is never only about that one person. Your story is not solely about you, and neither is mine just about me. Our stories belong to God, who is always doing immeasurably more than we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).”

  223. Ariel Harris says:

    I feel like Israel is mirrored in Elimelech’s family. They intended, or planned to leave God (God’s land). God is mirrored in Naomi who keeps getting left, first by her husband, then by her sons, and later by Orpah. How often do I intend to leave God’s good plan? I don’t mean to leave God, but my thoughts and actions say otherwise. Help me to desire you God.

  224. Churchmouse says:

    Ruth’s story always reminds me of the importance of one decision made. Every decision brings its own consequence. Each of the characters in the account have a decision to make and the results are noted. What we decide to do, or not do, and who we decide to follow, or not follow, and who we decide to trust, or not trust, are weighty decisions best made before the need. As for me and my house…

  225. Erin Hudgins says:

    Elimelech and Boaz were family that were both raised at about the same time. Elimelech chose to leave the town of his birth (God’s promised land) and Boaz chose to stay. They both went through the famine. I can’t help but think that Elimelech was punished for “doing right in his own eyes” while Boaz was blessed for following the Lord.

  226. Jeni B says:

    That really struck me too Marianne!

    I don’t think Elimelech was necessarily being faithful when he left Judah to live amongst the enemies of God – the same enemies that the Israelites had been instructed to drive out of the land! I definitely don’t think that Mahlon and Chilian were being faithful when they took Moabites for their wives and yet not only did God, by his grace, see to it that the wives they took were faithful and loving towards their mother after they had passed, it was through one of these wives that they shouldn’t have taken in the first place (according to the instructions of the Lord towards how they interact with the non-believing nations) that their family line is redeemed and she becomes an ancestor to David and ultimately Jesus!

    Reminds me of that verse in 2 Timothy 2:13 “if we are faithless, he remains faithful – for he cannot deny himself”

  227. Makayla Napoli says:

    Really looking forward to diving into the book of Ruth over the next two weeks!

  228. Marianne Reuter says:

    But of course we all know the ending: God used the unobedience or comlacency to stay (??) to write His ein story – thank God!

  229. Marianne Reuter says:

    … 2: and (they) remained there. I can imagine that the famine lasted for 2-3 years, perhaps more, but certainly not 10-12 years. Yet – they remained. I don’t want to judge, I might have done the same, but perhaps all this tradgedy could have been avoided if they hadn‘t remained … But we all know the ending and God used this (unobedience, complacency?) to write His story. What a relief.

  230. Marianne Reuter says:

    … 2: and (they) remained there. I can imagine that the famine lasted for 2-3 years, perhaps more, but certainly not 10-12 years. Yet – they remained. I don’t want to judge, I might have done the same, but perhaps all this tradgedy could have been avoided if they hadn‘t remained …

  231. Marianne Reuter says:

    It’s hard to tell from afar, but what struck me were the last words of v.2:

  232. TIna says:

    AMANDA BIBLE, my friend, how I have missed you! Hello!

    So looking forward to opening the bible with you all as we journey through Ruth.. one of, if not my favourite old testament book..

    Sending much love and hugs to all from across the pond as autumn begins to shows signs of being here..❤

  233. Jo says:

    Thank you AMANDA, for a beautifully written introduction to the story of Ruth. I am looking forward to this study and seeing how the devotions tease out the profound truths hidden in this wonderful account of God’s faithful love. Have a blessed day everyone xx