Jesus Is the Son of God

Open Your Bible

Matthew 13:53-58, Matthew 14:1-36, Isaiah 41:10, 1 John 5:1-6

“Have courage! It is I.”

When we read these words in Matthew 14:27, from the viewpoint of our modern context, it’s easy to miss their significance. It’s easy to dismiss them as a much needed encouragement, and little more. The disciples, after all, were frightened. They were stranded in a boat, far from shore, their vessel “battered by the waves.” Jesus went out to them, walking across the water, which only terrified them more (vv.24–25).

To calm their anxieties, Jesus said, “It is I,” clarifying who He is. And immediately, Peter recognized his teacher. The climax of the story would seem to come later, when Peter joined Jesus in the waves. But the truth is, this verse is a bombshell. Jesus is making a statement of cosmic proportions.

In a few short words, Jesus was not merely identifying Himself, not in the usual way. This statement is not like announcing yourself at your parents’ back door: “It’s me! Just popping by!” Jesus was not just identifying Himself as the man they know and love. Instead Jesus is making a monumental claim, one that Matthew’s Jewish listeners certainly would have noticed. He is identifying Himself as God.

“It is I”—translated from the Greek words ego eimi—is a reference to an Old Testament story. About 1,500 years earlier, God identified Himself to Moses in a similar way (Exodus 3:14). In other words, Jesus wasn’t simply identifying Himself in the midst of the storm; He was identifying His place in human history. Jesus is no ordinary “good person” who loves God and happens to know a lot about Scripture. Jesus is God Himself, the God who identified Himself to Moses and who has always been with His people. He is the God who is more than able to command the threatening waves below Him.
It’s an audacious claim, blasphemous even, had it not been true. And it’s a claim that continues to assert its power today, promising that Jesus is with us and reigns in authority over it all. Jesus is not just another prophet. He is not just another priest. He is not just another rescuer. He is not just another king.

He is the intimate presence and the almighty authority of God.

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44 thoughts on "Jesus Is the Son of God"

  1. Mari V says:

    Arlene…WE your SRT family lift you UP in prayer to OUR JESUS! Let us lift you up when you feel you can’t! WE are here for you sweet Arlene. God will not let you down. Even when you don’t feel HIM, He is with you!

  2. Erica Chiarelli says:

    He is the great I Am! Hallelujah!

  3. Kristina Finney says:

    So grateful Jesus is our Savior and our God! Our cornerstone among the storm of life. His timing is always on time!

  4. Karrie says:

    Good morning ladies and thank u all for your prayers. The days are long and I’m not used to sitting around and letting people do things for me. I am trying to stay in a good mind frame but it is hard. I keep praying that God with show me a better balance once I return to work. I just keep thinking that this is my sign to slow down. Earlier last wk (before I broke my foot) I found out I have a bulging disc in my back and arthritis in my neck. Not the best thing for a hairstylist. Now I am forced to slow down and rest. I trust in God that he will provide me with all that I need. ❤️

  5. Kris says:

    Some thoughts about faith. When I see the disciples first response to the crowd, I see myself. They asked Jesus to “send them away” for we only have 5 loaves & 2 fish. How often do I “send away” a miracle because the very little I’m holding in my hand doesn’t seem like enough? How many times have I stopped a miracle opportunity because I didn’t have enough faith in Christ’s ability and only looked at my own feeble ability? And then, right after Jesus performs a fabulous miracle with the feeding of the 5000, Peter still doesn’t have enough faith to keep his eyes on Jesus, and falls in the water. How much am I like Peter? How many times does Jesus have to show His power and faithfulness for me to believe the next time I need it? I really don’t want Jesus saying to me, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”. Oh Father, that I would have faith to look to You every. single. time. I need You, and to not look at the storm around me and be distracted by it. Help me in my unbelief.

  6. Arlene says:

    Good morning all. The waves seem very high for me this morning, the new meds still don’t seem to be making a difference and I struggle so much with feeling defeated because I don’t have enough faith, and trusting that God will not let me down. So many of you are struggling and I lift each one of you up as I read your comments. Today Lord, I pray that you would give each one of us a clear vision of your presence, that you would show us Your Goodness. Give peace and rest to our souls as we fix our eyes on you.

  7. Kari says:

    Whenever I hear Isaiah 41:10 I’m reminded of the song on the “Seeds of Courage” album that I would listen to with my kids when they were little. So many good verses put to song that still come into my mind 15+ years later. For those of you who learn scripture best when put to music you can listen to it here:

  8. Rhonda J. says:

    GM My She’s!

    It’s always good to be back to normal routine although it was wonderful to have a little get away with family and staying in a big, beautiful house surrounded by woods! My dad’s health is so bad it makes me sad for him that he isn’t the strong dad we know! It was a fight for his wife to get him there, and although he only stayed a couple of hours I know he felt loved.

    Isaiah 41:10 is my first memory verse for this year! I love it, so comforting. I have been able to quote it many, many times in ministry this year! But time to move to a second. (yes, I am very challenged with memorization :/ ) Reading Mathew always brings The Chosen to mind to realize it was REAL people with very real situations rather than quick stories we read through dozens of times. The scene with Peter walking across the water to Jesus was done really well.

    I liked the devotional’s expounding on the “it is I.” I sometimes have a difficult time with explaining/proving how Jesus is the Son of God AND God in easy terms, this was helpful. Also, HRT’s devotional today.

    Covering you all in a blanket prayer this morning. I have an unspoken requests please.