Scripture Reading: Luke 1:26-56, Psalm 131:1-3, Philippians 2:5-11, James 4:6-10
We love a good “rags to riches” story, don’t we? Especially when God tells it in His upside-down kind of way. Throughout the Old Testament, we see God’s plan for our redemption thread through unlikely people, including the stories of lowly women like Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth. They all lead us to this part of the Advent story in Nazareth.
In today’s passage, we read of how, because of God’s favor, our far-from-royal Mary would birth a king—the King—who will reign forever. Outlandish, right? This girl of low standing and little means, a promised bride who was no longer a child but not yet a woman, was chosen to mother a king? As this news took shape in her womb, her humble condition moved her to the outer edges of her community.
But God was more interested in who she wasn’t.
Mary’s words to Gabriel—“See, I am the Lord’s servant”—tell us the story of what God saw in those deeper places. She wasn’t proud; she didn’t doubt; she wasn’t even hesitant. Her immediate posture of servanthood reveals a heart that loved and trusted God, even when it didn’t make sense. No, she didn’t have much to offer, but what she offered was what He most wanted. She offered herself.
Here’s the thing: we can’t fake humility. We can’t people-please or perform or strive our way into being humble. We can’t fool God. True humility lives in a heart that is completely surrendered. Humility asks that we empty ourselves and adopt the attitude of Christ (Philippians 2:5). Humility looks like trusting Him so completely that our souls are calmed like weaned children (Psalm 131:2).
When our spirits connect with His Spirit, and we hear His voice in our souls, we experience a connection with Him that changes us in places only God can see. That communion transforms our hearts to want what He desires first and only. That’s what opens the door to humility—and that’s when we find His joy.
This journey to joy is exactly what we see in today’s passage, when Luke tells of Mary’s visit with Elizabeth. As Mary processed the news, her praise bubbled forth. She sang that “[her] soul magnifies the Lord; [her] spirit rejoices.” She understood and was blessed by His plans to exalt the lowly (vv.46-48,52). She held the hope of what God had promised through His Son.
In this season of Advent as we anticipate the birth of our King, our hearts are also revealed in the waiting. As we wait, may we know that He still comes to the lowly. He still gives grace to the meek. He still exalts the humble-hearted (James 4:10).
Let us rejoice, for from the oft-overlooked rags of humility, come the riches of joy.
Written by Marnie Hammar
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114 thoughts on "Joy Through Humility"
Father God,
Help me to walk in humility and put my trust in You alone, so that I can reflect selfishness to the world. Thank You for the gift of Your grace that teaches us to be humble and prefer others above ourselves. In Jesus name, Amen.
Thank God for allowing me to be humble
Just to read this story makes me so full! Thanks for coming, Jesus! You did t have to!
I’m in a season of losing half of our income so that I can stay home with our son. I know it’s what God has for us and it is his best but it is humbling and hard to lose so much of what was a normal lifestyle to me. In my forced humility I am praying that God would sanctify me and that I wouldn’t hunger and thirst for the “American dream life” that we lost but instead for the face of God.
I don’t know if you will see this, since I’m writing on Monday, Dec 23rd. I just want to encourage you. You will NEVER regret staying home with your son. You do not have to have what culture says you “need”, to live a happy and contented life. You will maybe need to find other people like you to hang out with, but letting go of what we think is important (but really isn’t) and staying home with your son will give you so much more satisfaction. God bless you as you take on a new mindset, and do what He has called you to do!!!
I am always so struck by the faith, devotion, humility and maturity of Mary’s prayer. Her willingness, submission and surrender in such circumstances would be a challenge for a mature, seasoned believer that had walked with the Lord for years let alone a very young woman. It is a challenge and example to me to have such a heart posture and commitment of devotion.
The insights, comments and sharing are so encouraging. Thank you SRT sisters.
This reading has me weepy as I wait on the Lord and surrender to Him over and over and over again. O that He would meet us in our motherhood as we feel overwhelmed or disappointed or exhausted. And also as we feel joyful and humbled that He has chosen us to raise these beautiful tiny humans. May He give us strength, humility and Spirit-filled patience. And may the Lord fill my womb as I wait & trust in His sovereign timing!
Good afternoon, She’s! Praising God for this community of women, truly ❤️
God, help me to surrender my all to you. Help me to refocus on you and to put you first in everything I do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Amen ❤️
Love the verses from James 4:6-10
Mary’s Magnificat always reminds me of the section from the Holden Evening Prayer which my mom always does a solo of during Lent! These verses are so beautiful especially sung if you have not heard it before! Chills always!
Struggling turning everything over to God and trusting all us possible with God! Sometime it’s the little everyday day things I struggle with the most handing over to God!
I pray that I would humbly submit to God and watch and expect him meet all of my needs❤️
I love the image from Psalm 131 of a weaned child totally calm with their mother. Not pulling or demanding but just leaning in for the comfort of her presence. While I am not normally prone to anxiety, I am living it daily right now. I love “Nothing is impossible with God!” It is a wonderful reminder for me and all who have issues which are out of our control. There is nothing impossible with God.
Lord, help me wait in hope and trust in you like a weaned child knowing nothing is impossible with you. Amen.
Praying for you, Grammie D! I understand how crippling and difficult anxiety can be and I am so sorry you are struggling with it!
I’ve had a virus since Tuesday… I know that when I am sick, it is usually a clear message from the Lord to slow down and stop running in my strength. Definetly felt that this is one of those times!! A way of being humbled… one thing def has been heavy on my heart that I need to allow the Lord to heal regarding my singleness.
To be quite honest, I met a guy who defintely wasn’t my husband and I accidentally shared a lot of my heart with him bc he is a younger believer. I didn’t think much of it until I started to have feelings toward him after sharing so much. We have talked about it since and boundaries have defintely been put up. He definitely doesn’t see me “that way” lol. It was definitely a lesson in guarding our hearts better. Until getting sick, I have been struggling so hard with letting go and moving on, fully knowing God is saying He has better for me. This kid is awesome, but definitely not for me, which is why I am struggling. I feel sad bc I feel like I finally got a glimpse at what I am looking for, but it was not the right person or time. It is defintely humbling being a 32 year old woman struggling in this way with someone younger than me. And having to be honest with them. Thank God this person was gracious through it all.
I am trying now to relinquish my control and let God do what He wants. Please keep me in prayer, sisters, if you feel led to of course. I know many of you have your own burdens this holiday. I pray you feel Jesus standing with you alongside you every moment. ❤️
**update with coworker situation, both my boss and other female coworker (who runs FOH with me) have spoken to him about his attitude. My boss relayed what I had spoken to him on the phone. I am cutting down my hours there while the college girls are off, so I won’t be there as often for a little bit, anyway. January is my slow down month and social media detox. So that will help calm things down and give him space, too, I think.
Michelle, I’ll be praying that God’s peace and comfort would wash over you and that He would help you surrender and find joy in the waiting.❤️
Thank you so much, Christy. ❤️❤️❤️
Michelle, continued prayers for you to let go and let God..
Praying, you also feel Jesus standing alongside you..❤
Thank you dear Tina ❤️
Michelle, praying for you in this season. I know it can be hard to release these feelings when the hope for future somebody is still there. May you experience God’s love in a fresh way!
Thank you, Danielle for your prayers and kind words, always ❤️
Praying, Michelle. Proud of you for recognizing this ‘kid’ [your word :) ] is not the one, for clearing the air and seeking to move on from him to God’s best for you. Praying for healing from the virus too.
Yes, lol, I am reframing it by using “kid”, lol. Helps the process of letting go by seeing as younger brother :) thank you ladies for your prayers!!!
Praying for you and for this situation, Michelle P! I have done the exact same thing- it is so hard to guard your heart, especially in a season of waiting for your husband. Praying that God brings you peace and comfort as you wait!
Thank you ❤️
Definitely praying for you. Don’t feel like it’s not as important as others burdens! I have walked through seasons of grief losing my dad, brother, and a miscarriage, and nothing was as hard as my season of singleness specifically with longing for a guy that didn’t see me “that way”. It is hard! And I used to feel so guilty for how hard it was on me. I remember those feelings so well. Praying for you to be able to rest in the Lord’s presence this season like a weaned child.
Continued prayers, li’l sis! ❤
Whenever I read Mary’s story, I am reminded that she was just a young girl somewhere in the age of 14-16. What a testimony her life was for someone so young – she was an obedient, faithful, servant and of humble heart. God took notice of her and chose her to be the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ. She simply believed, no questions asked…I think of how I was during the ages of 14-16. Although I was saved, I had strayed from God. I was not faithful or obedient. I think if an angel had appeared to me during that time in my life, I probably would have laughed in his face…What an amazing, Godly young girl Mary was!
Father God, help me to be of a humble heart – quick to hear and slow to speak, and to have a willingness to obey – whatever it is that You might ask me to do. Help me to have a child like faith, help me to have a faith like Mary had. In Jesus Name.
May each of us walk humbly before God today. Have a blessed Friday sweet sisters. ❤️
Thank you Sharon for that lovely prayer.❤️
Mary’s prayer always blows me away. She is so humble and quick to accept all that the Lord has for her. Even though it is a difficult road. I pray that o can be more like she was when I feel God is putting things on my heart.
Amen ❤️
Wow what a word… we can’t fake humility. For those of us that feel like reverse pride is humility, this is a good reminder that God wants US. He wants us to give over our lives and surrender to Him!
46 My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, because he has looked with favor on the humble condition of is servant.
Am I His servant? Am I truly humble? I think not. Dear God let me become filled with humility and become one of your servants.
8 He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death – even to death on a cross.
Have you heard the song “Breath of Heaven?” Look up the version by Leanna Crawford- Christmas with The Chosen the video. I will post of FB page!
I will listen to that version. I shared one last week, a mix of Breath of Heaven/Mary Did You Know by Anthem Lights and Charlotte Ave. on YouTube. I still love Amy Grant’s original version . ❤ Thanks for the mention of this one!
“Nothing is impossible with God”. Everything God did in scriptures was done out of “impossible”. An old lady getting pregnant, a virgin getting pregnant, water from a rock, the wind blowing the water into walls and making the ground dry… impossible!!! How many things do I long for that are impossible? How many things do I not even try to long for because they are impossible? If God is the God of the impossible, why do I doubt? After the faith chapter we just studied, I should be full of faith. Maybe I just need to change my mindset, and allow faith to grow – and to believe for the impossible. The whole story of Jesus’s birth is impossible without God’s intervention.
YES, So good! GOD IS the God of IMPOSSIBLE!
Love this!
Yes! Amen Kris! We need to believe for the impossible!
Believe. Trust God for the impossible.❤
So good Kris!
How humbling it is to read Mary’s response to the angel Gabriel who visited her. She simply responded with gratitude & accepted the calling God had placed on her life! What an example of such pure faith in God. May we grow to be more like her every day! Happy Friday ladies ♥️
Amen ✝️❤
My heart is overwhelmed by the scripture, the devotional, and your thoughtful comments.
Sending hugs to you, and yours, Mia.❤
WAS up again at wee hours of the night and there were 9 comments already. Prayed and went back to try to sleep more. Happy FRIDAY sweeties! My mind was racing, praying and going through some things in my head early this morning. Continued prayers as I depend on MY JESUS! I’m so excited for the much-needed break and TRUSTING my JESUS!
I love the title “Joy through Humility.”
We don’t find much humility when we look around today, that would explain why not many people look joyful, huh?! We are not really taught how to have humility- we are taught to work hard, yes, but that entitles us to be proud of our work and what we do in our life. We get praise for our successes, which piles on the self-importance. Sure we want our children to be self-assured and get rewarded, but it quickly turns to boasting and being bossy. It takes a lot of training to “created” the manners and humility you want in your children to grow up and be good little adults! Which makes me think of being around my grown nieces and nephews this past week- not sure they got the humility pill..more like the list of synonyms of proud I’m referring to after the reading!
But Mary- we have our example of Mary the humble chosen, hand-picked by the God of the universe to be the mother of Jesus!! And not only that, but lets make it a miraculous birth, but looks like betrayal and misstep, so others will judge her and make it hard on her! right? So when God is with us- we see that it doesn’t make it all smooth sailing. It’s hard to have a posture of trusting and obeying. Being a follower, a servant of God, isn’t going to be easy. We want easy. We want to be seen by those around us that we are good Christians and blessed. But it takes humility. And we are told that JOY comes from that. It may not be apparent in happiness and easy and blessed life…but here’s the thing- It IS a hope and peace that brings about joy, and that. I. Want. Humility, joy, patience, peace, love, self-control…
Lord give me your fruits, give me wisdom, give me your overflowing cup this morning. Give me more Faith, humility, and a soul magnifying you. Keep my eyes open to see others needs before my own, free of me to be filled with you. You know us like no other, every hair on our head, every concern and need in our heart, let us be the clay and you potter. Let me empty myself today, and let you pour in to me/us. Amen.
Let my empty myself today….I echo this prayer sweet Rhonda! AMEN!
So good Rhonda! Let us humbly approach Him in all things. Such a good prayer.❤️
Beautifully said Rhonda. Echoing your prayer too.❤
Good words Rhonda, with many great reminders
I have always loved Mary’s Magnificat—it’s such a beautiful and deep expression of faith. What has always amazed me is that Mary was so young when she spoke these words. Her deep heart for faith, humility, and trust in God reveals a spiritual maturity that shows that even as a young girl, she had a strong foundation of faith that likely began at home. Mary is the embodiment of a quiet and calm heart in the midst of everything, standing firm in her faith despite what it meant for her in her community and how she would be labeled. I May we all learn to have such a quiet and calm heart when challenges arise.
To piggyback off this I always think about when Jesus says we need a “childlike” faith- maybe like Mary!!!
Those were my thoughts as well…how “young” Mary was yet an attitude of maturity and yet “humble.”
❤ this, Maria.❤
Blessed is she who believed! Why is it so hard to just believe and rest in God’s promises? It seems to require an hourly revisiting of who I am in Jesus to truly stay in touch with the Spirit. The connection with Him changes me, I’m asking you Jesus to please remind me of that every hour of this day!
Yes, indeed! I agree, it seems so hard, yet easy. It seems like I have gotten no where, but then I look behind me and realize I HAVE come along way! :)
Could you even imagine how Mary felt? Oh, my!
May this from Elizabethbe true of me today (every day) “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill what he has spoken to her!”
In some ways, that is the way humility really works, no? To trust that God’s promises will come to pass in my life. That He will see to it and I don’t need to make things happen.
Ladies would you pray for the young Mama I mentioned earlier this month? She has been diagnosed with heart failure. The doctor wants to put her on a heart monitor but it has to be appoved by her insurance first (min. of 2 weeks “processing”) and her insurance runs out end of January. Praying the insurance would approve it earlier. Being audacious and asking God to heal her completely. She is also still trying to find housing. Just sooo much on top of caring for a 5 month old. Thanks.
❤️ Will do, Kelly.
Yes, prayers for her.
Loved that first paragraph as well!
Praying for this young mama. Praying she not lose HOPE.
Praying, Kelly! For swift approval, for healing, for the ability to handle the circumstances without the stress of it all making her condition worse, for housing, for her and the baby’s needs.
Praying for this young mama!
Praying for this young mama.❤️
Praying ❤️
Praying Kelly..❤
**acknowledging Jesus as Lord!
The story of Mary and Elizabeth and John leaping in her womb doesn’t get talked about enough during Christmastime! It’s such a beautiful beginning part of the story of Jesus, and every year I’m always pleasantly reminded of it again. There’s so much to the theme of God choosing to work through the meek and humble in Jesus’ story, and I really love that he chose an unborn baby to be one of the first accounts of someone else acknowledging Christ Jesus!
The story of Mary and Elizabeth and John leaping in her womb doesn’t get talked about enough during Christmas time! It’s such a beautiful beginning part of the story of Jesus, and every year I’m always pleasantly reminded of it again. There’s so much to the theme of God choosing to work through the meek and humble in Jesus’ story, and I really love that he chose an unborn baby to be one of the first accounts of someone else acknowledging
It truly is. I love how beautifully it is portrayed in the film, The Nativity.
I am grateful that you, Lord, are still helping me to become kinder to others. I want to have your servant’s heart. A lot of times it’s me being selfish and flying off the handle at the drop of a hat.
I am thankful that Jesus loves us no matter what we have done. Have joy that I was able to get up early on a day off of work to read this study and God’s Word. I wonder why he would choose me to serve Him when I don’t feel worthy most often and lose my cool over dumb things. He is so gracious and loving. If I could be just a millimeter of that I am thankful and blessed.
SHES…thank you for pouring your hearts out via this platform and for helping me to see that we are Never Alone!! We can draw close to each other while drawing closer to Him. I love all of you and know that better days are here for each of us.
With many Hugs and Love!!!❤️
Missy, I am right there with you – feeling so unworthy. For me, it was the call to full time ministry for my husband and me. So often I question why God chose me for this ministry because I feel so unworthy of it – and could think of a host of others who would be more suitable. But, for whatever reason – He did chose me and I will do my best to be a faithful servant.
I was reading the passage in Luke and I knew it reminded me of another passage but I couldn’t remember which. I looked it up and found similarities to Hannah’s prayer. I just find this so interesting. One was barren, the other didn’t even know yet what that or marriage was like. But both were humbly trusting God in their situations and praising Him!
My I respond to my Lord as Mary did with anticipation and hope and faith that she is enough!!
Let me always have the same heart of belief and obedience that Mary did. In Jesus name, Amen
No greater love possible, than God’s love given to us! Blessings SRT Sisters❣️
We have so many great examples of what humility truly is in the Bible. Mary is such a great role model for this oh-so-difficult posture. She truly was an amazing woman – no wonder God chose her to birth Jesus! This passage in Philippians always gets me too: 7 Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity.
I don’t think about that enough. How Jesus was GOD yet he came to earth as a BABY, the most helpless and lowest of all humans. What a gift!
I will be thinking about humility a lot this season. It is something I constantly need to work on.
This week has been about joy yet there have been tears most of these days as my heart is overwhelmed by the goodness of God and Christ’s sacrifice, whew, today is no different. May I remember it’s about Him and not me, how blessed I am to know Him.
DANIELLE B – praying for you in this year’s weariness
MARGARET W – glad you’re able to begin stepping back into some of your normal, praying as you continue PT, for your son and his caregiver. And yes on prioritizing time with the Lord – like the story about fitting rocks of all sizes into a jar, the big ones have to go in first or they will never fit. Same with our big things – we need to put them first because they can’t be squeezed in later.
KRISTY – praying as you and husband continue to manage the business, love the soar info!
KIMBERLY REED – praying as you seek trust and rest in the Lord.
RHONDA J, INDIANA ELAINE, KIRA H and others re: gifts – a friend has her children choose gifts they received or nice things they already had to give away after Christmas each year – get things, give things.
SARAH M – praying for your family and your daughter
KELLY (NEO) – thank you – relying on Jesus to do the heavy lifting!
Thank you Searching! Earlier today I recalled in January I felt God tell me I was in a planting season and realized a little while ago I actually have been in the growing season since February. I know what comes next is the reaping season, but I can’t rush God.
The humility of our Lord Jesus is always SO overwhelming – He left heavens’ throne where He was worshipped and adored to become a servant – who was doubted, mocked and ultimately crucified – all for the love of His people!
Amazing love, how can it be??!!
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
So amazing!
Such amazing love!!
Ah, such amazing love…❤
Hallelujah praise the Lord
She held the hope of what God had promised through His Son.
These words right here @Marnie, absolutely had my heart!
This young lady, Mary, no more than 16 years of age, if that, carried in her womb, the HOPE of the world.. What a task, what an ask, what an undertaking..
He has always known what was right for us, His people. Choosing from the unlikely, through to the ‘I did not see that coming’.
The joy of the world, the joy of our hearts, has never been about what we have, rather, WHO we have.
Oftentimes, when I think of Mary and her pregnancy, I have fear for her and goosebumps all at the same time. I wonder what her life would have been like. Did people call her names, shun her because she carried a child before marriage? Were people mean and horrible to her? Those judgemental folk, of which I have been one, I wonder what they thought, or perhaps didnt!
I love love the Magnificat..
I love Mary’s words of HOPE for us, the people of the world. She speaks and praises for our Salvation. Of her trust in God, and how even she, has been seen with great regard by God!
Humility is for sure, a heart shift. You can’t fake it. It comes with the journey of loving, trusting, knowing TRULY the One who has held and continues to hold you in the palm of His hand, it is a surrendering of heart and all, so very totally.., There is no shame in humility… No shame!
May My soul glorify the LORD, and my spirit rejoice in God my saviour!
Lord, may your name be forever written on my heart..
Happy Friday, my loves!
Sending love across the pond, wrapped lovingly in hugs and prayers..❤❤❤
Love this Tina – “The joy of the world, the joy of our hearts, has never been about what we have, rather, WHO we have.”
Yes! I love that SO much!!
We discussed Mary in jail ministry the first week of Advent, of how she must have felt, it was interesting conversation!
Beautiful, sister ❤️
love you!
To everything your said – ❤️!
Happy Friday Tina!
Love this so much Tina! ❤️❤️