Man from Heaven, Come

Open Your Bible

Genesis 2:15-17, Genesis 3:1-13, Genesis 3:17-19, Genesis 3:22-24, Romans 5:12-21, 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, 1 Corinthians 15:47-49

Advent provides us space for reflection, to pause and examine our external surroundings and our inner workings, to take note of what is happening around us and what is transpiring within us. When we look around us, it’s hard to ignore the pain, suffering, and brokenness that exists in our world. Our news feeds are filled with reports of everything from social injustice and criminal activity to natural disasters and economic insecurity. Our communities and families are dealing with health challenges, financial hardship, broken relationships, and struggles with addiction. And it’s not just the world around us that is askew; when we take an honest look at the condition of our hearts, we discover glimpses of a fallen humanity up close and personal. Even on our best of days, we succumb to thoughts (and sometimes actions) of envy, bitterness, greed, selfish ambition, and lust. 

If Advent were just a time of reflection, then we would find ourselves in a sad state. Instead, Advent calls us to more—to the practice of expectation and anticipation. Throughout this season, the Spirit of God calls us to hope. Yes, the world is broken, and things are not as they should be, but that is not the end of the story. There is more, and that more changes everything!

The story of humanity was forever altered in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:6). Sin entered the story, and what was right and good became blemished and problematic. With sin came death, and it would seem as though all hope was lost (Romans 5:12). Hope for a heaven on earth was a thing of the past. 

Until the man of heaven arrived. With the birth of Jesus, came the birth of hope for humanity. If through the sin of one man, Adam, the world was made wrong; through the obedience of the Son of Man, Jesus, the world could be put right (v.19).

For those who choose to believe in the man of heaven, our hope will always be greater than the effects of sin. Yes, the world is broken. Yes, we all fall short of the glory of God. But through Jesus, we have been made alive. Sin and death are no longer our lot in life; instead, we are empowered to reign in life (v.17), united with God and eagerly awaiting the return of Jesus, our Savior and King.

Today, acknowledge what is wrong with the world. Lament over the suffering sin has brought to your community. Open your heart before the Lord, and confess personal sin. But also receive the hope you have in Christ. Because the Son of heaven has come, you can know the touch of heaven on this earth. Because of Jesus, you can reign in life. Because of Jesus, this broken world is not your home. Because of Jesus, hope fulfilled is the end of your story, and that is why you can smile at the days ahead.

(132) Comments

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132 thoughts on "Man from Heaven, Come"

  1. Anisa F says:

    Knowing that hope fulfilled is the end of our story really is what allows a believer to keep their head up no matter what’s going on without or within them.

  2. Kimberly Ann says:

    Jesus is my hope
    The sins of my humanity leave me broken and doubting,
    My own weaknesses and temptations leave me humbled and unsure.
    In Christ alone is my true hope,
    A hope that is dependable, a hope I can rejoice in, a hope to build my life on.
    Jesus is my hope
    Jesus is my eternal hope
    In Christ alone my hope is found!

  3. Kaitlin Dinkelacker says:


  4. Karen Breaux says:

    Because of Jesus ❤

  5. Tess B says:


  6. natalie pyke says:

    From my understanding He knew they would sin, He also knew that we’d need Jesus and had to set that plan in motion starting with Adam and Eve.

  7. Missy Haussler says:

    The last line “because of JESUS, hope fulfilled….and we can smile at the days ahead”

  8. alyssa casas says:

    Because of Jesus. ❤️

  9. Aisha Jack says:

    Looking forward to continuing this study

  10. Nancy Hubbard says:

    Can someone help shed light for me ,…Did God know Adam and Eve would sin? If so, why were they created as such to be in sin?

  11. Regina Price says:

    Thank you Jesus ♥️ You give me hope for a better tomorrow.

  12. Kyleigh Kimball says:

    Hope is what keeps my world spinning.

  13. Hannah pak says:

    Reflection and anticipation

  14. Jamie Lamb says:


  15. Katie Clark says:

    So glad to have hope in a world with so much hopelessness.

  16. Danni Blackburn says:

    I so much wish we could really know what Eden was like, how sim changed everything. I wish I could just have a glimpse at the original creation.

  17. Cheryl Karnes says:

    Thank you, Jesus, for giving me hope!

  18. Colleen Raezler says:

    How Page 37 was all about the Fall and page 38 about the hope we have in Christ?

  19. Cheyenne Campbell says:

    Thank you Jesus for ending our story in hope. This encouragement and word is encouragement today. And everyday ahead!

  20. Heather Bruce says:


  21. Lenora Montgomery says:

    ❤️ This is the reason for our lights to shine! To share the hope we have in Christ! Amen

  22. Cindy Johns says:

    ❤️Because of Jesus, hope fulfilled is the end of your story. ❤️

    The Man of Heaven came down that we might have hope!!

    1. justine viola says:


  23. Virginia Lapierre says:

    Praise God for the hope that we have in Jesus Christ—the One Who was, and is, and is to come!

  24. MARTHA HIX says:


  25. Ariana Strickland says:

    Amen. Today’s reading really hit home for me. I guess it was exactly what I needed to hear.

  26. Lena Medina says:

    I love today’s readings. Thankful for the hope in Christ that I have. Thankful that the hope I have is stronger than the effects of sin. Praise Jesus for hope fulfilled!!!❤️

  27. Adrianne Gehm says:

    Such a good reminder of God’s mercy and grace. We are so undeserving but he is so good and gracious.

    1. Tammy Stecker says:

      That’s a big truth!

  28. Rachel Ward says:


  29. Christy Moye says:


  30. Kim Davila says:

    So needed to hear this message today ❤️

  31. Traci Clayton says:

    great message I needed a reminder to not fall for the temptation of others to do bad things, but obey God’s word and allow him to lead me through life.

  32. Rae G. says:

    Today I open my heart to you lord. I will not let sin rule me. Instead I will allow grace into my heart. Thank you Jesus for giving me hope. Amen!

    1. Lena Medina says:


  33. Claire B says:


  34. Lucy Valadez says:

    Amen! So grateful to be on this journey into really accepting Jesus in my life.

  35. Michelle H says:

    Thankful for the hope we have in Jesus!

  36. Victoria E says:

    Happy Advent sisters ! Happy to see you all here. I’ve missed interacting with you all. The fall/winter has been incredibly rough health wise and with work for me- still dealing with some issues getting medications I need and constantly being sick of having someone sick in the house. Please pray for provision, health and peace for us ! Thank you !

    1. Lena Medina says:

      Jesus be with Victoria and her family. Bless them with peace and good health. Amen.

      1. Victoria E says:

        Thank you Lena !

        1. Lena Medina says:


    2. Tammy Stecker says:

      I prayed for you

      1. Victoria E says:

        Thank you so much Tammy!

  37. Nicole Reese says:

    Amen, thank God for Jesus’s sacrifice for our sins!

  38. Dianna McFarland says:

    HE has nudged me when I am messing up, thinking wrong thoughts, behaving like a toddler, etc… He has extended His amazing grace, love and mercy to me—especially when like Adam and Eve, I begin pointing out others’ issues instead of confessing my own sins with a humble repentant heart. God is so incredibly patient. I need to own up, repent, ask for forgiveness and be in the frame of mind to listen to Him and walk in obedience, have my heart right; knowing that He is good all the time, and always on time, knowing He has His best in mind for me/for us and getting into alignment with Him quickly.

    1. Tammy Stecker says:

      I’m so thankful for the reprimands He gives me!

  39. Mollie Dameron says:

    I thank God that my story doesn’t end with sin, but with salvation from Jesus.

  40. Christy D says:

    I bought the book but also bought the app so I could read the devo and you alls comments. It’s been a lonely season, and I love this community and seeing how many of us are doing this study! May the Lord bless you this Christmas as you seek Him. ❤️

    1. Lena Medina says:

      Christy, thankful for this community as well. Praying that you have peace and fellowship with others during this season…it can be so lonely as you mentioned. Praise Jesus for hope fulfilled. ❤️

  41. Cate McCollum says:


  42. Juliana Eshleman says:

    Did anyone notice the page turn in the study book?

    1. Tammy Stecker says:

      What do you mean?

  43. Alayna P. says:

    I found it especially hard to read about the original sin today. I’ve read it before but for some reason today it was more difficult and upsetting. But then reading the verses from Romans right after really highlighted that because of Jesus, there is hope. I have hope! Thank You Jesus ❤️

  44. Donna Wolcott says:

    Because of Him, I have hope! Have you noticed how quickly Lent seems to come after Christmas? It makes me all the more aware of the whole story, not just the Babe in the manger, but the reason for the birth! Cherrie you are seen and sending hugs! Peace dear sisters.

  45. Tania Vallejo says:


  46. Mercy says:

    Not all knowledge is good. Knowledge puffs up. The more degrees attach to our names, the more highly we regard ourselves. The more lust for knowledge mankind has, the quicker they fall. Eve did, because of the lust for wanting to know ALL like God. Knowledge of evil brings shame (they are aware of their nakedness), and immediately think of fig leaves as their answer, and separate themselves from the ONE solution who can cleanse. Oh Lord, the condition of man, may You help us. Thank you NICOLE for the deep devotional. I love this: “when we take an honest look at the condition of our hearts, we discover glimpses of a fallen humanity up close and personal. Even on our best of days, we succumb to thoughts (and sometimes actions) of envy, bitterness, greed, selfish ambition, and lust.” Such truth. Sin is not far, within our heart, lurking right on the doorstep (Genesis 4:7) of our thoughts, and we must subdue it by God’s Weapon. And if our hand makes us sin, if our habit makes us sin, if our friend circles make us sin, may we cut it off by the grace of God. And boy, isn’t He kind and capable to cleanse us of all unrighteousness the moment we confess, the moment we seek earnestly for His help? (1 John 1:9). And then, our joy will be full. Seek God, He is close to us. He is always knocking in our heart. May we seek Him, as Lord, Saviour and Forever friend.

    @LELIA PETSCH: for your PTSD and mental issues be resolved, joy and hope to overfill your mind/heart/soul.
    @CHERRIE BREWER: may God fill you with peace and joy today (hope you are reading). May God rekindle/restore relationships, and bring sweet and kind people, new relationships to surround you, not just for this Christmas but all the days of your life, to build you up in love and encouragement. Hope you have felt better than yesterday. You are so loved, and seen! Please come and fellowship in the comments with us daily. Life is too hard to do alone. We are here, a shoulder to cry on, voluntary listeners to your lament. The grief shared is the grief halved, the joy shared is joy double.
    @JANET CALDWELL: continual prayers, loved what you shared today so much!
    @ANGELA: provision for your son’s education needs, and ease of worries for husband, hardship lifted for your family.
    @ALLISON BENTLEY: for your youngest’s recovery from the flu, good health for family.
    @MARI V: Michelle’s dad’s cancer to be destroyed by Gods healing power, mental strength for all who face this ordeal by his side, and a testimony for God’s Glory.
    @HEIDI: your friend’s mom in her last days on earth, and for her to receive the greatest gift of all: salvation. School work and family balance in this busy month.
    @CARRIE WELDON: grace and strength as you care for your 6 m/o, and may help come so you can rest at the Lord’s feet.
    @DEANNA RASCH: may God give wisdom, patience and much love for your family, especially for your son, his gf (fiancee?) and the baby about to be born. I love JANET CALDWELL’s message today toward her son, in his MOST rebellion time, the response of the mother does matter, and it moved me to tears. Love covers the multitude of sin. And may His grace help us to love when it’s hardest.
    Be blessed dear sisters.

  47. Gold Amaechi says:

    Thank you Jesus!

  48. Teresa Donley says:

    HEIDI – I’m glad to hear your presentation went well and has received positive feedback. I’m praying for you that your schedule will be manageable and that you’ll be able to share time with your family over the coming weeks.
    I’m also praying that your friend’s mother will recognize her need for forgiveness, and will accept Jesus as her Savior before her time on earth is finished. My mother died when living with me, and I cared for her during her final days. She was a devoted Christian and had such a close relationship with Jesus that it made the final breath easier to witness. I knew she had just entered Paradise and was meeting her Savior face to face. I pray your friend gets to have that peace, knowing that her mother is with The Lord.

  49. Donna Mitchell says:

    A wonderful reminder of The Gift, Jesus

  50. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I have been humbled by my own sin lately. It’s so nice to know that the story doesn’t end with my sin. God is not done with me, and He is in the business of redeeming and making all things right. On Earth, we get glimpses of heaven, but one day we will see and experience it completely.

  51. Kendal Ragland says:

    I love that this study is helping us remember what exactly Jesus did here, and the main thing he did here was save us. Even when we didn’t deserve it. I couldn’t imagine the longing the people in the Bible had for Jesus to come. I’m so thankful for Jesus coming down here just to save us (even though we didn’t deserve it), and I’m super excited for him to return ❤️

  52. kim blenkhorn says:

    Beautiful reminder!

  53. Lelia Petsch says:

    Today’s reading really hit home for me because I’ve had my struggles with PTSD and the mental health issues that come with it and a few struggles of addiction since then. But knowing that yes I’m going through have been through it. It’s the hope that I have in Jesus Christ as my firm foundation that I’m able to stand up. It’s only because of Him that I’m in the church home that I’m in and found the Christ following counsel need to help me through my mental health to see that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light and I’m only going to see the Father through Him alone

  54. Molly R says:

    I’m continually reminded that we are “born into sin” when my kids display that nature in their behaviors and reactions. I’m then continually humbled and thankful that the grace given me in my sin can then be given to my kids as I parent them with grace and discipleship. I also get to wrap them in love, even when they don’t “deserve” it and each time I am reminded that I am wrapped in my Father’s arms when I don’t deserve it, and someday – SOMEDAY – I will actually get to feel that in my resurrected body as I am embraced by Jesus in person. It’s *almost* unimaginable, but what a beautiful hope to hold on to, especially when life here on this broken Earth can try to distract me!

  55. Alisabeth Jordan says:

    There is hope in Jesus ❤️

  56. Lakechia Smith says:

    There is hope in Jesus ❤️

  57. Venus Glass says:

    My hope is in Jesus. Amen

  58. Cee Gee says:

    Finishing my post. ☺

    2 gardens, 2 trees

    Genesis 3:24
    He drove the man out and stationed the cherubim and the flaming, whirling sword east of the garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life.

    1 Peter 2:24
    He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree; so that, having died to sins, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.

    (reflections here and in previous post inspired by Max Lucado)

  59. leann Craft says:

    If through the sin of one man, Adam, the world was made wrong; through the obedience of the Son of Man, Jesus, the world could be put right. This spoke to me! Jesus is our Savior and He made the world right. He gives us Hope in this hopeless world that we live in. ❤️

  60. Lucy L. says:

    There is such peace in knowing that Jesus came and experienced all I feel. Even in my broken mess He seeks me out with grace and love in His hands.

  61. Janet Caldwell says:

    This verse hit me a fresh today. 1 Corinthians 15:49.
    And just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we will also bear the image of the man of heaven.
    We take the fruit over and over again, we are broken people BUT GOD!! We bear the image of Jesus at the same time as the man of dust. That’s grace. We do not have to run and hide from God when we fail. He always desires us to run toward him and he opens his arms to receive us.

    In todays Lectio 365 the scripture was when God pointed Abram to the stars. I love stars and I’ve been at the bottom of the Grand Canyon at night. SO MANY STARS! The writer went on to point out that during the day we can only see about 65 miles into the atmosphere but at night we can see the Andromeda, which is a collection of stars 2.5 million miles away. Wow!! That sometimes we need night seasons to dial down distractions of the day to long for more.

    What is glittering in the distance that I am hoping and believing for? Vision prayers. Instead of focusing on prayers from the depths if we can write out a vision of what we are trusting God to do, it helps us focus on reaching beyond what is right in front of us.

    My youngest son went through a horrible rebellion period in high school. I began a journal I called glimpses of hope. I would write out the smallest of things that were encouragement…., He smiled at me today. That was really huge because the tension between us during that time was so hard, I was grasping. He is 28 now and we have a sweet relationship and his hugs are restored to what they were when he was a little boy. Hope….., that’s the vision we look to past the stars. “To infinity and Beyond” . For you mommas struggling with your boys the biggest lesson I learned was I can’t control them but I can love them. just as God gave Adam and Eve a choice, he didn’t try and control them but He loved them through. Yes there were consequences, but His grace and love was always there. There hope mommas!

  62. Cee Gee says:

    The man of dust was introduced to THORNS –

    Genesis 3:17-18
    And he said to the man, “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘Do not eat from it’:
    The ground is cursed because of you.
    You will eat from it by means of painful labor all the days of your life.

    18 It will produce THORNS and thistles for you …

    The Man of Heaven endured the pain of those THORNS –

    John 19:2
    The soldiers also twisted together a crown of THORNS, put it on his head, and clothed him in a purple robe.

    -emphasis mine –

    LIGHT OF THE WORLD, MAN OF HEAVEN – Thank You for taking on my sin. May I yield to You and Your perfect plan even when I don’t understand.

    SEARCHING – Echoing your beautiful prayer. ❤

    HEIDI – Glad to hear you made it through! Agreeing with Foster Mama’s prayer for the next couple of weeks! ❤

  63. Angela says:

    Love this study. I’ve needed this. Please be praying for me and my family. My son has some educational needs that aren’t completely being met. I see God working already, but we need more to be done — and I need the wisdom to see clearly what we should do next. I’m not working right now, and I need God’s direction and divinely opened doors for what is next. I love being a stay at home mom (i had been working in ministry for 25 years), but my husband is extremely worried about finances. I want a job that will allow me to still pick up my son after school and take care of all the mom things. This has been a hard change for all of us.

  64. Kimmee Auxier says:

    Hope fulfilled. Heaven♥️

  65. Allison Bentley says:

    I think it’s hard to accept the gift of Christ so freely (without a catch). I mean Adam “deserved” punishment because of his actions. He disobeyed. We “deserve” judgment not forgiveness and yet Jesus gives it for free. Father I am not worthy of Your grace and mercy BUT I am so thankful. I ask that I am anchored to you so that I may reflect Your light so others will come to You to receive the peace You so freely give. My hope is in Your obedience because we have the Word to remind us You ALWAYS obey!!! Amen. Happy Tuesday She’s. Prayers for my littlest little as he is sick this week with the flu.

  66. Janet Caldwell says:

    I love that song so much!!

  67. Michelle Patire says:

    Yes, so many comments as @Adrienne said, lol. It is good we are making time for the Lord here together.

    @Cherrie Brewer – ❤️
    glad you saw my comment.

    When I was reading about the tree of life, I thought about Revelation 22:2 – where we see the tree reappear in Scripture, again, in the New Jerusalem.
    Christ is our life, now. We look forward to the absence of sin and the redemption of our bodies.

  68. Kinesha Cox says:


  69. Ashley White says:

    HOPE ❤️❤️❤️

  70. Tea Raczka says:

    Thank you Jesus

  71. Teri Specht says:

    Thank you Jesus. I could not face each day not knowing you walk with me today and every day.

  72. Mari V says:

    ALSO, please pray for my dear friend Michelle’s daddy (John) whose cancer has come back and his body is not responding to chemo. Her dad (and mom) are such godly people! So sweet and love Jesus very much. They are putting together a video with for us to give him words of encouragement. I will be doing that soon. I know it was her daddy that sent me an anonymous gift a few years back.

  73. Susan Allen says:

    Thank You Jesus for the hope of eternity with You!

  74. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Man from heaven has come, and Man from heaven will come again – “Advent calls us to more—to the practice of expectation and anticipation”. We are to be expecting and anticipating Christ’s return. That’s what advent is all about, looking forward to Jesus coming again. Sin has darkened our world, but Jesus came to bring light. Praise God! Praise God for Romans 5:20, “where sin increased, grace increased all the more.” So thankful for God’s gift of His Son and for the gift of eternal life. The gift is free, but one has to accept it in order for it to become theirs. Praying for lost souls to come to Jesus this Christmas season. He is worthy – Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace!

    @all my SRT sisters – thank you for your insights and comments, I try to read them all!

    @Heidi – praying for opportunity for this dying woman to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and that she will accept the free gift God offers to her. Also praying for your crazy, busy, schedule and that all will be completed early so that you can enjoy the time with your family.

    @Deaanna Rasch – continued prayers for your son’s situation – and peace & encouragement for your mama’s heart. ❤️

    @Cherie Brewer – you are though of today — continued prayers. ❤️

    May each of you have a day filled with peace, love and hope.

  75. Elizabeth Lennon says:

    Love this study & helping me keep my focus where it needs to be! ❤️

  76. Mari V says:

    Lament over the suffering sin has brought to our community. My heart! My mother’s heart! A couple of days ago my daughter told me of a horrific tragedy to a 17 year old (same age as my daughter). My mama’s heart wishes I could of taken this young lady to tell her she’s dearly LOVED! That JESUS loves her! I wrestled to sleep wishing someone would of reached out to her! And just as Nicole mentions today, this broken world is not our home and hope is found in Jesus. Because of Jesus hope fulfilled is the end of our story. I wish I or someone could of reached out to this young lady. I didn’t know her or her name. I feel so sad today. Please forgive me for such sad comment and lets us pray for this young lady’s family.

  77. Cindy J says:

    Like many of you I had a hard time reading the temptation and fall of man. Even though I know the narrative well, it was just hard for some reason. The Genesis passage made me stop and soak in Paul’s words. But – the gift. How much more. Thank you Jesus, for your gift; grace and righteousness. And thank you that you are so much more –
    Through one man’s disobedience many were made sinners – through one man’s obedience many will be made righteous.
    Thank you Jesus for your gift of obedience.

  78. Alli Tomberlin says:

    Something I felt God bring to light during this reading – ‘one man’s mistake has a great impact, but God has the final impact.’ This makes me think about how one person, whether ourselves or someone else, can make just one poor decision that affects us so greatly. And sometimes that impacts feels eternal, permanent, our reality, maybe even our identity. But just as scripture says – “if by the one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive the overflow of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.” “where sin multiplied, Grace multiplied even more so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also Grace will reign through righteousness, resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.” Our choices have impact and the effects may feel overwhelming. But nothing is more overwhelming or more imbedded into our identity than the impact of the decision Christ made, to be obedient to the point of death, to give us an eternal hope that outweighs the effects of sin. Thank you Jesus ❤️

  79. Cheryl Blow says:

    So thankful that “Because of Jesus coming, this broken world is not my home!”

  80. Rhonda J. says:

    GM- That is a unique and good perspective during the Hope part of Advent!
    If you don’t see the darkness you don’t see the beauty of the light. If you don’t have the bad, you aren’t as thankful for the good! Good thing to ponder on today!

  81. Tricia C says:

    Amen! HE IS WORTHY!

  82. Cheryl Blow says:

    I’ll try this again, Because the Son of Heaven

  83. Cheryl Blow says:

    I love this from today’s reading, “Because the

  84. Adrienne says:

    So. Many. Comments… good ones! I am going to have to get out of bed earlier each day to read them all!

    As MARIA said, we have read the account of the fall many, many times, and we are probably all thinking, “Noooo… what are you doing?!?!?!” It always strikes me how Adam and Eve both pass the buck. (Kinda like you and me, huh?)

    But thank you for showing us in today’s devotion, Nicole, that we are women of heaven. (We tend to see more that we are women of dust, don’t we?)

    Wipe the dust from your feet today, sweet sisters, and remember that your Jesus makes you a daughter of heaven!

    P.S. —- KRIS, I also have a son, Jon… your heartache is on my heart… many prayers throughout the day for you and your family.

  85. Julia MacFarland says:

    God, through Jesus, gives me hope. Yes, there is an abundance of brokenness but I CHOOSE to fix my focus on the one who will make every wrong right! Thank you Lord for loving us in the midst of our brokenness, amen!

  86. Hannah Goodman says:

    Something that I will carry with me- because the son of heaven has come,you can know the touch of heaven on this earth.

    1. Erin L. says:


  87. Foster Mama says:


    HEIDI – Thank you for your precious comments! I am praying for your energy as you move through your goals for the next couple weeks, that every productive 1 minute will bear the fruits of 5 and that you’ll have plenty of snuggle time for Christmas Break!!

    Please Jesus, show Yourself to this woman who, so far, is ready to leave this earth without You; please hear the prayers of her daughter and community and make Yourself known. We pray her heart will be softened / opened.

    CHERRIE BREWSTER ❤️ and to all my Wonderful Sisters making sure she feels our love ❤️❤️❤️

    Lord Jesus, please work out for each and all of us what this time of preparing to our Saviour to be born is meant to look like in our individual lives.

  88. Liz Fowler says:


  89. Liz Fowler says:

    Advent calls me to the practice of expectation and anticipation. Yes, this world is broken and it is hard some days to keep going. But it’s a choice to practice hope and to continue to hope and anticipate Jesus.

  90. Lorene Huffman says:

    Reading the curse on Adam and work makes me think about all the challenges that I deal with in the workplace and is a reminder that it is because of sin and brokenness. I’m also reminded that HE is my hope and one day ALL OF THIS will be restored to wholeness. Until then, I continue reflecting His light!

  91. LeAnn Schmitt says:

    Amen and amen!

  92. Maria Baer says:

    Sending much love, Carrie.

  93. Maria Baer says:

    Today’s scripture say heavy with me, probably because I noticed aspects I did not notice before; probably because coming on the heels of the study of Judges and then an uplifting study like we did on Gratitude, now we come to this moment— the original sin. And as I read, my mind was like “No! What are you doing?” even though, I’ve read this story so many times. But there is also an opportunity to just breath, take in the pain of that sin and acknowledge the condition of the world and our own individual condition. Because there is power in that, and more importantly, the realization that there is also hope in the love God sent to us in the shape of His son, Jesus. And with that comes peace that we are not lone in this journey through life, which is full of ups and downs, and can sometimes feel unbearable. So, thank you God for your infinite love, patience, and grace. And thank you for You Son, Jesus, and that in Him we can find our salvation.

    1. Tricia C says:

      Thank you for sharing, Maria.

  94. Heather Gonzalez says:

    Thank you, Jesus.

  95. June Pimpo says:

    God’s story of redemption -ordained by Him long before there was time. Thank you God for this beautiful story. May I live my life today honoring you in everything I do.

  96. Heidi says:

    So grateful that God never cursed his children… he cursed the perpetrator of sin and followed through with consequences for those guilty- AND, was still faithful to them. He still cared for them, still was available to them, still watched over them even after what their actions brought onto His perfect world. It’s an incredible story of the endless lengths of His ever-merciful, forgiving heart towards ALL of His children, regardless of where they find themselves. He endlessly pursues and refuses to give up.

    Praying for requests shared here… ❤️

    For those who pray: a friend of ours is nearing the final days with her mom on this earth. Her mom has been ill for a while and it looks like she doesn’t have much time left. While this is a heartbreaking reality to have to walk through on this earth, it is made MORE heartbreaking in that her mom does not know Jesus – yet. I am praying that God will open a door for her to share His saving grace with her mom and for her moms heart to be softened and her mind to be made clear to understand the love of her Creator and Savior. I would love others to join this prayer over the coming weeks and I will for sure keep everyone posted…

    Thank you for the prayers for my presentation :) I think it went well..??!! Ha! I always see what I could have done better, but overall I got great feedback. I have a very busy week of getting things completed for another class and I’m telling you- this week has already tried to get to me and it’s only Tuesday… my entire day was eaten up yesterday by nonnegotiable things I had to get done and I didn’t touch my school work even once. Praying today for God to provide protection over my schedule and for good work to be completed… if I can get all of this in by Friday (due date), and double down on a couple large/difficult papers next week (will be tough but praying I can do it!!) I could actually, potentially complete my semester a full week early and have that time with my family leading up to C’mas, as my kids all 3 get out for holiday break next Friday.

    Enjoy your morning, SRT-sisters ❤️

  97. Carrie Weldon says:

    As a new momma to a 6 month old, life has been crazy and I’ve lost my routine of dedicating time out of my day with the Lord. And it’s left an emptiness. I’m praying this advent season will be a good reset button while also having grace as a new momma to my son knowing that not everything will go perfectly as planned or smooth. But resting in Jesus and the Scriptures today is a wonderful place to be today.

    1. Savannah Gilmore says:

      You’re an amazing mama, and the Lord will meet you right where you are in this season!

  98. Ashley West says:

    “Because hope fulfilled is the end of the story.” Thank you, Jesus. ♥️

  99. Aimee D-R says:

    Thank You Jesus

  100. Searching says:

    Sisters, I know it’s not Easter but I’m again awed, humbled and teary-eyed as I read these verses and think about Christ’s love and sacrifice for us. A love for us so powerful that He left the glory of heaven for you and for me. The descriptions Givers and Takers find their way into conversations about our earthly relationships – Jesus is a Giver like no other, He gave everything for us.
    And today’s verses in Genesis remind me that we can allow ourselves to be deceived by the lies of the evil one in the blink of an eye. Lord, I pray for discernment and maturity in my faith to recognize dressed up lies, to turn away from evil and cling to You and Your truth.

    KARRIE WEST – praying you are comforted this first Christmas without your mom here ❤️
    GAILE CRAIK – continuing to pray
    KRIS – praying for you as you adjust to your son’s move, and wisdom and guidance for him
    JANET CALDWELL – praying the red tape around your brother’s renewal is untangled soon
    KIMMEE AUXIER – thank you for your testimony of Christ’s light as you miss your son ❤️
    MIA FAITH and others – seeing the love in the testimonies and resource suggestions shared by so many sisters in support of DEANNA RASCH … praying DEANNA.

  101. Jessie Fehland says:

    Lovely! Thank you, Lord! So humbled today!

  102. Kerryn Gaines says:


  103. Kristine Loughman says:

    We hold both brokenness and hope in our hands. Life is both brutal and beautiful. The hope shines brighter because of our sorrow. The brokenness is bearable because of our hope. A light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. I picture this SRT community all lifting our little candles of light high, helping bring light to each other and our world.

  104. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we will also bear the image of the man of heaven”

    Thank You, Jesus for coming to make this possible. Expectantly waiting for You to retrun to make it a reality❣️

    SARAH COOK – may God encourage you as you lean into Him.

    DEANNA RASCH – praying for your family as you navigate your son’s news. Praying you can give him and his girlfriend and baby the support and encouragement they need to succeed.

    KARRI WEST – Sorry for the loss of your mother. Praying the comfort of Holy Spirit during your first Christmas without her.


    KRIS – praying for your family as you navigate your son’s launch

  105. Deanna Rasch says:

    These are the scriptures and the words my heart needs today. So humbled. Today is a better day, with God’s grace. BUT, JESUS.

  106. Emma Boksan says:

    praise jesus amen ❤️

  107. Andrea P says:

    Our hope will always be greater than the effects of our sin…

  108. Laura Trupiano says:

    Thank you for this daily bible study

  109. Mary Ann Graves says:


  110. Kristie Hall says:


  111. Tina says:

    Thank you NICOLE SMITHEE, so perfectly put!

    Today, acknowledge what is wrong with the world. Lament over the suffering sin has brought to your community. Open your heart before the Lord, and confess personal sin. But also receive the hope you have in Christ. Because the Son of heaven has come, you can know the touch of heaven on this earth. Because of Jesus, you can reign in life. Because of Jesus, this broken world is not your home. Because of Jesus, hope fulfilled is the end of your story, and that is why you can smile at the days ahead….

    BUT GOD..

    Is all I need to add..

    Thank you Jesus, Thank you..


    Prayerful today finds you well and that Jesus is your source in all you do and say.. He is indeed worthy. TOTALLY AND UTTERLY WORTHY..of our praise. Hugs dear hearts..

  112. Mary says:

    Yes, come Lord Jesus, the hope of the world.
    From the end of today’s devotional, I am reminded of another not Christmas song, which fits with the title of our study. I appreciate the permission given in the devotional to acknowledge the brokenness of the world around us. And I think it’s ok to grieve it too. We don’t have to pretend like everything’s great and ignore what’s around us because we have Christ as our hope. We have hope in Jesus Christ because He WILL make everything right.

    – Is He Worthy by Chris Tomlin –
    Do you feel the world is broken? (We do)
    Do you feel the shadows deepen? (We do)
    But do you know that all the dark won’t stop the light from getting through? (We do)
    Do you wish that you could see it all made new? (We do)
    Is all creation groaning? (It is)
    Is a new creation coming? (It is)
    Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst? (It is)
    Is it good that we remind ourselves of this? (It is)

    Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole?
    Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
    The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
    He was David’s root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
    Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
    Of all blessing and honor and glory
    Is He worthy of this?
    He is!

    1. Sandy Combs says:

      Thanks for sharing! ❤️