Israel Oppressed in Egypt

Open Your Bible

Exodus 1:1-22, Exodus 2:1-25, Genesis 15:13-16, Genesis 35:10-12

Do you know that feeling when something really emotional happens, but you aren’t in a safe place or time to process it? Maybe you’re at school or work or the grocery store, and somehow you hold that emotion in and go about your day. Until. Until you see someone who knows you—really knows you. Someone who loves you, someone who understands you inside and out. And what happens? Immediate tears. Immediate permission to feel what you’ve been trying to avoid feeling. 

I’m not a psychologist, and I can’t explain all the reasons for this phenomenon of the human experience. But for me, I think this is because the feeling of being truly seen—and still loved—is so rare. When we experience it, our defenses drop. For a moment, we embrace the type of intimacy we were created for.

When I read the book of Exodus, there are three words that captivate me every time. They aren’t found in the likely places—the stories of the burning bush, the Red Sea crossing, or wilderness wandering. They come before all of that, amid the years of oppression God’s people endured under Egypt’s heavy hand. In this seemingly endless period of suffering, we come upon Exodus 2:25: “God saw the Israelites, and God knew.”

And God knew. What a wonderful, weighty truth!

The same God who spoke “I AM” from the burning bush, who parted the sea, who rained down bread in exact measure from heaven, is also the God who knows. He knows our circumstances and our hearts, our past and our future. He sees us. He hears us. He knows us. And He not only knows, He acts! We learn from the whole of Scripture that our God is working all things together for His glory and our good—in the book of Exodus and in our right-now lives. We serve a God of response. Each new season and circumstance are new opportunities to depend on His provision.

As you journey through the miraculous accounts in the book of Exodus, put your feet on the ground with God’s people. Imagine how it felt to cry out from Egypt, from the shore of the Red Sea, from the vast wilderness, and the base of Mount Sinai. See what Scripture has to teach you about the unchanging character of the God who knows. 

As we read these crucial chapters in the redemption story, I pray we find confidence and rest in the One who created us to live in relationship with Him. 

(210) Comments

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210 thoughts on "Israel Oppressed in Egypt"

  1. Karen Ng says:

    Everything’s within God’s control although we cannot see it nor understand it.

  2. Beth Bruner says:

    God is amazing. He remembers even when we don’t ❤️

  3. Nana Dwobeng says:

    A God who knows, A God who remembers !

  4. Destiny Herring says:

    Nothing happens without God allowing it to happen. The story of Moses, a beautiful story of adoption. After reading the first day, you can’t help but see God’s divine hand being so present throughout the story. What are the odds a woman would be bathing in the river at just the time Moses’ basket was drifting that way. The only answer is God’s divine plan. Not only are we reading the story of Moses but a story within a story that’s within a story. The story of Moses, but also the story about the Israelites and God fulfilling promises. God is the same God saw Moses, who saw the Israelites, who sees us. He makes the impossible possible, intervenes at the most unlikely of times, and continues to provide. He sees us, loves us, knows us, and cares. Will we do the same with Him?

  5. Destiny Herring says:

    Nothing happens without God allowing it to happen. The story of Moses, a beautiful story of adoption. After reading the first day, you can’t help but see God’s divine hand being so present throughout the story. What are the odds a woman would be bathing in the river at just the time Moses’ basket was drifting that way. The only answer is God’s divine plan. Not only are we reading the story of Moses but a story within a story that’s within a story. The story of Moses, but also the story about the Israelites and God fulfilling promises. God is the same God saw Moses, who saw the Israelites, who sees us. He makes the impossible possible, intervenes at the most unlikely of times, and continues to provide. He sees us, loves us, knows us, and cares. Will we do the same with Him

  6. Destiny Herring says:

    Nothing happens without God allowing it to happen. The story of Moses, a beautiful story of adoption. After reading the first day, you can’t help but see God’s divine hand in so present in the story. What are the odds a woman would be bathing in the river at just the time Moses’ basket was drifting that way, a

  7. Kyle Hopkins says:

    Starting today- “And God Knew” – yes!

  8. Rebecca Keating says:

    Amazing encouragement

  9. Dani-Cate Reed says:

    Loved this❤️

  10. Micah Black says:


  11. Kylia Van Horn says:

    Beautiful reminder of his faithfulness

  12. Kayla Hani says:


  13. Kayla Hani says:

    Learning to trust that He knows and is working all together for my good AND his glory. Excited for this journey!

  14. Summer Dahlquist says:


  15. Kathy Rideout says:

    Kristina, stay the course, you are in the right place to grow and get to know God in an intimate way. We’re on this journey together.

  16. Kathy Rideout says:

    Kristina, stay the course, you are in the right place to grow and get to know God in an intimate way. We’re ein this journey together.

  17. Kathy Rideout says:

    Kristina, stay the course, you are in the right place to grow and get to know God in an intimate way. We’re ein this journey together.

  18. Kathy Rideout says:

    I am so encouraged by the 3 words, “AND GOD KNEW” Truly gives me a perspective of Him knowing all the details of my life. Amen

  19. artavia jones says:


  20. artavia jones says:

    Yesss I loved that!!

  21. Rachel Stewart says:


  22. Kimberly Dennison says:

    Love this study

  23. Ashley Williamson says:


  24. Kristina Stump says:

    I’m new to studying the Bible. I have been going through a rough time and my daily reading on my own and now through this group gives me so much hope! ❤️

  25. Katy Johnson says:

    “We serve a God of response!” Praise the Lord that He not only hears my prayers, my cries, my praise. But He response faithfully in his character to each and every one of my needs.

  26. Kendra Elliott says:


  27. Amy Bangs says:

    He sees and knows

  28. Liv Karlen says:


  29. Katrina Cornelison says:


  30. Taylor Frederick says:


  31. Stephanie Wabi says:

    See how the Bible talks about Moses being a beautiful baby? There was a reason for that – God is so awesome that He even factored in the way we look to help us fulfill our destiny – nothing about you is on accident or by chance

  32. Anita J says:


  33. Rhiannon Donovan says:


  34. Ronni Mclaurin says:


  35. Katherine Dyke says:


  36. lisa chapek says:

    A God who knows me and is not willing to take shortcuts so that I will learn to know and depend on Him.

  37. Ashtyn Baker says:

    Comfort is found in a God who sees and knows.

  38. Amber Saunders says:

    Love that God knows!

  39. Lela king says:

    Yes and Amen!

  40. Jessica Clark says:


  41. stacy thomas says:


  42. Lauren Goodwin says:


  43. Ronni Mclaurin says:

    I love the book of Exodus! I heard episode one in the series and am so

  44. rhaegan cooper says:


  45. Carol Crossman says:

    I have listened to the podcast and want to do this study even though I am starting late. The studies and podcasts set my heart on fire to keep reading the word!

  46. Dzifa Mensah says:

    God saw and God knew… feels personal and intimate. What a God we serve!

  47. Melissa Gibbs says:

    How many times as a mother have I looked at my kids & just known – happy, sad, mad, frustrated, elated. As an adult, it is sometimes hard to remember that I am still God’s child. He sees me & knows.

  48. Patty Mews says:


  49. gretchen nooe says:


  50. Sabrina Russell says:

    Prayers for your situation and for strength to follow God’s plan and may your faith remain strong and unwavering, as His love for us, during this difficult time ❤️

  51. Sabrina Russell says:

    Yes!!! This really spoke to me as well!

  52. Andrea Lopez says:

    I’m starting this study super late but I’m excited to follow along this journey!

  53. belle ingersoll says:

    wow , what a beautiful truth that we are seen && loved . . . God knows our intentions && He knows our ♡ . help me today Lord , to lean into you && your perfect peace ! ✞ ッ

  54. Jenny Lugo says:

    Great is your faithfulness, oh mighty and powerful God! Great is your faithfulness ❤️❤️

  55. Gavi Steele says:

    The Promise still stands!

  56. Brooke Cannon says:

    You are known and you are loved!

  57. Kristi Abney says:


  58. brianna tammen says:


  59. Brandy Deruso says:

    God will protect you!

  60. Lauren Murphy says:


  61. julie belk says:


  62. Denise Kozlowski says:

    “We serve a God of response, and each new season and circumstance is a chance to depend on His provision.” – I love this reflection!

  63. Shaira Mota says:

    God Is good

  64. Carrie Pulley says:

    God saw and He knew…praise be to God

  65. Stephanie McNutt says:


  66. Michelle Jones says:

    I love that God has a plan even before I know I have a problem.

  67. Katie Hudgens says:

    Perfect for the new season I am in. Thankful for God’s faithfulness!

  68. Terri Baldwin says:

    So much packed in day one…..God’s faithfulness to remember his covenant with Abraham and his descendants. Israelites were fruitful——new King of Egypt ruthlessly imposed work on them. Then the King summoned midwives to kill born son’s but let daughters live. They feared God and did not obey King. Israel is called to fear God above any other ruler or King. And so Moses was born…..raised by Pharaoh’s daughter. Moses grew up realizing he truly was a Hebrew. Moses married priest of Midian daughter. God heard Israelites cry, God remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob….God saw the Israelites, and God knew.

  69. Terri Baldwin says:

    So much packed in day one…..God’s faithfulness to remember his covenant with Abraham and his descendants.

  70. Lauren Caruso says:

    God saw…and God knew. I received some really hard news today, and this devotional put words to the full situation. The keeping in of emotions until my husband arrived to be with me and the tears flowed. But God is good. He knows the situation more intimately than I do and He knows and sees my heart through it all.

  71. madison patterson says:

    I love how intimate God is!

  72. Jamie Christie says:

    i love this. a reminder that God sees me and hears me when i’m in trouble.

  73. Elizabeth Lewis says:


  74. Elizabeth Lewis says:


  75. Charlie Fuller says:

    First day and I loved it. I felt god in my heart.

  76. Karen Slaughter says:


  77. Sandra Nichols says:

    When I feel lonely and can’t think of anyone who would understand, God knows. ❤

  78. Erin Mitchell says:

    Needed to be reminded of your words here…, “There is NOTHING and NOBODY who can stand in the way of God and His plans.” And that includes ME!!!!

  79. Kitty Mc Donald says:

    And God knew… comforting to know He knows!! ♥️

  80. Harley Nunez-Hamrick says:

    “God knew” …. “God remembered his covenant, his promise”….. dang, after praying HARD yesterday in the car drive home yesterday, I needed to hear THAT!!!

  81. JoAnn Ward says:


  82. ammanda elliott says:

    To be seen is such a revelation as Our God sees us truly and those who care for us also see our hearts.

  83. Lehua K. says:

    Excited for this study! This caught my attention too, while reading. God sees, and He knows! And He loves, He responds. Hallelujah!

    Have a blessed day.

  84. Sonya Linde says:

    I also never caught that and loved it as well.

  85. Jude McDowell says:


  86. Brandy Smith says:

    I have not listened to the podcast yet but I never really thought of that. It’s amazing to see in this story how God used the women to raise up a great nation.

  87. Erica Chiarelli says:

    When I first read the Scriptures, that hit me too… “God saw…God knew”. We have a God who sees us! We have a God who knows it all, knows what we are going through as He walks through it with us! Hallelujah!

  88. Kelli Simbera says:

    Are there in she’s in CT? Looking for a Bible study buddy!

    1. Erica Chiarelli says:

      That’s a great idea! Wish I was in CT, but I’m in NJ…

  89. Latina Duncan says:

    What stood out to me is that God saw and he cares.

  90. J Lynn says:

    So many things that I have learned from all of your comments!! The fact that a girl, Miriam, was brave enough to watch her baby brother in the riverbed, and approach the princess, because of her love for her brother… and then for Moses’ mother to be able to nurse him and care for him (just made me cry; knowing how much I love my own children)… I’m just thinking about that moment that Moses’ mom found out that he was still alive, that she would nurse him and spend time with him and he would live!!! The joy and relief she must have felt!!! And the two midwives who were so brave as to defy the Pharioh and let the boys live… I must remember the bravery of all of these women in the Bible, and remind myself that I too can be brave!! And I also love the fact that the pharaoh wrote off females as weak, yet the females in this story are the ones that helped Moses to live, thrive and eventually overthrow the Egyptians!! Weak?? I think not… This is including his very own daughter, who adopted and raised Moses… Just wow!! Females play a huge part in the story of redemption and restoration, with their bravery and actions… may I remember this in my daily life!! ❤️

  91. Sharae Wolfe says:

    As a mom myself, it always strikes me how heart wrenching these two chapters are. To live in fear that your newborn baby will be ripped from your arms and killed. I love how you can see God’s goodness to Moses’ mom. She gave up her son trying to protect him but then through God’s sovereignty gets to nurse him. How special and what a blessing. There is nothing and nobody who can stand in the way of God and his plans.

  92. Michelle Feneide says:


  93. Carly Lewis says:

    I was really struck this morning by the passage about the midwives. I’ve never caught that before. ” The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live.”

    How significant was their obedience to God vs man! These two women, whose names are not part of our common lexicon, who are given just 7 verses of account in the Bible, refused to go against God’s will, and thus played a significant role in building the Israelite people and ultimately God’s kingdom.

    We never know where our obedience to God may go. But if we obey with fear of the Lord, vs fear of man, we will not fail. These women, Shiphrah and Puah, are part of your ancestry as God’s people. Let their strength and courageous obedience inspire you today.

    1. Gwendolyn Vincent says:


  94. Lynn says:

    Hi. My name is Lynne. I want you to know that I’m stopping to pray God’s provision over your husband’s health. I’m praying that His presence will be tangible for you both and your family. I’m asking God to so redeem this hardship, that you will see the goodness of the Lord every day. On hard days, I pray that the Lord remind you that He is faithful even when we don’t see it as obvious as we would like. I’m asking God to use this hardship to make Himself known to others as well. That people will see His Presence in your pain and say “I want that too” and begin their own relationship with Jesus the Christ. May it be Lord more than I know to ask or think. To Your Glory Always, AMEN AMEN and AMEN

  95. Kim Stutts says:

    My husband was just diagnosed with liver cancer. As I listened to the MD’s and the words ‘only chance of survival is transplant’ we were devastated. Reading this today I’m reminded God knows what lies before; he sees and he knows

  96. Jude McDowell says:

    Oh thank you for this reminder I needed that today ❤️❤️

  97. Jade Jalakasi says:


  98. Elizabeth Carlock says:

    Sandy, so sorry for your loss. Hope you know that this is a safe space for your tears and hurts. We all take notice and go with you through this too.

  99. Katie Jorgensen says:

    I see God working through my life and I know I can depend him in any and every situation.

  100. Belinda Ramage says:


  101. Ruth Rouchard says:

    I love how the passage states, “The Hebrew women are NOT like the Egyptian women, for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife can get to them.” That’s us ladies!! We are not of this world, God is with us, and in Him we have strength!

  102. Jennifer Allen says:

    While already in the middle of a difficult season of life, I’ve been feeling what someone once described as spiritual warfare the past few days. This reading was good for my heart and soul today. Cannot wait to continue ❤️

  103. Kim Salazar says:

    As soon as I read that phrase, I thought about it- God sees & He knows…all that’s going on in my life & in my family’s. Then to have that intimate feeling of letting it all out as soon as He sees me. To cleanse my heart with tears bc my King, my Savior sees ME!!!? Wow.

  104. Laurie Crary says:

    Amen, Churchmouse, Amen.

  105. Samantha Nieto says:

    Wow – very cool revelation! Thanks for sharing ❤️

  106. Jessica Rowe says:

    And God knew…I’m going to put this statement somewhere that I can see it everyday. To help remind me that He can always see my heart, even when I can’t.

  107. Tiffany McClanahan says:

    This is the exact reason I love being able to do these readings as a group! My focus was on the Israelites and how they were bound by slavery for so many years; how each chapter in the Bible spells it out and explains to each generation that they would be oppressed for years to come. I completely overlooked the fact that there was no fear of the daughters yet pharaoh’s daughter defied him and raised the person prophesied to defeat him.

  108. Kim says:

    It’s easy to forget that God knows when I’m drowning under all my thoughts and worries.

  109. Jennifer Miller says:

    In a world that makes you feel invisible, to realize that the God of the universe ,the very One, who spoke life into existence knows and sees me … that’s a beautiful revelation ❤️

  110. Rachel Shank says:

    The podcast mentioned this, but I love the highlighting of daughters in today’s reading. That pharaoh didn’t see daughters as a threat, yet his own daughter is raising the very thing he sought to kill. I think it just shows how creative God is to weave this story together for his purposes.

  111. Jennifer Stewart says:

    Being seen. Being known. God you are so good to us! You and You alone can see the true us! Amen

  112. Jana Kolade says:

    I think that they might have not had the courage. Reading through Exodus, the Israelites didn’t really mind being enslaved by the Egyptians. And looking at the big picture, God just really wanted to show His deliverance, I think. But yeah, that’s just what I could think of.

  113. Liz Lester says:

    Oh I love this. To be truly seen. By the God of all the universe, how often do I take that for granted??

  114. Jennifer Kieffer says:


  115. Jennifer Prutch says:

    So true!

  116. Jana Kolade says:

    I loved the fist day! The two parts that encouraged me most were 1:15-21 – God mentions the two midwives by name, He das what they did and that they feared Him and then God goes on and blessed them with families (Psalm 115:13 – He blesses those who fear Him, big and small)

  117. Mercy says:

    I had a smile seeing our beloved familiar devotional style of today. Praise God for SRT who also heard the cry of your people ;) How incredibly thoughtful! The word “Exodus” has been following me. Seeing it today, and upon reading the opening Amanda wrote, I was even more speechless. What don’t you know Lord? Aren’t we like open books to Him. The presence of our many troubles and suffering does not mean the absence of God. Exodus is the testimony, He led His people to exit the land of suffering. He never once left us. I like to borrow the lyrics of a favorite worship song to praise Him today (would you join me if you play this song), “Kneeling on this battle ground. Seeing just how much You’ve done. Knowing every victory was Your power in us. Scars and struggles on the way. But with joy our hearts can say. Yes, our hearts can say. Never once did we ever walk alone. Never once did You leave us on our own. You are faithful, God, You are faithful”. Thank you Lord for everything.
    @Leslie Orozco: was thinking of you. May God’s faithfulness never cease to amaze you. Isaiah 43:18-19.
    Be blessed dear sisters. Remember to do everything in love, even just a smile.

  118. Alayna P. says:


  119. Laura Knochenhauer says:

    God knows and God loves

  120. Kelly Morgan says:

    And God knew. Even when my defenses are up around people that I’m not sure I can fully trust, there is One who sees, knows, comforts and acts. He is worthy of my praise!!

  121. Leslie Orozco says:

    God is omnipresent….He’s everywhere, like the Psalms say…we can never get away from His presence
    God is omnicient…He knows everything
    God is all-loving…He’s loves each of dearly
    Moses spent 40 years in Egypt, 40 years in the wilderness where he married and had at least one child, and 40 years leading the Israelite. What an example of God seeing, knowing, and working in our circumstances. When you do needlepoint, the resulting picture is a beautiful thing. But turn it over and look at the mess of yarn on the back. The messy, tangled yarn is a good picture of what we see in our lives. But the God who has forgiven our past, holds our present, and secures our glorious future with Him is always working behind the scenes in our lives in ways we can never fully understand. The same is true in world events. We look sometimes in astonishment and wonder at how fast our nation, and global events are changing the world we know. But we have to remember
    that God appoints and takes down leaders in government, always working to bring global events to the fulfillment of His prophecies as we look to and expect the Rapture. Things will more inexorably forward in His perfect timing. I also noted that both Moses’ parents were Levites (the tribe God appointed to be the priests in Israel). He sees, He knows, He’s working in it all. One of my favorite worship songs is Waymaker: even though we don’t see or feel it, He’s working ❤️

  122. Sarah Smith says:

    Thank God that he knows us inside and out. He knows that our timing is not perfect like his.

  123. Leslie Orozco says:

    God is omnipresent….He’s everywhere, like the Psalms say…we can never get away from His presence
    God is omnicient…He knows everything
    God is all-loving…He’s loves each of dearly
    Moses spent 40 years in Egypt, 40 years in the wilderness where he married and had at least one child, and 40 years leading the Israelite. What an example of God seeing, knowing, and working in our circumstances. When you do needlepoint, the resulting picture is a beautiful thing. But turn it over and look at the mess of yarn on the back. The messy, tangled yarn is a good picture of what we see in our lives. But the God who has forgiven our past, holds our present, and secures our glorious future with Him is always working behind the scenes in our lives in ways we can never fully understand. The same is true in world events. We look sometimes in astonishment and wonder at how fast our nation, and global events are changing the world we know. But we have to remember

  124. Leslie Orozco says:

    God is omnipresent….He’s everywhere, like the Psalms say…we can never get away from His presence
    God is omnicient…He knows everything
    God is all-loving…He’s loves each of dearly

  125. Leslie Orozco says:

    God is omnipresent….He’s everywhere, like the Psalms say…we can never get away from His presence
    God is omnicient…He knows everything

  126. Leslie Orozco says:

    God is omnipresent….He’s everywhere, like the Psalms say…we can never get away from His presence

  127. Leslie Orozco says:

    God is omnipresent….He’s everywhere, like the Psalms say…we can

  128. Dorothy says:

    I do know what Amanda is talking about, when my son died I cried but the real crying and comfort came when my maternal aunt and uncle walked in the door. This was about 5 minutes after I found out. The reason it happened with them is because they had been down the same road I was about to go down. They had lost their oldest son. They wrapped their arms around me and held me tight.
    My faith in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit have gotten me through that and many other moments, happy and sad.
    Sisters, be blessed and know God is watching over you at ALL TIMES. :)

  129. Karen Valente says:

    We are studying Exodus in church right now, so this is perfect timing!

  130. Lara Castillo says:

    “Their feelings did not negate the presence of their God.” A good word for them then AND us now. Thanks Churchmouse…this phrase will stick with me.

  131. Catherine McVey says:

    Good morning She’s. I’m so looking forward to this study of Exodus. Today is my first day of retirement! I have looked so forward to this day. I have always loved my morning quiet time and am so excited that I can spend more time in the word each day and not have to run off to work. I have felt quite settled in my decision to retire but now a little anxious about it. I am trusting that God knows my today and all my tomorrows. I am excited to remember God’s promises as we read this study. Blessing and prayers for all of you!

  132. GramsieSue . says:

    @Sandi Stanley I am so sorry for your loss. And yes, God sees, God knows, God loves, God remembers. Wrapping you in His loving arms as you grieve and praying for His comfort. No more pain for him, but I know for you this is a hard road to travel. Will be keeping you on my prayer list. ❤️

  133. GramsieSue . says:

    Thank you so much for your prayers, sister shes. Steve’s scans were CLEAR! Wonderfully clear! God has answered our prayers abundantly! So we joyfully continue praising God and sharing His love and power with everyone! Looking forward to this new study of God’s miracles in action! Hugs to you all. ❤️

  134. Peggy Pappas says:

    That’s a really good question. I wonder being slaves and oppressed if they didn’t have the weaponry, chariots etc to be sucessful, but the fact that their numbers scared the Egyptians is interesting indeed that they thought God’s people would make foreign alliances to come against them. However as you said, we know in hindsight, God’s plan from the beginning as He laid it out to Abraham that they would be in a foreign land for 400 yrs and be enslaved and oppressed until the full measure of the iniquity of the Amorites had been reached. I wonder if we too may not understand why God doesn’t act when there is evil in our day but perhaps the full measure of evil hasn’t been reached here either. His plan and His purposes are so beyond my mind but like everyone has said, what comfort we have that our God hears our cries, He knows, He sees and He will act in His perfect timing and plan.

  135. Emilee says:

    He knows our full story— He sees truth in the light of that knowledge, not just in the snippets of circumstances that I see myself in. How helpful that is to remember He knows it all!

  136. Denise RICHIE says:

    God knew. Even when my life feels like a mess and I can’t even imagine the greater good of it all, God does. He knows the full story and I am never alone. Thank you Lord for my life and for the good you are creating with it❤️

  137. Naomi Stephens says:

    God saw and knew the whole of the story. He heard the groaning of Israel, and He saw the oppression they faced. He also saw their hearts. He saw how they were and were not connected to Him. Convicting this morning. God heard and saw then; He hears and sees now. The unchanging God.

  138. Naomi Stephens says:

    God saw and knew the whole of the story. He heard the groaning of Israel, and He saw the oppression they faced. He also saw their hearts. He saw how they were and were not connected to Him.

  139. Christel Fleming says:

    Each new season and circumstances are opportunities to depend on His provision. Love it, so excited!

  140. Amy Reid says:


  141. Kathy Harkness says:

    May God continue to hold you close and your husband Rest In Peace.

  142. Laurie Walker says:

    The intimacy with a holy God is always available to us. Even when we look for earthly substitutes to comfort us, all fail to truly see us the way our Savior does. He sees even when we aren’t looking to be seen by Him. That’s my take away today. To look to Him and Him alone to see me. He’s the only one that matters.

  143. Jennifer Martin says:


  144. Tori W says:

    Just thinking…if the Israelites were so mighty and the Egyptians lived in dread of them, why weren’t the Israelites able to resist the efforts to enslave them in the first place? (Obviously, God had a plan in all of it, but just curious)

  145. Gina says:

    So excited to start this book! I love it when we study a book, bit by bit. Something new always pops out!

  146. Traci Gendron says:

    I know that God saw me taking care of my ill son. He brought me through his death and continues to comfort me.

  147. Tiphani Taylor says:

    Todays reading was so good to my heart. I am praying for a spouse and kinda groaning to God today so to read this just feels like balm. He sees me and knows me and remembers. Also, I’ve never realized it but Moses was birthed from two Levites- worshippers, priests!

  148. Karen Slaughter says:

    I have such peace knowing that God knows my circumstances. He knows what I’ve been through and what I will go through.

  149. Molly R says:

    I missed the last few days of the “This is the Church” study because of, well, life. I then had a really rough night with unsettling dreams last night. I woke up discombobulated and off. Then I remembered the new study starting today! As I sat down and opened my Bible, the peace came rushing in – a reminder that He heard my unsettled heart, He knew, and He acted. He welcomed me back with open arms and I love that He is always so steadfast and faithful, even when I am not!
    And I just have to say that while I loved the Gospel and Church studies as topical studies, I love when we get to walk through a book of the Bible in its entirety! I am looking forward to gleaning more of who God is through this book of Exodus! Thank you, God, for hearing us, seeing us, knowing us, and acting in your good time to bring about your glory!

  150. Alexa G says:

    Exodus 2:24 – I like this verse. It reminds me how important it is to pray.

  151. Andraya Bitschy says:

    Gods know. That’s so powerful He doesn’t need to be told He already know our hearts inside and out.

  152. Becca Landis says:

    Love this! God see’s is in every trouble and circumstance and he is right there with us!

  153. Kristina Orchekowski says:

    My husband and I are going through infertility. After 2 rounds of IVF and 2 failed embryo transfers, it is easy to be hurt and angry. But I have been constantly reminded everyday to trust God because he knows better and more than I do what is best for my husband and myself. This study today definitely hit home with the promises of God – that he hears us, remembers us, and knows us. What a great comfort this is!

  154. Shelly Elston says:

    Like most of us noticed, I, too, loved reading afresh Exodus 2:24-25. God heard. God remembered. God saw. God knew. What a comfort…because He hears our prayers today. He remembers the promises He has made us to never leave us or forsake us. He sees us in our everyday lives, often struggling. He knows it’s scary for us here on earth and how hard things can be. Praying for each of us as we journey through Exodus together and glean fresh insights.

  155. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Love this as always Churchmouse, thank you.

  156. Priscilla Rodriguez says:

    Through the chaos , through the plans of evil leadership. God knew , he saw , he heard his people. Over time there has been bad leaders over and over , one right after the other . But God has continued to bring his people through it all. Their hope , their steadfast love is what reminds me , to not focus on the plans of the evil one , but to trust in the plan I can’t see . Trust in Gods plan .

  157. Jocelyn Snyder says:

    Cancer is so evil. Praying comfort for you.

  158. Jocelyn Snyder says:

    Yes. I feel it in the oppression, pain, abuse, and discouragement. I think God, through you, spoke to my heart. Thank you for sharing, and in turn encouraging me, a young pastor’s wife and mama.

  159. Kristin Sparkman says:

    @Sandi. Praying comfort for you. I as well think cancer is evil.

  160. Debbie -Pursued by Him says:

    @Sandy Stanley, I am so sorry to hear your husband is no longer with you. However, you are so right. If nothing else, this lesson reminds us how Good is always with us. He always knows how we are feeling. He always is with us as we grieve. He will never leave us! Praying you will find comfort and peace knowing God is with you at all times.

  161. Kenya Rafferty says:

    God sees. And God knows. The deep intimacy that comes with only a true, loving relationship between those who listen and care. I think sometimes it can be hard to feel that from God, but even still when we are needing someone to see us, we can just call out to Him in those moments and He is there.

  162. Julia Hyldahl says:

    Have been in a tough spot the last few weeks and this truth really sank in for me- God knows and he is with me! What a powerful truth to know that the Lord is with us in every mountain and valley. He is right by our side supporting and carrying us through! We just need to lean on him!

  163. Alyssa Alyssa says:

    The promise keeper

  164. Deb Peterson says:

    As a physician who had cared for people through the pandemic, I am greatly comforted by the fact that God knows, God sees, and He is firmly in control.

  165. Kathy says:

    “He sees us. He hears us. He knows us. And He not only knows, He acts!”
    I love that statement so much. So many times when we go through heartache it feels like we are bombarded by words – so many words. But those people who just show up and do things for us are the ones that help heal that heartache.
    God responds. He acts. He doesn’t just listen and pat us on the back. He responds.

  166. Sutton Satcher says:


  167. Annesta Lunde says:

    Praying for you, Sandi

  168. Angie Carper says:

    God see, God knows, God loves. My heart also needed this reminder today. Hope you have a beautiful week!! ♥️♥️♥️

  169. Amber Guitron says:

    Thankful for the Word. Learning so much about the character of God through today’s reading. We see his unchanging, steadfast love for His people. He knew their suffering, He knew their pain. In the same way He knows each of ours. And even if we still have to endure an undesirable circumstance/situation, we can trust that we are seen, known, loved, and that God has a plan. We may not know what he has planned, but we know we can run to him in our pain. We can take each care to him and trust that he KNOWS!

  170. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    @sandi your faith is beautiful. May Gods care comfort you in your loss.

  171. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    God saw the oppression of His people. He knew they were suffering. He heard their cries. Moses was born in a land of infanticide in the hands of a king. I can only imagine the despair of oppression at that level. Yet the hope in the hearts of God’s people is unmistakable. The story would be completely different if the Israelites had bowed down to the Egyptian gods and way of life. They would not have been a threat. So, with great intention and trusting the Providence of God, Moses was placed in the river. God knew. He used another boat to preserve life and His people. This time only a small, temporary “tevah” boat, (same word as Noah’s ark), containing a tiny baby boy named later as Moses was used to set His people free. Nothing moves fast in the story of life, especially in suffering. As each day unfolds, God sees. Sometimes it seems to be too much. We ask God, “why won’t you save us from this…?” And He does. He did. So, with great intention to walk worthy of my Savior Jesus, I will trust in the Providence of God. I know He sees me. He hears my cries. He knows my joyful hope held in my heart for Him. Unshaken. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

    (Exodus 1 & 2)

  172. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    God saw the oppression of His people. He knew they were suffering. He heard their cries. Moses was born in a land of infanticide in the hands of a king. I can only imagine the despair of oppression at that leve. Yet the hope in the hearts of God’s people is unmistakable. The story would be completely different if the Israelites had bowed down to the Egyptian gods and way of life. They would not have been a threat. So, with great intention and trusting the Providence of God, Moses was placed in the river. God knew. He used another boat to preserve life and His people. This time only a small, temporary “tevah” boat, (same word as Noah’s ark), containing a tiny baby boy named later as Moses was used to set His people free. Nothing moves fast in the story of life, especially in suffering. As each day unfolds, God sees. Sometimes it seems to be too much. We ask God, “why won’t you save us from this…?” And He does. He did. So, with great intention to walk worthy of my Savior Jesus, I will trust in the Providence of God. I know He sees me. He hears my cries. He knows my joyful hope held in my heart for Him. Unshaken. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

    (Exodus 1 & 2)

  173. Ashleigh H says:

    It is undoubtedly the WW2 historical fiction I am reading, but I can’t help but compare Pharaoh’s actions to the Holocaust in terms of genocide. Both events stem from a leader who feels threatened by the Jewish population instead of recognizing God’s hand on His people. They both even create laws to finish the population. We don’t know why God waits to stop the bloodshed in both cases but we know He is ever present in the lives of people and that He does deliver them from evil. To me, that speaks of God’s faithfulness through our suffering and deliverance even if it isn’t on our timetable or the way we expect.

  174. Susannah Petrounov says:

    I love that we are reading thru Exodus at this exact moment in history. I see the parallels in our culture today. God sees how we are being dealt heavy-handedly by the governments of the world right now. And God KNOWS!!! I believe he is about to deliver his people “let my people go!” So they can serve me in the full FREEDOM my son paid for by his blood. Hallelujah!!! Rejoice oh Daughters of Zion your victory is at hand!!!

  175. ERB says:

    Wanted to share part of Psalm 139 today as I thought of it while reading Exodus 2. May it bring each of you comfort and encouragement!! Much love & blessings to all of you!! Xoxo

    Psalm 139:7-10 “Where can I go from Your Spirit?
    Where can I flee from Your presence?
    8 If I go up to the heavens, YOU ARE THERE;
    if I make my bed in the depths, YOU ARE THERE
    9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,
    10 EVEN THERE Your hand will guide me,
    Your right hand will hold me fast.”
    (emphasis mine)

    Exodus 2:24-25 “GOD HEARD their groaning, and GOD REMEMBERED His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. 25 and GOD SAW the Israelites, and GOD KNEW.”

  176. Michelle Patire says:

    “And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God acknowledged them.” Exodus 2:25 NKJV

    beautiful scripture ^^^ <3

    @Sandi Stanley — Praying God's presence of love to you in this so difficult season of life… Glad you are with us and reading the Word. He will meet you there. God bless you- may you feel so loved and seen by God. May you cry when you need to cry and may God's grace sustain you.

  177. Lisa Forrest says:

    A little while ago, someone pointed out the overlooked bravery of Miriam in this story. She knew what was happening to the baby boys of Israel, she followed her brother and approached Egyptian royalty – the princess – to offer the baby’s own mother as his nurse.

    And then when old enough his mother returns him to the princess – talk about stepping out in faith!

  178. Lisa Forrest says:

    A little while ago, someone pointed out the overlooked bravery of Miriam in this story. She knew what was happening to the baby boys of Israel, she followed her brother and approached Egyptian royalty – the princess – to offer the baby’s own mother as his nurse.

  179. Anna Hall says:

    I pray He gives you a huge hug of peace and comfort today. He is near to the broken hearted. ❤️

  180. Anna Hall says:

    And He knew. What a beautiful reminder that he is near and he knows what we are going thru. Jesus, hear your people today and rescue us from this evil world. We hold on to the hills of your return.

  181. Sandi Stanley says:

    My husband lost his battle to evil cancer on June 28. It gives me encouragement to remember that God knows my hurt and is taking notice and will remember me.

  182. Linda says:

    Amen, Churchmouse! I am reminded of the quote “When I can’t see His hand I can trust His heart.” And also His Word.

  183. Jessica Gonzalez says:

    Can’t wait to staet

  184. Aimee D-R says:

    God sees, God knows. My heart needed this today. Thank You loving Father God. Amen

  185. Abby Reichle says:

    This part hit me good too!! ❤️❤️

  186. Muriel Smith says:

    12 But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad. – Exodus 1:12 I wonder if this (the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied) happened bc of stress or hope

  187. Muriel Smith says:

    12 But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad. – Exodus 1:12

  188. Churchmouse says:

    The Israelites would have known God’s plan for them. The elders would have repeated His promises to their sons and daughters. Each generation knew. But experiencing the oppression and cruelty of the Egyptians, it was easy to feel abandoned and forgotten. Their feelings however did not negate the presence of their God. God was with them. He saw them. He knew. And He would act in such a dramatic way that they would know He was their powerful, faithful God and they could trust His word.

    How we need this reminder even today. The evil throughout the world and our personal difficulties can find us questioning God. Our feelings overwhelm. Worse yet, we cannot seem to pray. We can feel paralyzed by fear, worry and despair. Uncertainty about the future can find us yielding to hopelessness. Today’s Exodus passages remind us that our feelings are faulty and our God is forever faithful. God does not shrug when He sees our heartache. He is not dismissive of our suffering. He sees. He knows. He acts. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

  189. Bobbie Leathers says:

    Do you all feel it like I do? The oppression, the pain, the abuse and the discouragement? This passage gave me so much hope for all of those things.
    I know the Hope. I know the God who sees and I know that nothing will thwart His plan for His people. We are a people delivered from bondage. It is our privilege to get to share this freedom with those oppressed by the weight of sin and crazy circumstances in this world. ✝️

  190. Bobbie Leathers says:

    Do you all feel it like I do? The oppression, the pain, the abuse and the discouragement? This passage gave me so much hope for all of those things.
    I know the Hope. I know the God who sees and I know that nothing will thwart His plan for His people. We are a people delivered from bondage. It is our privilege to get to share this freedom with those oppressed by the weight of sin and crazy circumstances in this world.

  191. Bobbie Leathers says:

    Do you all feel it like I do? The oppression, the pain, the abuse and the discouragement? This passage gave me so much hope for all of those things.
    I know the Hope. I know the God who sees and I know that nothing will thwart His plan for His people. We are a people delivered from the bondage and when

  192. Elaine Morgan says:

    I am so excited for this study! There is so much to learn in Exodus! God’s love and patience with his people are so strong in this book. ❤️❤️❤️

  193. Bobbie Leathers says:

    Do you all feel it like I do? The oppression, the pain, the abuse and the discouragement? This passage gave me so much hope for all of those things.

  194. Tami Cutler says:

    I wonder if during this time the Israelites felt forgotten by God, unseen and unheard. This is a great reminder that even if we feel God is far away, that He is always at work behind the scenes. He sees us and He knows. I feel like I’m in a dry season right now, but trying not to go by my feelings and to remember “God knows”.

  195. Stef M says:

    Thanks be to God ❣️

  196. Dana M says:

    I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to fathom the depth of God truly knowing me. To know all the worst parts of me, even the parts of me I try to hide from everyone else… and STILL loves me so much that He sacrificed His son?! And promises to never leave me?! What an overwhelming feeling. We serve a gracious God.

  197. Moriah Garber says:

    God knows us!

  198. Brittney NicoleJackson says:

    Thankful for a God who knows & acts ❤️

  199. Toni Olson says:


  200. Lonette Belizaire says:


  201. Pam Seipp says:

    God sees, knows, and acts! Amen.

  202. Heather Straub says:

    God saw the Israelites, and God knew. Wow. What a reminder that God sees his people (ME) and knows them (ME)! I recently said to someone close to me that I feel unseen, unheard, and uncared for in a significant relationship in my life. Thank you Lord for the reminder that you see me and know me. Thank you Lord for the reminder that YOU are my safe place to run to. I am so excited to go through this study and see what the Lord has in store for all of us.

  203. Kelly (NEO) says:

    There is purpose in the hard times we go through.

  204. Cintia Santana says:


  205. Angie Mills says:

    Israel cried out. God heard. God remembered His covenant. God saw. God knew. What can happen in our lives when we remember how deep God loves us and how faithful He is to keep His covenant? He is such a deeply personal God, but we so often forget that because He is invisible to us. Lord, help me to remember that You hear me, that You remember me, that You see me, and that You know me. Help me to hear You, remember You, see You, and know You, for in this is eternal life.

  206. Arina says:

    Three core people in this story stood out to me. Pharaoh who felt threatened in his position by the Israelites. His fear led his to more and more evil deeds, to the point of killing babies. Moses, who had to act when he saw injustice, no matter whether it was done to his people or some girls he didn’t know. He stood up for the weak and powerless, but maybe not always in the smartest way. And then there is God. He sees all this, He knows the hurt and suffering of the Israelites. And long before they will see anything of it, He started His plan of redemption. Through all these hard, long years, God was working but invisibly. We can, we have to trust God even when we don’t see how it can ever work out. He hears our cries, He knows and He is already at work.

  207. Clare G says:

    So excited for the 6 weeks of summer reading in Exodus! I love how Amanda encapsulates perfectly the feeling of being with someone who is safe – and reminding us that this is God. Life is so tough right now for us all, here in the UK strikes, huge price hikes on everything and fuel increases loom large. Yes, I can feel how it is to cry out to God and know that this is part of our heritage, our history and He hears. He is our safe place, our provider our source. He is everything.