By the end of this year, I will have three little boys—ages five, three, and a newborn. As is already the case with my older two, I imagine that I’ll have a lot of disputes to mediate and a lot of catastrophic disagreements to mitigate. Already, my five- and three-year-old come to me with lips pursed in outrage, chubby fingers pointing at one another and insisting the righteousness of their cause.
My sons could not be more different. One of them resembles a younger version of me—tender-hearted, quick-tempered, and full of big emotions. The other resembles a younger version of his father—tough-minded, resilient, and calculating. And yet, as their mother, I would never be able to pick a favorite. I love them both fiercely, whether they’re piling into my bed every morning for our ritual “snugs” or bickering in their room that same afternoon, looking for a referee.
In our current cultural climate, thoughts of justice can bring up all manner of emotions. A word and concept that is mentioned countless times in God’s Word has taken on very partisan, rather than biblical, connotations. Whether we’re arguing about social justice, criminal justice reform, or seeking justice for the persecuted, for many of us, the word conjures up ballot boxes, picket lines, and picket signs rather than the impartial God of the universe.
One thought that helps preserve the beauty of justice in my mind is the fact that our God is the patient Father of His earthly children. Though it doesn’t seem possible to me, He loves us infinitely more than I love my thumb-sucking little prizefighters. Like a tender parent, it is His desire to see His children walking in unity (Psalm 133:1). Like a wise parent, as Israel makes her way out of Egypt and towards the promised land, God is making provision for this unity through earthly mediators whose job is to echo His lovingkindness.
He requires righteous judgment (Deuteronomy 16:18), not hampered by partiality or bribes. He requires righteousness (Deuteronomy 16:19), and a pursuit of His justice alone, not personal glory or gain. And to ensure that justice and righteousness are the only pursuit of the judge, the accused, and the accuser, He requires single-hearted worship of Him alone (Deuteronomy 17:2-7). This call is even higher for the Levitical priests, who are called to mediate in especially difficult cases because of their close walk and relationship with the Father (Deuteronomy 18:1-8).
We live in an age so different from that first trek into the promised land, but God shows us in Philippians 2:3-4 that the heart of His calls for justice still ring true: we are to be looking out for the interest of others. Whatever our blood relationship, familial bond, party affiliation, or political views, we are to see one another as more important than ourselves—as family—as sweet, lisping children, if that’s what it takes to show the tender mercy God requires.
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30 thoughts on "Leadership and Authority"
I can be most just over a circumstance when I am walking closely with God and observing his goodness and faithfulness to me. I should not make judgements when I have been straying from God because my understanding of what is right and just is based on my own understanding. Help me Lord to be an impartial servant to those I talk to today. Amen
How easy this is to forget in a country of unequal justice. Help me Lord to be more like you.
Beautifully said Alicia! ♥️
Beautifully said. ♥️
When reading Deuteronomy 17, I thought of a teaching about Solomon having many horses and wealth. They were not to have that many horses, and they were also to never go back to Egypt . Solomon had an alliance with Egypt and took the king’s daughter to be his wife. These Scriptures stating that they aren’t to multiply horses and why are explained at this link:
God gave these limits for a reason. May we be quick to obey!
Wow…so good. Thx for sharing!!!!
Yes, Christina! My church has been studying Kings and it struck me how even the “good” kings in Israel and Judah’s history failed to follow God’s law perfectly. Only Jesus is the perfect King who followed God’s law perfectly and served His people even to the sacrificing of His own life.
Has anyone noticed in most of scripture readings it continues to say “21 Do not set up an Asherah of any kind of wood next to the altar you will build for the Lord your God, 22 and do not set up a sacred pillar; the Lord your God hates them.” Moses unfortunately has to keep repeating these instructions. It make me think do I have idols I put ahead of my Lord and Savior.
Thanks so much ERB for all this great research!
The instruction that Moses gives for kings is truth we can and should heed today – read it (God’s word) all the days of our lives … that our hearts may not be lifted above our brethren… (Deuteronomy 17:19-20). Staying in God’s word will keep (the king) and each one of us humble! It is when we fail to be in His word regularly and fail to remember what we have learned, that we allow pride to take root in our hearts.
Through this whole recent election and pandemic, I have seen pride rear its ugly head over and over again. I’m often very surprised and saddened to hear such prideful remarks, especially recently concerning covid-19, the whole pandemic, masks and vaccines. Christians attacking other Christians, making them feel less than holy if they got the vaccine – and on the other side of that – accusing remarks towards those who haven’t gotten the vaccine, thinking “because I got the vaccine and you didn’t – you are in the wrong”. When did we lose sight of God’s word and what He instructs us? How is any of this banter putting others before ourselves, or esteeming others better than oneself? Are we really looking out for the interests of others? Or do we just need to be right and everyone must agree with us?
Father God, forgive us for letting such non-eternal issues cause bitterness, anger and division among us. Teach us to love as you love, to not show partiality, to love others as ourselves and to put everyone else before us. Help us not to be judgemental, forgive our prideful hearts. Help us all to show the same tender mercy that You show. In Jesus Name Amen
A blessed weekend to you all!
I thought the very same thing!
What a powerful reading and devotional today. We live in strange and stressful times that only a good and impartial God can help us navigate. “You alone are wise O God. I pray for your Kingdom children to be light and justice wherever we dwell.”
I also thought about how fascinating it is that God instructed the kings to read these laws daily… Yet, Solomon and David’s marriages both reflect denial of the law. Still, I think it’s beautiful, God’s desire for the kings to reflect on His law daily. He says it for a reason.
I also noticed the repetition of “you must purge the evil from Israel” – – God’s intention for the nation is purity.
Yes, CHRISTINE FOWLKES, it seemed like a simple enough request (re: the wives)…maybe “it’s not such a big deal” OR David / Solomon had their justifications and “can handle having multiple wives without losing focus / eyes of God’s will / etc…” BUT we see how these lead to such harm for not just Solomon but impacted God’s people.
I wonder what things I glaze over in my own life, as not crucial to adhere to but, truly, it is my Father mitigating harm to me and those affected by my actions.
Moses presents throughout this book “blessing versus curse”.
(Have a blessed weekend Sisters. I will put your requests before God.)
Love this ❤️ I was very caught up in politics during this last election and it was so burdensome. Worrying, reading the news, seeing all of the events unfold, fraud accusations, legal battles, capitol riot all during a pandemic and I was stressing over it. Never again. No matter who is president it’s all temporary. God is eternal HE is in control. We must love our neighbor no matter what and that seems impossible when there are so many issues that we are passionate about. How do I love my neighbor when they perpetuate ideals that go against what I so strongly believe. It seems impossible but it’s not. Gods sent His Son to die for us even when we as a people did everything he explicitly told us not to do. The disrespect and disobedience piled up for hundreds of years. Offenses towards the very one that CREATED us! Yet he still sent His Son to die for us and save us! And we’re still acting up ! If He can love us in spite of this we can open our hearts and love one another. Pray for each other. Help each other ❤️❤️❤️
The part about Kings not taking multiple wives makes me think of David and Solomon and how that very thing led to the downfall of Israel. David led by bad example I’m having multiple wives. Solomon took it to the extreme by having 100’s of wives and they eventually led him into idolatry that polluted Israel until it was destroyed. God’s intentions for His people were so clear and His motives so pure, just as they are for us. Everything He asks of us is so that it may be well with us.
There is a LOT in today’s scriptures, and I feel like I could talk about it all (the revelations & nuggets) for hours on end… but since that isn’t possible (at least for right now) I will highlight what God gave me…
First: God is impartial. Meaning He sees ALL of us (Christ follower or not) the SAME. We are ALL His children and are precious in His sight.
Second: ALL sin is the SAME. Whether a murderer, adulterer or a “white liar”, ALL sin is the SAME in God’s eyes. Very humbling!! And it is something I remind myself of daily!! *Christ was/is the epitome of HUMILITY.
Third: God is a God of JUSTICE and JUDGEMENT and it’s important to know what that means!! They are both ROOTED IN THE CHARACTER AND NATURE OF GOD.
Fourth: Levitical Priests. I remembered reading something about the tribe of Levi and their inheritance so I looked back in my notes and sure enough there it was in Deuteronomy 10:8-9 ..the tribe of Levi was NOT given a portion of the new and promised land because the LORD was their inheritance!!! …and it was there again in Deuteronomy 17:9-13 (absolutely love vs 11 “Do not turn to the right or the left…and vs 13 “ longer behave arrogantly.”) and again in Deuteronomy 18:1-5 (vs 2 stands out as well as vs 4 “You are to give him the firstfruits..”)
This all made me think of an article (written by Mike Barton in 2002) that I read recently about a “Discerning Ear” …here are a few scriptures and excerpts from that article:
“But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he follow them, because they are spiritually discerned” 1 Corinthians 2:14
“When God revealed Himself and His will through His Son and His Word, He provided humanity not only with knowledge but also with understanding. The one who accepts God’s revelation by faith and goes on to judge every experience by the standards of revelation is truly a person of understanding. The essence of wisdom and understanding is to grasp spiritual realities and use them in distinguishing how to act in practical life situations thereby living a life of obedience and peace, being conformed to the divine will.”
“But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish (discern – NKJV) good from evil” Hebrews 5:14
“So too, it is necessary to practice and put to use every gift of God, lest the gift should become valueless to the very purpose for which God intended it. Our capacity to feast on the deeper things of God is determined by our spiritual growth. Too often we want God’s banquet before we are spiritually capable of digesting. As we grow in the Lord, we will find we are able to more fully appreciate all the wonderful delights at the provision of His table.”
This next excerpt I found particularly relevant to today’s reading:
“In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for bin and its derivatives that are usually translated “understanding” or “insight” speak of understanding gained by evaluation, though such words as “discern”, “distinguish”, and “judgement” more clearly convey the full meaning of the Hebrew word. Another Hebrew word that is sometimes used for understanding is yada. This speaks more of gaining knowledge through personal experience. But most often it is bin that is translated in this way. …The basic concept of the Hebrew bin is that of judgement. This is judgement in the sense that the person with understanding can make distinctions between options. Given information, the person who has understanding (bin) is able to judge, that is, discern the best and right choice in the light of God’s word and ways. So, generally in the Old Testament “understanding” is very practical in its nature and centers more specifically on the use of, rather than the mere possession of, knowledge. It is putting to use knowledge, understanding and insight, using the power of reason in the light of God’s word that brings about righteousness judgement. …Across the whole of the Old Testament we see that it is only through a right relationship with God, evidenced by valuing and wholeheartedly trying to live in accordance with His revealed will, that His followers can ever come into true understanding.”
Anyways, thanks for letting me share, I hope you are blessed by it!!
It’s so clear how God was supposed to be at the center of all of Israel’s levels of authority — settling disputes, the king, etc. Really reminds you how we individually have to be rooted in scripture if we have any hope of being just.
Today was a lot. Lots to think through and pray for. Thank you for your prayers. My step mom is now not feeling well and is to be tested today. My father in law needs dialysis which I guess can happen after a transplant. They want to discharge him, but we really want him to stay longer. Pray for grace and strength. Thanks sisters
Lord I pray for unity in our country and peace in our world. Do only what You can do!! I can’t believe we just finished chapter 18 of Deuteronomy! We are flying through this book! I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and lifting up all the prayer requests <3
I’m printing this devotional out so I can keep it. May I be an instrument for God’s kind of justice in my home, my church, and my community.
It’s good to be reminded of what true justice looks like.
Excellent devotional! Certainly something to pray about & try to exemplify by our own words & actions.
Powerful thoughts and words for today. God loves us all equally! We should give Him, in return, no less than to do the same to everyone…even if we disagree with them.
Judgment and authority …. Hot topics for these times … Praying for leaders, judges, those in any position of authority (parents, teachers), all of us really … Love the Lord and others, remember and obey, be honest with yourself, the Lord (He already knows) and others, follow the golden rule, don’t believe/follow everything you hear/read that claims to be from God – check it to see if it lines up with or goes against His Word. Lord, I pray for wisdom in these areas.
Regarding helping those on street corners and other places from yesterday’s posts – that’s a hard one for me. I have given many times, sometimes a little and other times a lot, sometimes cash and sometimes gift cards, sometimes gas or food (at the time of purchase), sometimes a need stated on their sign (like socks). I’ve been thanked profusely for $1 and I’ve been looked at with disgust for much more than that (if it wasn’t what they wanted – such as gave gift card and they wanted cash). I still give, praying for wisdom along the way.
MELANIE – praying for your father in law and dad, and your husband also as the helping can be difficult.
JANE K – congrats on the new grand! And praying for your husband and daughter in their recovery from covid.
TRACY GENDRON – praying for your husband!
TINA – Two hours, what an amazing thing it must have been to see all that giving!
Oh, Jasmine, sooo true! So much real injustice in this world. So much is more like spoiled children throwing tantrums because they have been stopped from doing what is right in their own eyes. Lord give us Your eyes to see how to implement Your justice and impartiality in this world so that the the people will see Your mercy and grace in their lives.