Jesus Is the Son of God

Open Your Bible

Matthew 13:53-58, Matthew 14:1-36, Isaiah 41:10, 1 John 5:1-6

“Have courage! It is I.”

When we read these words in Matthew 14:27, from the viewpoint of our modern context, it’s easy to miss their significance. It’s easy to dismiss them as a much needed encouragement, and little more. The disciples, after all, were frightened. They were stranded in a boat, far from shore, their vessel “battered by the waves.” Jesus went out to them, walking across the water, which only terrified them more (vv.24–25).

To calm their anxieties, Jesus said, “It is I,” clarifying who He is. And immediately, Peter recognized his teacher. The climax of the story would seem to come later, when Peter joined Jesus in the waves. But the truth is, this verse is a bombshell. Jesus is making a statement of cosmic proportions.

In a few short words, Jesus was not merely identifying Himself, not in the usual way. This statement is not like announcing yourself at your parents’ back door: “It’s me! Just popping by!” Jesus was not just identifying Himself as the man they know and love. Instead Jesus is making a monumental claim, one that Matthew’s Jewish listeners certainly would have noticed. He is identifying Himself as God.

“It is I”—translated from the Greek words ego eimi—is a reference to an Old Testament story. About 1,500 years earlier, God identified Himself to Moses in a similar way (Exodus 3:14). In other words, Jesus wasn’t simply identifying Himself in the midst of the storm; He was identifying His place in human history. Jesus is no ordinary “good person” who loves God and happens to know a lot about Scripture. Jesus is God Himself, the God who identified Himself to Moses and who has always been with His people. He is the God who is more than able to command the threatening waves below Him.
It’s an audacious claim, blasphemous even, had it not been true. And it’s a claim that continues to assert its power today, promising that Jesus is with us and reigns in authority over it all. Jesus is not just another prophet. He is not just another priest. He is not just another rescuer. He is not just another king.

He is the intimate presence and the almighty authority of God.

(44) Comments

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44 thoughts on "Jesus Is the Son of God"

  1. Melissa Richards says:


  2. Michelle Patire says:

    @Theresa – if you are here, how is is Arlo?

  3. Traci Gendron says:

    Wow! The devotional is so good. “It is I” Jesus identifies himself in history. It is so awesome to see the old and new testament come together. Ex 3:14

  4. Indiana Elaine says:

    I love Isaiah 41:10. It is the very verse that I sent to my student yesterday as he faces his aortic aneurysm surgery on Wednesday at noon. He is beyond terrified as his mother died on the operating table from the same surgery. I told his story earlier. He has recovered from depression and drug use and returned to the God of his youth. Please keep him in your prayers.

    1. Tricia C says:

      Praying now INDIANA. Our Lord is the Great Physician. He’s got this.

    2. Victoria E says:

      Indiana Elayne, praying for your student.

  5. Leslie Gray says:

    I loved all of the passages today! The first thing that stuck out to me today was the selflessness of Jesus. In the first part of Mathew 14 John the Baptist has been beheaded and his disciples came and told Jesus. Jesus goes away “to a deserted place by Himslef” I’m sure to mourn for His friend and cousin. In the next verse Jesus comes out from the deserted place and is met with a great multitude and it says “and He was moved with compassion for them, and He healed their sick.” I can’t imagine losing someone I love, and then having people come bother me with their problems, and feeling that deep compassion on them, as Jesus did. Lord help me be more like You with each passing day and thank You for loving us and showing us compassion each and every moment of every day ❤️

  6. Allison Bentley says:

    @Sharon Hoode Miller beautiful devotion and thank you for the reminder that “He is the intimate presence and the almighty authority of God”
    @Tina well said my friend! Praying these words “Have courage! It is I” are burned in our minds, lips, and deep down in our hearts!
    @Kelly(Neo) thank you for pointing this out- my prayer is that I never become too “familiar” with God and constantly seek Him!!!
    @Julia C we are conqueror’s through Christ!! Love this- Putting on the armor of God today and everyday!
    @Michelle Patire- I do this too- Lord heal our insecurities!
    @Laura Dianne I echo your prayer- Lord help me to see past my hardships and stay on top of the water holding Your hand!

    have COURAGE ladies for He is with us always! Praying ☮️and ❤️over you all today!

  7. Mari V says:

    FIRST day of Spring break! The sun is UP! SLEPT 8.25 hours! Devotions were GREAT! Heading out for a run to talk to MY Jesus and pray for ALL of you!!

  8. MARTHA HIX says:

    Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace. Thank you being our companion and comforter….”It is I”. You are our relief and solace.
    “Do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be afraid, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you; I will help you;
    I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.”
    Thank you Jesus that we can trust You and in You. ❤️