Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Luke 12:7

Take this day as an opportunity to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows!”
– Luke 12:7


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24 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Emily B. says:

    I love how God always gives us a reason to “fear not.” He knows that we’re going to be looking for one, and here it’s because we can be confident in the value we have in Him. I love how He speaks to His children!

  2. peanut cheese says:

    I caught up on a lot of reading this morning, since I’ve had an emotionally rough past week and had some problems with the app working on my phone too. 10 chapters of Isaiah is a lot, but not too much. It may sound a little legalistic HAVING TO catch up on each verse, but I can say it was a good experience. Even just delving into God’s word for the sake of it I reckon can be beneficial…

    1. Abby says:

      God holds our futures, and our precious children’s futures. Ever since the war in Syria began, I’ve wondered how my children would be affected and scarred by war and death instead of the sweet sheltered life they know. I just read that North Korea may do more testing of their missles on April 15, two days after my oldest turns four. My husband and I keep making plans for our future, but there’s this huge shadow of the uncertainty of war growing.

      And Yet, we know- our future is secure in Christ. I am clinging so tightly to Him, even as fears grow, and trying to lean into the moment of loving my two children and husband.

      1. kenzie says:

        I have felt some similar emotions this past week. I also carry the burden/privilege of leading my 5th graders in the midst of it all.

  3. Mari says:

    When the high school ministry from our church when to Mexico on their missions trip which included my son, his best friend and brother who are my best friends sons. I clung to Luke 12:7. HE knows and knew then the number of hairs on their heads. I trusted God that they would be back home safe and they did!

  4. Cynthia says:

    Bryan Chapell’s book,”Unlimited Grace” is a good read covering who we are in Christ and what we do for Christ. Scripture always tells us who we are before it tells us what to do. Hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I have!

  5. Tochi Heredia says:

    “Don’t be afraid. You are worth more than…”
    I like how those two sentences perfectly sum up that His thoughts are higher than ours.
    We’re in a state of constant fear (of failure, rejection, getting hurt, etc) and we question our worth all the time.
    That’s not how He sees us. Through Jesus, He has made us worthy of His love and gives us the assurance that we’re hidden and protected in his arms.
    There’s nothing to fear.

    Father, Your thoughts are higher. There’s no one more secure, holier or more faithful than you.
    Override our thoughts with yours.

    1. Emily says:

      I love that thought – Override our thoughts with yours. Those words are something that I really needed to hear and pray today. Thank you!

    2. Emily B. says:

      I thought of something really similar!

  6. Sarah Joy says:

    I have struggled for a long time with whether I am truly loved by God. And I look to people for my approval (and sometimes sacrificing my ideas and preferences in the process). Clearly those go hand in hand as I need to find my worth in God alone or my search for meaning will always come up short. Recently, I’ve been strongly encouraged to be myself and know that I am created uniquely by God who loves me. I’ve written down a few verses to use against the lies. I certainly will contemplate today’s verse. If anyone has any verses to suggest, I’ll add them to my arsenal.

    Happy weekend everyone!

    1. Roman 8:17, 31-39. I’ve thought a lot about being a ‘co-heir with Christ’ in these last 8 or so chapters of Isaiah. There are a lot of references to God naming us – He gives us our name, He tells us who we are & one of those names is ‘daughter – co-heir with Christ.’

      Sarah Joy, relish that privilege. You are THE King’s daughter and Romans 8 finishes by saying nothing can separate you from your Father’s love.

    2. Kathy says:

      Psalm 45:11

    3. Zoe says:

      I am very similar to you Sarah! Struggling to comprehend God’s love for me. I loved this verse from the other day… “even if the mountains are moved or the hills displaced, my devotion will not be removed from you” Isaiah 54:10
      No power on earth can remove us from God’s love… not even environmental catastrophe that shakes mountains. And I know that I myself am anything BUT capable of moving hills and mountains, so surely no doubt, weakness, or lack of understanding on my part could remove me from God’s devotion!!! You are wise to cling to scriptures that speak to you–to reiterate them to yourself. God’s word is the way.

    4. Cecelia Enns Schulz says:

      I am with you. I KNOW God loves me with my head but I need/want to be able to transfer that knowledge to my heart. All of life would be lived differently truly truly knowing that one thing, I think. I know that knowing our identity is important and I have felt God speaking specifically to me about it this year. I hear him whispering that now is the time, child. I’m going to reveal your identity to you if you will just keep contending for it. I recently received a couple of tiaras in the mail from a friend who felt led to get them for me. I’ve been wearing them every day since. I feel a bit silly but I also would rather feel/look silly and do what I think I’m sposed to do than not learn this lesson. I feel like my wearing a crown is a prophetic act saying that, God! I know I’m yours. I know I’m beloved. I know I have been given your authority. May you be blessed with a real revelation of the love of the Father for you. Every hair numbered. The joy set before him. Precious and honoured in his sight.

      One of my fave verses is psalm 45:10-11 listen oh daughter, consider and give ear; forget your people and your fathers house; the King is enthralled with your beauty. Honor him for he is Lord.

      1. Zoe says:

        Love that about the tiara ♥

    5. Marytony says:

      Yeap, I tend to feel that way too. And more than a bible verse I read Ephesians as a letter written to me, to remind me of my identity in Christ. :)

    6. Ashley says:

      Ephesians 1, particularly v. 3-14 are truths God has been reminding me of. I think we naturally run to other things for security, significance and acceptance/approval but I love the idea of remembering this passage because it proves we have all of these if we’ve trusted in Jesus. Secure bc we are permanently sealed with the Holy Spirit- His forever. Significant bc he chose us. And accepted/approved bc we have been adopted into His family! Hope this helps! ❤️

  7. Churchmouse says:

    Oops that’s verse 6 of Luke 12. Sorry!

  8. Churchmouse says:

    Oh don’t leave out vs 11 in the reading for today. It tells me even the little sparrows are not forgotten in His sight. And I am more valuable than sparrows! God knows how many hairs are on my head. That’s pretty personal and somewhat inconsequential -but everything about me is known and appreciated. He knows me best! So…no need to fear! He’s got me. And I am never forgotten. In the dark lonely nights and in the hectic bright lights of day, I am not lost or alone or forgotten. He.Is.There. He knows. He sees. He cares. I need not fear.