Joshua’s Farewell Address

Open Your Bible

Joshua 23:1-16, Matthew 22:37-40, Philippians 1:6

We’ve all seen it before in books or plays. Long lost relatives turn up out of nowhere. A bright blue sky conveniently starts pouring rain onto a parched, dry land. Eagles swoop in unexpectedly and save the day. These are examples of deus ex machina, a phrase referring to a story’s unexpected, sometimes unbelievable, turn of events. It’s a plot device that abruptly offers a way out of catastrophe as events unfold outside the existing logic of a story.

At first glance, the book of Joshua is one long string of seemingly unbelievable twists and turns. The sun stands still, the walls of Jericho fall, and the Israelites cross the Jordan River after it miraculously dries up. Too good to be true, right? Except these divine victories unfold perfectly within the book’s framework because this is the story of our faithful God fighting on behalf of His people—just like He promised (Joshua 23:3, 10). It’s too good not to be true. 

Can you imagine the relief Joshua must have felt near the end of his life? Scripture tells us that by the time Israel found rest from their enemies, Joshua was “advanced in age” (Joshua 23:1). He had the satisfaction of seeing each of God’s promises to him fulfilled with his own eyes. While giving a final address to the Israelites, Joshua stood as a witness to God’s character and said: “You know with all your heart and all your soul that none of the good promises the LORD your God made to you has failed” (v.14). 

Do we also know this with all our heart and soul? As we watch the Lord fight on behalf of His appointed leader, we see God’s primary promise was that He would never abandon Joshua. He was promising His presence. For those of us who are in Christ, we are promised the gift of God’s presence in the Holy Spirit, who is always with us (John 14:16). This is a promise we can count on for the rest of our lives.

I think one of the most encouraging things we can do in our journey with the Lord is read stories of God’s faithfulness in the lives of others. His divine victory is no fallible plot twist. We can expect it, believe it, and even petition for it with fervor because God is for us (Romans 8:31). He does what He says He will do. Historical narratives like the book of Joshua renew our trust in God and the promise of His presence as we trace His hand at work through the lives of His people. 

We can remember and rejoice that our God always keeps His promises. “I am sure of this,” we can say along with our brothers and sisters, “that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). 

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52 thoughts on "Joshua’s Farewell Address"

  1. Linda Gilbow says:

    All praise to our promise keeping Lord

  2. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Promise keeper that is what He is. He is faithful to us and one day who’ll physically walk with us again. Like he did with Adam and Eve.

  3. CeeGee says:

    “At the heart of Joshua’s appeal is this: “I am going the way of the whole earth, and you know with all your heart and all your soul that none of the good promises the LORD your God made to you has failed. Everything was fulfilled for you; not one promise has failed” (Joshua 23:14).

    Now, think about these words in light of your own journey of faith. What good things has the Lord provided you? I bet the list is long. What promises has He fulfilled? Consider the assurance of salvation in Jesus. What master has seen you through despair or presented you as pure and blameless in the sight of the Lord? Surely, only Jesus has been faithful, while the idols of your heart have let you down time and time again. Think on the good and wonderful things He’s done for you. Praise Him for His unswerving dedication to your eternal soul. Submit to His authority and guidance. Always remember; never forget.”. Written by Alex Florez

  4. Mari V says:

    He who began a good work in you…(began a good work in you). He who began a good work in you.
    Will be faithful to complete it. Will be faithful to complete it. He who who started a work will be faithful to complete it in you. We would sing this in the youth group ministry 20+ years ago. Now I’m back serving in the youth group. I’m loving it. And I see God‘s faithfulness over and over and over. He has not and will never abandon us. That is a promise!

  5. CeeGee says:

    TAYLOR, what a joy it is to see your post! I was thinking of you as I read this morning! What timing our God has!!! Choosing along with you to remember, acknowledge, and give thanks for God’s presence, power, provision, guidance, and love. Hallelujah!

  6. Taylor says:

    Ladies thank you all so much for your prayers and encouraging/comforting words! They were truly a balm to my soul. I feel like today’s devotion was made for me (anyone else?!)
    Our God is FAITHFUL. I have seen it with my own eyes, I have experienced it, I KNOW it is true.
    He FIGHTS for me (for us). I have seen it, I have experienced it, I KNOW it is true.
    He will NEVER leave me or give up on me. I have seen it, I have experienced it, I KNOW it is true.
    He LOVES me. I have seen it, I have experienced it, I KNOW it is true.
    What an amazing end to this study in Joshua, to turn our gaze to the Lord, because it really is all Him.
    Claiming the truth of Philippians 1:6 over my specific life situation today. He HAS started a good work in me, and it’s not going to stop until He says so. Today’s devotion has given me peace. For that, I praise the Lord alone.

  7. ADB says:

    Praying now for you Michelle.

  8. Rhonda J says:

    So,so good Tina!