Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Psalm 68:19

Take this day as an opportunity to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

May the Lord be praised!
Day after day He bears our burdens;
God is our salvation.
– Psalm 68:19


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28 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Shannon says:

    I am so relieved to read that I’m not alone in my struggles to understand the scripture. The devotional readings that accompany them are very helpful. I’d be lost without them and not sure I’d continue with the readings willingly. One piece of wisdom I received from my Pastor is to help put it in all perspective by thinking of my children and how I would feel if they were being harmed are going down the wrong path. What would I do to protect them and bring them back to their parents-me and my husband. I would do anything, even if it was devastating to them at first. In the end, it would be for the best. He explained it much more beautifully. But it helped me with my difficulty in such an angry God full of what I was thinking wrath and destruction.

  2. Victoria Lidmark says:

    A mother is aware of her child’s daily experiences. When she stumbles or hits her head on a table edge, or is bullied on the playground. Or is afraid to get on that new bicycle that has no training wheels…we scoop her in our arms and hug and encourage. And that daughter looks to us for that hug and love to move on. So much more our Heavenly Father sees us and expects us to get up from a scrape or a fall or a fear to overcome. He bears our burdens and is with us in our need. The key is we turn to Him, as our children naturally turn to us for comfort and direction–we turn to Jesus. We identify with our Parent, who loves us, bears our burdens, and gave so much for us. Amen.

  3. Jaida Rogers says:

    I just wanted to say how thankful I am for everyone who comments on these studies. It’s great to have a community of supportive believers who work out their faith. God bless you all <3

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Jaida, we are thankful for YOU! Grateful to have you in our community.

      – Stormye