Text: Isaiah 53:9, Zechariah 12:10, Luke 23:50-56, John 19:31-42
As we walk through this season of reflection and repentance together, we want to provide time and space for us as individuals and a community to meditate on God’s Word and bow at His feet in prayer.
Each Saturday during Lent we will read a brief passage of Scripture and a corporate prayer, both carefully chosen for this specific place in our Lenten journey. Sundays will be dedicated to scripture memorization, one of our favorite habits here at She Reads Truth.
We pray you will not only meet with the Savior on these quieter weekend days, but linger there with Him, in prayer and in His Word.
O God, Creator of heaven and earth: Grant that, as the crucified body of your dear Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy Sabbath, so we may await with him the coming of the third day, and rise with him to newness of life; who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
– from The Book of Common Prayer

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82 thoughts on "Holy Saturday"
Jesus was so unworthy of the death that we did deserve! Yet he took our place. He bore our shame. He took on the wrath of God! For us! We have such an amazing reason to live joyfully each day!!!
The disciples wrote … that others might believe. They saw these things. They were convinced of their accuracy and truth. Why can’t I?
Lord Jesus,
I ask You to reveal yourself to this dear sister and that You would open the eyes of her heart to see and believe You and all that You are. Thank You for dying for us and rising again and for Your Holy Spirit Who brings light to our hearts and points us to You. Thank You that we only need the faith of a mustard seed. Thank You that You see this dear sister and her cries to believe. Pour out Your grace and mercy. You are the faithful, all-powerful One and nothing is too hard for You, Jesus!!!
Antimony, I just want to reassure you of this: you will get there in God’s time. He is revealing Himself to you – keep meeting him there.
Some people fall in love at first sight, and some people take years to fall in love. This is your greatest, most intimate love story of all time – you don’t have to rush. Savour God, savour your learning, and let him draw you in.
This study has been so wonderful. I’ve never looked forward to Easter Sunday than this. So grateful #Sundayiscoming!
I love the picture at the end, it gives me chills. Sunday is coming!!!! Yes, yes, yes!!! This is what it is all about. Stay tuned the best is yet to come!
Please be praying for my friend Jordan as she is begining to understand who God is and all He can do in her life, and that her boyfriend will soon follow! It's been rough for me because they are so unsure about where they stand with God, and I just want them to understand that God is for EVERONE. Thank you, I am a strong believer in the prayers of She Reads Truth-ers!!
Good afternoon ladies. I recently learned that had Joseph not asked for Jesus’ body that He would’ve ended up in a mass grave (made me think of the horrors of the Holocaust), with no chance for a proper burial. I had never realized this and it touched my heart deeply. I gleaned this from a video of an amazing sermon given on Easter Sunday 2011 by Pastor Andy Stanley, showed at church a few weeks ago. If you have the opportunity to watch this video, you won’t be disappointed! Just wanted to throw that out there since it blessed my socks off to hear such inspired teaching and connects to today’s readings.
Waiting for tomorrow . . . with a full, grateful heart today. SRT, thank you for leading us during this whole study in preparing our hearts for tomorrow!
I love how every prophecy about the Messiah was completely fulfilled in Jesus. Our pastor has done a wonderful job of showing us how impossible it would have been for a person to “fake” the fulfilling of every prophecy. For example, Jesus could not have controlled whether or not his bones were broken and side was pierced after his death, but just as the prophecy stated, it was done. We can have full confidence in Jesus, knowing that he is who he claims. Tomorrow, let us proclaim it… He is risen indeed!!
Provide evidence for these prophecies. Jesus is a name, not now or has even been a real person in the Church sense. Just the input of someone with a brain.
It’s amazing how the devil rears his ugliness in a place meant to draw those closer to God. That only means SRT is doing things right for the glory of God!! Keep up the good work!
Thank you SRT & these sisters- this has been an awesome Lenten devotion- so enjoyed the live and fellowship -praying for everyone!!
Thank you so much for this Lent season . It has brought me closer to Jesus . I love reading others comments as well .
This is a great community and I share the photo devotions daily with my prayer group .
I'm looking forward to the next study lesson you ladies have plan …………… are we going to do lessons on Jesus being on earth for 40 days ?
Thank you for your hard work each day for us .
So blessed by the amazing and full love of Jesus, that He would give all He had for me. God literally gave up the most important thing that exists for our salvation: His own Son. There is nothing He cannot ask of us: are greatest sacrifices pale in comparison.
“He gives all. He asks all.” -Elisabeth Elliot
The second day he rested and we wait. The power of God could not be overcome by death. This already happened in history and these days are days of remembrance but my soul knows He lives and rejoices!
So many thoughts today…mostly about His people. That inner circle…his followers. How did they feel? What did they do? How did they react?
They laid Him in the tomb and then because of the Sabbath could do no more. They couldn't even go and sit near Him.
Did they meet together?
Did they talk or sit in stunned silence trying to process what they had seen?
Did they look back over His teachings and start to put the pieces together?
Did they simply sit, numb and void of all emotion?
Could their brains even function?
Did they even consider being expectant about tomorrow or did the trauma of the way He died erase any hope they might have felt?
I would love to know what this day was like for them…to simply whisper, "just wait…"
Lisa your words are amazing. It was like an added devotional for me – to sit and meditate on these questions.
Thank you Britta!
O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You.
O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You.
O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You.
-Divine Mercy Chaplet
Sunday is coming…
A NEW beginning… Old things have passed away!
It’s been an emotional week. My grandma had open heart surgery on Monday and none of my family were prepared for how intense the recovery process is. “Sunday is coming” has new meaning for me. I’m eagerly anticipating the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and believing that He will heal my grandma. I know that His will is best. His plan for Jesus to die on the cross for us doesn’t make human sense but it’s the best plan! He loves us so much to go to the cross and wipe our slates clean from all our sins! Right now what is happening with my grandma doesn’t make a lot of sense either, but I’m trusting Him! Even though it’s hard I cling to the cross to remind me of His Never-ending Love.
Hi Michelle! My daddy had open heart surgery on Monday also! It has been a hard week for sure. I didn't know all of the things that came along with that surgery–the confusion, breathing issues, etc. I am clinging to His promises of making all things new more than ever this week and I'll be praying that for your grandma as well. Hang in there and we'll hope together for speedy and whole recoveries!
Hi Lisa! I’m just seeing your post now! Thank you so much, that means a lot:) I’m praying for your dad too! There really is so much to learn about but God is good!Happy Easter ☺️
Be still for just one day
But I can't wait to sing, Up from the grave…
You must wait, just as He did.
Lord Jesus this has been a most blessed season with you. Thank you to SRT. Thank you for this community of sisters, and how you are stretching and growing us.
Yes & Amen!!
SRT has made this Lenten season very memorable and powerful for me as I can see it has for others. Thank you Father for giving us these wonderful writers and for blessing them with this gift. Thank you for the women who respond with different perspectives which expands the meaning of the message. But today, thank you most for sending your Son, and thank you Jesus for ensuring we can all go to the Father because we are washed white as snow.
I’m always struck by the Saturday in between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. About 6 years ago I started to truly understand what Jesus did for all of us. And than today it hit me…before I understood everyday was that Saturday. I had no hope, no peace. But now I always know that the promise of Sunday never fails. His love never fails.
Praise God for opening your eyes Nancy! Is He not beautiful?? He is the sum of all things desirable! To Him be honor and praise and glory for making a way for us through His Son! There is great hope and joy for those who believe.
Thank you Lord as we celebrate what you accomplished on the third day after your crucification! Help us to rise with You to newness of life; who now lives and reigns with us and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
I always wondered about the scripture where it describes how they pierced his side and I know that was part of the prophecy of Jesus. But then it occurred to me today that they may have also included tha description because the Jewish leadership tried to tell people that Jesus' followers took the body and hid it. That his side was pierced in front of witnesses who actually saw the blood and water come out seems to refute the Jewish leaders efforts at explaining away Jesus' resurrection. Just a thought. Thankful for His sacrifice today.
I'm praying for each one of our SRT sisters this morning. May each of your needs be met, may the Glory of our Lord and Savior rain down on you today and this weekend. May the message of Easter truly inspire your hearts and bring joy to your soul. In the name, and by the blood of our precious Lord Jesus. Amen.
I wonder this morning: Do you think anyone remembered Jesus' promise to return from death on this dark Sabbath? Did Jairus' daughter or Lazarus proclaim that this did not have to be the end? When hope seems lost, return to the promises in scripture. God has given us hope. It's there. We just have to remember what He said.
It's awesome to see the loving words of encouragement and prayers for Caroline. A testament of the love of Christ! This Lenten experience on SRT has brought me deeper insight into the love and sacrifice of my Savior and I am so thankful for this community of believers and the SRT crew. God bless you and keep you as we rejoice and Celebrate the truth HE IS RISEN !!
Thank you, SRT. This has been awesome! And now I wait…anticipating what’s to come!!
Lord, may I wait on You in rest today, and rise with You tomorrow in jubilation.
Love Joanne! ~ B
Waiting on Him and jubilantly rising with Him – beautiful thoughts, Joanne.
I tutor kids from a nearby Christian school who need some extra help with English. Yesterday one of my girls came for class and I had planned for us to read the Crucifixion story from the Jesus Storybook Bible (great version with awesome illustrations for kids). We started reading and she kept commenting in awe at all the things that they did to Christ… the events that took place after Jesus said, "It is finished." made her eyes get a little wider… "I would be so freaked out!" So I turned the page, about to give her a little writing prompt based on what we had just read (since it was Good Friday and all) and it was the first page of the Resurrection story. Her eyes got bright and she goes, "But can we just read this one first?!", so excited about seeing what would happen.
This kid goes to a (great) Christian school. She´s heard this story in about 5 different formats this week alone from her teacher, assemblies, and in chapel. How many times have we heard it? What´s our reaction like?
After she left, I just stood there for a minute thanking the Lord for her new eyes to this story… asking for those eyes for myself, and for my family. My prayer each morning as I´ve come to SRT has been to receive what he´s already prepared for me out of each message. Thanks, writers, for being faithful to Him in the message He´s entrusted to you.
I love that book! My church has been using the curriculum for Sunday School, and we rotate teachers. When we got to the crucifixion story the kids (all of whom knew what was coming next) were distressed that we would "leave Jesus in the tomb until next Sunday" since that's the "best part of the whole book". They wrangled me into at least showing them the pictures for the next story, since I wasn't teaching and would miss it :) I love that this "best part of the story" never gets old. I confess that leaving Jesus in the tomb from even Friday to Sunday distresses me a bit. But He did this. He stayed in the tomb for 3 days, for us. For ME! Reflecting on that this weekend.
That is precious! Somehow through the years, the Easter script becomes familiar. We don't look at it with excitement of a child. I'm holding on to the picture of that little girl, filled with joy and anticipation for the next story! Tomorrow morning can't get here fast enough!
And Jennifer, don't leave Jesus in the tomb until next Sunday! Oh my, these kids know how to love Him, don't they?!
Sweet story, Missy! To approach the Resurrection story with such childlike wonder – how beautiful is that?!
Zechariah 12:10 has grabbed me this morning. "…they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn." How or why would someone mourn for an only child or weep bitterly over a firstborn? I can think of two ways: First, I tend to shed tears over my parenting sins and mistakes, especially with my firstborn (although, I don't feel like I've done much better with my second). I will pray, "Father, please hold on to them and draw them to you, use them, despite me. Forgive me for being a stumbling block and not a gentle guide to You." So first, I mourn how I've sinned against. Second, I imagine I will mourn their departure from our home, their growing up (although, that growing up is a blessing). I will regret what I should have done but did not. I will regret living in the flesh in all the little moments that lead up to the moment that I no longer have the opportunity to resist the flesh while they are in my household. I will mourn poor choices. And I believe God will pour out His mercies upon my children despite me in such a way that all my sin and poor choices will rise up starkly before my eyes. But isn't it the case that until our sin takes on its true weight for us, that God's provision of our salvation never seems as sweet? I mourn, even now, but not without hope. Like the frame says above, "Sunday's coming!" Have a great Holy Saturday, ladies!
I needed to read this today. Thanks for sharing so openly and so beautifully!
Tha k you for shaing, it’s exactly how I feel in my heart.
for some reason, I took it to mean "the loss of" … In those days the first born son or the only son would be the heir. It would be hard to lose any child, but a great tragedy to lose either of those.
just my take…
Have a lovely day SRT sisters. Bee blessed.
Yes, ma'am, that is very likely. It blessed me to look at it from this perspective as well. Happy Easter! :)
Thank you for putting words on the feelings of my heart. I am on the other side of parenting now and you are so correct in the strong pull of regret and despair and the stronger force of His mercies and love. Lamentations 3:21-24. At 45 I am experiencing what my Savior did for me on the cross in a new way because I am realizing the true weight of my sin. God's provision of my salvation has never seemed so sweet! Thank you!
Taking comfort in the words of Christ. Unspeakably grateful Sunday is coming. Amen!
John 16:32-33 A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Praise God! Sunday is coming! ~ B
Amen …Amen..Amen….Amen …Amen..Amen….
Blessings dear B…
Hope your chick has returned full of adventure stories, and a piece of her beautiful and wonder filled history..xx
Thank you Tina! She returns tomorrow. She will have had ten wonder filled days in Spain and France. I can't begin to tell you the spirit moving work that took place in her. God really met her there and it was exactly what the beaut needed. She is over the moon about her time there and God used it to reiterate His plan for her in life, especially as she moves into her senior year. A dear French friend of mine who hasn't seen my girl in 14 years even took a train to meet her in Paris and spend the day with her and it was as if they'd never parted. Put me in tears to see the pictures of the two together. Thank you for asking and your continued prayers over her. I will be so happy to squeeze her extra tight when her feet are firmly on the ground tomorrow! :) ~ B
What exciting and wonderful news!
Have a beautiful Sabbath you all!^^ God bless you and give you rest as He rested in the tomb on Sabbath! May you all feel refreshed and may you all experience His peace today!:) writing to you from France!
Lovely prayer, Petrah. Merci!
Caroline, I am praying for you as well…that The Lord would provide at least one safe person with whom you could process your anxiety and depression and someone that would pray with you and for you regularly. My mom has battled depression and been on medication for many years, but I have seen her experience deeper freedom and healing through theophostic prayer counseling. I’m praying The Lord would bring healing to any places of woundedness in your life. You are so loved.
Thank you! I have a few friends from church who are consistently checking up on me and praying for me. It’s just sometimes so hard to fight back the darkness and it feels like there is no way out.
I’m praying for Jesus to heal me of my depression and anxiety. I know healing is possible.
It is possible! A year from now you could look back and be amazed at the transformation. I am doing that in my own life. Anxiety and depression NEVER last for an entire lifetime!
I’ve had struggles my whole life with it and this episode has been bad. I feel forsaken by God and can’t see anything but darkness
A few days ago on the daily Devotional — it said (roughly) "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus Christ said this on the cross(Matthew 15 I believe). Jesus said this so that we will NEVER have to.. Because we know that God could never forsake us. Maybe you have forsaken God and need to put God first. As you seek God's kingdom first, everything else will come after. Praying for you.
Caroline, Jesus is there with you in the darkness even when you can’t see him or feel him. He is just as close as He has ever been. This depression is not your fault. I posted on the normal wall in response to you as well. My mom and at least 3 of my siblings have battled major anxiety and depression. I myself have experienced prolonged periods of sadness. I studied Psychology, but I have found that Jesus’ presence and the presence of at least 1 other safe person makes all the difference in the world. Invite someone into your darkness to pray over you, read Scripture over you, and sing truth to your hurting soul. Ephesians 1 is what I have my husband read over me when I feel like I’m in a desperate place. You are not alone. Kari Jobe sings a song by that name. You can find it on YouTube. Listen to truth and try not to make agreements with the lies the enemy might want you to believe. You won’t be in this hard, dark place forever. Love from Istanbul…
Lifting you up in prayer Caroline
You are so right on Caroline in Him there is healing!! He saved me from a deep black hole myself was in and brought me to the light.Thats how I got physically and most importantly spiritually saved!Praying for his healing power over you!!
Praying for you now, Caroline.
Caroline, There's a new dawn…a new day coming…and with it we WILL Praise and Rejoice for the risen Lord Jesus, and with Him, will come the newness of life, to the FULL, in abundance, and life LIVED FREE…from bondage, sin, depression…..Hold on to the truth..the TRUTH that is Christ Jesus and BELIEVE that with His resurrection, there is power, as the song goes, wonder working power, in the name of Jesus…Amen….
Praying along side you today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, and the next day….until I hear your story of how Jesus healed you…! I am trusting you to Him, because I know He can and will heal you…
Praying for you Caroline. That God would see you through this darkness and guide you into His glorious light and peace and safety.
There is power in the name of Jesus. As he conquered the grave and death, you too can conquer this trial with the same power. Praying for you Caroline.
Praying for you Caroline.
I'm praying for you, too, Caroline. All things are possible to us who know the Lord. He is able! One thing I can share is spend as much time reading the bible as possible. Begin with looking up the verses under "Love" from the concordance in the back. His love and direction lights the darkness of this world.
I am praying along with all the others here, Caroline for your peace and healing in this hard place.
Praying for you this morning Caroline….my oldest is currently dealing with depression and anxiety….may Jesus be with you both…wrapping his loving arms around you, bringing up into His light and love….
I'm praying for and with you in your struggle with depression and anxiety. I pray that you would have access to the right resources (therapy, medication, social supports, etc.) and know that you are not alone in this struggle. Please keep reaching out to friends/family. You are loved and adored by Jesus, and He will never give up on you (even if at times He feels so distant).
Thank you! I’m trying to get on the right medicine but it’s very frustrating and difficult to get access to the right carw
In Jesus name I have FULL FAITH you will be healed, Caroline! Depression is from the devil, and he has no power over your life. You are a beautiful child of God. Let him fill you from head to toe with his strength and joy! :)
Bless you dear sister. I’m praying for you now!
Healing is possible!!! Believe and trust that He is working in you…even if you can’t “feel” or see it right now. You will be able to look back and see that He was carrying you through all the rough times when you felt like you couldn’t go another step. Do NOT believe the lies of the devil. We walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV).. Trust Jesus to help you every second of the day. He will! And is! Keep fighting the devil by reading Gods Word out loud, multiple times a day if you have to..
A couple verses that I recite when I feel like the devil is trying to attack me are:
James 4:7 KJV Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you!
And ask Him to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. He will!!
Praying for you!! Keep your head held high and look UP! That’s where you’ll find Jesus!
As someone who has struggled in these areas, I pray that you can rest in Him and His strength, choosing with His help not to be labeled by your struggles but by His sweet, beautiful Grace. Surrender to Him because He is more than able to heal – as by His wounds we are healed, this is a promise. Remember you are more than I conqueror through Him who has set you free! Choose Him. Rest in His love, His abundant love. Prayers and hugs to you, sweet Caroline.
Prayers for you Caroline!! In the past I was diagnosed as a manic depressant I also suffered from night terrors. When I gave my life to Jesus, a year later at age 18 he completely healed my night terrors!! A pastor had prayed for me against a curse and a specific spirit. I also stopped seeing someone for the depression and take NO medicine!! :D I still get really sad sometimes but the cure is giving God praise. :] Worship God out loud! We can enter in His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. ♡♡♡ God bless you! xoxo
Caroline You Are Love! I too have suffered from the same! I pray God leads you to the right person whom you can bear your soul with and have them take the time to help you work through your heart to being new healing. Jesus know where you are everyday! He is right there! I know the key for me was to reach out and share with the person God sent my way to help carry me until I was strong enough to overcome! Life is very difficult and know YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I do know of a wonderful ministry that can help called RESTORING THE FOUNDATIONS. Perhaps there is a chapter near you. No matter what you choose I pray for God to carry you withHis strong arms of love and to lead you …from Diane