Day 13

Grace Day

from the The Life of Moses reading plan

1 Corinthians 2:2

BY She Reads Truth

Text: 1 Corinthians 2:2

Grace days are for catching up and being still. As we read about the life of Moses in Scripture, let’s pause to meditate on the sufficiency of Jesus Christ as beautifully reflected in the hymn “Rock of Ages.”

Read, hum, or sing the words of the third verse of this old hymn, and rest in the saving grace of Christ’s atonement for our sins, and His fulfillment of the law.

Nothing in my hand I bring,
simply to the cross I cling;
naked, come to thee for dress;
helpless, look to thee for grace;
foul, I to the fountain fly;
wash me, Savior, or I die.

from “Rock of Ages”
Augustus Toplady, 1776


For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

1 Corinthians 2:2 ESV


Post Comments (9)

9 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Hannah says:

    Love love this hymn. “Nothing in my hand I bring, // simply to the cross I cling.”

  2. Halee says:

    Asking for prayers for my mom today. She’s going through a rough time and desperately needs Jesus. Thank you!

    Grace Day is a great day!

    1. Sue says:

      Putting your Mom in my prayers and you as well.

  3. DAH says:

    Love this passage of scripture. It’s always such a great reminder & encourager for life but especially when entering new situations.

    Clinging to the cross.

    Have a great weekend ladies

  4. Simply to the cross I cling. Praying this would be the desire of our hearts!

  5. missycm says:

    I met up with the young couple yesterday who started Young Life here in Ecuador four years ago. The story of how it began here is beyond unexpected, but our conversation kept pointing back to this verse… “nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified”.

    You can dress up program, songs, and camps, but they´re determined to keep it simple, and keep the gospel message spreading.

    Thank you, Lord, for Iván and Rachel, for their volunteer leaders, and the many who are coming to know your name across Ecuador.

    1. Allison says:

      This is so encouraging to hear! My husband was on Young Life staff early on in our marriage, and we have a passion for that ministry. But, yes! Often we can get caught up in all the program and planning, it’s true in any ministry! May we cling to Christ and him crucified to guide us and may we let him shine! Praying for Ivan and Rachel this morning along with you!

  6. churchmouse says:

    I love Grace Days! Thank you SRT for providing a Scripture to ponder and the extra time to review and pray. Today’s verse from God’s lips through Paul’s writing encourages me to preach the Cross. There are a lot of conflicting voices clamoring for my attention and approval but my foundation is my faith in the completed work by my Savior on the Cross. If I understand that, if I know nothing but that, and if I live that, I will glorify Him. That is my heart’s desire.

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