Day 29

Hezekiah’s Prayer

from the Lent 2017: You Are Mine reading plan

Isaiah 37:1-38, Isaiah 38:1-22, Isaiah 39:1-8, Psalm 30:1-3, Micah 7:18-20

BY Guest Writer

Text: Isaiah 37:1-38, Isaiah 38:1-22, Isaiah 39:1-8, Psalm 30:1-3, Micah 7:18-20

Lately, I’ve been wrestling with the belief that I am not “enough.” It’s a horrible feeling that usually starts off with a slow, torturous game of comparison. Theodore Roosevelt said “comparison is the thief of joy,” and boy, was he right. When I start comparing my belongings or influence or talents with others’, I always walk away feeling unsatisfied. I stop seeing all the ways the Lord has blessed me—all the things I have to be grateful for—and instead focus solely on what I believe is missing in my life.

As I’ve opened up to others about my struggle, I’ve discovered that I’m far from alone. It seems many women have internalized a critical voice eager to tell them how they don’t measure up as a wife, friend, mother, or employee.

At first I thought the antidote to this horrible feeling was to believe in my own “enoughness”—to  raise my self-esteem, so to speak. Certainly the enemy relishes in our feelings of inadequacy that hold us back from the freedom promised in Christ (Romans 8:2). But as hard as I try to speak truth to myself, to remember that I’m valuable as a daughter of God, it becomes far easier to measure myself by the world’s definition of its values, like status, wealth, beauty, and social media followers.

I’ve come to realize that the true antidote to my feelings of inadequacy is the voice of the Lord. His Word lovingly reassures me that, though my sinful condition causes me to fall short of “enough,” I don’t have to be—because He is.

“You are God—You alone—of all the kingdoms of the earth.”
– Isaiah 37:16

He is enough. Not me, not you, not admirable King Hezekiah, not that friend with the seemingly perfect Instagram life. Yahweh, the Lord of all, He is the only One who can deliver us. Freedom is found not in finally perfecting ourselves, but in surrendering to Him.

I still play the comparison game from time to time. I see people and believe they have it all together, which promptly triggers a storm of discontent within me. I find myself longing to be just a little more like them, hoping that will finally bring me satisfaction. But behind that temptation is an even deadlier lie: Maybe I don’t really need God after all. Maybe I can get to the point where I’m good enough on my own. Maybe learning to be self-sufficient isn’t such a bad thing. 

The story of King Hezekiah reminds me that even the most powerful people can’t save themselves. No matter our circumstances, what we all need is the mercy of Jesus. Christ lived the only perfect, wholly worthy life and submitted to a painful death on a cross so that we could participate in His resurrection. True freedom for us can only be found in surrendering to God’s mercy and strength.

Hear the voice of the Lord today as He gently calls His children to turn to Him, to rest in Him. He alone is God. He alone is enough.


Kaitie Stoddard is a professional counselor who recently relocated from Chicago to Colorado with her husband. She has her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and is passionate about helping couples and families find healing in their relationships. On any given weekend you’re likely to find Katie snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains, checking out new restaurants with friends, or catching up on her favorite Netflix and podcast series.

Post Comments (81)

81 thoughts on "Hezekiah’s Prayer"

  1. Jody Heavenrich Hensley says:

    “Freedom is not found by perfecting ourselves, but in surrendering to Him.” Oh, how I can relate. Great post.

  2. Sarah Ann says:

    These words were for my heart today. I have been battling the lie of not being enough for so long. The enemy has twisted it into making me feel like I am constantly a disappointment because I’m not enough to meet the expectations of others- and in many other ways. It’s hard being a single woman in full time ministry!! What a gift to hear these true words that the Lord has been saying to me over and over: ” you are not enough and that is a gift, because I am, and you can trust me.” Yesterday the Lord placed 2 Corinthians 12 on my heart… “for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Oh that I would accept that truth and stand in confidence. ❤

  3. Katie says:

    Wow, so very simple yet so very true…”No matter our circumstances, what we all need is the mercy of Jesus.”

  4. Kersti says:

    Wow what a timely devotion. I am I the thick of working out my fears & enough-ness with God. I am slowly realizing it. It is a hard battle.

    Please pray for me. I need to really get this.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Praying, Kersti! Thank you for letting us know how to pray for you.

      – Stormye

      1. Kersti says:

        Thanks for praying ❤️

  5. Michlyn says:

    Hezekiah’s prayers are what stood out to me in this post. I hope that one day my prayers can be as vulnerable, soulful and powerful.

  6. Anna says:

    earlier last year, I was meeting with a friend for listening prayer, and one of the questions we asked Him was, “Am I enough?” the answer that came was, “no, because the word ‘enough’ was never meant to describe a human being. you say “I’ve had enough to eat” or “I’ve had enough sleep” and that is the word in its proper context. the word ‘enough’ in relation to humans is a myth. you weren’t made to be enough. you were made to be loved.”
    you aren’t enough. you are LOVED. praise Jesus!!

    1. Latia says:

      Wow. Just wow! This just changed the game for me. “You weren’t made to be enough. You were made to be loved”. I can’t even tell you how thankful I am for this comment right now. Thank you for sharing this!

    2. JennyBC says:

      That is wisdom. Praise!!!

  7. Caitlyn says:

    Oh, dear… how I can relate to this post! It feels like my whole life is constantly a battle of determining whether I am worthy or good enough in comparison with others around me. You’re right — it is such a terrible thing to feel, however, since I’ve recently joined this community and have turned to Scripture, I feel this bad (but very natural) habit slipping away, which is the best feeling ever! It is the most beautiful thing to know that we don’t have to be good enough or compare ourselves in order to receive God’s love and acceptance. Now that, is something to give thanks for every single day.

    1. Jacquie says:

      Amen, sister! This whole study on Isaiah has shown me not only how powerful God is, but how merciful He is… how loving, forgiving, and compassionate He is. I have often felt unworthy of Him because of how often I stray. I constantly look to other things for fulfillment – whether it’s shopping or social media, etc. – when all I need is His love. I am always worthy of that, and I’m so glad that through this study I’ve come to realize it.

  8. johanna tropiano says:

    In the reading today, I was awestruck by Hezekiah’s sickness and healing. God told him he was going to die. But Hezekiah cried out to God (38:3) and reminded Him of how he walked with God in faithfulness. He begged God not to let him die. And God listened and changed his mind! I am encouraged by the fact that there is no path that we might walk that is too far gone for God to bring us back to him if we ask.

    I am five months pregnant with our first after two painful miscarriages. In December, eight weeks into this pregnancy, I started bleeding badly in the night. I was devastated. My husband and I knew we hadn’t lost our baby yet, so we spent the night, like Hezekiah, crying out to God to somehow change his mind and let our baby live. The next morning, we went to the doctor and she told us we were losing her. She pulled out a clump she thought was the placenta. But when she did the ultrasound, there was our baby, heart beating hard, perfectly safe and healthy. How beautiful that God does listen to our heart cries and is faithful to us when we are faithful to him.

    1. Emilia says:

      He does indeed listen! I will be praying for you and you precious little bundle of joy!!

    2. Elizabeth says:

      Amen!!! Amen!! What a precious story you will be able to share with your baby one day. ❤

    3. Emily says:

      What an awesome and beautiful story! Thank you for sharing!

    4. amyloukuo says:

      What an amazing and beautiful testimony! I don’t even know you but I’m filled with joy at the health of your baby and God’s faithfulness to you and your family. I also loved the healing story in today’s reading. My mom was declining quickly last month in her fight against stage 4 breast cancer, and I wouldn’t have thought she would last to the summer. But while her decline has stopped for the time, she hasn’t given up hope in the Lord, and this morning’s reading has renewed my hope to pray boldly like Hezekiah for healing. I realize I’ve felt that prayer won’t change God’s mind and plans but according to this story, if it is His mercy to do so, He will!

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