Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Matthew 21:42

Take this day as an opportunity to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.
– Matthew 21:42


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42 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Lola says:

    A plnseiagly rational answer. Good to hear from you.

  2. Vonda Hecht says:

    After being a day behind in reading, I was feeling pretty guilty. And then came GRACE……thank you for this day!

  3. Amber says:

    Needed this grace day!

  4. Jessi says:

    When I opened up the app and got to today to find the “grace day”, I was so very pleasantly surprised. I was looking forward to the day’s devotion, but sorely needed a grace day. Thanks for building that into the structure and the DNA of SheReadsTruth.

    1. Sofia says:

      Ha ha, my experience too this morning! ❤️

  5. Bailey says:

    I’ve never celebrated Lent before. Celebrated doesn’t even sound like the right word to use for this time of year… more like acknowledged, maybe. Growing up Southern Baptist in the South, Lent was not a thing that my church or my parents ever talked about. We never gave things up, so this year, when I started this plan, encouraged others to do this plan with me, and bought them the study books to do this plan with me, I didn’t know how to even go about choosing something to give up for Lent. It’s been a season of very intentional repentance for me so far… and y’all. It’s hard. Lent is hard.

    I’ve never engaged in this community before either. But pray for me if you can because this season is rough. Just as staring your sin in the face should be.

    1. Sarah says:

      Amen! I didn’t grow up in the church and last year was the first year I had even celebrated Lent. It is so hard. Every day, heck every hour, to look at our sin in the face and say no, is difficult for sure. Praying for you girl!

    2. Ginger says:

      Praying for you Bailey! Your humility and honesty is inspiring. God is standing with open arms, smiling as you seek to pursue Him more and surrender it all to Him.

    3. Kallie says:

      I teach at a Christian Scholl and our Wednesday chapel was about Lent. I too was raised Southern Baptist and we never observed or discussed Lent. I loved the way the pastor explained it however, in reference to giving something up. He said you choose something that you are constantly tempted wit ex sugar and every time you crave that thing you instead pray or do a good dead for someone…call your mom. I love that it takes you away from yourself and helps you to focus on Him. I decided to give up social media and deleted Facebook and Instagram from my phone. I do think it has back fired a bit however as I don’t really miss them and don’t often crave them back. I knew I should have went for the Starbucks….lol…as I crave that all the time…never too late I guess.

    4. Barbara Clearfield says:

      I think the proper phrasing is “observing Lent.” I’ve always been in a liturgical church, and Lent has always been a important season for me. Lent can indeed be hard, but you should never forget that there is Easter at the end. Take your sins seriously, but try to think of it as a time of preparation for meeting your Risen Lord, rather than forty days of beating yourself up. Everything is easier when you do it for love of the One who is Perfect Love. (I agree that “celebrating Lent” sounds wrong; the proper term is “observing Lent”.

    5. Terry says:

      Prayers your way, Bailey.

    6. Thank you Bailey for your honesty. I’ve struggled through this and have been wondering what it is I am facing. You put it so well. Staring your sin in the face is hard and I think that is where He has me right now. Prayers for you.

  6. Kristina Sterchy says:

    “He, being rejected by [US], became atonement for the sin of the world.”
    I may not have been present at the crucifixion, but it was MY SIN that put him to death. He died so that you and I may live! Looking at my sin a bit differently this Lenten season. How broken am I! Praising God for his mercies!

  7. Tochi Heredia says:

    I just want to share with you all Matthew Henry’s commentary on this passage:

    “And let us ask ourselves, whether we who have the vineyard and all its advantages, render fruits in due season, as a people, as a family, or as separate persons. Our Saviour, in his question, declares that the Lord of the vineyard will come, and when he comes he will surely destroy the wicked. The chief priests and the elders were the builders, and they would not admit his doctrine or laws; they threw him aside as a despised stone. But he who was rejected by the Jews, was embraced by the Gentiles. Christ knows who will bring forth gospel fruits in the use of gospel means. The unbelief of sinners will be their ruin. But God has many ways of restraining the remainders of wrath, as he has of making that which breaks out redound to his praise. May Christ become more and more precious to our souls, as the firm Foundation and Cornerstone of his church. May we be willing to follow him, though despised and hated for his sake.”

  8. Churchmouse says:

    Jesus is the Cornerstone. He is the head of the church. Vs. 43 is Jesus telling the religious leaders and Pharisees that the Kingdom of God would be taken away from them and given to a nation that would produce the proper fruit. This Lenten session is a good time to contemplate my own fruit and my efforts to produce a good crop. I can become too comfortable and complacent in my Christianity. My harvest for Him suffers. Praying today to stay faithful in prayer, study and reaching out to others for His Glory. Show me the way, Lord. Guide my steps. Open my mouth. Give me Your Words. My hands and feet are Yours. My heart and mind are Yours. Help me to be Your effective ambassador. Amen.

  9. Chelsea says:

    Just read Ryan’s story…. Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you asking boldly in your name that you bring healing to Ryan’s body for the glory of your name. We know that you have the power to do this and that you are the great healer. Lord, please surround Ryan with strength and peace. Bring comfort and peace to his family. May they feel Jesus nearer to them than ever before. In your name, Amen.

    1. Estela says:


  10. JulieG says:

    Praying for Ryan!

  11. Jane Link says:

    Praying for Ryan and his family! Praying for continued strength and healing.

  12. Carly says:

    Praying for God’s miraculous healing power to pour over Ryan. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Emily says:

    Lifting Ryan up to the Father now!

  14. Dana says:

    Hello SRT family. I would like to ask for you to please join me in praying for a miracle. My friend’s son was diagnosed in April of 2015, his senior year of high school with a rare form of cancer. He beat that but then was diagnosed with leukemia 8 months post remission. His brother was a perfect match and he had his transplant in January and is cancer free again. But there have been complications with his liver especially. He’s been fighting so hard and his Faith has been so strong. I just can’t believe God is done with him here on earth. His testimony and Faith are inspiring and he has touched many lives. His medical team said today that without a miracle he only has the weekend. So, please won’t you join me in praying BIG, BOLD, STRONG, BRAVE, BEAUTIFUL prayers for God’s Miraculous Healing touch on this wonderful young man?

    Matthew 18:19-20 says:
    Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

    His name is Ryan Teixeira and you can google him to see his story.
    Thank you so much!!!

    1. skye says:

      Praying for Ryan and his family, for grace and strength and healing, and for God’s love to surround and uphold them.

    2. Shandra says:

      Touching and agreeing.

    3. Lynne says:

      Dana, I have prayed for a healing miracle for Ryan and strength for his family and friends. I will continue to lift up prayers as I work today.

    4. Churchmouse says:

      Prayers being said!

    5. Katalina says:

      Praying for Ryan!!

    6. Melody says:

      I will pray for Ryan, but it will be a prayer of faith trusting that God is good, and God has a plan for Ryan and knows his time. God will continue to be glorified by Ryan’s life whether he is healed here on earth or in heaven. Thanks for bringing us this opportunity to join in the fellowship of suffering with you, Ryan and his family. Please keep us posted!

      1. Marjan says:


    7. Joanna says:

      What a brave guy. Lifting Ryan up in prayer this morning.

    8. Mari says:

      Praying for Ryan and his family.

    9. jessenia says:

      Praying! my sisters in christ will also be praying for him! God is with him and he will touch him with a blessing and will be healed.

    10. Shawn Bowers Buxton says:


    11. morningdove says:

      Father by Jesus’ stripes we are healed. we pray You touch this young man with your God-sized miracle healing. standing with you all

    12. Jodie says:

      God we come together in agreement for complete miraculous healing in Ryan’s body. We thank you for Your faithfulness Lord. We ask for comfort and strength for all those who are close to Ryan and a peace that passes all understanding to wrap around each one of them. I. Jesus Name Amen.

    13. Blakers says:

      James 5:16 – … The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. // May God’s great grace, mercy, and love surround Ryan, his family and friends, and his care team. !!!

    14. Dana says:

      Thank you to all of you who responded so overwhelmingly to the prayer request for Ryan Teixeira. I can’t thank you enough for the way you are lifting him up. I will keep you updated as I get new reports. Have not heard how he is doing today. But please keep the prayers for a MIRACLE coming! So touched by your love and Faith!! Thank you so so so much!!

    15. Allee says:

      Praying so hard for Ryan right this minute! God has already worked so many miracles in his life. Praying for another one!

    16. Rhonda says:


    17. Dana says:

      Good morning SRT Family. It is with a very heavy heart…and soul…that I give this update. Ryan passed away last night. Our hearts are broken for his family. But the Peace in knowing he is with our Lord, is Greater than the pain. Ryan accomplished so much for the Glory of God in his 20 short years. That’s the part that hurts most is that he had so much more to give this hurting world. But our Creator is the Author of our stories and we Trust in Him. I was so absolutely touched by the outpouring of prayer by all of you. I read every single reply through grateful tears, and prayed each of your prayers along with you. We felt comforted and cared for by the goodness of our sisters and brothers in Christ. Most comforting was that we don’t know any of you and yet our hearts welcomed you as family. What a blessing and what a victory for God to know we stand together, in one voice. But the greatest Victory was at the cross and because of that we know Ryan has been welcomed Home and has heard the Voice of our Father saying “well done, my good and faithful servant”. You finally got your Victory Ryan!!! #17Strong

  15. Angela Kautz says:

    Stayed up late to read today’s…loving this study so much!!!

  16. Raven says:

    “Rest in the presence of the Lord.. “