Jesus Rebukes the Religious Leaders

Open Your Bible

Matthew 23:1-39, Jeremiah 3:14-15, 1 Peter 5:2-4

Throughout His ministry, Jesus was unafraid of challenging false beliefs, corrupt systems, and hypocritical leaders. In Matthew 23, we read of Jesus’s fiery rebukes made to the most influential religious leaders of the time—the Pharisees and the scribes. 

The term Pharisee likely comes from an ancient Semitic word meaning “separated.” Pharisees committed their lives to separating themselves from any sign of impurity according to Levitical law. In their aspirations to holiness, they elevated the importance of tradition surrounding the law of Moses and devoted themselves to fulfilling every detail of the law. 

The scribes were Jewish men who studied the law, transcribed it, and wrote commentaries on it. They were highly regarded teachers of the people and interpreters of the law.

I would have imagined that Jesus, a rabbi and fellow teacher of the law, would commend the Pharisees and the scribes for their zealous devotion to God’s Word and the pursuit of holiness. Shockingly, it’s these so-called righteous Jewish leaders Jesus most harshly confronted. It’s never a good day when the Savior of the world calls you white-washed tombs and snakes (Matthew 23:27,33). 

Why? Because their worship had become self-absorbed. Instead of seeking to serve those around them, they sought out opportunities to be seen as important. Instead of influencing others to worship the Lord in awe and wonder, they leveraged their leadership to stroke their egos and puff up their pride. Their leadership wasn’t centered around pleasing God or helping others but rather on elevating their own status. 

Jesus called His disciples to a different type of leadership—one characterized not by what a leader can gain but what a leader can give. Jesus modeled for His disciples and followers a style of leadership not defined by control, manipulation, or power but one grounded in humility, love, and faithfulness. Jesus showed us leadership that wasn’t self-absorbed but God-centered and others-oriented.

This type of loyal and loving leadership glorifies God and is rewarded in His kingdom (1Peter 5:4). It empowers others to know Jesus and to make Him known to others. It’s this type of shepherding that God is looking to use to further His redemptive plan on the earth.  

As we reflect on today’s reading, we need to ask if there’s a bit of the Pharisee or scribe in us that needs to be challenged or even rebuked. In what ways is Jesus calling you to lay down selfish ambitions for the much greater pursuit of serving others? How can you choose to practice humbly helping those around you without worrying about what you can get out of it? How can you look inward a bit less and look upward and outward a bit more this week?

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36 thoughts on "Jesus Rebukes the Religious Leaders"

  1. Tricia C says:


    “As we reflect on today’s reading, we need to ask if there’s a bit of the Pharisee or scribe in us that needs to be challenged or even rebuked. In what ways is Jesus calling you to lay down selfish ambitions for the much greater pursuit of serving others? How can you choose to practice humbly helping those around you without worrying about what you can get out of it? How can you look inward a bit less and look upward and outward a bit more this week?”

    This smacked me. In the days of everyone, wanting to take care of themselves and put themselves first, this just really speaks to me.

    Lord, please help me to be a vessel for you. Please help me to look outward to the people who need you and see how I can be Loving them and caring for them like you cared for the Israelites, even when they turned astray. (Matthew 23:37)

    1. Andrea P says:


  2. ClaireB says:


  3. Traci Gendron says:

    I remember my mom saying to “practice what you preach”. The hypocrisy in me always seeing what everyone else needs to change or do differently, but not looking at myself! Finally in my 30’s I thought “I’m the common denominator in all that seems to go wrong” I need to work on myself. And so the journey began. 1 step forward 4 back…argh. It is an everlasting process. BUT I’m still here seeking God.

    I feel that I have so much work to do on myself. That I lack the self confidence to lead anyone else to God. I was bold in my faith for others to see when Tanner was dying. I don’t want to think I need another tragedy to make me speak up more. Baby steps…I’m getting there. I just want to walk this life holding Jesus hand. Sounds funny, but that is how I feel. But that is not sharing my faith. It is keeping it all for myself.

    Did anyone else notice that no one is to be called Father? Why does the Catholic church call priests father??

  4. Kris says:

    Another nugget of truth that is mostly overlooked. In Matthew 23 Jesus goes on and on, verse after verse, rebuking the religious leaders of that day, calling them all sorts of names, ridiculing their behavior, exposing their evil hearts…. but in the end, in verse 37 Jesus shows His compassion for even these men, in saying “How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!”. Jesus is clearly stating that He still wants to save these evil people, He still wants to redeem and restore, He still wants to pour out His compassion and love. Oh, how He wants to do that for us today, no matter what you’ve done, no matter how evil you’ve become, He is still yearning to gather you under His wings and care for you, show you a better way, a way of joy and peace. Even after 36 verses of scolding and rebuking, He is still so full of compassion and willingness to save. What a Savior!

    1. rachel lotz says:

      As an owner of a bunch of hens this spoke to me. I’ve watched mama hens gathering her chicks. Covering them with her wings, protecting them, teaching them etc. The love in that example is beautiful. Thanks for pointing it out.

    2. Tricia C says:

      KRIS I love what you pointed out. Thank you!

  5. Barb D says:

    “Jesus showed us leadership that wasn’t self-absorbed but God-centered and others-oriented.”
    Yes! Good word. Holy Spirit, I want to look like that kind of leader today and every day.

  6. Karen Breaux says:

  7. Cheryl Blow says:

    To me it seems that tradition and lack of humility are things that try to sneak in on me. I will judge the Pharisees but sometimes I can be just like them. I’m so thankful for God’s word and the Holy Spirit that when I get too high and mighty He will loving correct me! Lord, help me to always have a teachable heart and to learn from my mistakes and humble myself to your correction.

    Praying for all of you to be strong in your faith during trials and know that God walks with you. You never walk alone.

  8. Michelle Patire says:

    Yes @Valentina- I just saw the video clip … :(
    Lord God, please be near to those in the city of Baltimore who are in a state of panic or pain… Lord, please rescue those who are there and can be helped… Who might remain in the water. Lord, please be near to all involved – bring angels to guide, minister, and work on Your behalf, Jesus. Please be near to our friends in Baltimore who need to know You are real and that You love them. Jesus, please help this city know You through this tragedy… May the see all things work together for good. Please Lord, have mercy and send your help to those in need. Please guide those who are confused- we thank you, Jesus.

    @SHANNON STROSCHEIN- I don’t know what you’re going through, but please know that God delights in you! He has forgiven you of your sin, even the one you’re still struggling with! I don’t know why it is hard for you to relinquish that sin, but I know Jesus has grace for you and can help you, step by step. I don’t know what it looks like, but I pray you have grace for yourself, girl. He loves you and He’s not going to give up on you, even if you’ve given up on yourself. But please don’t! Look to Jesus and ask Him to want what He wants – even if you don’t think it is possible. We love you here, Shannon, though we don’t know you in the physical. We are all part of His body. I pray you find someone in your local body to help walk this out with you.
    I remember a time I knew God asked me to stop seeing this guy, but I had such a hard time letting go. Even though I knew it displeased God, I kept seeing him. I realized I needed someone to keep me accountable, so I reached out to my pastor’s wife and she was my accountability. It took a few months, but eventually I let that person go and trusted God had better for me. I don’t know what your situation is, but having accountability for any sin is the key to freedom. Jesus ultimately is that key. May you know you are DEEPLY loved by Christ, even if you should choose otherwise. But I trust God is going to do a good work in you! God bless you. Please reach out to us again and again when you are struggling. We are here for you!! ❤️

    @Jane K- I am so sorry for your friends loss .. that is a whole level of singleness I do not understand. It is so good you have her in your concerns and I pray the Holy Spirit leads you to be the friend she needs, right now. I pray He gives you the wisdom to know when to reach out and how to be present to her in her pain. God bless your friendship and any other singles in your life. ❤️

    @Sharon, JG- I love your heart for your community, you and your husband. I wish I lived a bit closer, I would love to hang out with you guys and learn from you. I’m sure there is just so much wisdom you’ve gained through your journey with Jesus. God bless your ministries to singles and the local body you serve, Sharon! ❤️

    @Taylor – praying the Lord gives you peace and wisdom to know what is best for your life. He works all things together for good. Lord, please grant her peace and mercy for her situation. Please bless her to see Your love and faithfulness, your “hesed” love (Hebrew). Jesus loves you, Taylor may your faith continue to increase and may you see the Lord in any painful area of your life.

    God bless you, Shes. Love you all. ❤️