
Open Your Bible

Joshua 1:1-18, Joshua 23:1-16, Deuteronomy 31:6-8

All the facts told me I could not be brave. I was twenty weeks pregnant, my unborn child had been given a fatal diagnosis, and I wanted to run away. I didn’t think I could answer God’s call to carry a baby full-term if that baby would not be mine to keep. I looked at the journey before me and the assignment God had given to me, and thought, “There is no way I can do this. I’m not strong enough.”

Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever lost sleep over the fear of a circumstance? Have you ever been afraid that God might ask you to do something you cannot do?

I believe that God wants to redeem our worries, and we would do well to learn from the story of Joshua. God had a very important assignment for Joshua. Moses was about to die, and it was time for the Israelites to finally stop their desert wandering to find a permanent home in the promised land. God wanted Joshua to lead them into their first battle at Jericho. He said to Joshua: “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

Joshua’s task was scary (think war and death), victory looked improbable (think impenetrable fortified city), and a whole nation hung in the balance (think no room for doubt). God knew all of this, and yet what did He say to Joshua? No matter what lies before you, “be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:6).

How could God ask this of Joshua? How could God ask me to be brave and carry a child I knew would pass away?

It’s because of this:

The Lord will never leave us (Joshua 1:9). We might not know the twists and turns of the journey before us. But we can stand confidently, knowing the Lord will never ever leave our side.

It is the Lord God who fights for us (Joshua 23:3). God does the fighting! Joshua’s strength, my courage, your bravery—these do not come from within ourselves. No! They come from the Holy Spirit, and His power has no limits.

The Lord our God is worthy of our love and devotion (Joshua 23:9–11). God gave Joshua and his people many commands, but He gave clear emphasis to this one in particular. Jesus gives us a similar command: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27). This is the call we’ve been given, and if our eyes are on the one who calls us, then no matter what life throws at us or what impenetrable circumstance lies ahead, we will be okay.

I named my son Gideon. And during those 90 minutes he lived in my arms, God proved all of His promises to be true. Our God will never leave us. He will always fight for us. And He delights in our love for Him.

Maria Furlough is a wife and a mother to one amazing 11-year-old daughter, three rambunctious boys, and one baby boy who lives in the arms of Jesus. Formerly a full-time youth pastor, Maria now teaches women’s Bible studies and works as the Missions Team leader at Lake Forest Church in Huntersville, North Carolina. Maria is the author of Breaking the Fear Cycle: How to Find Peace for You Anxious Heart and Confident Moms, Confident Daughters. You can find Maria on Instagram or Facebook @MariaFurlough or online at

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49 thoughts on "Joshua"

  1. Churchmouse says:

    Ah fear – what a persistent and pervasive enemy. Our sweet five year old granddaughter will be having surgery in August necessitating an overnight stay at Children’s Hospital. It is the first of a series she will need to correct venous malformations present since birth. Thoughts can get to racing and today’s devotion is a balm to my heart. I know God is more than able and always with us but there’s that moment ( ok more than one) of human panic. My husband has said many times to “take ten minutes to feel the fear and then stop and get on your knees to feed the faith.” Feel and release the human emotion – and lean resolutely on the Word of God. Fear flees in the face of faith proclaimed. Thanks to all of you who share your wonderful testimonies of God’s faithfulness. What an encouragement! (And please pray for our Julia and her parents)

    1. Mari V says:

      I just now paid for your precious Julia, and her mommy and daddy. Meanwhile I hope that your family enjoys this wonderful holiday of Fourth of July.

    2. Ashley Thomas says:

      Churchmouse, I love your husband’s saying. I’ve never heard that before, but it is so true! I am praying for your granddaughter- praying that our ultimate healer will guide these doctors, and praying for her parents and the rest of her family, that they know God is with them! Be strong and have courage

    3. Brittany Ringo says:

      Praying for you and your family right now churchmouse! Your words are always uplifting and encouraging to me. Love your husbands saying about feeling the fear and three feeling the faith!

    4. Victoria Lynch says:


  2. Ashley P. says:

    I’ve always read Joshua thinking he was naturally strong, courageous, and unafraid.

  3. Cayley Causey says:

    I was also struck by how much “Be strong and courageous/Do not be afraid” was paired with knowing His Word! We can only know the truth of courage and fearlessness and His presence if we are not only reading the Word but meditating on it!

  4. Sarah DiPuma says:

    Love this reading and the thoughts shared. So powerful. God is good

  5. Chris Swan says:

    I was reminded today that even after God’s children wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, they still had to fight to posses the promised land! God is with us at all times, no matter what our stage in life, but we are still expected to obey and “fight” for our freedom in Him.

  6. Stacey Wilson says:

    I journal every day about my time in the Word and what God is saying. The journal I use is from Grit and Virtue and has a scripture at the bottom of each page. I am amazed many days how those verses so often connect to what I am reading in scripture through the plan. Currently I am facing some slightly unknown details about my future in the position I have. The timing of today’s reading and lesson are so perfect! Only made more so by how much the verse on my journal page today confirms it all. “The LORD will always lead you. He will satisfy your needs in dry lands and give strength to your bones. You will be like a garden that has much water, like a spring that never runs dry.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭58:11‬ ‭NCV

  7. Terri Jeffcoat says:

    It is crazy how a passage that you know so well speaks to you at just the right time! I am waiting for my daughter to deliver twin boys in the next couple of weeks. As a previous L&D nurse, I am filled with worry over the what if’s…. I need to be reminded that God is in this with me! He will be my fortress and sustainer!

  8. Erin Calvin says:

    This is something I needed to read today. Thank you.