Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Romans 12:1

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship.
—Romans 12:1

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31 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Mandi D says:

    Merry, praying right now for your family

  2. Ash H. says:

    Kelly (NEO)— thank you for checking in! Tori is doing really well! Made it through chemo without significant hiccups, has mainly recovered from her double mastectomy and is awaiting reconstructive surgery. Her babies are doing great. I would ask you all to keep her husband Ben in your prayers. He has carried a lot on his shoulders and is exhausted.

  3. Truth Seeker says:

    Praying for your family as you deal with this sad and unexpected death in your family

  4. Truth Seeker says:

    Margaret W
    Praying for Angel who is dying of Cushings Disease, which is so rare that her doctors don’t understand it very well. She has been a victim of domestic violence her whole life, and this combined with the inadequacies of our healthcare system have made it so much worse. My heart is breaking for her.
    Praying also for you as your heart is breaking for her.
    I understand being the victim of domestic violence and that alone is horrific to deal with let alone the physical problems.
    This is a very sad situation BUT GOD ! He knows Angel and He knows you and He will be there with both of you as you go through this transition from life on earth to HEAVEN ! There is no better place to be

  5. Mary Antonetti says:

    I will pray for her.

  6. Mercy says:

    I posted my comment on the wrong date (yesterday) …so I am trying to repost part of it here.
    @MARGARET W: praying for Angel and her situation. Praying for you as you are the light to her in a time like this.
    @KERRY ROWLEY: for your brother in law’s family and everyone connected with them in this difficult time. I am so sorry. My condolences.
    @Kimberly Z: safe flight back for you as you left Mexico. Praise God for refreshment.
    @ALL SHE’s: for God’s grace and power to touch and transform you and your families wherever you are, whatever you might face, may your lives be the testimonies of God’s deliverance, mercy and undeniable power. For we know His Name, He will set us on high, for we love Him, He will deliver us/our families (Psalm 91:14).
    @Searching: ❤️❤️❤️

    Be blessed dear sisters. Hugs and blessings to you all my beautiful she’s!

  7. Margaret W says:

    Please add your prayers for my dear friend Angel, who is dying of Cushings Disease, which is so rare that her doctors don’t understand it very well. She has been a victim of domestic violence her whole life, and this combined with the inadequacies of our healthcare system have made it so much worse. My heart is breaking for her.

  8. Kimberly Z says:

    @Kerry Rowley praying for your husbands brother in law and their family. This hits so close to home as we are approaching the one year mark of my dads attempt with suicide. Praying for you guys and that you all can heal. I am sorry for you all.