Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 53:5

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

But he was pierced because of our rebellion,
crushed because of our iniquities;
punishment for our peace was on him,
and we are healed by his wounds.
—Isaiah 53:5

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click the here to listen to this week’s episode.

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24 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Claire B says:

    Rhonda, you are right. Even though at the beginning of Chronicles I wasn’t sure I would make it. The devotional s helped me plug through and reminded me that I was seeing the disobedient people from a Risen Savior point of view. How blessed we are that we live on this side waiting for his return.

  2. Claire B says:

    GrammieSue, what a blessing ♥️

  3. Kimberly Z says:

    @Taylor praying for your cousin Wendy that she heals quickly. I can only imagine how scary that must have been for her. @Sarah D. Been thinking of you this week and your job situation. Praying it’s been getting better for you.

  4. Claire B says:


  5. Charity Barthelmas says:

    Thank you, Jesus!!

  6. Mercy says:

    Grace is free for the recipients but it costs the GIVER oh so much. And the weird thing is…He thinks sinful humans are worth it! Ha. What mysterious love. He truly loves. He truly is LOVE. Glory and honor forever be to His Name. We got beautiful sunshine today and some remnant snow in my back yard, but hopefully that will be gone soon :) I can’t wait to start planting the seedlings I started indoor. Have a blessed Saturday dear she’s. May the Lord of hope renews your hope and joy every morning.

  7. Lehua K. says:

    THERESA: I’ve never thought about these verses in that way before, that Jesus is our peace treaty with God. Thank you for sharing!

    KELLY (NEO): Thank you for always reaching out by name with follow ups to prayer requests and shout outs – I know SEARCHING and some others do it as well. I’ve been wondering about CHURCHMOUSE, JENNIFER LOVES JESUS, ANGIE as well ❤️

    I love this community ❤️

  8. Rhonda J. says:

    “By His stripes we are healed!” Hallelujah! There is nothing we have done that we don’t “qualify” for the love of Jesus! Reading through Chronicles really drove that,point home! Although God was angry at what they would do, turning their backs, which has consequences….He always received them back when they repented and cried out to him! (I just finished the third book in the King of Kings series by Lynn Austin! It was SO very good!)
    Let us remember this when we judge people by their actions and be quick to forgive, and help them in their Jesus journey!