Joshua’s Farewell Address

Open Your Bible

Joshua 23:1-16, Matthew 22:37-40, Philippians 1:6

We’ve all seen it before in books or plays. Long lost relatives turn up out of nowhere. A bright blue sky conveniently starts pouring rain onto a parched, dry land. Eagles swoop in unexpectedly and save the day. These are examples of deus ex machina, a phrase referring to a story’s unexpected, sometimes unbelievable, turn of events. It’s a plot device that abruptly offers a way out of catastrophe as events unfold outside the existing logic of a story.

At first glance, the book of Joshua is one long string of seemingly unbelievable twists and turns. The sun stands still, the walls of Jericho fall, and the Israelites cross the Jordan River after it miraculously dries up. Too good to be true, right? Except these divine victories unfold perfectly within the book’s framework because this is the story of our faithful God fighting on behalf of His people—just like He promised (Joshua 23:3, 10). It’s too good not to be true. 

Can you imagine the relief Joshua must have felt near the end of his life? Scripture tells us that by the time Israel found rest from their enemies, Joshua was “advanced in age” (Joshua 23:1). He had the satisfaction of seeing each of God’s promises to him fulfilled with his own eyes. While giving a final address to the Israelites, Joshua stood as a witness to God’s character and said: “You know with all your heart and all your soul that none of the good promises the LORD your God made to you has failed” (v.14). 

Do we also know this with all our heart and soul? As we watch the Lord fight on behalf of His appointed leader, we see God’s primary promise was that He would never abandon Joshua. He was promising His presence. For those of us who are in Christ, we are promised the gift of God’s presence in the Holy Spirit, who is always with us (John 14:16). This is a promise we can count on for the rest of our lives.

I think one of the most encouraging things we can do in our journey with the Lord is read stories of God’s faithfulness in the lives of others. His divine victory is no fallible plot twist. We can expect it, believe it, and even petition for it with fervor because God is for us (Romans 8:31). He does what He says He will do. Historical narratives like the book of Joshua renew our trust in God and the promise of His presence as we trace His hand at work through the lives of His people. 

We can remember and rejoice that our God always keeps His promises. “I am sure of this,” we can say along with our brothers and sisters, “that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). 

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52 thoughts on "Joshua’s Farewell Address"

  1. Adrienne * says:

    This was supposed to be a reply to Michelle. I hit reply under the message, but it posted here.

  2. Adrienne * says:

    You got it, sister!

  3. Mercy says:

    What great joy and blessing to me reading all your wise insights and comments this morning. It’s like fireworks. THANK YOU!

    @ Heidi, love your profound input today. Thank you for reminding us that “the seemingly unimportant or repetitive tasks are not that at all- they are enduring, Kingdom building, glory-filled privileges that have literally eternal power”. Small things matter to God. And those who are faithful in little, will be faithful in much.

    @ Nancy, praying for your family and daughter in law. May God grant your family healing, wholeness, and protection as He promises in Psalm 91.

    @Michelle P, praying for you to overcome this battle in the mind. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the honorable image of God. And you are God’s work, and His works are wonderful (Psalm 139:14). You are the carrier of God’s image. Please do not let the image of this world define you. Don’t be conformed to the what “beauty” is by the world, they worship the WRONG idols. I was struggling with body image in my younger years but I tossed that to the side soon after I found the one who loves me (Jesus), nothing else sticks. You are created for an eternal purpose, for His glory. God fights for you, but you do need to clear out these “Canaanite remnants” and claim your territory in this “promised land”. God wants you well. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him. Speak to these evil deceiving thoughts and command them to be completely removed from your mind and forbid them to ever come back. Cheering for your victory. God loves you!

  4. Meghan Fox says:

    This whole series has been about God’s promises and it just so happens my church started learning “Promises” by Maverick City Music a few weeks ago. It’s an amazing song and I highly recommend listening to it! Here are just a few of the lyrics:

    God of Abraham
    You’re the God of covenant and faithful promises
    Time and time again
    You have proven
    You’ll do just what You said

    Though the storms may come
    And the winds may blow, I’ll remain steadfast
    And let my heart learn when You speak a word
    It will come to pass

  5. Heidi says:

    Girl I hope you have time to come back to this space and read all the Sisters praying for you!! You’re so loved…
    This book of Joshua is applicable in a thousand ways. One thing that hit me while listening to the she reads truth podcast about the series this morning, The New Testament tells us that we all have an inheritance. For the Israelites, they had an inheritance that was given to them, but they had to do the work of treading the ground and laying hold of it. They had to claim it, write their name on it to have it signed over to them in their possession. One, of many things, that Christ has said is our inheritance is that of a sound mind. He has not given us a spirit of fear but of Love, power, and a sound mind. I, your Sister in our Savior, struggled with eating disorders from before I was six years old. It was easily hidden at times and it was much more overt other times, but this pattern stayed stuck to me until I was in my early 30s. Through his grace and provision I can boldly and proudly say it does not any longer have a hold on me whatsoever. I fully agree with the advice of having a therapist who specializes with eating disorders, and even more having a therapist who can discuss and advise from the perspective of the God who created you. And just keep doing the work. That is a tough line to type out because it seems demanding and pushy, but he’s giving you the strength, he’s giving you the wise counsel, he’s giving you the recognition that there’s an area of stronghold in your life. Keep doing the work, keep treading on your land that has been given to you- he has promised you a sound mind. He has promised you a life lived in abundance. He has great purpose and love and desire for you. These things have been given to you so just keep turning to Him for comfort and support because it’s FOR THE SICK (FYI- that’s all of us in our own “sickness”) that He has come!!! You are in a blessed place if only for the reason that you daily- sometimes hourly- RECOGNIZE your NEED for Him… thank Him for it. And thank Him for the healing that He WILL BRING. He is so faithful to you. He will never leave you. Continue to be strong and courageous, drawing on His breath for your strength. He is with you and He has you. Never let your enemy forget that for a moment. ❤️❤️❤️
    (One study that was so monumental to me was Breaking Free (revises edition), there is a study book and weekly video discussion you can download. I can’t recommend them enough —and if you do it, DO THE VIDEO SESSIONS TOO!!! They’re priceless in content!!!— If you have a person in your life that would do the study with you, all the better… support is key. Praying for you…!!!)

  6. Elizabeth Martin says:

    Michelle P
    Praying for you. I’m recovering and I understand the battle. I try to think of it as an inside joke between me and God – a “gift” to keep me close to Him.
    No setbacks only set ups for God to move. Thank you for sharing ❤️

  7. Lissa says:

    To MICHELLE P. I am praying for you. However, you must seek professional help specifically for EATING DISORDER. This illness CAN NOT be won with self-control. You are in my prayers.

  8. Maura says:

    “Because it was the Lord your God who was fighting for you” Joshua 23:3b This grabbed my heart this morning. How many times Jesus has been in battle for me, beside me, with me, against the lies the world was telling me or the thoughts/sin I might have opened the door to. So thankful He is the promise keeper, faithful and true. And that whatever this life holds for the joy in knowing He is the Lord of Armies. The victory is His. Praying for you Sisters. Jill Davis for your 3 daughters, trusting with you that He will give them eyes to see and ears to hear His love as you pour it out on them. Kay Elder praying for both you and me that He makes our vision one that encompasses the Kingdom view, for His glory. Nancy Ludricks praying for your son’s family, Lord God, please heal this precious family. That this time of welcoming in a new baby will continue to be a time of miracles and joy. I pray especially for Nancy’s daughter-in-law’s blood pressure Jesus, lower it and give her hydration of your living water Jesus. And for the 2 year old quick healing. In your name Jesus, I pray. Dear Michelle, you have been in a battle for a long while now. I am praying you know that the Lord has been and will be fighting for you. You are His beloved daughter, His creation. I pray He fills you with His vision of you, perfect in all the imperfect ways He has shaped you for His purpose. That you see how His strength is revealed in your weakness. That you feel the Everlasting Arms wrapping you up in His protection and that you find His freedom from the war you have been in. I will be praying for you. His is the victory and you are so loved. Chrysta, Praying His peace over you. Heidi, thank you for your post. Angie, your words uplifted my heart yesterday, so blessed always by your thoughts. Our God be praised. I must be off to work. Lovely knowing you all read the encouraging devotions and scriptures with me all over the world and across the pond ❤️this morning may we sing, whisper and shout Glory to our Lord God for He is WORTHY. Love to you all. Wish we could have a cup of tea together, but know that sharing in His word is so much better.