
Open Your Bible

Joshua 1:1-18, Joshua 23:1-16, Deuteronomy 31:6-8

All the facts told me I could not be brave. I was twenty weeks pregnant, my unborn child had been given a fatal diagnosis, and I wanted to run away. I didn’t think I could answer God’s call to carry a baby full-term if that baby would not be mine to keep. I looked at the journey before me and the assignment God had given to me, and thought, “There is no way I can do this. I’m not strong enough.”

Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever lost sleep over the fear of a circumstance? Have you ever been afraid that God might ask you to do something you cannot do?

I believe that God wants to redeem our worries, and we would do well to learn from the story of Joshua. God had a very important assignment for Joshua. Moses was about to die, and it was time for the Israelites to finally stop their desert wandering to find a permanent home in the promised land. God wanted Joshua to lead them into their first battle at Jericho. He said to Joshua: “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

Joshua’s task was scary (think war and death), victory looked improbable (think impenetrable fortified city), and a whole nation hung in the balance (think no room for doubt). God knew all of this, and yet what did He say to Joshua? No matter what lies before you, “be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:6).

How could God ask this of Joshua? How could God ask me to be brave and carry a child I knew would pass away?

It’s because of this:

The Lord will never leave us (Joshua 1:9). We might not know the twists and turns of the journey before us. But we can stand confidently, knowing the Lord will never ever leave our side.

It is the Lord God who fights for us (Joshua 23:3). God does the fighting! Joshua’s strength, my courage, your bravery—these do not come from within ourselves. No! They come from the Holy Spirit, and His power has no limits.

The Lord our God is worthy of our love and devotion (Joshua 23:9–11). God gave Joshua and his people many commands, but He gave clear emphasis to this one in particular. Jesus gives us a similar command: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27). This is the call we’ve been given, and if our eyes are on the one who calls us, then no matter what life throws at us or what impenetrable circumstance lies ahead, we will be okay.

I named my son Gideon. And during those 90 minutes he lived in my arms, God proved all of His promises to be true. Our God will never leave us. He will always fight for us. And He delights in our love for Him.

Maria Furlough is a wife and a mother to one amazing 11-year-old daughter, three rambunctious boys, and one baby boy who lives in the arms of Jesus. Formerly a full-time youth pastor, Maria now teaches women’s Bible studies and works as the Missions Team leader at Lake Forest Church in Huntersville, North Carolina. Maria is the author of Breaking the Fear Cycle: How to Find Peace for You Anxious Heart and Confident Moms, Confident Daughters. You can find Maria on Instagram or Facebook @MariaFurlough or online at

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49 thoughts on "Joshua"

  1. Shawn Parks says:

    Strong and courageous was repeated multiple times in today’s reading. I was reminded of all of the times Jesus repeated “Do not be afraid.” How can He tell us not to fear? He is all knowing and all powerful and all loving. He knows that our fears trap up us in our solitude but our faith in Him opens us to receive His strength and his blessings. That kind of faith takes fortitude to stand against what we see and understand (circumstances) which cause us to become discouraged because we know our own human limitations so well, and face the future with our eyes open to what God knows and understands which is His sovereignty over all the earth. Because we can’t see with His eyes we have to trust in His Word that He will never leave us or forsake us. Never. Never. Never. How, then, can I fear?

  2. Monica Davis says:

    Th,e lord will never leave us in the middle of the battle!

  3. Bailey Braden says:

    Thank you for fighting for us, Lord, and for never forsaking us. Amen ♡

    1. Sarah DiPuma says:


  4. Rita Walker says:

    Thank you for such a beautiful testament of God’s mighty, unfailing love!

  5. Angie says:

    Kristen, thank you for sharing your heart. Blessings dear lady.

  6. Angie says:

    Be strong and very courageous. That was God’s call to Joshua. That was God’s call to the Israelite people. And, I believe that is God’s call to me…to us.

    When I think of having strength and courage I think of battle. And yes, the Israelite people would do battle, in time. It seems to me that their strength and courage though was to start with knowing God’s work and obeying it fully. “Observe carefully the whole instruction. Do not turn from it to the right or the left. Meditate on it day and night. Carefully observe everything written. Then get ready to move out. God will give you rest AND this land. Do not call on the names of their gods, serve, bow, or worship them. Be loyal to the Lord your God. Diligently watch yourselves! Love the Lord your God!”

    The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. The Lord your God is giving them. The Lord your God is fighting for you. The Lord your God will force them back. The Lord your God promised you. The Lord has driven out great and powerful nations before you. One of you routed 1,000 because the Lord your God was fighting for you, as he promised. If you…(turn away) the Lord your God will not continue to drive these nations out…,and you will disappear from this good land the Lord your God has given you. – Everything was fulfilled for you; not one promise has failed.

    My almost 3 year old grandson loves the story of David and Goliath. He and his older brother will often act it out. When “Goliath” shouts, “You are just a boy, why do you think you can beat me?” “David” shouts back, “I am David and God will win this battle for me!” boldly and with confidence. This same cutie is having trouble obeying. He has to be told/asked several times to do something and then if he does it, it will be in his own sweet time. I raised our children with the concept that, “Delayed obedience is disobedience.” Tuesday, while watching them, the same little guy said to me, “I obey sometimes. I choose when I obey.” It is the second time he has said basically that same thing to me so I believe he is starting to evaluate his actions and making an actual choice to obey or not.

    So back to today’s lesson. GOD WILL do all that He has promised. HE WILL equip as He calls me. The real question is, will I be strong and courageous enough to observe, meditate, and obey His Word and will for my life? Or, like my grandson… do I “obey sometimes, when I chose to.” We know God is loving, merciful and gives grace – and I fully believe he does that for me and that we should do that for each other. However, I need to be careful not to take lightly the fact that I need to be loyal to the Lord. I need to obey. I should not delay my obedience until it is what I have decided to do. He is God. I long to be strong and very courageous, learning to know and love Him deeply and obey Him, immediately when He calls. Help us Lord to obey everything you command us in love, respect, honor, and worship of You.

  7. Kristen says:

    I’m currently reading a book called: None Like Him by Jen Wilkin. This book tells how God is different from us and why that’s a good thing! I felt like I should mention this today. Some of you may be off and want to check it out on Amazon or your local bookstore! It’s really good and helping me see that He is God and I am not. He’s good at being God, and I should let Him. I’m amazed at Him. This book is worth checking out!

  8. Kristen says:

    Wow! Amen! I know this and need to believe it. I have been controlled by anxiety and worry for so much of my life. It steals my joy. I have so much to be grateful for and live in fear.
    I had a stillborn baby girl. She was beautiful. I knew that she had passed, but chose to be induced instead of going home first. I couldn’t believe I still had to go through the pain of childbirth, but wasn’t thinking that a C-Section would be a longer healing process. The news was a lot to take in. My last appointment wasn’t even a week ago, and she was fine. I held her, and she was beautiful. Later, looking at pictures, she was blue. I didn’t see that when I held her. I believe that was a gift, because I just saw her beauty. I was invited to go to a Full Gospel church that Sunday after her burial on Friday. I grew up Catholic, but the priest didn’t really have anything comforting to say to help. I was in such mourning and pain and needed something. I was angry when I got to church. They were clapping and praising. One woman caught my attention. I thought in my head that her life was probably perfect and that’s how she could praise. I looked up at God and asked Him why He brought me here? My milk was in, and there was no baby to feed. They say your arms and and mine did after her death. The pastor didn’t know me, but heard about our daughter from my mother-in-law. He asked people to pray. That same woman that caught my attention came up to me and said that God told her to tell me to run to Him and not away. The pastor preached, and it was like the message was just for me! That’s God! I heard the Gospel and went right up to the alter. My mother-in-law said I ran. I read the Bible, started going on Tuesday night Bible studies, was given tapes of teachings and music. I needed to learn and hear His Word. This was my lifeline. That same woman I mentioned above helped me. She didn’t have a perfect life after all. She had a miscarriage and money issues. But, she had the joy of the Lord! That’s why she could praise Him! She said she normally didn’t go up to people, but I’m glad she listened to God and told me. It’s hitting me after all these years how personal our God is! He sent a message in the midst of my sorrow, and He’s used others to tell me Words, pray for me, and help me through so many hard times! I’m amazed at His Goodness! Forgive me Lord for my anxious thoughts, because You have been so good to me. You’ve never left me of forsaken me. You are faithful and trustworthy! Humbly I ask You to help me to walk in the freedom You died to give me. I don’t have to be a prisoner in my mind, because of Your Sacrifice and great Love. Help me, and all reading this, to walk in this amazing gift and give You adoration, glory, and praise each day. Jesus, Your Name is above every other Name! May the unsaved claim You as Lord today and bow at Your Beautiful Name. Thank You, God. I know that is Your will that none should perish without coming to repentance. Draw them even today, Lord including all our family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. (My muslim neighbors too.) I thank You for all You’ve done and caring about every detail in our lives! I ask those requests in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen! There truly is none like You!

    1. Shawn Parks says:

      ❤️thank you for sharing your testimony and for your reminder of God’s faithfulness. I lift up your prayer as mine today too! I am reminded that His faithfulness to us is based on the indescribable love that he has for each of us! May He bless you today in a special way so that you may continue to see the evidence of His glory in your life!

    2. Monica Davis says:

      Thx for this Testimony

    3. Rachel Anne says:

      Thank you for your testimony! God isn’t faithful!

    4. Rachel Anne says:

      Oh my goodness, I wrote is and my phone autocorrected to isnt. So sorry! I’ll have to see if I can figure out how to delete my comment

      1. Rachel Anne says:

        Shoot, I don’t see how to delete or edit comments.

      2. Mari V says:

        No worries Rachel. I believe all of us here SRT know what you meant. That happens to me all the time when sending text messages. Have a happy Fourth of July Rachel.

    5. Melissa Graves says:

      Thank you for sharing your story, Kristen. It is inspiring to see how the Lord drew you to Him through your pain. He is the awesome God of the universe and also a friend who sticks closer than a brother. So amazing!

    6. Rachiel Soliz says:

      Thank you for sharing.

    7. Jennifer Wing says:


    8. Rebecca Walker says:

      Thank you, Kristen.