Day 20

Grace Day

from the Lent 2017: You Are Mine reading plan

Psalm 74:16-17

BY She Reads Truth

Take this day as an opportunity to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

The day is Yours, also the night;
You established the moon and the sun.
You set all the boundaries of the earth;
You made summer and winter.
– Psalm 74:16-17


Post Comments (32)

32 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Dorothea says:

    Also Jenni Allen. Her latest book is a great read. If equip is a great resource.

  2. Emily says:

    I’m so thankful for this community of women coming together because of a rooted love for Christ! Do any of you have suggestions for sermons/podcasts by women in the church that actually teach about Jesus and scriptures? I have a hard time finding women to look up to because unfortunately I think a lot of their stories are too worldly. Thanks!!

    1. Dorothea says:

      Emily, Lisa Chan is definitely a woman to look up to. You can look for her talks on your tube. as well as there is also a wonderful book that she and her husband-Francis Chan- wrote- You and Me Forever. Its a great read. There is a free download of that book online, in case one cannot afford it. please let me know how you go.

      1. Lindsay says:

        Beth Moore and Ann Voskamp!

      2. Michelle says:

        Jen Wilkin and Gloria Furman. Challenging, insightful, tons of scripture!

      3. Blakers says:

        Definitely Ann Voskamp! Lysa Terkeurst, too.

    2. Billie says:

      Hi Emily. This is my first visit to SHEREADSTRUTH. I amen! Beth M. and Lisa T. Also, look into Jill Briscoe/Telling the Truth Ministries. She is an author (books for women, poetry, children’s books), global speaker & teacher…and has taught me many things in my life. Smiles.

    3. Billie says:

      Emily, after you graze on Jill’s teaching check out Rhea Briscoe/Snow Drop Ministries.

  3. Cynthia says:

    The more we understand who we are in Christ the more we want to obey His word as we live in gratitude to Him.”I’ve been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, filled with Holy Ghost I am! All my sins are washed away. I’ve been redeemed!”

    1. Broe says:

      thank you for sharing!

  4. PronetoWander says:

    This scripture was very appropriate for me this morning!

  5. Connie Meek says:

    No where does Jesus say the Sabbath has to be on Saturday. God just wants us to have one day of rest, however rest looks to you. If anyone is saying it “has” to be a certain way, they are putting God into a nice, neat little box where they can feel like their work has earned them something. Some weeks, my Sabbath is on Thursday because that is my husband’s day off.

  6. Churchmouse says:

    When I was younger I did not appreciate boundaries. They seemed to restrict my freedom. As I began older, boundaries became my friend. When driving, you stay on your side of the road. I stay on mine. I like that double yellow line. There are countless examples. It gives me great peace to know that God Himself set boundaries. The ten commandments and the sermon on the mount protect us with boundaries and provide us with blessings. Evil can only go so far. This earth with all its sin has an ending. Pain, suffering and death itself has an expiration date. He has set boundaries for our benefit, for those who know and understand His ways. His boundaries do not restrict us. His boundaries give us the fullest most freeing life. Rejoicing in that this morning!

    1. Tochi Heredia says:

      Thank you for this beautiful reminder!

    2. Cathy says:

      “I like that double yellow line.”

  7. Dorothea says:

    I absolutely agree with what Jen said. I am a doctor myself. Also, I think as a women we need to examine our own heart and check what our intensions are, before we open our mouth and try to infuse other women with guilt.

  8. Jodie says:

    Sisters… I feel confused in my heart… I am spiritually immature and been walking with Christ for a few months.
    A friend is persisting and making me feel bad for not keeping the OT Sabbath.
    I work some Saturdays. am I in the wrong ?
    beautiful verse for today too ♡

    1. Jen says:

      I don’t think it is wrong to work on Saturdays. As a nurse I had to work Sundays for a while. The patients need to be cared for.
      Seems legalistic. There is a verse in the Bible where Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath. The Pharisees were upset with Jesus, saying he broke the Sabbath by working. I think as long as you are taking time to rest and be with the Lord during the week there is nothing wrong with working on the weekend.

      1. Dana says:

        Agreed. Our Pastor had a message on this one time and said that it really isn’t about WHICH day, because many do work on the weekend, but it’s that you need to take A DAY, in which to rest and reflect.

    2. Julia says:

      Colossians 2:16-17 says “Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. “

    3. Pam says:

      Hi Jodie! You would be so blessed if you could find a strong believer to walk alongside you and disciple you in your walk. Someone who would help you learn the truth of God’s Word and tap into the power that is Christ living in you. In my opinion, legalism causes us to miss out on the ways that he wants to change us from the inside out and grow in our faith. We focus on one thing – it usually involves outward appearance – and don’t hear what He is saying about living a changed life for Him. And don’t forget – wherever you are, you are a witness for Him! If you are working as a nurse (on Saturday!), this is your opportunity to shine for Him. I’ll be praying for you, Jodie!

      1. Dorothea says:

        Very good point Pam. Legalims often is what pushes many away from God as the feeling of not being able to measure up, not being good enough and finally the guilt that arises from all those thoughts leads to the conclusion -“i cant be a part of it”.

    4. Rachel says:

      Jesus fulfilled all the requirements of the Law for us. God bless you as you grow in Him and serve others with His love at your job!

    5. Marytony says:

      Dear Jodie, I am so sorry you are struggling with this issue. I agree with the encouragement and comments that my SRT are writing here this morning. I think that your heart is in the right place trying to walk with the Lord. I agree what God gives us a day of rest and it is for our benefit. It might not be the Saturday exactly, but we all need a day off to rest on His presence. Sometimes friends have good intentions, but at the end of the day our relation with the Lord is personal. So, my advise to you is to take this back to the Lord in prayer. Tell Him you want to follow His way and for Him to show you what that is, and He will surely do. He will give you peace about it (either you feel lead to keep Sabbath, or maybe another day off). Trust Him, He is a good father that will lead you to good pastures.

    6. Ronda says:

      My husband is a pastor and as such he works long hours on Sunday. His day off is Friday and as such becomes his Sabbath.

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